-- A variant of set quotients with erased higher constructors

-- This module contains some basic definitions with few dependencies
-- (in particular, not Quotient). See Quotient.Erased for more
-- definitions. The definitions below are reexported from
-- Quotient.Erased.

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

-- Partly following the HoTT book, but adapted for erasure.
-- Unlike the HoTT book, but following the cubical library (in which
-- set quotients were implemented by Zesen Qian and Anders Mörtberg),
-- the quotienting relations are not (always) required to be
-- propositional.

-- The module is parametrised by a notion of equality. The higher
-- constructors of the HIT defining quotients use path equality, but
-- the supplied notion of equality is used for many other things.

import Equality.Path as P

module Quotient.Erased.Basics
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq hiding (elim)

open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (_∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
import H-level P.equality-with-J as PH
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J

    a b p r : Level
    A B     : Type a
    R       : A  A  Type r
    x y     : A

-- Quotients

-- The quotient type constructor.

infix 5 _/ᴱ_

data _/ᴱ_ (A : Type a) (@0 R : A  A  Type r) : Type (a  r) where
  [_]                      : A  A /ᴱ R
  @0 []-respects-relationᴾ : {x y : A}  R x y  [ x ] P.≡ [ y ]
  @0 /ᴱ-is-setᴾ            : P.Is-set (A /ᴱ R)

-- [_] respects the quotient relation (in erased contexts).

@0 []-respects-relation : R x y  _≡_ {A = A /ᴱ R} [ x ] [ y ]
[]-respects-relation = _↔_.from ≡↔≡  []-respects-relationᴾ

-- Quotients are sets (in erased contexts).

@0 /ᴱ-is-set : Is-set (A /ᴱ R)
/ᴱ-is-set = _↔_.from (H-level↔H-level 2) /ᴱ-is-setᴾ

-- Eliminators

-- An eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Elimᴾ′ {A : Type a} {@0 R : A  A  Type r}
              (P : A /ᴱ R  Type p) :
              Type (a  r  p) where
    []ʳ :  x  P [ x ]

    @0 []-respects-relationʳ :
      (r : R x y) 
      P.[  i  P ([]-respects-relationᴾ r i)) ] []ʳ x  []ʳ y

    @0 is-setʳ :
      {eq₁ eq₂ : x P.≡ y} {p : P x} {q : P y}
      (eq₃ : P.[  i  P (eq₁ i)) ] p  q)
      (eq₄ : P.[  i  P (eq₂ i)) ] p  q) 
      P.[  i  P.[  j  P (/ᴱ-is-setᴾ eq₁ eq₂ i j)) ] p  q) ]
        eq₃  eq₄

open Elimᴾ′ public

elimᴾ′ :
  {@0 R : A  A  Type r}
  {P : A /ᴱ R  Type p} 
  Elimᴾ′ P  (x : A /ᴱ R)  P x
elimᴾ′ {A} {R} {P} e = helper
  module E = Elimᴾ′ e

  helper : (x : A /ᴱ R)  P x
  helper [ x ]                       = E.[]ʳ x
  helper ([]-respects-relationᴾ r i) = E.[]-respects-relationʳ r i
  helper (/ᴱ-is-setᴾ p q i j)        =
    E.is-setʳ  i  helper (p i))  i  helper (q i)) i j

-- A possibly more useful eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Elimᴾ {A : Type a} {@0 R : A  A  Type r}
             (P : A /ᴱ R  Type p) :
             Type (a  r  p) where
    []ʳ :  x  P [ x ]

    @0 []-respects-relationʳ :
      (r : R x y) 
      P.[  i  P ([]-respects-relationᴾ r i)) ] []ʳ x  []ʳ y

    @0 is-setʳ :  x  P.Is-set (P x)

open Elimᴾ public

elimᴾ :
  {@0 R : A  A  Type r}
  {P : A /ᴱ R  Type p} 
  Elimᴾ P  (x : A /ᴱ R)  P x
elimᴾ e = elimᴾ′ λ where
    .[]ʳ                    E.[]ʳ
    .[]-respects-relationʳ  E.[]-respects-relationʳ
    .is-setʳ                P.heterogeneous-UIP E.is-setʳ _
  module E = Elimᴾ e


  -- One can define elimᴾ′ using elimᴾ.

