-- The zero modality

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Modality.Zero
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p e⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Prelude

import Accessibility eq as A
open import Bijection eq using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Decision-procedures eq
open import Equivalence eq using (_≃_)
open import Equivalence.Path-split eq
open import Function-universe eq hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Modality.Basics eq

    a b  ℓ′ p : Level
    A          : Type a

-- The zero modality

-- The zero modality.
-- This modality is taken from "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
-- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

Zero : Type   Type 
Zero _ =  _ 

-- A type A is Zero-stable if Zero A implies A.

Zero-stable : Type   Type 
Zero-stable A = Zero A  A

-- A type is Zero-modal if it is contractible.
-- This definition is based on "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
-- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

Zero-modal : Type   Type 
Zero-modal = Contractible

-- Zero-modal types are Zero-stable.

Zero-modal→Zero-stable : Zero-modal A  Zero-stable A
Zero-modal→Zero-stable m _ = proj₁ m

-- A type A has Zero-stable equality if x ≡ y is Zero-stable for all
-- values x and y of type A.

Zero-stable-≡ : Type a  Type a
Zero-stable-≡ = For-iterated-equality 1 Zero-stable

-- A type A has Zero-modal equality if x ≡ y is Zero-modal for all
-- values x and y of type A.

Zero-modal-≡ : Type a  Type a
Zero-modal-≡ = For-iterated-equality 1 Zero-modal

-- The zero modality is a modality.
-- This proof is based on "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
-- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

Zero-modality : Modality 
Zero-modality {} = λ where
    .                    Zero
    .η                    return
    .Modal                Zero-modal
    .Modal-propositional  λ ext  H-level-propositional ext 0
    .Modal-◯              ↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible
    .Modal-respects-≃     H-level-cong _ 0
    .extendable-along-η   extendable
  open Modality

  return : A  Zero A
  return = _

  extendable :
    {A : Type } {P : Zero A  Type } 
    (∀ x  Zero-modal (P x)) 
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ return {A = A} ] P
  extendable cB zero    = _
  extendable cB (suc n) =
       g  proj₁  cB ,  x  proj₂ (cB _) (g x)))
    ,  _ _  extendable (⇒≡ 0  cB) n)

-- The zero modality is topological.
-- This result is based on "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
-- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

Zero-topological : Topological (Zero-modality { = })
Zero-topological {} =
    ,  _  )
    ,  _  record { to = to; from = from })
  ,  _  ⊥-propositional)
  open Modality (Zero-modality { = })

  to :
    Zero-modal A 
        Is-∞-extendable-along-[ η {A = } ]  _  A)
  to cA _ zero    = _
  to cA _ (suc n) =
       _   _  proj₁ cA) ,  ()))
    ,  _ _  to (⇒≡ 0 cA) _ n)

  from :
    (    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ η ]  _  A)) 
    Zero-modal A
  from {A} ext =
    ,  x 
         ext _ 2 .proj₂ (const inh) (const x) .proj₁ ⊥-elim .proj₁ _)
    inh : A
    inh = ext _ 1 .proj₁ ⊥-elim .proj₁ _

-- The zero modality is very modal.

Zero-very-modal : Very-modal (Zero-modality { = })
Zero-very-modal {} {A} =
                         $⟨ _ 
                      →⟨ id ⟩□
  Zero (Contractible A)  

-- Some properties that hold for Erased do not hold for every
-- topological modality

-- The zero modality is not empty-modal.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.[]-cong₁.Erased-empty-modal.

Zero-not-empty-modal : ¬ Empty-modal (Zero-modality { = })
Zero-not-empty-modal {} =
  Zero-modal     ↔⟨⟩
  Contractible   →⟨ ⊥-elim  proj₁ ⟩□

-- The zero modality is not W-modal.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.[]-cong₁.Erased-W-modal.

Zero-not-W-modal : ¬ W-modal (Zero-modality { = })
Zero-not-W-modal {} =
  W-modal Zero-modality      →⟨ W-modal→Empty-modal 
  Empty-modal Zero-modality  →⟨ Zero-not-empty-modal ⟩□
  open Modality (Zero-modality { = })

-- The Zero modality is not accessibility-modal for any relation.

