-- Simple queues, implemented in the usual way using two lists
-- (following Hood and Melville)

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Queue.Simple {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Prelude

open import Bijection eq using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Decision-procedures eq
open import List eq as L hiding (map)
open import Surjection eq using (_↠_)

    a     : Level
    A B   : Type a
    x     : A
    f     : A  B
    xs ys : List A

-- Invariant

-- The queue invariant: if the first list is empty, then the second
-- list is empty.

Invariant : {A : Type a}  List A  List A  Type a
Invariant (_  _) _       =  _ 
Invariant []      []      =  _ 
Invariant []      (_  _) = 

-- The invariant is propositional.

Invariant-propositional : Is-proposition (Invariant xs ys)
Invariant-propositional {xs = []}    {ys = []} _ _ = refl _
Invariant-propositional {xs = _  _}           _ _ = refl _

-- Some lemmas related to the invariant.

-[] : Invariant xs []
-[] {xs = []}    = _
-[] {xs = _  _} = _

map-map : Invariant xs ys  Invariant (L.map f xs) (L.map f ys)
map-map {xs = _  _}           _ = _
map-map {xs = []}    {ys = []} _ = _

-- Queues

-- Queues.
-- Note that the invariant is erased.

record Queue (A : Type a) : Type a where
  constructor ⟨_,_⟩
    front rear     : List A
    @0 {invariant} : Invariant front rear

open Queue public

-- A variant of ⟨_,_⟩ with three explicit arguments.

pattern ⟨_,_⟩[_] f r i =
  record { front     = f
         ; rear      = r
         ; invariant = i

-- Conversion functions

-- Converts queues to lists.

to-List : Queue A  List A
to-List q = front q ++ reverse (rear q)

-- Converts lists to queues.

from-List : List A  Queue A
from-List xs =  xs , [] ⟩[ -[] ]

-- The function from-List is a right inverse of to-List.

to-List-from-List : to-List (from-List xs)  xs
to-List-from-List {xs} =
  xs ++ []  ≡⟨ ++-right-identity _ ⟩∎

-- If the carrier type is inhabited, then the function from-List is
-- not, in general, a left inverse of to-List.

¬-from-List-to-List :
  A  ¬ ((q : Queue A)  from-List (to-List q)  q)
¬-from-List-to-List {A} x hyp = not-equal equal
  counter-example : Queue A
  counter-example =  x  [] , x  [] 

  not-equal : from-List (to-List counter-example)  counter-example
  not-equal eq = List.[]≢∷ (cong rear eq)

  equal : from-List (to-List counter-example)  counter-example
  equal = hyp counter-example

-- The representation is not unique

-- If the carrier type is inhabited, then two queues representing the
-- same list are not necessarily equal.

representation-not-unique :
  A  ¬ ({q₁ q₂ : Queue A}  to-List q₁  to-List q₂  q₁  q₂)
representation-not-unique x hyp =
  ¬-from-List-to-List x λ q  hyp (
    to-List (from-List (to-List q))  ≡⟨ to-List-from-List ⟩∎
    to-List q                        )

-- If the carrier type is inhabited, then the type
-- ∃ λ (q : Queue A) → to-List q ≡ xs is not, in general, a
-- proposition.

¬-Σ-Queue-propositional :
  ¬ ({xs : List A} 
     Is-proposition ( λ (q : Queue A)  to-List q  xs))
¬-Σ-Queue-propositional x hyp =
  representation-not-unique x λ {q₁ q₂} eq 
  cong proj₁ (
    q₁ , eq      ≡⟨ hyp _ _ ⟩∎
    q₂ , refl _  )

-- Queue operations

-- Enqueues an element.

enqueue : A  Queue A  Queue A
enqueue x  []            , rear  =  x  [] , rear     
enqueue x  front@(_  _) , rear  =  front  , x  rear 

to-List-enqueue :  q  to-List (enqueue x q)  to-List q ++ x  []
to-List-enqueue      []            , []    = refl _
to-List-enqueue {x}  front@(_  _) , rear  =
  front ++ reverse (x  rear)        ≡⟨ cong (front ++_) $ reverse-∷ rear 
  front ++ reverse rear ++ x  []    ≡⟨ ++-associative front _ _ ⟩∎
  (front ++ reverse rear) ++ x  []  

-- Dequeues an element, if possible.

dequeue : Queue A  Maybe (A × Queue A)
dequeue  [] , []  = nothing

dequeue  x  [] , rear  =
  just (x ,  reverse rear , [] ⟩[ -[] ])

dequeue  x  front@(_  _) , rear  =
  just (x ,  front , rear )

to-List-dequeue :
  {A : Type a} (q : Queue A) 
  ⊎-map id (Σ-map id to-List) (dequeue q) 
  _↔_.to List↔Maybe[×List] (to-List q)
to-List-dequeue  [] , []  = refl _

to-List-dequeue  x  [] , rear  = cong (just  (x ,_)) (
  reverse rear ++ []  ≡⟨ ++-right-identity _ ⟩∎
  reverse rear        )

to-List-dequeue  _  _  _ , _  = refl _

-- The "inverse" of the dequeue operation.

dequeue⁻¹ : Maybe (A × Queue A)  Queue A
dequeue⁻¹ nothing                       =  [] , [] 
dequeue⁻¹ (just (x ,  front , rear )) =  x  front , rear 

to-List-dequeue⁻¹ :
  (x : Maybe (A × Queue A)) 
  to-List (dequeue⁻¹ x) 
  _↔_.from List↔Maybe[×List] (⊎-map id (Σ-map id to-List) x)
to-List-dequeue⁻¹ nothing  = refl _
to-List-dequeue⁻¹ (just _) = refl _

-- A map function.

map : (A  B)  Queue A  Queue B
map f  front , rear ⟩[ inv ] =
   L.map f front , L.map f rear ⟩[ map-map inv ]

to-List-map :  q  to-List (map f q)  L.map f (to-List q)
to-List-map {f}  front , rear  =
  L.map f front ++ reverse (L.map f rear)  ≡⟨ cong (L.map f front ++_) $ sym $ map-reverse rear 
  L.map f front ++ L.map f (reverse rear)  ≡⟨ sym $ map-++ _ front _ ⟩∎
  L.map f (front ++ reverse rear)