-- Quotiented queues: any two queues representing the same sequence
-- are equal

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Queue.Quotiented
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import List equality-with-J as L hiding (map)
import Queue equality-with-J as Q
open import Quotient eq as Quotient
open import Sum equality-with-J

    a b             : Level
    A B             : Type a
    s s′ s₁ s₂      : Is-set A
    q q₁ q₂ x x₁ x₂ : A
    f g             : A  B
    xs              : List A

-- Queues

-- The queue type family is parametrised.

module _
  -- The underlying queue type family.
  (Q :  {}  Type   Type )

  -- Note that the predicate is required to be trivial. Perhaps the
  -- code could be made more general, but I have not found a use for
  -- such generality.
   is-queue :  {}  Q.Is-queue Q  _   _ )  



      -- The quotienting relation: Two queues are seen as equal if
      -- they represent the same list.

      _∼_ : {A : Type a} (_ _ : Q A)  Type a
      q₁  q₂ = Q.to-List _ q₁  Q.to-List _ q₂

    -- Queues.
    -- The type is abstract to ensure that a change to a different
    -- underlying queue type family does not break code that uses this
    -- module.
    -- Ulf Norell suggested to me that I could use parametrisation
    -- instead of abstract. (Because if the underlying queue type
    -- family is a parameter, then the underlying queues do not
    -- compute.) I decided to use both. (Because I want to have the
    -- flexibility that comes with parametrisation, but I do not want
    -- to force users to work in a parametrised setting.)

    Queue : Type a  Type a
    Queue A = Q A / _∼_

-- The remainder of the code uses an implicit underlying queue type
-- family parameter, and an extra instance argument.

module _
  {Q :  {}  Type   Type }
   is-queue :  {}  Q.Is-queue Q  _   _ )  
   is-queue-with-map :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  Q.Is-queue-with-map Q ℓ₁ ℓ₂ 


    -- Queue A is a set.

    Queue-is-set : Is-set (Queue Q A)
    Queue-is-set = /-is-set

-- Conversion functions


    -- Converts queues to lists. (The carrier type is required to be a
    -- set.)

    to-List : Is-set A  Queue Q A  List A
    to-List s = Quotient.rec λ where
      .[]ʳ                    Q.to-List _
      .[]-respects-relationʳ  id
      .is-setʳ                H-level-List 0 s

    -- Converts lists to queues.

    from-List : List A  Queue Q A
    from-List = [_]  Q.from-List

    -- The function from-List is a right inverse of to-List s.

    to-List-from-List : to-List s (from-List q)  q
    to-List-from-List = Q.to-List-from-List {Q = Q}

    -- The function from-List is a left inverse of to-List s.

    from-List-to-List :
      (q : Queue Q A)  _≡_ {A = Queue Q A} (from-List (to-List s q)) q
    from-List-to-List = Quotient.elim-prop λ where
      .[]ʳ q  []-respects-relation (
        Q.to-List  is-queue = is-queue  _
          (Q.from-List (Q.to-List _ q))      ≡⟨ Q.to-List-from-List {Q = Q} ⟩∎

        Q.to-List _ q                        )
      .is-propositionʳ _  Queue-is-set

  -- If A is a set, then there is a bijection between Queue Q A and
  -- List A.

  Queue↔List : Is-set A  Queue Q A  List A
  Queue↔List s = record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to   = to-List s
        ; from = from-List
      ; right-inverse-of = λ _  to-List-from-List
    ; left-inverse-of = from-List-to-List

-- Queue operations



      -- Helper functions that can be used to define unary functions
      -- on queues.

      unary :
        {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
        (f : List A  List B)
        (g : Q A  Q B) 
        (∀ {q}  Q.to-List _ (g q)  f (Q.to-List _ q)) 
        Queue Q A  Queue Q B
      unary f g h =
        g /-map λ q₁ q₂ q₁∼q₂ 
          Q.to-List _ (g q₁)  ≡⟨ h 
          f (Q.to-List _ q₁)  ≡⟨ cong f q₁∼q₂ 
          f (Q.to-List _ q₂)  ≡⟨ sym h ⟩∎
          Q.to-List _ (g q₂)  

      to-List-unary :
         {h :  {q}  _} q 
        to-List s₁ (unary f g  {q}  h {q = q}) q)  f (to-List s₂ q)
      to-List-unary {s₁} {f} {g} {s₂} {h} =
        Quotient.elim-prop λ where
          .[]ʳ q 
            to-List s₁ (unary f g h [ q ])  ≡⟨⟩
            Q.to-List _ (g q)               ≡⟨ h 
            f (Q.to-List _ q)               ≡⟨⟩
            f (to-List s₂ [ q ])            
          .is-propositionʳ _  H-level-List 0 s₁

      -- Generalisations of the functions above.

      unary′ :
        {A : Type a} {F : Type a  Type b} 
        (∀ {A}  Is-set A  Is-set (F A)) 
        (map :  {A B}  (A  B)  F A  F B) 
        (∀ {A} {x : F A}  map id x  x) 
        (∀ {A B C} {f : B  C} {g : A  B} x 
         map (f  g) x  map f (map g x)) 
        (f : List A  F (List B))
        (g : Q A  F (Q B)) 
        (∀ {q}  map (Q.to-List _) (g q)  f (Q.to-List _ q)) 
        Is-set B 
        Queue Q A  F (Queue Q B)
      unary′ F-set map map-id map-∘ f g h s = Quotient.rec λ where
          .[]ʳ  map [_]  g

