-- Joins

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Join {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

import Accessibility equality-with-J as A
open import Bijection equality-with-J as B using (_↔_)
open import Embedding equality-with-J as Emb
  using (Embedding; Is-embedding)
open import Equality.Decision-procedures equality-with-J
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq
  using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Equivalence.Erased equality-with-J as EEq using (_≃ᴱ_)
open import Equivalence.List equality-with-J
open import Equivalence.Path-split equality-with-J as PS
  using (Is-∞-extendable-along-[_])
open import Erased.Cubical eq as E using (Erased)
open import Excluded-middle equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J as H-level
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import Injection equality-with-J using (_↣_; Injective)
open import Modality equality-with-J
import Modality.Very-modal equality-with-J as Very-modal
open import Pushout eq as PO
open import Surjection equality-with-J using (_↠_)

    a b c d  p : Level
    A B C D     : Type a
    P           : A  Type p

-- The join type former

-- The span used to define Join.

Join-span : Type a  Type b  Span a b (a  b)
Join-span A B = record
  { Middle = A × B
  ; left   = proj₁
  ; right  = proj₂

-- Joins.
-- This definition is taken from the HoTT book.

Join : Type a  Type b  Type (a  b)
Join A B = Pushout (Join-span A B)

-- Some simple properties

-- Join is symmetric.

Join-symmetric : Join A B  Join B A
Join-symmetric = Eq.↔→≃
  to : Join A B  Join B A
  to = rec inr inl (sym  glue  swap)

  to-to : (x : Join A B)  to (to x)  x
  to-to =
    PO.elim _  _  refl _)  _  refl _)
         subst  x  to (to x)  x) (glue p) (refl _)         ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

         trans (sym (cong (to  to) (glue p)))
           (trans (refl _) (cong id (glue p)))                 ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym)
                                                                    (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                    (trans (trans-reflˡ _) $
                                                                     sym $ cong-id _) 

         trans (sym (cong to (cong to (glue p)))) (glue p)     ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong (sym  cong to) rec-glue 

         trans (sym (cong to (sym (glue (swap p))))) (glue p)  ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $ cong-sym _ _ 

         trans (sym (sym (cong to (glue (swap p))))) (glue p)  ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ sym-sym _ 

         trans (cong to (glue (swap p))) (glue p)              ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) rec-glue 

         trans (sym (glue (swap (swap p)))) (glue p)           ≡⟨⟩

         trans (sym (glue p)) (glue p)                         ≡⟨ trans-symˡ _ ⟩∎

         refl _                                                )

-- The empty type is a right identity for Join.

Join-⊥ʳ : Join A ( { = })  A
Join-⊥ʳ = Eq.↔→≃
  (rec id ⊥-elim  { (_ , ()) }))
  (PO.elim _  _  refl _)  ())  { (_ , ()) }))

-- The empty type is a left identity for Join.

Join-⊥ˡ : Join ( { = }) A  A
Join-⊥ˡ {A} =
  Join  A  ↝⟨ Join-symmetric 
  Join A   ↝⟨ Join-⊥ʳ ⟩□

-- The unit type is a left zero for Join.
-- I based this lemma on "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
-- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters (see Example 1.8), but I suspect that
-- the result is well-known.

Join-⊤ˡ : Join  A  
Join-⊤ˡ = Eq.↔→≃
  (PO.elim _
      _  refl _)
      x  glue (tt , x))
      (_ , x) 
        subst (inl tt ≡_) (glue (tt , x)) (refl (inl tt))  ≡⟨ sym trans-subst 
        trans (refl (inl tt)) (glue (tt , x))              ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ ⟩∎
        glue (tt , x)                                      ))

-- The unit type is a right zero for Join.

Join-⊤ʳ : Join A   
Join-⊤ʳ {A} =
  Join A   ↝⟨ Join-symmetric 
  Join  A  ↝⟨ Join-⊤ˡ ⟩□

-- Join A (¬ A) is equivalent to Dec A.
-- This lemma is used in (at least my variant of) Christian Sattler's
-- proof of Very-modal-Closed≃Dec (see below).

