-- An alternative definition of listed finite subsets

-- The code in this module is based on Frumin, Geuvers, Gondelman and
-- van der Weide's "Finite Sets in Homotopy Type Theory". However, the
-- type of subsets is defined mutually with a membership predicate,
-- and two higher constructors have been replaced by a constructor
-- that states that extensionally equal subsets are equal.
-- The type in this module is perhaps harder to work with than the one
-- in Finite-subset.Listed: the "natural" eliminator only works for
-- motives that are propositional. However, the two types are shown to
-- be equivalent.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Finite-subset.Listed.Alternative
  {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p c⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq hiding (elim)

import Equality.Path.Univalence as EPU
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude hiding (_∷_; swap)

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
import Bijection P.equality-with-J as PB
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
import Equivalence P.equality-with-J as PEq
import Finite-subset.Listed eq as Listed
import Finite-subset.Listed.Membership eq as LM
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
import H-level P.equality-with-J as PH
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
import H-level.Closure P.equality-with-J as PHC
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq as Trunc
  using (∥_∥; _∥⊎∥_)
open import Injection equality-with-J using (Injective)
import Univalence-axiom P.equality-with-J as PU

    a b p                 : Level
    A B                   : Type a
    P                     : A  Type p
    x x∼y y y₁ y₂ z z₁ z₂ : A

-- Listed finite subsets


  -- Listed finite subsets of a given type, defined mutually with a
  -- membership predicate.

  infixr 5 _∷_

  data Finite-subset-of (A : Type a) : Type a where
    []              : Finite-subset-of A
    _∷_             : A  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A
    extensionalityᴾ : x  y  x P.≡ y
    is-setᴾ         : P.Is-set (Finite-subset-of A)


    Membership :
      {A : Type a}  A  Finite-subset-of A  PH.Proposition a

  -- Membership.

  infix 4 _∈_

  _∈_ : {A : Type a}  A  Finite-subset-of A  Type a
  x  y = proj₁ (Membership x y)

  -- Membership is propositional.

  ∈-propositionalᴾ :  y  P.Is-proposition (x  y)
  ∈-propositionalᴾ y = proj₂ (Membership _ y)

  -- Extensional equality.

  infix 4 _∼_

  _∼_ :
    {A : Type a}  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A  Type a
  x  y =  z  z  x  z  y

  Membership x [] =
     , PHC.⊥-propositional

  Membership x (y  z) =
    (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z) , Trunc.truncation-is-propositionᴾ

  Membership x (extensionalityᴾ {x = y} {y = z} y∼z i) =
    lemma i
    lemma : Membership x y P.≡ Membership x z
    lemma = P.Σ-≡,≡→≡
      (x  y  P.≡⟨ PEq._≃_.from
                     (PU.Propositional-extensionality-is-univalence-for-propositions P.ext)
                      _ _  EPU.univ)
                     (∈-propositionalᴾ y)
                     (∈-propositionalᴾ z)
                     (y∼z x) ⟩∎
       x  z  )
      (PHC.H-level-propositional P.ext 1 _ _)

  Membership x (is-setᴾ {x = y} {y = z} p q i j) =
      {x = λ _  Membership x y}
      {y = λ _  Membership x z}
      {p = λ i  Membership x (p i)}
      {q = λ i  Membership x (q i)}
      (PU.∃-H-level-H-level-1+ P.ext EPU.univ 1)
      i j

-- Variants of some of the constructors.

extensionality : x  y  x  y
extensionality = _↔_.from ≡↔≡  extensionalityᴾ

is-set : Is-set (Finite-subset-of A)
is-set =
  _↔_.from (H-level↔H-level 2) Finite-subset-of.is-setᴾ

-- Membership is propositional.

∈-propositional :  y  Is-proposition (x  y)
∈-propositional = _↔_.from (H-level↔H-level 1)  ∈-propositionalᴾ

-- Unit tests documenting some of the computational behaviour of _∈_.

