-- Squashing using irrelevance (with irrelevant projections)

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --irrelevant-projections #-}

open import Equality

module Squash.Irrelevance
  {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
import Modality.Empty-modal
open import Prelude

open import Equivalence eq using (_≃_)
open import Equivalence.Path-split eq
  using (Is-∞-extendable-along-[_])
open import Extensionality eq
open import Function-universe eq hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Modality.Basics eq
import Modality.Very-modal eq as VM
open import Monad eq

    a  : Level
    A B : Type a

-- The squash type

-- Any two elements of type Squash A are definitionally equal.

record Squash (A : Type a) : Type a where
  constructor [_]
    .squashed : A


  -- A unit test.

  test : [ 4 ]  [ 5 ]  []  [ 3 ]  [ 9 ]  []
  test = refl _

-- Squashed types are propositions.

Squash-propositional : Is-proposition (Squash A)
Squash-propositional = λ _ _  refl _

-- Squash is a monad

-- A universe-polymorphic variant of bind.

infixl 5 _>>=′_

_>>=′_ : Squash A  (A  Squash B)  Squash B
[ x ] >>=′ f = [ Squash.squashed (f x) ]


  -- Squash is a monad.

  raw-monad : Raw-monad {c = } Squash
  Raw-monad.return raw-monad x = [ x ]
  Raw-monad._>>=_  raw-monad   = _>>=′_

  monad : Monad {c = } Squash
  Monad.raw-monad      monad = raw-monad
  Monad.left-identity  monad = λ _ _  refl _
  Monad.right-identity monad = λ _  refl _
  Monad.associativity  monad = λ _ _ _  refl _

-- Squash is a modality

-- A type A is stable if Squash A implies A.

Stable : Type a  Type a
Stable A = Squash A  A

-- Squash is a modality with λ x → [ x ] as the unit. A type is modal
-- if it is a stable proposition.

modality : Modality 
modality {} = λ where
    .Modality.◯                    Squash
    .Modality.η x                  [ x ]
    .Modality.Modal                Modal
    .Modality.Modal-propositional  prop
    .Modality.Modal-◯              Modal-Squash
    .Modality.Modal-respects-≃     resp
    .Modality.extendable-along-η   extendable
  Modal : Type   Type 
  Modal A = Stable A × Is-proposition A

  Modal-Squash : Modal (Squash A)
  Modal-Squash = _>>= id , Squash-propositional

  prop :
    {A : Type } 
    Is-proposition (Stable A × Is-proposition A)
  prop ext =
    [inhabited⇒+]⇒+ 0 λ (_ , prop) 
    ×-closure 1
      (Π-closure ext 1 λ _  prop)
      (H-level-propositional ext 1)

  resp : A  B  Modal A  Modal B
  resp {A} {B} A≃B =
    Stable A × Is-proposition A  →⟨ →-cong-→ (_>>= λ x  [ _≃_.from A≃B x ]) (_≃_.to A≃B)
                                    H-level-cong _ 1 A≃B ⟩□
    Stable B × Is-proposition B  

  Modal→Separated : {x y : A}  Modal A  Modal (x  y)
  Modal→Separated {A} {x} {y} (s , prop) =
      (Squash (x  y)        →⟨ const prop 
       Is-proposition A      →⟨ +⇒≡ 
       Contractible (x  y)  →⟨ proj₁ ⟩□
       x  y                 )
    , ⇒≡ 1 prop

  extendable :
    {A : Type } {P : Squash A  Type } 
    (∀ x  Modal (P x)) 
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[  x  [ x ]) ] P
  extendable         _ zero    = _
  extendable {A} {P} m (suc n) =
       f   x  m x .proj₁ (lemma x f))
           ,  x 
                m [ x ] .proj₁ (lemma [ x ] f)  ≡⟨ m [ x ] .proj₂ _ _ ⟩∎
                f x                             ))
    ,  _ _  extendable (Modal→Separated  m) n)
    lemma : (x : Squash A)  ((x : A)  P [ x ])  Squash (P x)
    lemma [ x ] f = [ f x ]

-- The squash modality is empty-modal.

empty-modal : Empty-modal (modality { = })
empty-modal =
     { [ () ] })
  , ⊥-propositional

  module EM {} =
    Modality.Empty-modal.Empty-modal eq (modality { = }) empty-modal

-- The squash modality is not left exact.

not-left-exact : ¬ Left-exact (Squash {a = a})
not-left-exact =
    empty-modal Squash-propositional
  open Modality modality

-- The squash modality is not very modal.

not-very-modal : ¬ Very-modal (modality { = })
not-very-modal =
  Very-modal modality  →⟨ VM.left-exact modality 
  Left-exact Squash    →⟨ not-left-exact ⟩□

-- The squash modality is not accessibility-modal.

not-accessibility-modal :
  ¬ Modality.Accessibility-modal (modality { = })
not-accessibility-modal =
  Is-proposition-◯→¬-Accessibility-modal Squash-propositional
  open Modality modality