Join-¬≃Dec : Join A (¬ A)  Dec A
Join-¬≃Dec = Eq.↔→≃
  (rec inj₁ inj₂ lemma)
  [ inl , inr ]
  [  _  refl _) ,  _  refl _) ]
  (PO.elim _  _  refl _)  _  refl _) lemma)
  lemma : (p : A × ¬ A)  P p
  lemma (inh , not-inh) = ⊥-elim (not-inh inh)

-- Join is idempotent for propositions.

Join-idempotent :
  Is-proposition A 
  Join A A  A
Join-idempotent prop =
    (rec id id  _  prop _ _))
       (refl  inl)
        x  glue (x , x))
        (x , y) 
             x  inl (rec id id  _  prop _ _) x)  x)
            (glue (x , y))
            (refl (inl x))                                          ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

          trans (sym $ cong (inl  rec id id  _  prop _ _)) $
                 glue (x , y))
            (trans (refl (inl x)) (cong id (glue (x , y))))         ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym)
                                                                         (sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                         (trans (trans-reflˡ _) $
                                                                          sym $ cong-id _) 
          trans (sym $ cong inl $
                 cong (rec id id  _  prop _ _)) $ glue (x , y))
            (glue (x , y))                                          ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _  sym  cong _) PO.rec-glue 

          trans (sym $ cong inl $ prop x y) (glue (x , y))          ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                          {x} eq 
                                                                            trans (sym $ cong inl eq) (glue (x , y))  glue (y , y))
                                                                         (trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                 trans (cong sym $ cong-refl _)
                                                                                 sym-refl) $
                                                                          trans-reflˡ _)
                                                                         _ ⟩∎
          glue (y , y)                                              ))

-- Preservation lemmas

-- A map function.

Join-map : (A  C)  (B  D)  Join A B  Join C D
Join-map f g = PO.rec (inl  f) (inr  g)  _  glue _)

-- Join preserves logical equivalences.

Join-cong-⇔ : A  C  B  D  Join A B  Join C D
Join-cong-⇔ A⇔C B⇔D = record
  { to   = Join-map (_⇔_.to   A⇔C) (_⇔_.to   B⇔D)
  ; from = Join-map (_⇔_.from A⇔C) (_⇔_.from B⇔D)

-- Join preserves split surjections.

Join-cong-↠ : A  C  B  D  Join A B  Join C D
Join-cong-↠ A↠C B↠D = record
  { logical-equivalence = equiv
  ; right-inverse-of    =
      PO.elim _
           inl (_↠_.to A↠C (_↠_.from A↠C x))  ≡⟨ cong inl $ _↠_.right-inverse-of A↠C _ ⟩∎
           inl x                              )
           inr (_↠_.to B↠D (_↠_.from B↠D x))  ≡⟨ cong inr $ _↠_.right-inverse-of B↠D _ ⟩∎
           inr x                              )
         (x , y) 
           subst  z  _⇔_.to equiv (_⇔_.from equiv z)  z)
             (glue (x , y))
             (cong inl (_↠_.right-inverse-of A↠C x))               ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