_ : (x  [])  
_ = refl _

_ : (x  y  z)  (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z)
_ = refl _

-- Eliminators


  -- The following dependent eliminator is not exported, because the
  -- motive is necessarily pointwise propositional (see
  -- motive-propositional below).

  record Elimᴾ′ {A : Type a} (P : Finite-subset-of A  Type p) :
                Type (a  p) where
      []ʳ             : P []
      ∷ʳ              :  x  P y  P (x  y)
      is-setʳ         :  x  P.Is-set (P x)
      extensionalityʳ :
        (p : P x) (q : P y) 
        P.[  i  P (extensionalityᴾ {x = x} {y = y} x∼y i)) ] p  q

  open Elimᴾ′

  elimᴾ′ : Elimᴾ′ P  (x : Finite-subset-of A)  P x
  elimᴾ′ {A} {P} e = helper
    module E = Elimᴾ′ e

    helper : (x : Finite-subset-of A)  P x
    helper []      = E.[]ʳ
    helper (x  y) = E.∷ʳ x (helper y)

    helper (extensionalityᴾ {x} {y} _ i) =
      E.extensionalityʳ (helper x) (helper y) i

    helper (is-setᴾ x y i j) =
        E.is-setʳ (is-setᴾ x y)
         i  helper (x i))  i  helper (y i)) i j

  -- The motive is necessarily pointwise propositional.

  motive-propositional :
    Elimᴾ′ P   x  P.Is-proposition (P x)
  motive-propositional {P} e x p q =
    p                                         P.≡⟨ P.sym $ P.subst-refl P _ 
    P.subst P P.refl p                        P.≡⟨ P.cong  eq  P.subst P eq p) $ is-setᴾ _ _ 
    P.subst P (extensionalityᴾ λ _  F.id) p  P.≡⟨ PB._↔_.to (P.heterogeneous↔homogeneous _)
                                                     (e .extensionalityʳ {x∼y = λ _  F.id} p q) ⟩∎

-- A dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Elimᴾ {A : Type a} (P : Finite-subset-of A  Type p) :
             Type (a  p) where
    []ʳ             : P []
    ∷ʳ              :  x  P y  P (x  y)
    is-propositionʳ :  x  P.Is-proposition (P x)

open Elimᴾ public

elimᴾ : Elimᴾ P  (x : Finite-subset-of A)  P x
elimᴾ {A} {P} e = elimᴾ′ e′
  module E = Elimᴾ e

  e′ : Elimᴾ′ _
  e′ .[]ʳ                 = e .[]ʳ
  e′ .∷ʳ                  = e .∷ʳ
  e′ .is-setʳ             = PH.mono₁ 1  e .is-propositionʳ
  e′ .extensionalityʳ _ _ =
    PB._↔_.from (P.heterogeneous↔homogeneous _)
      (e .is-propositionʳ _ _ _)

-- A non-dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Recᴾ (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
    []ʳ             : B
    ∷ʳ              : A  Finite-subset-of A  B  B
    is-propositionʳ : P.Is-proposition B

open Recᴾ public

recᴾ : Recᴾ A B  Finite-subset-of A  B
recᴾ {A} {B} r = elimᴾ e
  module R = Recᴾ r

  e : Elimᴾ _
  e .[]ʳ               = R.[]ʳ
  e .∷ʳ {y} x          = R.∷ʳ x y
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = R.is-propositionʳ

-- A dependent eliminator, expressed using equality.

record Elim
         {A : Type a} (P : Finite-subset-of A  Type p) :
         Type (a  p) where
    []ʳ             : P []
    ∷ʳ              :  x  P y  P (x  y)
    is-propositionʳ :  x  Is-proposition (P x)

open Elim public

elim : Elim P  (x : Finite-subset-of A)  P x
elim e = elimᴾ e′
  module E = Elim e

  e′ : Elimᴾ _
  e′ .[]ʳ             = E.[]ʳ
  e′ .∷ʳ              = E.∷ʳ
  e′ .is-propositionʳ = _↔_.to (H-level↔H-level 1)  E.is-propositionʳ

-- A non-dependent eliminator, expressed using equality.

record Rec (A : Type a) (B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
    []ʳ             : B
    ∷ʳ              : A  Finite-subset-of A  B  B
    is-propositionʳ : Is-proposition B

open Rec public

rec : Rec A B  Finite-subset-of A  B
rec r = elim e
  module R = Rec r

  e : Elim _
  e .[]ʳ               = R.[]ʳ
  e .∷ʳ {y} x          = R.∷ʳ x y
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = R.is-propositionʳ

-- Some lemmas

-- If A is inhabited, then Finite-subset-of A is not a proposition.