          .[]-respects-relationʳ {x = q₁} {y = q₂} q₁∼q₂  lemma₂ (
            map (to-List s) (map [_] (g q₁))  ≡⟨ sym $ map-∘ _ 
            map (Q.to-List _) (g q₁)          ≡⟨ h 
            f (Q.to-List _ q₁)                ≡⟨ cong f q₁∼q₂ 
            f (Q.to-List _ q₂)                ≡⟨ sym h 
            map (Q.to-List _) (g q₂)          ≡⟨ map-∘ _ ⟩∎
            map (to-List s) (map [_] (g q₂))  )

          .is-setʳ  F-set Queue-is-set
        lemma₁ : map from-List (map (to-List s) x)  x
        lemma₁ {x} =
          map from-List (map (to-List s) x)  ≡⟨ sym $ map-∘ _ 
          map (from-List  to-List s) x      ≡⟨ cong (flip map x) $ ⟨ext⟩ $ _↔_.left-inverse-of (Queue↔List s) 
          map id x                           ≡⟨ map-id ⟩∎

        lemma₂ :
          map (to-List s) x₁  map (to-List s) x₂ 
          x₁  x₂
        lemma₂ {x₁} {x₂} eq =
          x₁                                  ≡⟨ sym lemma₁ 
          map from-List (map (to-List s) x₁)  ≡⟨ cong (map from-List) eq 
          map from-List (map (to-List s) x₂)  ≡⟨ lemma₁ ⟩∎

      to-List-unary′ :
        {F      : Type a  Type b}
        (F-set  :  {A}  Is-set A  Is-set (F A))
        (map    :  {A B}  (A  B)  F A  F B)
        (map-id :  {A} {x : F A}  map id x  x)
        (map-∘  :  {A B C} {f : B  C} {g : A  B} x 
                  map (f  g) x  map f (map g x))
        (f : List A  F (List B))
        (g : Q A  F (Q B))
        (h :  {q}  map (Q.to-List _) (g q)  f (Q.to-List _ q))
        (s : Is-set B) 
        map (to-List s) (unary′ F-set map map-id map-∘ f g h s q) 
        f (to-List s′ q)
      to-List-unary′ {s′} F-set map map-id map-∘ f g h s =
        Quotient.elim-prop λ where
          .[]ʳ q 
            map (to-List s)
                (unary′ F-set map map-id map-∘ f g h s [ q ])  ≡⟨⟩

            map (to-List s) (map [_] (g q))                    ≡⟨ sym $ map-∘ _ 

            map (Q.to-List _) (g q)                            ≡⟨ h 

            f (Q.to-List _ q)                                  ≡⟨⟩

            f (to-List s′ [ q ])                               
          .is-propositionʳ _  F-set (H-level-List 0 s)

    -- Enqueues an element.

    enqueue : A  Queue Q A  Queue Q A
    enqueue x =
      unary (_++ x  []) (Q.enqueue x) (Q.to-List-enqueue {Q = Q})

    to-List-enqueue : to-List s (enqueue x q)  to-List s q ++ x  []
    to-List-enqueue {q} = to-List-unary q

    -- Dequeues an element, if possible. (The carrier type is required
    -- to be a set.)

    dequeue : Is-set A  Queue Q A  Maybe (A × Queue Q A)
    dequeue s = unary′
      (Maybe-closure 0  ×-closure 2 s)
       f  ⊎-map id (Σ-map id f))
      (_↔_.to List↔Maybe[×List])
      (Q.dequeue _)
      (Q.to-List-dequeue {Q = Q})

    to-List-dequeue :
      ⊎-map id (Σ-map id (to-List s)) (dequeue s q) 
      _↔_.to List↔Maybe[×List] (to-List s q)
    to-List-dequeue {q} = to-List-unary′
      (Maybe-closure 0  ×-closure 2 _)
       f  ⊎-map id (Σ-map id f))
      (Q.dequeue _)

    -- The "inverse" of the dequeue operation.

    dequeue⁻¹ : Maybe (A × Queue Q A)  Queue Q A
    dequeue⁻¹ nothing        = [ Q.empty ]
    dequeue⁻¹ (just (x , q)) =
      unary (x ∷_) (Q.cons x) (Q.to-List-cons {Q = Q}) q

    to-List-dequeue⁻¹ :
      to-List s (dequeue⁻¹ x) 
      _↔_.from List↔Maybe[×List] (⊎-map id (Σ-map id (to-List s)) x)
    to-List-dequeue⁻¹ {x = nothing}      = Q.to-List-empty {Q = Q}
    to-List-dequeue⁻¹ {x = just (_ , q)} = to-List-unary q

    -- A map function.

    map : (A  B)  Queue Q A  Queue Q B
    map f = unary (L.map f) (Q.map f) (Q.to-List-map {Q = Q})

    to-List-map : to-List s₁ (map f q)  L.map f (to-List s₂ q)
    to-List-map {q} = to-List-unary q