-- Nullification

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe --save-metas #-}

-- Partly based on "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by Rijke,
-- Shulman and Spitters.

import Equality.Path as P

module Nullification
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq hiding (elim)

open import Prelude as P

import Bijection equality-with-J as B
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq as I hiding (ext)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq
  using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Equivalence.Path-split equality-with-J as PS using (_-Null_)
open import Extensionality equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import Localisation eq
import Pushout eq as PO
open import Surjection equality-with-J using (_↠_)
open import Suspension eq as Susp using (Susp)

    a a₁ a₂  p : Level
    A B         : Type a
    P Q         : A  Type p
    f g h x y   : A

-- Nullification

-- The function _-Null_ can be expressed using _-Local_.

Null≃Local : P -Null B   x (_ : P x)  tt) -Local B
Null≃Local {P} {B} =
  P -Null B                                                ↔⟨⟩
  (∀ x  Is-equivalence (const  (B  P x  B)))           ↝⟨ (∀-cong I.ext λ _ 
                                                                 (_≃_.is-equivalence $ Eq.↔⇒≃ Π-left-identity) I.ext) 
  (∀ x  Is-equivalence  (g :   B) (_ : P x)  g tt))  ↔⟨⟩
   x (_ : P x)  tt) -Local B                            

-- Nullification.

Nullification : {A : Type a}  (A  Type a)  Type a  Type a
Nullification {A} P =
  Localisation′ {A = A  A} {P = P.[ P , Susp  P ]} {Q = λ _  } _

private opaque

  -- A lemma used below.

  sym-ext≡-ext≡ :
    {g≡h :  y  g y  h y} 
      (sym (ext≡ {P = P} {Q = Q} {x = x} {y = y} {f = f} {g = g}))
      (trans (cong (flip (ext x) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ g≡h)
         (ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = h})) 
    g≡h y
  sym-ext≡-ext≡ {x} {g} {h} {y} {g≡h} =
      (sym (ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = g}))
      (trans (cong (flip (ext x) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ g≡h)
         (ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = h}))               ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                             {g} eq 
                                                                 (sym $ ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = g})
                                                                 (trans (cong (flip (ext _) _) eq)
                                                                    (ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = h})) 
                                                               ext⁻¹ eq y)
      trans (sym ext≡)
        (trans (cong (flip (ext _) _) (refl h)) ext≡)        ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $
                                                                trans (cong (flip trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                trans-reflˡ _ 

      trans (sym ext≡) ext≡                                  ≡⟨ trans-symˡ _ 

      refl (h y)                                             ≡⟨ sym $ ext⁻¹-refl _ ⟩∎

      ext⁻¹ (refl h) y                                       )

    ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ g≡h) y                                ≡⟨ cong-ext I.ext ⟩∎

    g≡h y                                              

-- Nullification is a special case of localisation.

Nullification≃Localisation :
  Nullification P B 
  Localisation {P = P} {Q = λ _  } _ B
Nullification≃Localisation {P} {B} =

  -- The proof is quite repetitive: to and from are rather similar, as
  -- are the two round-trip proofs. Perhaps it would make sense to
  -- prove something like Localisation′-cong (for a fixed "A"), and
  -- use that to prove this lemma.

  Eq.↔→≃ to from to-from from-to

  to′ : Rec _ _ _
  to′ .[]ʳ =

  to′ .extʳ {x = inj₁ x} f _ =
    ext (inj₁ x) (f  lower) _

  to′ .extʳ {x = inj₂ x} f _ =
    ext (inj₂ x) (f  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp) _

  to′ .ext≡ʳ {x = inj₁ x} {y} f =
    ext (inj₁ x) (f  lower) _  ≡⟨ ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = lift y} {g = f  lower} ⟩∎
    f y                         

  to′ .ext≡ʳ {x = inj₂ x} {y} f =
    ext (inj₂ x) (f  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp) _           ≡⟨ ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp y} {g = f  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp} 
    f (_≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp (_≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp y))  ≡⟨ cong f $ _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y ⟩∎
    f y                                                

  from′ : Rec _ _ _
  from′ .[]ʳ =

  from′ .extʳ {x = inj₁ x} f _ =
    ext (inj₁ x) (f  lift) _

  from′ .extʳ {x = inj₂ x} f _ =
    ext (inj₂ x) (f  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp) _

  from′ .ext≡ʳ {x = inj₁ x} {y} f =
    ext (inj₁ x) (f  lift) _  ≡⟨ ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = lower y} {g = f  lift} ⟩∎
    f y                        

  from′ .ext≡ʳ {x = inj₂ x} {y} f =
    ext (inj₂ x) (f  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp) _         ≡⟨ ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp y} {g = f  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp} 
    f (_≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp (_≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp y))  ≡⟨ cong f $ _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y ⟩∎
    f y                                                

  to : Nullification P B  Localisation {P = P} {Q = λ _  } _ B
  to = rec to′

  from : Localisation {P = P} {Q = λ _  } _ B  Nullification P B
  from = rec from′


    left-eq :
      _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp  id {A = PO.Susp A}
    left-eq = ⟨ext⟩ (_≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp)

    left-lemma :
      _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y  ext⁻¹ left-eq y
    left-lemma = sym $ cong-ext I.ext

    right-eq :
      _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp  id {A = Susp A}
    right-eq = ⟨ext⟩ (_≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp)