¬-proposition : A  ¬ Is-proposition (Finite-subset-of A)
¬-proposition {A} x =
  Is-proposition (Finite-subset-of A)  ↝⟨  hyp  hyp _ _) 
  x  []  []                          ↝⟨  hyp  subst (x ∈_) hyp (Trunc.∣inj₁∣ (refl _))) 
  x  []                               ↔⟨ ⊥↔⊥ ⟩□


  -- Duplicated elements can be dropped.

  drop : x  x  y  x  y
  drop {x} {y} = extensionality λ z 
    z  x ∥⊎∥ (z  x ∥⊎∥ z  y)  ↔⟨ Trunc.drop-left-∥⊎∥ Trunc.∥⊎∥-propositional Trunc.∣inj₁∣ ⟩□
    z  x ∥⊎∥ z  y              

  -- The "first" two elements can be swapped.

  swap : x  y  z  y  x  z
  swap {x} {y} {z} = extensionality λ u 
    u  x ∥⊎∥ (u  y ∥⊎∥ u  z)  ↔⟨ Trunc.∥⊎∥-assoc 
    (u  x ∥⊎∥ u  y) ∥⊎∥ u  z  ↔⟨ Trunc.∥⊎∥-comm Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong F.id 
    (u  y ∥⊎∥ u  x) ∥⊎∥ u  z  ↔⟨ inverse Trunc.∥⊎∥-assoc ⟩□
    u  y ∥⊎∥ (u  x ∥⊎∥ u  z)  

-- If x is a member of y, then x ∷ y is equal to y.

∈→∷≡ : x  y  x  y  y
∈→∷≡ {x} = elim e _
  e : Elim  y  x  y  x  y  y)
  e .∷ʳ {y} z hyp =
    Trunc.rec is-set
      [  x≡z 
           x  z  y  ≡⟨ cong  x  x  _) x≡z 
           z  z  y  ≡⟨ drop ⟩∎
           z  y      )
      ,  x∈y 
           x  z  y  ≡⟨ swap 
           z  x  y  ≡⟨ cong (_ ∷_) (hyp x∈y) ⟩∎
           z  y      )

  e .is-propositionʳ _ =
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- Some operations

-- Singleton subsets.

singleton : A  Finite-subset-of A
singleton x = x  []

-- A lemma characterising singleton.

∈singleton≃ :
  (x  singleton y)   x  y 
∈singleton≃ {x} {y} =
  x  singleton y  ↔⟨⟩
  x  y ∥⊎∥       ↔⟨ Trunc.∥∥-cong $ drop-⊥-right ⊥↔⊥ ⟩□
   x  y         

-- If truncated equality is decidable, then membership is also
-- decidable.

member? :
  ((x y : A)  Dec  x  y ) 
  (x : A) (y : Finite-subset-of A)  Dec (x  y)
member? equal? x = elim e
  e : Elim _
  e .[]ʳ          = no λ ()
  e .∷ʳ {y = z} y = case equal? x y of
    [   ∥x≡y∥ _  yes (Trunc.∥∥-map inj₁ ∥x≡y∥))
    ,  ¬∥x≡y∥ 
         [  x∈z  yes (Trunc.∣inj₂∣ x∈z))
         ,  x∉z  no (
              x  y  z        ↔⟨⟩
              x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z  ↝⟨ Trunc.∥∥-map [ ¬∥x≡y∥  Trunc.∣_∣ , x∉z ] 
                            ↔⟨ Trunc.not-inhabited⇒∥∥↔⊥ id ⟩□
  e .is-propositionʳ y =
    Dec-closure-propositional ext (∈-propositional y)

-- The union operation


  -- A specification of what it means for a subset to be the union of
  -- two subsets.

