-- An example of how Abstract-binding-tree can be used

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

module README.Abstract-binding-tree where

open import Dec
open import Equality.Path
open import Prelude as P hiding (swap; [_,_]; type-signature)

open import Abstract-binding-tree equality-with-paths
open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Decision-procedures equality-with-J
open import Equivalence equality-with-J using (_≃_)
open import Erased.Cubical equality-with-paths as E
open import Finite-subset.Listed equality-with-paths as L
open import Finite-subset.Listed.Membership.Erased equality-with-paths
  as LM
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional equality-with-paths
  as Trunc
import Nat equality-with-J as Nat

-- Sorts: expressions and statements.

Sort : Type
Sort = Bool

pattern expr = true
pattern stmt = false

-- Constructors: lambda, application and print.

data Constructor : @0 Sort  Type where
  exprᶜ : Bool  Constructor expr
  stmtᶜ :   Constructor stmt

pattern lamᶜ   = exprᶜ true
pattern appᶜ   = exprᶜ false
pattern printᶜ = stmtᶜ tt

-- Erased equality of constructors is decidable.

_≟O_ :  {@0 s}  Decidable-erased-equality (Constructor s)
exprᶜ x ≟O exprᶜ y = Dec-Erased-map
                       (record { to   = cong exprᶜ
                               ; from = cong  { (exprᶜ x)  x })
                          Bool._≟_ x y)
printᶜ  ≟O printᶜ  = yes [ refl ]

-- Variables are natural numbers.

Var : @0 Sort  Type
Var _ = 

-- A signature.

sig : Signature lzero
sig .Signature.Sort          = Sort
sig .Signature.Op            = Constructor
sig .Signature.domain lamᶜ   = (expr  [] , expr)  []
sig .Signature.domain appᶜ   = ([] , expr)  ([] , expr)  []
sig .Signature.domain printᶜ = ([] , expr)  []
sig .Signature.Var           = Var
sig .Signature._≟O_          = _≟O_
sig .Signature._≟S_          =
  Decidable-equality→Decidable-erased-equality Bool._≟_
sig .Signature._≟V_ =
  Decidable-equality→Decidable-erased-equality Nat._≟_
sig .Signature.fresh {s} xs =               $⟨ LM.fresh (L.map proj₂ xs) 
  ( λ n  n  L.map proj₂ xs)              ↝⟨ Σ-map id [_]→ 
  ( λ n  Erased (n  L.map proj₂ xs))     ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ n  E.map (

      n  L.map proj₂ xs                          ↔⟨ ¬-cong ext ∈map≃ 
      ¬  ( λ x  x  xs × proj₂ x  n)         ↔⟨ ¬∥∥↔¬ 
      ¬ ( λ x  x  xs × proj₂ x  n)            ↝⟨  hyp ∈xs  hyp (_ , ∈xs , refl)) ⟩□
      (s , n)  xs                                )) ⟩□

  ( λ n  Erased ((s , n)  xs))           

open Signature sig public
  hiding (Sort; Var; _≟O_)
  renaming (var to varᶜ)

    @0 s  : Sort
    @0 xs : Vars
    @0 A  : Type
    @0 x  : A

-- Pattern synonyms.

pattern varᵖ x wf = varᶜ , x , [ wf ]

pattern lamˢᵖ  =
  op lamᶜ (cons (cons (nil )) nil)
pattern lamᵖ x  t wf =
  , ((x , t) , lift tt)
  , [ wf , lift tt ]

pattern appˢᵖ t₁ˢ t₂ˢ =
  op appᶜ (cons (nil t₁ˢ) (cons (nil t₂ˢ) nil))
pattern appᵖ t₁ˢ t₂ˢ t₁ t₂ wf₁ wf₂ =
    appˢᵖ t₁ˢ t₂ˢ
  , (t₁ , t₂ , lift tt)
  , [ wf₁ , wf₂ , lift tt ]

pattern printˢᵖ  =
  op printᶜ (cons (nil ) nil)
pattern printᵖ  t wf =
  , (t , lift tt)
  , [ wf , lift tt ]

-- Some (more or less) smart constructors.

var :  {s} (x : Var s)  Term ((s , x)  xs) s
var x = varᵖ x (≡→∈∷ refl)

lam :
  (x : Var expr) 
  Term ((expr , x)  xs) expr 
  Term xs expr
lam x ( , t , [ wf ]) =
  lamᵖ x  t  _ _  rename₁-Wf  wf)

app : Term xs expr  Term xs expr  Term xs expr
app (t₁ˢ , t₁ , [ wf₁ ]) (t₂ˢ , t₂ , [ wf₂ ]) =
  appᵖ t₁ˢ t₂ˢ t₁ t₂ wf₁ wf₂

print : Term xs expr  Term xs stmt
print ( , t , [ wf ]) = printᵖ  t wf

-- A representation of "λ x. x".