    right-lemma :
      _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y 
      ext⁻¹ (⟨ext⟩ (_≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp)) y
    right-lemma = sym $ cong-ext I.ext

    to-from′ : Elim  x  to (from x)  x)
    to-from′ .[]ʳ =
      refl  [_]

    to-from′ .extʳ {x = inj₁ x} {g = f} hyp _ =
      to (from (ext (inj₁ x) f _))    ≡⟨⟩
      ext (inj₁ x) (to  from  f) _  ≡⟨ cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp ⟩∎
      ext (inj₁ x) f _                

    to-from′ .extʳ {x = inj₂ x} {g = f} hyp _ =
      to (from (ext (inj₂ x) f _))                                     ≡⟨⟩

      ext (inj₂ x)
        (to  from  f  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp)
        _                                                              ≡⟨ (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y  cong (to  from  f) $
                                                                           _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y) 

      ext (inj₂ x) (to  from  f) _                                   ≡⟨ cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp ⟩∎

      ext (inj₂ x) f _                                                 

    to-from′ .ext≡ʳ {x = inj₁ x} {g = f} {y} hyp =
      subst  x  to (from x)  x)
        (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
        (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)                    ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

        (sym $ cong (to  from) $
         ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
        (trans (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
           (cong id (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})))      ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym)
                                                                    (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                    (cong (trans _) $ sym $ cong-id _) 
        (sym $ cong to $ cong from $
         ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
        (trans (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
           (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                  trans (cong (cong to) $ rec-ext≡ {r = from′}) $
                                                                  rec-ext≡ {r = to′} 
        (sym $ ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = to  from  f})
        (trans (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
           (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                ≡⟨ sym-ext≡-ext≡ ⟩∎

      hyp y                                                    

    to-from′ .ext≡ʳ {x = inj₂ x} {g = f} {y} hyp =
      subst  x  to (from x)  x)
        (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
           (cong (flip (ext _) _) $
            ⟨ext⟩ λ y  cong (to  from  f) $
            _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
           (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))                       ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

        (sym $ cong (to  from) $
         ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (to  from  f) $
               _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (cong id (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})))             ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym)
                                                                           (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                           (cong (trans _) $ sym $ cong-id _) 
        (sym $ cong to $ cong from $
         ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (to  from  f) $
               _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong (sym  cong to) $
                                                                         rec-ext≡ {r = from′} 
        (sym $ cong to $
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp y}
              {g = from  f  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp})
           (cong (from  f) $ _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y))
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (to  from  f) $
               _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                         trans (cong-trans _ _ _) $
                                                                         cong (trans _) $ cong-∘ _ _ _ 
        (sym $
           (cong to $
            ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp y}
              {g = from  f  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp})
           (cong (to  from  f) $
            _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y))
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (to  from  f) $
               _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                         rec-ext≡ {r = to′} 
        (sym $
              (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x}
                 {y = _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp (_≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp y)}
                 {g = to  from  f 
                      _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp})
              (cong (to  from  f  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp) $
               _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp
                 (_≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp y)))
           (cong (to  from  f) $
            _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y))
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (to  from  f) $
               _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ trans (cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                                cong (flip trans _) $ cong (trans _) $
                                                                                trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                                cong (cong (to  from  f)) $
                                                                                _≃_.right-left-lemma PO.Susp≃Susp _) $
                                                                         cong₂ trans
                                                                           (cong sym $
                                                                            cong₂ trans
                                                                              (cong (trans _) $ cong (cong _) left-lemma)
                                                                              (cong (cong _) left-lemma))
                                                                           (cong (flip trans _) $ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                            cong (cong _) $ cong ⟨ext⟩ $ ⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
                                                                            cong (cong _) left-lemma) 
        (sym $
              (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x}
                 {y = _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp (_≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp y)}
                 {g = to  from  f 
                      _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp})
              (cong (to  from  f) $
               ext⁻¹ left-eq
                 (_≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp (_≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp y))))
           (cong (to  from  f) $ ext⁻¹ left-eq y))
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (to  from  f) $ ext⁻¹ left-eq y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                            {g} eq 
                                                                                (sym $
                                                                                      (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = g y} {g = to  from  f  g})
                                                                                      (cong (to  from  f) $ ext⁻¹ eq (g y)))
                                                                                   (cong (to  from  f) $ ext⁻¹ eq y))
                                                                                      (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
                                                                                       cong (to  from  f) $ ext⁻¹ eq y)
                                                                                      (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
                                                                                   (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})) 
                                                                              hyp y)
          (sym $
                (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = to  from  f})
                (cong (to  from  f) $ ext⁻¹ (refl id) y))
             (cong (to  from  f) $ ext⁻¹ (refl id) y))
                (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
                 cong (to  from  f) $ ext⁻¹ (refl id) y)
                (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                           ≡⟨ cong₂ trans
                                                                                 (cong sym $
                                                                                  trans (cong₂ trans
                                                                                           (trans (cong (trans _) $
                                                                                                   trans (cong (cong _) $ ext⁻¹-refl _) $
                                                                                                   cong-refl _) $
                                                                                            trans-reflʳ _)
                                                                                           (trans (cong (cong _) $ ext⁻¹-refl _) $
                                                                                            cong-refl _)) $
                                                                                  trans-reflʳ _)
                                                                                 (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                  trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                         trans (cong (cong _) $
                                                                                                trans (cong ⟨ext⟩ $ ⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
                                                                                                       trans (cong (cong _) $ ext⁻¹-refl _) $
                                                                                                       cong-refl _) $
                                                                                                ext-refl I.ext) $
                                                                                         cong-refl _) $
                                                                                  trans-reflˡ _) 
          (sym $ ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = to  from  f})
          (trans (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                           ≡⟨ sym-ext≡-ext≡ ⟩∎