           trans (sym (cong (_⇔_.to equiv  _⇔_.from equiv)
                         (glue (x , y))))
             (trans (cong inl (_↠_.right-inverse-of A↠C x))
                (cong id (glue (x , y))))                          ≡⟨ cong₂ trans
                                                                        (cong sym $ sym $ cong-∘ _ _ _)
                                                                        (cong (trans _) $ sym $ cong-id _) 
           trans (sym (cong (_⇔_.to equiv)
                         (cong (_⇔_.from equiv) (glue (x , y)))))
             (trans (cong inl (_↠_.right-inverse-of A↠C x))
                (glue (x , y)))                                    ≡⟨ cong (flip trans _) $ cong sym $
                                                                      trans (cong (cong _) PO.rec-glue) $
           trans (sym (glue ( _↠_.to A↠C (_↠_.from A↠C x)
                            , _↠_.to B↠D (_↠_.from B↠D y)
             (trans (cong inl (_↠_.right-inverse-of A↠C x))
                (glue (x , y)))                                    ≡⟨ elim₁
                                                                         {x′} eq 
                                                                           trans (sym (glue (x′ , _↠_.to B↠D (_↠_.from B↠D y))))
                                                                             (trans (cong inl eq) (glue (x , y))) 
                                                                           cong inr (_↠_.right-inverse-of B↠D y))
                                                                            {y′} eq 
                                                                              trans (sym (glue (x , y′)))
                                                                                (trans (cong inl (refl _)) (glue (x , y))) 
                                                                              cong inr eq)
                                                                           (trans (trans (cong (trans _) $
                                                                                          trans (cong (flip trans _) $
                                                                                                 cong-refl _) $
                                                                                          trans-reflˡ _) $
                                                                                   trans-symˡ _) $
                                                                            sym $ cong-refl _)
                                                                        _ ⟩∎
           cong inr (_↠_.right-inverse-of B↠D y)                   )
  equiv =
      (_↠_.logical-equivalence A↠C)
      (_↠_.logical-equivalence B↠D)

-- Join preserves bijections.

Join-cong-↔ : A  C  B  D  Join A B  Join C D
Join-cong-↔ A↔C B↔D = record
  { surjection =
        (_↔_.surjection A↔C)
        (_↔_.surjection B↔D)
  ; left-inverse-of =
      _↠_.right-inverse-of $
          (_↔_.surjection $ inverse A↔C)
          (_↔_.surjection $ inverse B↔D)

-- Join preserves equivalences.

Join-cong-≃ : A  C  B  D  Join A B  Join C D
Join-cong-≃ A≃C B≃D =
  Eq.↔⇒≃ $ Join-cong-↔ (_≃_.bijection A≃C) (_≃_.bijection B≃D)

-- Join preserves equivalences with erased proofs.

Join-cong-≃ᴱ : A ≃ᴱ C  B ≃ᴱ D  Join A B ≃ᴱ Join C D
Join-cong-≃ᴱ A≃ᴱC B≃ᴱD =
  EEq.[≃]→≃ᴱ (EEq.[proofs] $ Join-cong-≃ (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃ A≃ᴱC) (EEq.≃ᴱ→≃ B≃ᴱD))

-- Some negative results

-- The constructor inl is not necessarily injective.

¬-Injective-inl :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} {B : Type b}  Injective (inl {S = Join-span A B}))
¬-Injective-inl =
  (∀ {A B}  Injective (inl {S = Join-span A B}))                →⟨  hyp  hyp) 
  Injective (inl {S = Join-span ( _ Bool) ( _ )})             →⟨  hyp  hyp) 
  (inl (lift true)  inl (lift false)  lift true  lift false)  →⟨ _$ inl-true≡inl-false 
  lift true  lift false                                         →⟨ Bool.true≢false  cong lower ⟩□
  inl-true≡inl-false =
    inl (lift true)   ≡⟨ glue _ 
    inr (lift tt)     ≡⟨ sym $ glue _ ⟩∎
    inl (lift false)  

-- The constructor inl is not necessarily an embedding.

¬-Is-embedding-inl :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} {B : Type b}  Is-embedding (inl {S = Join-span A B}))
¬-Is-embedding-inl =
  (∀ {A B}  Is-embedding (inl {S = Join-span A B}))  →⟨  hyp  Emb.injective hyp) 
  (∀ {A B}  Injective (inl {S = Join-span A B}))     →⟨ ¬-Injective-inl ⟩□

-- The constructor inr is not necessarily injective.