λx→x : Term [] expr
λx→x = lam 0 (var 0)

-- A representation of "λ x y. y y".

λxy→yy : Term [] expr
λxy→yy = lam 1 $ lam 2 $ app (var 2) (var 2)

-- Two representations of "λ x y. x y".


  λxy→xy :     Term [] expr
  λxy→xy x y =
    lam x $ lam y $ app (weaken  _  ∈→∈∷) (var x)) (var y)

λxy→xy₁ : Term [] expr
λxy→xy₁ = λxy→xy 2 1

λxy→xy₂ : Term [] expr
λxy→xy₂ = λxy→xy 1 2

-- A representation of "print (λ x y. x y)".

print[λxy→xy] : Term [] stmt
print[λxy→xy] = print λxy→xy₁

-- A third representation of "λ x y. x y".

λxy→xy₃ : Term [] expr
λxy→xy₃ = weaken lemma λxy→xy₁ [ 0  λx→x ]
  @0 lemma : _
  lemma =
    from-⊎ $
      (ΠΠ-Dec-Erased→ΠΠ-Dec-Erased-∥∥ _≟∃V_)
      ((expr , 0)  [])

-- The second and third representations of "λ x y. x y" are equal (in
-- erased contexts).

@0 _ : λxy→xy₂  λxy→xy₃
_ = Wf-proof-irrelevant

-- An interpreter that uses fuel.

eval :  {xs}    Term xs s  Term xs s
eval zero    t = t
eval (suc n) t = eval′ t
  apply :  {xs}  @0 s  expr  Term xs s  Term xs s  Term xs s
  apply _ (lamᵖ x t₁ˢ′ t₁′ wf₁′) t₂′ =
    eval n (subst-Term x t₂′
              ( t₁ˢ′
              , t₁′
              , [ body-Wf t₁ˢ′ wf₁′ ]
  apply s≡expr t₁′ t₂′ =
    substᴱ (Term _) (sym s≡expr) $
    app (substᴱ (Term _) s≡expr t₁′) (substᴱ (Term _) s≡expr t₂′)

  eval′ :  {xs}  Term xs s  Term xs s
  eval′ t@(varᵖ _ _)                 = t
  eval′ t@(lamᵖ _ _ _ _)             = t
  eval′ (printᵖ  t wf)             = print (eval′ ( , t , [ wf ]))
  eval′ (appᵖ t₁ˢ t₂ˢ t₁ t₂ wf₁ wf₂) = apply refl
    (eval′ (t₁ˢ , t₁ , [ wf₁ ]))
    (eval′ (t₂ˢ , t₂ , [ wf₂ ]))

-- Simple types.

infixr 6 _⇨_

data Ty : Type where
  base : Ty
  _⇨_  : Ty  Ty  Ty

-- Contexts.

Ctxt : Vars  Type
Ctxt xs = Block "Ctxt"   x  x  xs  Ty

    @0 σ : Ty
    @0 Γ : Ctxt xs

-- Extends a context with a new variable. If the variable already
-- exists in the context, then the old binding is removed.

infixl 5 _,_⦂_

_,_⦂_ :  {xs}  Ctxt xs   x  Ty  Ctxt (x  xs)
(Γ , x  σ)  y y∈x∷xs =
  case y ≟∃V x of λ where
    (yes y≡x)  σ
    (no  y≢x)  Γ  y (_≃_.to (∈≢∷≃ (Stable-¬ y≢x)) y∈x∷xs)

-- A type system.

infix 4 _⊢_⦂_

data _⊢_⦂_ : Ctxt xs  Term xs s  Ty  Type where
  ⊢var   :  {s x xs} {Γ : Ctxt ((s , x)  xs)} {t σ} 
           t  var x 
           σ  Γ  (s , x) (≡→∈∷ refl) 
           Γ  t  σ
  ⊢lam   :  {xs} {Γ : Ctxt xs} {x t t′ σ τ} 
           Γ , (_ , x)  σ  t  τ 
           t′  lam x t 
           Γ  t′  σ  τ
  ⊢app   :  {xs} {Γ : Ctxt xs} {t₁ t₂ t′ σ τ} 
           Γ  t₁  σ  τ 
           Γ  t₂  σ 
           t′  app t₁ t₂ 
           Γ  t′  τ
  ⊢print :  {xs} {Γ : Ctxt xs} {t t′ σ} 
           Γ  t  σ 
           t′  print t 
           Γ  t′  σ