        hyp y                                                               )
                                                                           _ ⟩∎
      hyp y                                                           

    from-to′ : Elim  x  from (to x)  x)
    from-to′ .[]ʳ =
      refl  [_]

    from-to′ .extʳ {x = inj₁ x} {g = f} hyp _ =
      from (to (ext (inj₁ x) f _))    ≡⟨⟩
      ext (inj₁ x) (from  to  f) _  ≡⟨ cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp ⟩∎
      ext (inj₁ x) f _                

    from-to′ .extʳ {x = inj₂ x} {g = f} hyp _ =
      from (to (ext (inj₂ x) f _))                                     ≡⟨⟩

      ext (inj₂ x)
        (from  to  f  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp)
        _                                                              ≡⟨ (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y  cong (from  to  f) $
                                                                           _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y) 

      ext (inj₂ x) (from  to  f) _                                   ≡⟨ cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp ⟩∎

      ext (inj₂ x) f _                                                 

    from-to′ .ext≡ʳ {x = inj₁ x} {g = f} {y} hyp =
      subst  x  from (to x)  x)
        (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
        (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)                    ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

        (sym $ cong (from  to) $
         ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
        (trans (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
           (cong id (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})))      ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym)
                                                                    (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                    (cong (trans _) $ sym $ cong-id _) 
        (sym $ cong from $ cong to $
         ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
        (trans (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
           (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                  trans (cong (cong from) $ rec-ext≡ {r = to′}) $
                                                                  rec-ext≡ {r = from′} 
        (sym $ ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = from  to  f})
        (trans (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
           (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                ≡⟨ sym-ext≡-ext≡ ⟩∎

      hyp y                                                    

    from-to′ .ext≡ʳ {x = inj₂ x} {g = f} {y} hyp =
      subst  x  from (to x)  x)
        (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
           (cong (flip (ext _) _) $
            ⟨ext⟩ λ y  cong (from  to  f) $
            _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
           (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))                       ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

        (sym $ cong (from  to) $
         ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (from  to  f) $
               _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (cong id (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})))             ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym)
                                                                           (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                           (cong (trans _) $ sym $ cong-id _) 
        (sym $ cong from $ cong to $
         ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (from  to  f) $
               _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong (sym  cong from) $
                                                                         rec-ext≡ {r = to′} 
        (sym $ cong from $
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp y}
              {g = to  f  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp})
           (cong (to  f) $ _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y))
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (from  to  f) $
               _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                         trans (cong-trans _ _ _) $
                                                                         cong (trans _) $ cong-∘ _ _ _ 
        (sym $
           (cong from $
            ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp y}
              {g = to  f  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp})
           (cong (from  to  f) $
            _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y))
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (from  to  f) $
               _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                         rec-ext≡ {r = from′} 
        (sym $
              (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x}
                 {y = _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp (_≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp y)}
                 {g = from  to  f 
                      _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp})
              (cong (from  to  f  _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp) $
               _≃_.left-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp
                 (_≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp y)))
           (cong (from  to  f) $
            _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y))
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (from  to  f) $
               _≃_.right-inverse-of PO.Susp≃Susp y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ trans (cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                                cong (flip trans _) $ cong (trans _) $
                                                                                trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                                cong (cong (from  to  f)) $
                                                                                _≃_.left-right-lemma PO.Susp≃Susp _) $
                                                                         cong₂ trans
                                                                           (cong sym $
                                                                            cong₂ trans
                                                                              (cong (trans _) $ cong (cong _) right-lemma)
                                                                              (cong (cong _) right-lemma))
                                                                           (cong (flip trans _) $ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                            cong (cong _) $ cong ⟨ext⟩ $ ⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
                                                                            cong (cong _) right-lemma) 
        (sym $
              (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x}
                 {y = _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp (_≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp y)}
                 {g = from  to  f 
                      _≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp  _≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp})
              (cong (from  to  f) $
               ext⁻¹ right-eq
                 (_≃_.to PO.Susp≃Susp (_≃_.from PO.Susp≃Susp y))))
           (cong (from  to  f) $ ext⁻¹ right-eq y))
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
               cong (from  to  f) $ ext⁻¹ right-eq y)
              (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
           (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                            {g} eq 
                                                                                (sym $
                                                                                      (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = g y} {g = from  to  f  g})
                                                                                      (cong (from  to  f) $ ext⁻¹ eq (g y)))
                                                                                   (cong (from  to  f) $ ext⁻¹ eq y))
                                                                                      (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
                                                                                       cong (from  to  f) $ ext⁻¹ eq y)
                                                                                      (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
                                                                                   (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})) 
                                                                              hyp y)
          (sym $
                (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = from  to  f})
                (cong (from  to  f) $ ext⁻¹ (refl id) y))
             (cong (from  to  f) $ ext⁻¹ (refl id) y))
                (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
                 cong (from  to  f) $ ext⁻¹ (refl id) y)
                (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                           ≡⟨ cong₂ trans
                                                                                 (cong sym $
                                                                                  trans (cong₂ trans
                                                                                           (trans (cong (trans _) $
                                                                                                   trans (cong (cong _) $ ext⁻¹-refl _) $
                                                                                                   cong-refl _) $
                                                                                            trans-reflʳ _)
                                                                                           (trans (cong (cong _) $ ext⁻¹-refl _) $
                                                                                            cong-refl _)) $
                                                                                  trans-reflʳ _)
                                                                                 (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                  trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                         trans (cong (cong _) $
                                                                                                trans (cong ⟨ext⟩ $ ⟨ext⟩ λ _ 
                                                                                                       trans (cong (cong _) $ ext⁻¹-refl _) $
                                                                                                       cong-refl _) $
                                                                                                ext-refl I.ext) $
                                                                                         cong-refl _) $
                                                                                  trans-reflˡ _) 
          (sym $ ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = from  to  f})
          (trans (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                           ≡⟨ sym-ext≡-ext≡ ⟩∎