  Is-union-of :
    {A : Type a} (_ _ _ : Finite-subset-of A)  Type a
  Is-union-of x y z =  u  (u  z)  (u  x ∥⊎∥ u  y)

  -- Is-union-of x y is functional.

  Is-union-of-functional :
    (x y : Finite-subset-of A) 
    Is-union-of x y z₁  Is-union-of x y z₂ 
    z₁  z₂
  Is-union-of-functional {z₁} {z₂} x y p₁ p₂ =
    extensionality λ u 
      u  z₁           ↔⟨ p₁ u 
      u  x ∥⊎∥ u  y  ↔⟨ inverse $ p₂ u ⟩□
      u  z₂           

  -- Is-union-of is propositional.

  Is-union-of-propositional :
    (x y z : Finite-subset-of A) 
    Is-proposition (Is-union-of x y z)
  Is-union-of-propositional x y z =
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
    Eq.left-closure ext 0 (∈-propositional z)

  -- The union operation, along with a correctness proof.

  union : (x y : Finite-subset-of A)   (Is-union-of x y)
  union = elim e
    e : Elim _
    e .[]ʳ y =
      , λ u 
          u  y        ↔⟨ inverse $ Trunc.∥⊎∥-left-identity (∈-propositional y) ⟩□
           ∥⊎∥ u  y  

    e .∷ʳ {y} x hyp z =
        x  proj₁ (hyp z)
      , λ u 
          u  x  proj₁ (hyp z)        ↔⟨⟩
          u  x ∥⊎∥ u  proj₁ (hyp z)  ↝⟨ F.id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong proj₂ (hyp z) u 
          u  x ∥⊎∥ (u  y ∥⊎∥ u  z)  ↔⟨ Trunc.∥⊎∥-assoc 
          (u  x ∥⊎∥ u  y) ∥⊎∥ u  z  ↔⟨⟩
          u  x  y ∥⊎∥ u  z          

    e .is-propositionʳ x f g = ⟨ext⟩ λ y 
        (Is-union-of-functional x y (proj₂ (f y)) (proj₂ (g y)))
        (Is-union-of-propositional x y (proj₁ (g y)) _ _)

-- The union of two finite subsets.

infixr 5 _∪_

_∪_ :
  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A 
  Finite-subset-of A
x  y = proj₁ (union x y)

-- Unit tests documenting some of the computational behaviour of _∪_.

_ : []  x  x
_ = refl _

_ : (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)
_ = refl _

-- Membership of a union of two subsets can be expressed in terms of
-- membership of the subsets.

∈∪≃∈∥⊎∥∈ :  y  (x  y  z)  (x  y ∥⊎∥ x  z)
∈∪≃∈∥⊎∥∈ {z} y = proj₂ (union y z) _

-- If x is a member of y, then x is a member of y ∪ z.

∈→∈∪ˡ :  y  x  y  x  y  z
∈→∈∪ˡ y = _≃_.from (∈∪≃∈∥⊎∥∈ y)  Trunc.∣inj₁∣

-- If x is a member of z, then x is a member of y ∪ z.

∈→∈∪ʳ :  y  x  z  x  y  z
∈→∈∪ʳ y = _≃_.from (∈∪≃∈∥⊎∥∈ y)  Trunc.∣inj₂∣

-- [] is a right identity of _∪_.

∪[] :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A) 
  x  []  x
∪[] = elim e
  e : Elim _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set
  e .[]ʳ               = refl _
  e .∷ʳ {y} x hyp      =
    x  y  []  ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) hyp ⟩∎
    x  y        

-- A lemma relating _∪_ and _∷_.

∪∷ :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A) 
  x  (y  z)  y  x  z
∪∷ {y} {z} = elim e
  e : Elim _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set

  e .[]ʳ = refl _

  e .∷ʳ {y = u} x hyp =
    (x  u)  (y  z)  ≡⟨⟩
    x  u  (y  z)    ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) hyp 
    x  y  u  z      ≡⟨ swap 
    y  x  u  z      ≡⟨⟩
    y  (x  u)  z    

-- The union operator is associative.