¬-Injective-inr :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} {B : Type b}  Injective (inr {S = Join-span A B}))
¬-Injective-inr =
  (∀ {A B}  Injective (inr {S = Join-span A B}))                →⟨  hyp  hyp) 
  Injective (inr {S = Join-span ( _ ) ( _ Bool)})             →⟨  hyp  hyp) 
  (inr (lift true)  inr (lift false)  lift true  lift false)  →⟨ _$ inr-true≡inr-false 
  lift true  lift false                                         →⟨ Bool.true≢false  cong lower ⟩□
  inr-true≡inr-false =
    inr (lift true)   ≡⟨ sym $ glue _ 
    inl (lift tt)     ≡⟨ glue _ ⟩∎
    inr (lift false)  

-- The constructor inr is not necessarily an embedding.

¬-Is-embedding-inr :
  ¬ ({A : Type a} {B : Type b}  Is-embedding (inr {S = Join-span A B}))
¬-Is-embedding-inr =
  (∀ {A B}  Is-embedding (inr {S = Join-span A B}))  →⟨  hyp  Emb.injective hyp) 
  (∀ {A B}  Injective (inr {S = Join-span A B}))     →⟨ ¬-Injective-inr ⟩□

-- It is not the case that Join preserves injections.

¬-Join-cong-↣ :
  ¬ (∀ {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} {D : Type d} 
     A  C  B  D  Join A B  Join C D)
¬-Join-cong-↣ =
  (∀ {A B C D}  A  C  B  D  Join A B  Join C D)  →⟨  hyp  hyp) 

  ( _ Bool   _ Bool     _  
   Join ( _ Bool)   Join ( _ Bool) ( _ ))        →⟨  hyp  hyp Bool↣Bool ⊥↣⊤) 

  Join ( _ Bool)   Join ( _ Bool) ( _ )          →⟨  hyp 

    Bool                                                     ↔⟨ inverse B.↑↔ 
     _ Bool                                                 ↔⟨ inverse Join-⊥ʳ 
    Join ( _ Bool)                                         ↝⟨ hyp 
    Join ( _ Bool) ( _ )                                  ↔⟨ Join-cong-↔ F.id B.↑↔ 
    Join ( _ Bool)                                         ↔⟨ Join-⊤ʳ ⟩□

  Bool                                               →⟨  hyp  _↣_.injective hyp (refl _)) 

  true  false                                         →⟨ Bool.true≢false ⟩□

  Bool↣Bool =
     _ Bool  ↔⟨ B.↑↔ 
    Bool      ↔⟨ inverse B.↑↔ ⟩□
     _ Bool  

  ⊥↣⊤ = record
    { to        = λ ()
    ; injective = λ {}

-- It is not the case that Join preserves embeddings.

¬-Join-cong-Embedding :
  ¬ (∀ {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} {D : Type d} 
     Embedding A C  Embedding B D  Embedding (Join A B) (Join C D))
¬-Join-cong-Embedding =
  (∀ {A B C D} 
   Embedding A C  Embedding B D  Embedding (Join A B) (Join C D))  →⟨  hyp  hyp) 

  (Embedding ( _ Bool) ( _ Bool)  Embedding  ( _ ) 
   Embedding (Join ( _ Bool) ) (Join ( _ Bool) ( _ )))          →⟨  hyp  hyp Bool↣Bool ⊥↣⊤) 

  Embedding (Join ( _ Bool) ) (Join ( _ Bool) ( _ ))            →⟨  hyp 

    Bool                                                                   ↔⟨ inverse B.↑↔ 
     _ Bool                                                               ↔⟨ inverse Join-⊥ʳ 
    Join ( _ Bool)                                                       ↝⟨ hyp 
    Join ( _ Bool) ( _ )                                                ↔⟨ Join-cong-↔ F.id B.↑↔ 
    Join ( _ Bool)                                                       ↔⟨ Join-⊤ʳ ⟩□

  Embedding Bool                                                    →⟨  hyp  Emb.injective (Embedding.is-embedding hyp) (refl _)) 

  true  false                                                       →⟨ Bool.true≢false ⟩□

  Bool↣Bool =
     _ Bool  ↔⟨ B.↑↔ 
    Bool      ↔⟨ inverse B.↑↔ ⟩□
     _ Bool  

  ⊥↣⊤ = record
    { to           = λ ()
    ; is-embedding = λ ()

-- The closed modality


  -- A lemma used below.