        hyp y                                                               )
                                                                           _ ⟩∎
      hyp y                                                           

    to-from :  x  to (from x)  x
    to-from = elim to-from′

    from-to :  x  from (to x)  x
    from-to = elim from-to′

-- If B is P-null, then λ (f : Nullification P A → B) → f ∘ [_] is an
-- equivalence.

Null→Is-equivalence-∘[] :
  P -Null B 
  Is-equivalence  (f : Nullification P A  B)  f  [_])
Null→Is-equivalence-∘[] {P} {B} {A} =
  P -Null B                                                         ↔⟨ Null≃Local 

   x (_ : P x)  tt) -Local B                                     →⟨ Local→Is-equivalence-[] 

     (f : Localisation {P = P} {Q = λ _  } _ A  B)  f  [_])  →⟨ Is-equivalence≃Is-equivalence-∘ʳ
                                                                         (_≃_.is-equivalence $
                                                                          →-cong I.ext Nullification≃Localisation F.id)
                                                                         _ ⟩□
  Is-equivalence  (f : Nullification P A  B)  f  [_])          

-- A map function


  -- A first approximation to nullification.

  Nullification′ : {A : Type a}  (A  Type a)  Type a  Type a
  Nullification′ P = Localisation′ {P = P} {Q = λ _  } _

  -- The body of Nullification′-map.

  Nullification′-map-body :
    {A₁ : Type a₁} {P₁ : A₁  Type a₁} {B₁ : Type a₁}
    {A₂ : Type a₂} {P₂ : A₂  Type a₂} {B₂ : Type a₂} 
    (f : A₁  A₂)  (∀ x  P₂ (f x)  P₁ x)  (B₁  B₂) 
    Rec {P = P₁} {Q = λ _  } _ B₁ (Nullification′ P₂ B₂)
  Nullification′-map-body A₁→A₂ P₂↠P₁ B₁→B₂ = body
    body : Rec _ _ _
    body .[]ʳ = [_]  B₁→B₂

    body .extʳ {x} f _ = ext (A₁→A₂ x) (f  _↠_.to (P₂↠P₁ x)) _

    body .ext≡ʳ {x} {y} f =
      ext (A₁→A₂ x) (f  _↠_.to (P₂↠P₁ x)) _       ≡⟨ ext≡ 
      f (_↠_.to (P₂↠P₁ x) (_↠_.from (P₂↠P₁ x) y))  ≡⟨ cong f $ _↠_.right-inverse-of (P₂↠P₁ x) _ ⟩∎
      f y                                          

  -- A map function for Nullification′.

  Nullification′-map :
    {A₁ : Type a₁} {P₁ : A₁  Type a₁} {B₁ : Type a₁}
    {A₂ : Type a₂} {P₂ : A₂  Type a₂} {B₂ : Type a₂} 
    (f : A₁  A₂)  (∀ x  P₂ (f x)  P₁ x)  (B₁  B₂) 
    Nullification′ P₁ B₁  Nullification′ P₂ B₂
  Nullification′-map A₁→A₂ P₂↠P₁ B₁→B₂ =
    rec (Nullification′-map-body A₁→A₂ P₂↠P₁ B₁→B₂)

  -- The body of Nullification-map.

  Nullification-map-body :
    {A₁ : Type a₁} {P₁ : A₁  Type a₁} {B₁ : Type a₁}
    {A₂ : Type a₂} {P₂ : A₂  Type a₂} {B₂ : Type a₂} 
    (f : A₁  A₂)  (∀ x  P₂ (f x)  P₁ x)  (B₁  B₂) 
    Rec {P = P.[ P₁ , Susp  P₁ ]} {Q = λ _  } _ B₁
      (Nullification P₂ B₂)
  Nullification-map-body A₁→A₂ P₂↠P₁ =
      (⊎-map A₁→A₂ A₁→A₂)
      P.[ P₂↠P₁ , Susp.cong-↠  P₂↠P₁ ]

-- A map function for Nullification.