¬-Zero-accessibility-modal-for :
  {_<_ : A  A  Type } 
  ¬ Modality.Accessibility-modal-for Zero-modality _<_
¬-Zero-accessibility-modal-for {} {_<_} =
  Accessibility-modal-for _<_           →⟨ Stable-Acc-[]◯ 
  Stable (A.Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (lift tt))   →⟨ Stable-respects-⇔ record
                                             { to   = λ acc  A.Acc-map _ acc
                                             ; from = λ acc  A.Acc-map _ acc
  Stable (A.Acc  _ _  ) (lift tt))  →⟨ _$ _ 
  A.Acc  _ _  ) (lift tt)           →⟨ A.<→¬-Acc _ ⟩□
  open Modality (Zero-modality { = })

-- The zero modality is not accessibility-modal.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.[]-cong₁.Erased-accessibility-modal.

¬-Zero-accessibility-modal :
  ¬ Modality.Accessibility-modal (Zero-modality { = })
¬-Zero-accessibility-modal acc =
    {A =  _ }
    {_<_ = λ _ _   _ }

-- It is not the case that Zero ⊥ is isomorphic to ⊥.
-- Compare with Erased.Level-1.Erased-⊥↔⊥.

¬[Zero-⊥↔⊥] : ¬ (Zero ( { = })   { = })
¬[Zero-⊥↔⊥] hyp =
         $⟨ _ 
   _   ↝⟨ hyp 
        ↝⟨ ⊥↔⊥ ⟩□

-- It is not the case that Zero A implies ¬ ¬ A for all types A.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.Erased→¬¬.

¬[Zero→¬¬] : ¬ ({A : Type a}  Zero A  ¬ ¬ A)
¬[Zero→¬¬] hyp =
          $⟨ _ 
  Zero   ↝⟨ hyp 
  ¬ ¬    ↝⟨ ⊥-elim  (_$ ⊥-elim) ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for all types A, if A is stable for
-- double-negation, then A is Zero-stable.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.¬¬-stable→Stable.

¬[¬¬-stable→Zero-stable] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a}  (¬ ¬ A  A)  Zero-stable A)
¬[¬¬-stable→Zero-stable] hyp =
                $⟨ ⊥-elim  (_$ ⊥-elim) 
  (¬ ¬   )   ↝⟨ hyp 
  (Zero   )  ↝⟨ _$ _ 
               ↔⟨ ⊥↔⊥ ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for all types A, if A is decided, then A
-- is Zero-stable.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.Dec→Stable.

¬[Dec→Zero-stable] : ¬ ({A : Type a}  Dec A  Zero-stable A)
¬[Dec→Zero-stable] hyp =
                $⟨ inj₂ ⊥-elim 
  Dec          ↝⟨ hyp 
  (Zero   )  ↝⟨ _$ _ 
               ↔⟨ ⊥↔⊥ ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for all types A, if equality is decidable
-- for A, then equality for A is Zero-stable.

¬[Decidable-equality→Zero-stable-≡] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a}  Decidable-equality A  Zero-stable-≡ A)
¬[Decidable-equality→Zero-stable-≡] {a} hyp =
                                                            $⟨ ↑.Dec._≟_ Bool._≟_ 
  Decidable-equality ( a Bool)                             ↝⟨  dec  hyp dec _ _) 
  (Zero (lift true  lift false)  lift true  lift false)  ↝⟨ _$ _ 
  lift true  lift false                                    ↝⟨ Bool.true≢false  cong lower ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for all types A, if equality is decidable
-- for A, then equality for A is Zero-modal.
-- Compare with
-- Erased.Stability.[]-cong₁.Decidable-equality→Very-stable-≡.

¬[Decidable-equality→Zero-modal-≡] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a}  Decidable-equality A  Zero-modal-≡ A)
¬[Decidable-equality→Zero-modal-≡] {a} =
  ({A : Type a} 
   Decidable-equality A  Zero-modal-≡ A)   ↝⟨ (implicit-∀-cong _ $ ∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _ 
  ({A : Type a} 
   Decidable-equality A  Zero-stable-≡ A)  ↝⟨ ¬[Decidable-equality→Zero-stable-≡] ⟩□


-- It is not the case that the empty types are Zero-modal.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.Very-stable-⊥.