  Join≃⊤ : Is-proposition A  A  Join A B  
  Join≃⊤ {A} {B} prop x =
    Join A B  ↔⟨ flip Join-cong-↔ F.id $
                 _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                 propositional⇒inhabited⇒contractible prop x 
    Join  B  ↝⟨ Join-⊤ˡ ⟩□

-- The closed modality related to a proposition.
-- This definition is based on "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
-- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

Closed : (A : Type a)  Is-proposition A  Modality a
Closed A prop = Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse.modality λ where
  .Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse.◯  Join A

  .Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse.η  inr

  .Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse.Modal B 
    A  Contractible B

  .Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse.Modal-propositional ext 
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    H-level-propositional ext 0

  .Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse.Modal-◯ {A = B} 
    A                        →⟨ Join≃⊤ prop 
    Join A B               ↔⟨ inverse $ contractible↔≃⊤ ext ⟩□
    Contractible (Join A B)  

  .Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse.Modal-respects-≃ {A = B} {B = C} B≃C 
    (A  Contractible B)  →⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  H-level-cong _ 0 B≃C) ⟩□
    (A  Contractible C)  

  .Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse.Σ-closed mB mQ x 
    Σ-closure 0 (mB x) (flip mQ x)

  .Σ-closed-reflective-subuniverse.extendable-along-η {B = C} {A = B} 
    let lemma hyp =
          _≃_.is-equivalence $
            ((Join A B  C)                                               ↔⟨ PO.Pushout→↔Cocone 

             ( λ (f : A  C)   λ (g : B  C) 
                ((x , y) : A × B)  f x  g y)                            ↔⟨ ∃-comm 

             ( λ (g : B  C)   λ (f : A  C) 
                ((x , y) : A × B)  f x  g y)                            ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                (A  C)                                                          ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ x 
                                                                                     _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                                     hyp x) 
                (A  )                                                          ↝⟨ →-right-zero ⟩□

             ( λ (g : B  C)  ((x , y) : A × B)  proj₁ (hyp x)  g y)  ↔⟨ (drop-⊤-right λ _ 
                                                                              _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                              Π-closure ext 0 λ (x , _) 
                                                                              H-level.⇒≡ 0 $ hyp x) ⟩□
             (B  C)                                                      )
    (A  Contractible C)                                  →⟨ lemma 
    Is-equivalence  (f : Join A B  C)  f  inr)       ↔⟨ inverse $ PS.Is-∞-extendable-along≃Is-equivalence ext ⟩□
    Is-∞-extendable-along-[ inr ]  (_ : Join A B)  C)  

-- Closed A prop is topological.
-- This definition is based on "Modalities in Homotopy Type Theory" by
-- Rijke, Shulman and Spitters.

Closed-topological :
  {A : Type a}
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  Topological (Closed A prop)
Closed-topological {A} prop =
    ( A
    ,  _  )
    ,  B 
         (A  Contractible B)                                             ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  contractible↔≃⊤ ext) 
         (A  B  )                                                      ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  Eq.≃-preserves ext F.id (inverse $ Π⊥↔⊤ ext)) 
         (A  B  (  B))                                                ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  record
                                                                                { from = Eq.⟨ _ ,_⟩
                                                                                ; to   = λ eq 
                                                                                    _≃_.is-equivalence $
                                                                                       _  ⟨ext⟩ λ ())
         (A  Is-equivalence (const  (B    B)))                       ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse $
                                                                              PS.Is-∞-extendable-along≃Is-equivalence-const ext) ⟩□
         (A  Is-∞-extendable-along-[  (_ : )  lift tt) ]  _  B))  )
  ,  _  ⊥-propositional)

-- Closed A prop is empty-modal exactly when ¬ A holds.
-- Something like this was suggested by the audience (Thierry Coquand
-- as well as one or more other persons) when I presented some work to
-- the Proglog group.