∪-assoc :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A) 
  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  z
∪-assoc {y} {z} = elim e
  e : Elim _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set

  e .[]ʳ = refl _

  e .∷ʳ {y = u} x hyp =
    x  u  (y  z)  ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) hyp ⟩∎
    x  (u  y)  z  

-- The union operator is commutative.

∪-comm :
  (x : Finite-subset-of A) 
  x  y  y  x
∪-comm {y} = elim e
  e : Elim _
  e .is-propositionʳ _ = is-set

  e .[]ʳ =
    []  y  ≡⟨⟩
    y       ≡⟨ sym (∪[] y) ⟩∎
    y  []  

  e .∷ʳ {y = z} x hyp =
    x  z  y    ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) hyp 
    x  y  z    ≡⟨ sym (∪∷ y) ⟩∎
    y  (x  z)  

-- The union operator is idempotent.

∪-idem : (x : Finite-subset-of A)  x  x  x
∪-idem = elim e
  e : Elim _
  e .[]ʳ =
    []  []  ≡⟨⟩

  e .∷ʳ {y} x hyp =
    (x  y)  (x  y)  ≡⟨⟩
    x  y  x  y      ≡⟨ cong (_ ∷_) (∪∷ y) 
    x  x  y  y      ≡⟨ drop 
    x  y  y          ≡⟨ cong (_ ∷_) hyp ⟩∎
    x  y              

  e .is-propositionʳ = λ _  is-set

-- The union operator distributes from the left and right over itself.

∪-distrib-left :  x  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z)
∪-distrib-left {y} {z} x =
  x  (y  z)        ≡⟨ cong (_∪ _) $ sym (∪-idem x) 
  (x  x)  (y  z)  ≡⟨ sym $ ∪-assoc x 
  x  (x  (y  z))  ≡⟨ cong (x ∪_) $ ∪-assoc x 
  x  ((x  y)  z)  ≡⟨ cong ((x ∪_)  (_∪ _)) $ ∪-comm x 
  x  ((y  x)  z)  ≡⟨ cong (x ∪_) $ sym $ ∪-assoc y 
  x  (y  (x  z))  ≡⟨ ∪-assoc x ⟩∎
  (x  y)  (x  z)  

∪-distrib-right :  x  (x  y)  z  (x  z)  (y  z)
∪-distrib-right {y} {z} x =
  (x  y)  z        ≡⟨ ∪-comm (x  _) 
  z  (x  y)        ≡⟨ ∪-distrib-left z 
  (z  x)  (z  y)  ≡⟨ cong₂ _∪_ (∪-comm z) (∪-comm z) ⟩∎
  (x  z)  (y  z)  

-- Subsets of subsets

-- Subsets.

infix 4 _⊆_

_⊆_ : {A : Type a}  Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A  Type a
x  y =  z  z  x  z  y

-- _⊆_ is pointwise propositional.

⊆-propositional :
  (x y : Finite-subset-of A)  Is-proposition (x  y)
⊆-propositional x y =
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  ∈-propositional y

-- The function x ∷_ is monotone with respect to _⊆_.

∷-cong-⊆ :  y z  y  z  x  y  x  z
∷-cong-⊆ {x} y z y⊆z = λ u 
  u  x  y        ↔⟨⟩
  u  x ∥⊎∥ u  y  ↝⟨ id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong y⊆z _ 
  u  x ∥⊎∥ u  z  ↔⟨⟩
  u  x  z        

-- The union operator is monotone with respect to _⊆_.

∪-mono-⊆ :  x₁ x₂  x₁  x₂  y₁  y₂  x₁  y₁  x₂  y₂
∪-mono-⊆ {y₁} {y₂} x₁ x₂ x₁⊆x₂ y₁⊆y₂ = λ u 
  u  x₁  y₁        ↔⟨ ∈∪≃∈∥⊎∥∈ x₁ 
  u  x₁ ∥⊎∥ u  y₁  ↝⟨ x₁⊆x₂ u Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong y₁⊆y₂ u 
  u  x₂ ∥⊎∥ u  y₂  ↔⟨ inverse $ ∈∪≃∈∥⊎∥∈ x₂ ⟩□
  u  x₂  y₂        

-- The subset property can be expressed using _∪_ and _≡_.