Nullification-map :
  {A₁ : Type a₁} {P₁ : A₁  Type a₁} {B₁ : Type a₁}
  {A₂ : Type a₂} {P₂ : A₂  Type a₂} {B₂ : Type a₂} 
  (f : A₁  A₂)  (∀ x  P₂ (f x)  P₁ x)  (B₁  B₂) 
  Nullification P₁ B₁  Nullification P₂ B₂
Nullification-map A₁→A₂ P₂↠P₁ B₁→B₂ =
  rec (Nullification-map-body A₁→A₂ P₂↠P₁ B₁→B₂)

-- The lemma Nullification-↑-↑-≃

private opaque

  -- A lemma used below.

  sym-ext≡-ext≡′ :
    {f : P x  Nullification′ P B}
    {eq : h  id}
    (g : Nullification′ P B  Nullification′ P B)
    (hyp :  x  g (f x)  f x) 
      (sym $
            (ext≡ {x = x} {y = h y} {g = g  f  h})
            (cong (g  f) $ ext⁻¹ eq (h y)))
         (cong (g  f) $ ext⁻¹ eq y))
            (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ cong ((g  f) ∘_) eq)
            (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
         (ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = f})) 
    hyp y
  sym-ext≡-ext≡′ {x} {y} {f} g hyp =
       {h} eq 
           (sym $
              (trans (ext≡ {x = x} {y = h y} {g = g  f  h})
                 (cong (g  f) $ ext⁻¹ eq (h y)))
              (cong (g  f) $ ext⁻¹ eq y))
                 (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ cong ((g  f) ∘_) eq)
                 (cong (flip (ext _) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
              (ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = f})) 
         hyp y)
         (sym $
               (ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = g  f})
               (cong (g  f) $ ext⁻¹ (refl id) y))
            (cong (g  f) $ ext⁻¹ (refl id) y))
               (cong (flip (ext x) _) $
                cong ((g  f) ∘_) $ refl id)
               (cong (flip (ext x) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
            (ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = f}))          ≡⟨ cong₂ trans
                                                          (cong sym $
                                                           trans (cong₂ trans
                                                                    (trans (cong (trans _) $
                                                                            trans (cong (cong _) $ ext⁻¹-refl _) $
                                                                            cong-refl _) $
                                                                     trans-reflʳ _)
                                                                    (trans (cong (cong _) $ ext⁻¹-refl _) $
                                                                     cong-refl _)) $
                                                           trans-reflʳ _)
                                                          (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                           trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                  trans (cong (cong _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                  cong-refl _) $
                                                           trans-reflˡ _) 
         (sym $ ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = g  f})
         (trans (cong (flip (ext x) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
            (ext≡ {x = x} {y = y} {g = f}))          ≡⟨ sym-ext≡-ext≡ ⟩∎

       hyp y                                         )

-- Helper functions used to implement Nullification-↑-↑-≃.

  module Nullification-↑-↑-≃
    { : Level} {A B : Type a} {P : A  Type a} where

    ↑≃ : {A : Type a}    A  A
    ↑≃ = Eq.↔⇒≃ B.↑↔


      to″ =
          (⊎-map lower lower)
          P.[  _  _≃_.surjection $ inverse ↑≃)
            ,  _  _≃_.surjection $ inverse $ Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃)

      -- The proof to′ is a variant of to″ that is partly blocked.

      to′ : Block "to"  Rec _ _ _
      to′ _ .[]ʳ           = to″ .[]ʳ
      to′ _ .extʳ {x}      = to″ .extʳ {x = x}
      to′  .ext≡ʳ {x} {y} = to″ .ext≡ʳ {x = x} {y = y}

      to :
        Block "to" 
        Nullification {A =   A} (   P  lower) (  B) 
        Nullification P B
      to b = rec (to′ b)


      from″ =
           _  _≃_.surjection ↑≃)

      -- The proof from′ is a variant of from″ that is partly blocked.

      from′ : Block "from"  Rec _ _ _
      from′ _ .[]ʳ           = from″ .[]ʳ
      from′ _ .extʳ {x}      = from″ .extʳ {x = x}
      from′  .ext≡ʳ {x} {y} = from″ .ext≡ʳ {x = x} {y = y}

      from :
        Block "from" 
        Nullification P B 
        Nullification {A =   A} (   P  lower) (  B)
      from b = rec (from′ b)


      right-eq :
        {A : Type a} 
        Susp.map lower  Susp.map (lift { = })  id {A = Susp A}
      right-eq = ⟨ext⟩ (_≃_.right-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃))

      right-lemma :
        _≃_.right-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) y  ext⁻¹ right-eq y
      right-lemma = sym $ cong-ext I.ext

      to-from-ext :
         b x f 
        (∀ y  to b (from b (f y))  f y) 
        to b (from b (ext x f _))  ext x f _
      to-from-ext b (inj₁ x) f hyp =
        ext (inj₁ x) (to b  from b  f) _  ≡⟨ cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp ⟩∎
        ext (inj₁ x) f _                    
      to-from-ext b (inj₂ x) f hyp =
        ext (inj₂ x)
          (to b  from b  f  Susp.map lower  Susp.map lift)
          _                                                     ≡⟨ cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ cong ((to b  from b  f) ∘_)

        ext (inj₂ x) (to b  from b  f) _                      ≡⟨ cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp ⟩∎

        ext (inj₂ x) f _                                        

      to-from-ext≡ :
         b x f y (hyp :  y  to b (from b (f y))  f y) 
        subst  x  to b (from b x)  x) ext≡ (to-from-ext b x f hyp) 
        hyp y
      to-from-ext≡ b (inj₁ x) f y hyp =
        subst  x  to b (from b x)  x)
          (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
          (to-from-ext b (inj₁ x) f hyp)                                ≡⟨⟩

        subst  x  to b (from b x)  x)
          (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
          (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)                    ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