¬[Zero-modal-⊥] : ¬ Zero-modal ( { = })
¬[Zero-modal-⊥] =
  Contractible   ↝⟨ proj₁ 
                 ↔⟨ ⊥↔⊥ ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for any type A and type family P over A,
-- if A is Zero-modal, then W A P is Zero-modal.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.[]-cong₂-⊔₁.Very-stable-W, which is
-- proved under the assumption of function extensionality.

¬[Zero-modal-W] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} {P : A  Type p}  Zero-modal A  Zero-modal (W A P))
¬[Zero-modal-W] hyp =                   $⟨ ↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible 
  Zero-modal ( _ )                    ↝⟨ hyp 
  Zero-modal (W ( _ )  _   _ ))  ↝⟨ proj₁ 
  W ( _ )  _   _ )               ↝⟨ inhabited⇒W-empty _ ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for all types A and B, if equality is
-- Zero-stable for A and B, then equality is Zero-stable for A ⊎ B.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.Stable-≡-⊎.

¬[Zero-stable-≡-⊎] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
     Zero-stable-≡ A 
     Zero-stable-≡ B 
     Zero-stable-≡ (A  B))
¬[Zero-stable-≡-⊎] hyp =                         $⟨  _ _ _  refl _)
                                                  ,  _ _ _  refl _)
  Zero-stable-≡ ( _ ) × Zero-stable-≡ ( _ )  ↝⟨ uncurry hyp 
  Zero-stable-≡ ( _    _ )                  ↝⟨ (_$ _)  (_$ _)  (_$ _) 
  inj₁ _  inj₂ _                                ↝⟨ ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for all types A and B, if equality is
-- Zero-modal for A and B, then equality is Zero-modal for A ⊎ B.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.[]-cong₂-⊔₂.Very-stable-≡-⊎.

¬[Zero-modal-≡-⊎] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} {B : Type b} 
     Zero-modal-≡ A 
     Zero-modal-≡ B 
     Zero-modal-≡ (A  B))
¬[Zero-modal-≡-⊎] hyp =                        $⟨  _ _  +⇒≡ (mono₁ 0 (↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible)))
                                                ,  _ _  +⇒≡ (mono₁ 0 (↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible)))
  Zero-modal-≡ ( _ ) × Zero-modal-≡ ( _ )  ↝⟨ uncurry hyp 
  Zero-modal-≡ ( _    _ )                 ↝⟨ proj₁  (_$ _)  (_$ _) 
  inj₁ _  inj₂ _                              ↝⟨ ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for all types A, if equality is
-- Zero-stable for A, then equality is Zero-stable for List A.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.Stable-≡-List.

¬[Zero-stable-≡-List] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a}  Zero-stable-≡ A  Zero-stable-≡ (List A))
¬[Zero-stable-≡-List] hyp =     $⟨  _ _ _  refl _) 
  Zero-stable-≡ ( _ )         ↝⟨ hyp 
  Zero-stable-≡ (List ( _ ))  ↝⟨ (_$ _)  (_$ _)  (_$ _) 
  []  _  []                   ↝⟨ List.[]≢∷ ⟩□

-- It is not the case that, for all types A, if equality is Zero-modal
-- for A, then equality is Zero-modal for List A.
-- Compare with Erased.Stability.[]-cong₁.Very-stable-≡-List.

¬[Zero-modal-≡-List] :
  ¬ ({A : Type a}  Zero-modal-≡ A  Zero-modal-≡ (List A))
¬[Zero-modal-≡-List] hyp =     $⟨  _ _  +⇒≡ (mono₁ 0 (↑-closure 0 ⊤-contractible))) 
  Zero-modal-≡ ( _ )         ↝⟨ hyp 
  Zero-modal-≡ (List ( _ ))  ↝⟨ proj₁  (_$ _)  (_$ _) 
  []  _  []                  ↝⟨ List.[]≢∷ ⟩□