⊆≃∪≡ :  x  (x  y)  (x  y  y)
⊆≃∪≡ {y} x = Eq.⇔→≃
  (⊆-propositional x y)
  (elim e x)
   p z 
     z  x      ↝⟨ ∈→∈∪ˡ x 
     z  x  y  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong (z ∈_) p) ⟩□
     z  y      )
  e : Elim  x  x  y  x  y  y)
  e .[]ʳ _ =
    []  y  ≡⟨⟩

  e .∷ʳ {y = z} x hyp x∷z⊆y =
    x  z  y  ≡⟨ cong (x ∷_) (hyp  _  x∷z⊆y _  Trunc.∣inj₂∣)) 
    x  y      ≡⟨ ∈→∷≡ (x∷z⊆y x (Trunc.∣inj₁∣ (refl _))) ⟩∎

  e .is-propositionʳ _ =
    Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

-- _⊆_ is a partial order.

⊆-refl : x  x
⊆-refl _ = id

⊆-trans : x  y  y  z  x  z
⊆-trans x⊆y y⊆z _ = y⊆z _  x⊆y _

⊆-antisymmetric : x  y  y  x  x  y
⊆-antisymmetric x⊆y y⊆x =
  extensionality λ z 
    record { to = x⊆y z; from = y⊆x z }

-- Another lemma

-- Equality can be expressed using _⊆_.

≡≃⊆×⊇ : (x  y)  (x  y × y  x)
≡≃⊆×⊇ {x} {y} =
  x  y                  ↝⟨ Eq.⇔→≃
                              (×-closure 1 is-set is-set)
                                   (x  y  ≡⟨ cong (_∪ _) x≡y 
                                    y  y  ≡⟨ ∪-idem y ⟩∎
                                    y      )
                                 , (y  x  ≡⟨ cong (_∪ _) $ sym x≡y 
                                    x  x  ≡⟨ ∪-idem x ⟩∎
                                    x      ))
                               (p , q) 
                                 x      ≡⟨ sym q 
                                 y  x  ≡⟨ ∪-comm y 
                                 x  y  ≡⟨ p ⟩∎
                                 y      ) 
  x  y  y × y  x  x  ↝⟨ inverse $ ⊆≃∪≡ x ×-cong ⊆≃∪≡ y ⟩□
  x  y × y  x          

-- Extensional equality is equivalent to equality.

∼≃≡ : (x  y)  (x  y)
∼≃≡ {x} {y} =
  x  y                                      ↔⟨⟩
  (∀ z  z  x  z  y)                      ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ⇔↔→×→) 
  (∀ z  (z  x  z  y) × (z  y  z  x))  ↔⟨ ΠΣ-comm 
  x  y × y  x                              ↝⟨ inverse ≡≃⊆×⊇ ⟩□
  x  y                                      

-- Definitions related to the listed finite subsets defined in Listed

-- Some lemmas used below.


  module Listed≃Listed where

    -- Converts one kind of finite subset to another.

    from : Listed.Finite-subset-of A  Finite-subset-of A
    from = Listed.rec r
      r : Listed.Rec _ _
      r .Listed.Rec.[]ʳ           = []
      r .Listed.Rec.∷ʳ x _ y      = x  y
      r .Listed.Rec.dropʳ _ _ _   = drop
      r .Listed.Rec.swapʳ _ _ _ _ = swap
      r .Listed.Rec.is-setʳ       = is-set

    -- A lemma relating from, _∈_ and LM._∈_.