          (sym $ cong (to b  from b) $
           ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (cong id $ ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))             ≡⟨ cong₂ trans
                                                                             (cong sym $ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                             (cong (trans _) $ sym $ cong-id _) 
          (sym $ cong (to b) $ cong (from b) $
           ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (cong (to b)) $
                                                                           unblock b
                                                                                cong (from b) ext≡ 
                                                                                trans ext≡ (cong (from b  f) (refl y))) $
                                                                           rec-ext≡ {r = from′ } 
          (sym $ cong (to b) $
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ (lift x)} {y = lift y}
                {g = from b  f  lower { = }}) $
           cong (from b  f) $ refl y)
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (cong _) $
                                                                           trans (cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                           trans-reflʳ _ 
          (sym $ cong (to b) $
           ext≡ {x = inj₁ (lift x)} {y = lift y}
             {g = from b  f  lower { = }})
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                           unblock b
                                                                                cong (to b)
                                                                                  (ext≡ {x = inj₁ (lift x)} {y = lift y}
                                                                                     {g = from b  f  lower { = }}) 
                                                                                trans (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = to b  from b  f})
                                                                                  (cong (to b  from b  f  lower { = }) $
                                                                                   _≃_.left-inverse-of ↑≃ (lift y))) $
                                                                           rec-ext≡ {r = to′ } 
          (sym $
           trans (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = to b  from b  f}) $
           cong (to b  from b  f  lower { = }) $
           _≃_.left-inverse-of ↑≃ (lift y))
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (trans _) $
                                                                           trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                           cong (cong _) $
                                                                           _≃_.left-right-lemma ↑≃ _ 
          (sym $
           trans (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = to b  from b  f}) $
           cong (to b  from b  f) $ _≃_.right-inverse-of ↑≃ y)
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨⟩
          (sym $
           trans (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = to b  from b  f}) $
           cong (to b  from b  f) $ refl y)
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                           trans (cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                           trans-reflʳ _ 
          (sym $ ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = to b  from b  f})
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ sym-ext≡-ext≡ ⟩∎

        hyp y                                                           

      to-from-ext≡ b (inj₂ x) f y hyp =
        subst  x  to b (from b x)  x)
          (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
          (to-from-ext b (inj₂ x) f hyp)                                ≡⟨⟩

        subst  x  to b (from b x)  x)
          (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
             (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
              cong ((to b  from b  f) ∘_) right-eq)
             (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))                ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

          (sym $ cong (to b  from b) $
           ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((to b  from b  f) ∘_) right-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (cong id (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})))             ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym)
                                                                             (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                             (cong (trans _) $ sym $ cong-id _) 
          (sym $ cong (to b) $ cong (from b) $
           ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((to b  from b  f) ∘_) right-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong (sym  cong (to b)) $
                                                                           unblock b
                                                                                cong (from b)
                                                                                  (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}) 
                                                                                     {x = inj₂ (lift x)}
                                                                                     {y = Susp.map (lift { = }) y}
                                                                                     {g = from b  f  Susp.map (lower { = })})
                                                                                  (cong (from b  f) $
                                                                                   _≃_.right-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) y)) $
                                                                           rec-ext≡ {r = from′ } 
          (sym $ cong (to b) $
                {x = inj₂ (lift x)}
                {y = Susp.map (lift { = }) y}
                {g = from b  f  Susp.map (lower { = })})
             (cong (from b  f) $
              _≃_.right-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) y))
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((to b  from b  f) ∘_) right-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                           trans (cong-trans _ _ _) $
                                                                           cong (trans _) $ cong-∘ _ _ _ 
          (sym $
             (cong (to b) $
                {x = inj₂ (lift x)}
                {y = Susp.map (lift { = }) y}
                {g = from b  f  Susp.map (lower { = })})
             (cong (to b  from b  f) $
              _≃_.right-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) y))
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((to b  from b  f) ∘_) right-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                           unblock b
                                                                                cong (to b)
                                                                                     {x = inj₂ (lift x)}
                                                                                     {y = Susp.map (lift { = }) y}
                                                                                     {g = from b  f  Susp.map (lower { = })}) 
                                                                                     {x = inj₂ x}
                                                                                     {y = Susp.map (lower { = }) (Susp.map lift y)}
                                                                                     {g = to b  from b  f 
                                                                                          Susp.map (lower { = })  Susp.map lift})
                                                                                  (cong (to b  from b  f  Susp.map (lower { = })) $
                                                                                   _≃_.left-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) (Susp.map lift y))) $
                                                                           rec-ext≡ {r = to′ } 
          (sym $
                   {x = inj₂ x}
                   {y = Susp.map (lower { = }) (Susp.map lift y)}
                   {g = to b  from b  f 
                        Susp.map (lower { = })  Susp.map lift})
                (cong (to b  from b  f  Susp.map (lower { = })) $
                 _≃_.left-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃)
                   (Susp.map lift y)))
             (cong (to b  from b  f) $
              _≃_.right-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) y))
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((to b  from b  f) ∘_) right-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                           cong₂ trans
                                                                             (cong (trans _) $
                                                                              trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                              cong (cong (to b  from b  f)) $
                                                                              trans (_≃_.left-right-lemma (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) _)
                                                                             (cong (cong _) right-lemma) 
          (sym $
                   {x = inj₂ x}
                   {y = Susp.map (lower { = }) (Susp.map lift y)}
                   {g = to b  from b  f 
                        Susp.map (lower { = })  Susp.map lift})
                (cong (to b  from b  f) $
                 ext⁻¹ right-eq
                   (Susp.map (lower { = }) (Susp.map lift y))))
             (cong (to b  from b  f) $ ext⁻¹ right-eq y))
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((to b  from b  f) ∘_) right-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ sym-ext≡-ext≡′ (to b  from b) hyp ⟩∎