Empty-modal-Closed≃¬ :
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  Empty-modal (Closed A prop)  (¬ A)
Empty-modal-Closed≃¬ {A} prop =
  (A  Contractible )  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  _⇔_.from (≃⊥≃¬ _) ¬-⊥-contractible) ⟩□
  (A  )               

-- The following two lemmas are due to Christian Sattler. (I was not
-- informed of these lemmas directly by Christian, so perhaps his
-- formulation was a bit different.) I think Christian came up with
-- these lemmas after David Wärn told him how one could construct a
-- model that showed that it is not the case that every topological
-- modality is very modal.

-- Closed A prop is very modal exactly when Dec A holds.

Very-modal-Closed≃Dec :
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  Very-modal (Closed A prop)  Dec A
Very-modal-Closed≃Dec {A} prop =
    (Very-modal-propositional ext (Closed _ prop))
    (Dec-closure-propositional ext prop)
    (Very-modal (Closed A prop)  →⟨  very-modal  very-modal) 
     Join A (Modal )            →⟨ ◯-map Modal→Stable 
     Join A (Join A   )       ↔⟨ ◯-cong-≃ $ →-cong ext Join-⊥ʳ (from-bijection ⊥↔⊥) 
     Join A (¬ A)                ↔⟨ Join-¬≃Dec ⟩□
     Dec A                       )
    [  inh  inl inh) ,  not-inh  inr (⊥-elim  not-inh)) ]
  open Modality (Closed A prop)

-- Closed is very modal for every proposition (in a certain universe)
-- exactly when excluded middle holds (for that universe).

Very-modal-Closed≃Excluded-middle :
  ({A : Type a} (prop : Is-proposition A) 
   Very-modal (Closed A prop)) 
  Excluded-middle a
Very-modal-Closed≃Excluded-middle =
  implicit-∀-cong ext $
  ∀-cong ext λ prop 
  Very-modal-Closed≃Dec prop

-- Very-modal-Closed≃Dec can be extended with properties related to
-- choice.

Very-modal-Closed≃Has-choice-Closed≃Dec :
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
    ( Very-modal              (Closed A prop)
    , Modality.Has-choice     (Closed A prop)
    , Modality.Has-choice-for (Closed A prop) A
    , Dec A
Very-modal-Closed≃Has-choice-Closed≃Dec {A} prop =
    ( (Very-modal (Closed A prop)  →⟨ Very-modal.has-choice (Closed A prop) ⟩⇔
       Has-choice                  →⟨  hyp  hyp) ⟩⇔
       Has-choice-for A            →⟨ lemma ⟩⇔□)
    , (Dec A                       →⟨ _≃_.from (Very-modal-Closed≃Dec prop) ⟩□
       Very-modal (Closed A prop)  )
  , ( Very-modal-propositional ext (Closed A prop)
    , Has-choice-propositional ext
    , Has-choice-for-propositional ext
    , Dec-closure-propositional ext prop
    , _
  open Modality (Closed A prop)

  lemma : Has-choice-for A  Dec A
  lemma has-choice =    $⟨ inj₁ 
    (A  Dec A)         ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse Join-¬≃Dec) 
    (A  Join A (¬ A))  ↔⟨ inverse Eq.⟨ _ , _≃_.to (Has-choice-for≃Is-equivalence-◯Π→Π◯ ext) has-choice  
    Join A (A  ¬ A)    ↔⟨ Join-cong-↔ F.id (→→proposition↔→ ext ⊥-propositional) 
    Join A (¬ A)        ↝⟨ Join-¬≃Dec ⟩□
    Dec A               

-- Very-modal-Closed≃Excluded-middle can be extended with properties
-- related to choice.