  elimᴾ′₂ :
    {@0 R : A  A  Type r}
    {P : A /ᴱ R  Type p} 
    Elimᴾ′ P  (x : A /ᴱ R)  P x
  elimᴾ′₂ {P} e = elimᴾ λ where
      .[]ʳ                            E.[]ʳ
      .[]-respects-relationʳ          E.[]-respects-relationʳ
      .is-setʳ x {x = y} {y = z} p q                                   $⟨ E.is-setʳ p q 
        P.[  i 
               P.[  j  P (/ᴱ-is-setᴾ P.refl P.refl i j)) ] y  z) ]
          p  q                                                         ↝⟨ P.subst  eq  P.[  i  P.[  j  P (eq i j)) ] y  z) ] p  q)
                                                                                   (PH.mono₁ 2 /ᴱ-is-setᴾ _ _) 
        P.[  _  P.[  _  P x) ] y  z) ] p  q                     ↔⟨⟩

        p P.≡ q                                                         
    module E = Elimᴾ′ e

-- A non-dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Recᴾ {A : Type a} (@0 R : A  A  Type r) (B : Type b) :
            Type (a  r  b) where
    []ʳ                      : A  B
    @0 []-respects-relationʳ : (r : R x y)  []ʳ x P.≡ []ʳ y
    @0 is-setʳ               : P.Is-set B

open Recᴾ public

recᴾ :
  {@0 R : A  A  Type r} 
  Recᴾ R B  A /ᴱ R  B
recᴾ r = elimᴾ λ where
    .[]ʳ                    R.[]ʳ
    .[]-respects-relationʳ  R.[]-respects-relationʳ
    .is-setʳ _              R.is-setʳ
  module R = Recᴾ r

-- An eliminator.

record Elim {A : Type a} {@0 R : A  A  Type r}
            (P : A /ᴱ R  Type p) :
            Type (a  r  p) where
    []ʳ :  x  P [ x ]

    @0 []-respects-relationʳ :
      (r : R x y) 
      subst P ([]-respects-relation r) ([]ʳ x)  []ʳ y

    @0 is-setʳ :  x  Is-set (P x)

open Elim public

elim :
  {@0 R : A  A  Type r}
  {P : A /ᴱ R  Type p} 
  Elim P  (x : A /ᴱ R)  P x
elim e = elimᴾ λ where
    .[]ʳ                    E.[]ʳ
    .[]-respects-relationʳ  subst≡→[]≡  E.[]-respects-relationʳ
    .is-setʳ                _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 2)  E.is-setʳ
  module E = Elim e

-- A non-dependent eliminator.

record Rec {A : Type a} (@0 R : A  A  Type r) (B : Type b) :
           Type (a  r  b) where
    []ʳ                      : A  B
    @0 []-respects-relationʳ : (r : R x y)  []ʳ x  []ʳ y
    @0 is-setʳ               : Is-set B

open Rec public

rec :
  {@0 R : A  A  Type r} 
  Rec R B  A /ᴱ R  B
rec r = recᴾ λ where
    .[]ʳ                    R.[]ʳ
    .[]-respects-relationʳ  _↔_.to ≡↔≡  R.[]-respects-relationʳ
    .is-setʳ                _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 2) R.is-setʳ
  module R = Rec r

-- A variant of elim that can be used if the motive composed with [_]
-- is a family of propositions.
-- I took the idea for this eliminator from Nicolai Kraus.

record Elim-prop
         {A : Type a} {@0 R : A  A  Type r}
         (P : A /ᴱ R  Type p) :
         Type (a  r  p) where
    []ʳ                :  x  P [ x ]
    @0 is-propositionʳ :  x  Is-proposition (P [ x ])

open Elim-prop public

elim-prop :
  {@0 R : A  A  Type r}
  {P : A /ᴱ R  Type p} 
  Elim-prop P  (x : A /ᴱ R)  P x
elim-prop e = elim λ where
    .[]ʳ                      E.[]ʳ
    .[]-respects-relationʳ _  E.is-propositionʳ _ _ _
    .is-setʳ                  elim λ @0 where
      .[]ʳ                      mono₁ 1  E.is-propositionʳ
      .[]-respects-relationʳ _  H-level-propositional ext 2 _ _
      .is-setʳ _                mono₁ 1 (H-level-propositional ext 2)
  module E = Elim-prop e

-- A variant of rec that can be used if the motive is a proposition.

record Rec-prop (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
    []ʳ                : A  B
    @0 is-propositionʳ : Is-proposition B

open Rec-prop public

rec-prop :
  {@0 R : A  A  Type r} 
  Rec-prop A B  A /ᴱ R  B
rec-prop r = elim-prop λ where
    .[]ʳ                R.[]ʳ
    .is-propositionʳ _  R.is-propositionʳ
  module R = Rec-prop r