        hyp y                                                           

      to-from :  b x  to b (from b x)  x
      to-from b = elim λ where
        .[]ʳ         refl  [_]
        .extʳ hyp _  to-from-ext b _ _ hyp
        .ext≡ʳ hyp   to-from-ext≡ b _ _ _ hyp

      left-eq :
        {A : Type a} 
        Susp.map lift  Susp.map lower  id {A = Susp (  A)}
      left-eq = ⟨ext⟩ (_≃_.left-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃))

      left-lemma :
        _≃_.left-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) y  ext⁻¹ left-eq y
      left-lemma = sym $ cong-ext I.ext

      from-to-ext :
         b x f 
        (∀ y  from b (to b (f y))  f y) 
        from b (to b (ext x f _))  ext x f _
      from-to-ext b (inj₁ x) f hyp =
        ext (inj₁ x) (from b  to b  f) _  ≡⟨ cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp ⟩∎
        ext (inj₁ x) f _                    
      from-to-ext b (inj₂ x) f hyp =
        ext (inj₂ x)
          (from b  to b  f  Susp.map lift  Susp.map lower)
          _                                                     ≡⟨ cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ cong ((from b  to b  f) ∘_)

        ext (inj₂ x) (from b  to b  f) _                      ≡⟨ cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp ⟩∎

        ext (inj₂ x) f _                                        

      cong-to-ext≡-inj₁ :
        cong (to b) (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}) 
          (ext≡ {x = inj₁ (lower x)} {y = lower y}
             {g = to b  f  lift { = }})
          (cong (to b  f) $ _≃_.left-inverse-of ↑≃ y)
      cong-to-ext≡-inj₁  = rec-ext≡ {r = to′ }

      cong-from-ext≡-inj₁ :
         b f 
        cong (from b)
          (ext≡ {x = inj₁ (lower x)} {y = lower y}
             {g = to b  f  lift { = }}) 
          (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = from b  to b  f})
          (cong (from b  to b  f  lift { = }) $
           refl (lower y))
      cong-from-ext≡-inj₁  _ = rec-ext≡ {r = from′ }

      cong-to-ext≡-inj₂ :
        cong (to b) (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}) 
             {x = inj₂ (lower x)}
             {y = Susp.map (lower { = }) y}
             {g = to b  f  Susp.map (lift { = })})
          (cong (to b  f) $ _≃_.left-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) y)
      cong-to-ext≡-inj₂  = rec-ext≡ {r = to′ }

      cong-from-ext≡-inj₂ :
         b f y 
        cong (from b)
             {x = inj₂ (lower x)}
             {y = Susp.map (lower { = }) y}
             {g = to b  f  Susp.map (lift { = })}) 
             {x = inj₂ x}
             {y = Susp.map (lift { = }) (Susp.map lower y)}
             {g = from b  to b  f 
                  Susp.map (lift { = })  Susp.map lower})
          (cong (from b  to b  f  Susp.map (lift { = })) $
           _≃_.right-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) (Susp.map lower y))
      cong-from-ext≡-inj₂  _ _ = rec-ext≡ {r = from′ }

      from-to-ext≡ :
         b x f y (hyp :  y  from b (to b (f y))  f y) 
        subst  x  from b (to b x)  x) ext≡ (from-to-ext b x f hyp) 
        hyp y
      from-to-ext≡ b (inj₁ x) f y hyp =
        subst  x  from b (to b x)  x)
          (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
          (from-to-ext b (inj₁ x) f hyp)                                ≡⟨⟩

        subst  x  from b (to b x)  x)
          (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
          (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)                    ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

          (sym $ cong (from b  to b) $
           ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (cong id $ ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))             ≡⟨ cong₂ trans
                                                                             (cong sym $ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                             (cong (trans _) $ sym $ cong-id _) 
          (sym $ cong (from b) $ cong (to b) $
           ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f})
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (cong (from b)) $
                                                                           cong-to-ext≡-inj₁ b 
          (sym $ cong (from b) $
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ (lower x)} {y = lower y}
                {g = to b  f  lift { = }}) $
           cong (to b  f) $ _≃_.left-inverse-of ↑≃ y)
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨⟩

          (sym $ cong (from b) $
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ (lower x)} {y = lower y}
                {g = to b  f  lift { = }}) $
           cong (to b  f  lift  lower) $
           _≃_.left-inverse-of ↑≃ y)
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (cong _) $ cong (trans _) $
                                                                           trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                           cong (cong _) $
                                                                           _≃_.left-right-lemma ↑≃ _ 
          (sym $ cong (from b) $
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ (lower x)} {y = lower y}
                {g = to b  f  lift { = }}) $
           cong (to b  f  lift) $
           _≃_.right-inverse-of ↑≃ (lower y))
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨⟩

          (sym $ cong (from b) $
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ (lower x)} {y = lower y}
                {g = to b  f  lift { = }}) $
           cong (to b  f  lift) $ refl (lower y))
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (cong _) $
                                                                           trans (cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                           trans-reflʳ _ 
          (sym $ cong (from b) $
           ext≡ {x = inj₁ (lower x)} {y = lower y}
             {g = to b  f  lift { = }})
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                           cong-from-ext≡-inj₁ b f 
          (sym $
           trans (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = from b  to b  f}) $
           cong (from b  to b  f  lift { = }) $ refl (lower y))
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                           trans (cong (trans _) $ cong-refl _) $
                                                                           trans-reflʳ _ 
          (sym (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = from b  to b  f}))
          (trans (cong (flip (ext (inj₁ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp)
             (ext≡ {x = inj₁ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                       ≡⟨ sym-ext≡-ext≡ ⟩∎

        hyp y                                                           

      from-to-ext≡ b (inj₂ x) f y hyp =
        subst  x  from b (to b x)  x)
          (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
          (from-to-ext b (inj₂ x) f hyp)                             ≡⟨⟩

        subst  x  from b (to b x)  x)
          (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
             (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
              cong ((from b  to b  f) ∘_) left-eq)
             (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))             ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

          (sym $ cong (from b  to b) $
           ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((from b  to b  f) ∘_) left-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (cong id (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})))          ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym)
                                                                          (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                          (cong (trans _) $ sym $ cong-id _) 
          (sym $ cong (from b) $ cong (to b) $
           ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f})
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((from b  to b  f) ∘_) left-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                    ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (cong (from b)) $
                                                                        cong-to-ext≡-inj₂ b 
          (sym $ cong (from b) $
                {x = inj₂ (lower x)}
                {y = Susp.map (lower { = }) y}
                {g = to b  f  Susp.map (lift { = })})
             (cong (to b  f) $
              _≃_.left-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) y))
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((from b  to b  f) ∘_) left-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                    ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                        trans (cong-trans _ _ _) $
                                                                        cong (trans _) $ cong-∘ _ _ _ 
          (sym $
             (cong (from b) $
                {x = inj₂ (lower x)}
                {y = Susp.map (lower { = }) y}
                {g = to b  f  Susp.map (lift { = })})
             (cong (from b  to b  f) $
              _≃_.left-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) y))
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((from b  to b  f) ∘_) left-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                    ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                        cong-from-ext≡-inj₂ b f y 
          (sym $
                   {x = inj₂ x}
                   {y = Susp.map (lift { = }) (Susp.map lower y)}
                   {g = from b  to b  f 
                        Susp.map (lift { = })  Susp.map lower})
                (cong (from b  to b  f  Susp.map (lift { = })) $
                 _≃_.right-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃)
                   (Susp.map lower y)))
             (cong (from b  to b  f) $
              _≃_.left-inverse-of (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) y))
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((from b  to b  f) ∘_) left-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                    ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                        cong₂ trans
                                                                          (cong (trans _) $
                                                                           trans (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _) $
                                                                           cong (cong (from b  to b  f)) $
                                                                           trans (_≃_.right-left-lemma (Susp.cong-≃ ↑≃) _)
                                                                          (cong (cong _) left-lemma) 
          (sym $
                   {x = inj₂ x}
                   {y = Susp.map (lift { = }) (Susp.map lower y)}
                   {g = from b  to b  f 
                        Susp.map (lift { = })  Susp.map lower})
                (cong (from b  to b  f) $
                 ext⁻¹ left-eq
                   (Susp.map (lift { = }) (Susp.map lower y))))
             (cong (from b  to b  f) $ ext⁻¹ left-eq y))
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $
                 cong ((from b  to b  f) ∘_) left-eq)
                (cong (flip (ext (inj₂ x)) _) $ ⟨ext⟩ hyp))
             (ext≡ {x = inj₂ x} {y = y} {g = f}))                    ≡⟨ sym-ext≡-ext≡′ (from b  to b) hyp ⟩∎

        hyp y                                                        

      from-to :  b x  from b (to b x)  x
      from-to b = elim λ where
        .[]ʳ         refl  [_]
        .extʳ hyp _  from-to-ext b _ _ hyp
        .ext≡ʳ hyp   from-to-ext≡ b _ _ _ hyp

-- Nullification {A = ↑ ℓ A} (↑ ℓ ∘ P ∘ lower) (↑ ℓ B) is equivalent
-- to Nullification {A = A} P B.
-- This lemma could be replaced by
--   Nullification-cong
--     (Eq.↔⇒≃ B.↑↔) (λ _ → Eq.↔⇒≃ B.↑↔) (Eq.↔⇒≃ B.↑↔),
-- given a suitable implementation of Nullification-cong.

Nullification-↑-↑-≃ :
  Nullification {A =   A} (   P  lower) (  B) 
  Nullification {A = A} P B
Nullification-↑-↑-≃ =
  block λ b  Eq.↔→≃ (to b) (from b) (to-from b) (from-to b)
  open Nullification-↑-↑-≃

_ :
  _≃_.to (Nullification-↑-↑-≃ { = } {P = P} {B = B})  [_] 
  [_]  lower
_ = refl _

_ :
  _≃_.from (Nullification-↑-↑-≃ { = } {P = P} {B = B})  [_] 
  [_]  lift
_ = refl _