Very-modal-Closed≃Has-choice-Closed≃Excluded-middle :
    ( ({A : Type a} (prop : Is-proposition A) 
       Very-modal (Closed A prop))
    , ({A : Type a} (prop : Is-proposition A) 
       Modality.Has-choice (Closed A prop))
    , ({A : Type a} (prop : Is-proposition A) 
       Modality.Has-choice-for (Closed A prop) A)
    , Excluded-middle a
Very-modal-Closed≃Has-choice-Closed≃Excluded-middle =
  Equivalent-Implicit-forall ext λ _ 
  Equivalent-Forall ext λ prop 
  Very-modal-Closed≃Has-choice-Closed≃Dec prop

-- Closed A prop is accessibility-modal for a relation exactly when
-- ¬ A holds.

Accessibility-modal-for-Closed≃¬ :
  {_<_ : B  B  Type a} 
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  Modality.Accessibility-modal-for (Closed A prop) _<_  (¬ A)
Accessibility-modal-for-Closed≃¬ {a} {A} {_<_} prop =
    (Accessibility-modal-for-propositional ext)
    (¬-propositional ext)
    (flip λ x 
       let witness : {B : Type a}  Join A B
           witness = λ {B = B} 
                       $⟨ _ 
                      ↝⟨ inverse $ Join≃⊤ prop x ⟩□
             Join A B  
       Accessibility-modal-for _<_         →⟨ Stable-Acc-[]◯ 
       Stable (A.Acc _[ _<_ ]◯_ (inl x))   →⟨ Stable-respects-⇔ record
                                                { to   = λ acc  A.Acc-map  _  witness) acc
                                                ; from = λ acc  A.Acc-map _ acc
       Stable (A.Acc  _ _  ) (inl x))  →⟨ _$ witness 
       A.Acc  _ _  ) (inl x)           →⟨ A.<→¬-Acc _ ⟩□
    (¬ A                             →⟨  not-inh 
                                              acc  Modal→Acc→Acc-[]◯-η (⊥-elim  not-inh) (stable not-inh) acc)
                                           , stable not-inh) ⟩□
     Accessibility-modal-for _<_     )
  open Modality (Closed A prop)

  stable : ¬ A  Join A B  B
  stable {B} not-inh =
    Join A B   ↔⟨ Join-cong-≃ (_⇔_.from (≃⊥≃¬ _) not-inh) F.id 
    Join ⊥₀ B  ↔⟨ Join-⊥ˡ ⟩□

-- Closed A prop is accessibility-modal exactly when ¬ A holds.

Accessibility-modal-Closed≃¬ :
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  Modality.Accessibility-modal (Closed A prop)  (¬ A)
Accessibility-modal-Closed≃¬ {A} prop =
    (Accessibility-modal-propositional ext)
    (¬-propositional ext)
       _≃_.to (Accessibility-modal-for-Closed≃¬
                 {_<_ = λ (_ _ : )  }
       _≃_.from (Accessibility-modal-for-Closed≃¬ prop) not-inh)
  open Modality (Closed A prop)

-- Closed A prop is accessibility-modal exactly when it is
-- empty-modal.

Accessibility-modal-Closed≃Empty-modal-Closed :
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  Modality.Accessibility-modal (Closed A prop) 
  Empty-modal (Closed A prop)
Accessibility-modal-Closed≃Empty-modal-Closed {A} prop =
  Accessibility-modal          ↝⟨ Accessibility-modal-Closed≃¬ prop 
  ¬ A                          ↝⟨ inverse $ Empty-modal-Closed≃¬ prop ⟩□
  Empty-modal (Closed A prop)  
  open Modality (Closed A prop)

-- Closed A prop is W-modal exactly when it is empty-modal.

W-modal-Closed≃Empty-modal-Closed :
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  W-modal (Closed A prop) 
  Empty-modal (Closed A prop)
W-modal-Closed≃Empty-modal-Closed {A} prop =
    (W-modal-propositional {M = Closed A prop} ext)
    (Empty-modal-propositional {M = Closed A prop} ext)
    (Empty-modal (Closed A prop)  →⟨  hyp 
                                          _≃_.to (Empty-modal-Closed≃¬ prop) hyp
                                        , _≃_.from (Accessibility-modal-Closed≃Empty-modal-Closed prop) hyp) 
     ¬ A × Accessibility-modal    →⟨  (hyp₁ , hyp₂) 
                                          (Closed A prop)
                                          (_≃_.from (Very-modal-Closed≃Dec prop) (inj₂ hyp₁))
                                          hyp₂ ext) ⟩□
     W-modal (Closed A prop)      )
  open Modality (Closed A prop)

-- Closed A prop commutes with Σ.

Closed-commutes-with-Σ :
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  Modality.Commutes-with-Σ (Closed A prop)
Closed-commutes-with-Σ {A} prop =
  Modality.commutes-with-Σ (Closed A prop) ext

-- If Dec A holds, then Closed A prop commutes with Erased.

Dec→Closed-commutes-with-Erased :
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  Dec A  Modality.Commutes-with-Erased (Closed A prop)
Dec→Closed-commutes-with-Erased {A} prop =
  Dec A                       →⟨ _≃_.from $ Very-modal-Closed≃Dec prop 
  Very-modal (Closed A prop)  →⟨  very-modal 
                                      (Closed A prop)
                                      E.instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation) ⟩□
  open Modality (Closed A prop)

-- If Closed A prop commutes with Erased, then Dec A is very stable
-- (for Erased).

Closed-commutes-with-Erased→Very-stable-Dec :
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  Modality.Commutes-with-Erased (Closed A prop)  E.Very-stable (Dec A)
Closed-commutes-with-Erased→Very-stable-Dec {A} prop comm =
  _≃_.is-equivalence $
    (E.H-level-Erased 1 Dec-prop)
    (Erased (Dec A)         ↔⟨ inverse $ E.Erased-cong-≃ Join-¬≃Dec 
     Erased (Join A (¬ A))  ↔⟨ inverse Eq.⟨ _ , comm  
     Join A (Erased (¬ A))  ↔⟨ Join-cong-≃ F.id (E.Stable-[]-¬ ext) 
     Join A (¬ A)           ↔⟨ Join-¬≃Dec ⟩□
     Dec A                  )
  open Modality (Closed A prop)

  Dec-prop : Is-proposition (Dec A)
  Dec-prop = Dec-closure-propositional ext prop

-- If Dec A holds in erased contexts, then Closed A prop commutes with
-- Erased exactly when Dec A holds.

Dec→Closed-commutes-with-Erased≃Dec :
  (prop : Is-proposition A) 
  @0 Dec A 
  Modality.Commutes-with-Erased (Closed A prop)  Dec A
Dec→Closed-commutes-with-Erased≃Dec {A} prop dec =
    (Commutes-with-Erased-propositional ext)
    (Dec-closure-propositional ext prop)
    (Commutes-with-Erased   →⟨ Closed-commutes-with-Erased→Very-stable-Dec prop 
     E.Very-stable (Dec A)  →⟨  vs  E.Very-stable→Stable 0 vs E.[ dec ]) ⟩□
     Dec A                  )
    (Dec→Closed-commutes-with-Erased prop)
  open Modality (Closed A prop)

-- If excluded middle holds in erased contexts, then Closed commutes
-- with Erased for every proposition (in a certain universe) exactly
-- when excluded middle holds (for that universe).

Excluded-middle→Closed-commutes-with-Erased≃Excluded-middle :
  @0 Excluded-middle a 
  ({A : Type a} (prop : Is-proposition A) 
   Modality.Commutes-with-Erased (Closed A prop)) 
  Excluded-middle a
Excluded-middle→Closed-commutes-with-Erased≃Excluded-middle em =
  implicit-∀-cong ext $
  ∀-cong ext λ prop 
  Dec→Closed-commutes-with-Erased≃Dec prop (em prop)