    ∈from≃ :  x  (z  from x)  (z LM.∈ x)
    ∈from≃ {z} = Listed.elim-prop e
      e : Listed.Elim-prop _
      e .Listed.Elim-prop.[]ʳ =
        z  from Listed.[]  ↔⟨⟩
                           ↔⟨ ⊥↔⊥ 
        ⊥₀                  ↝⟨ inverse $ LM.∈[]≃ 
        z LM.∈ Listed.[]    

      e .Listed.Elim-prop.∷ʳ {y} x hyp =
        z  from (x Listed.∷ y)  ↔⟨⟩
        z  x ∥⊎∥ z  from y     ↝⟨ F.id Trunc.∥⊎∥-cong hyp 
        z  x ∥⊎∥ z LM.∈ y       ↝⟨ inverse LM.∈∷≃ ⟩□
        z LM.∈ x Listed.∷ y      

      e .Listed.Elim-prop.is-propositionʳ _ =
        Eq.right-closure ext 0 LM.∈-propositional

    -- A lemma relating from, _⊆_ and Listed._⊆_.

    from⊆from→ :
      (x y : Listed.Finite-subset-of A) 
      from x  from y  x LM.⊆ y
    from⊆from→ = Listed.elim-prop e
      e : Listed.Elim-prop _
      e .Listed.Elim-prop.[]ʳ = Listed.elim-prop e′
        e′ : Listed.Elim-prop _
        e′ .Listed.Elim-prop.[]ʳ _ = LM.⊆-refl

        e′ .Listed.Elim-prop.∷ʳ {y} x _ _ z =
          z LM.∈ Listed.[]     ↔⟨ LM.∈[]≃ 
          ⊥₀                   ↝⟨ ⊥-elim ⟩□
          z LM.∈ x Listed.∷ y  

        e′ .Listed.Elim-prop.is-propositionʳ _ =
          Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

      e .Listed.Elim-prop.∷ʳ {y = y₁} x hyp₁ y₂ =
        from (x Listed.∷ y₁)  from y₂               ↔⟨⟩
        (∀ z  z  x ∥⊎∥ z  from y₁  z  from y₂)  ↝⟨  hyp₂ z  Trunc.rec LM.∈-propositional
                                                                      [ (
            z  x                                                        ↝⟨ Trunc.∣inj₁∣ 
            z  x ∥⊎∥ z  from y₁                                        ↝⟨ hyp₂ z 
            z  from y₂                                                  ↔⟨ ∈from≃ _ ⟩□
            z LM.∈ y₂                                                    )
                                                                      , ($⟨  z  hyp₂ z  Trunc.∣inj₂∣) 
            from y₁  from y₂                                            ↝⟨ hyp₁ y₂ 
            y₁ LM.⊆ y₂                                                   ↝⟨ _$ z ⟩□
            (z LM.∈ y₁  z LM.∈ y₂)                                      )
        (∀ z  z  x ∥⊎∥ z LM.∈ y₁  z LM.∈ y₂)      ↔⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  →-cong ext (inverse LM.∈∷≃) F.id) ⟩□
        x Listed.∷ y₁ LM.⊆ y₂                        

      e .Listed.Elim-prop.is-propositionʳ _ =
        Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
        Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

    -- The function from is injective.

    from-injective : Injective (from {A = A})
    from-injective {x} {y} =
      from x  from y                    ↔⟨ ≡≃⊆×⊇ 
      from x  from y × from y  from x  ↝⟨ Σ-map (from⊆from→ _ _) (from⊆from→ _ _) 
      x LM.⊆ y × y LM.⊆ x                ↝⟨ uncurry LM.⊆-antisymmetric ⟩□
      x  y                              

    -- Converts one kind of finite subset to another, and returns a
    -- partial correctness result.

    to :
      (x : Finite-subset-of A) 
       λ (y : Listed.Finite-subset-of A)  from y  x
    to = elim e
      e : Elim _
      e .Elim.[]ʳ = Listed.[] , refl _

      e .Elim.∷ʳ x (y , eq) = x Listed.∷ y , cong (x ∷_) eq

      e .Elim.is-propositionʳ x (y₁ , eq₁) (y₂ , eq₂) =
             (from y₁  ≡⟨ eq₁ 
              x        ≡⟨ sym eq₂ ⟩∎
              from y₂  ))
          (is-set _ _)

    -- Another correctness result.

    to-from :
      (x : Listed.Finite-subset-of A) 
      proj₁ (to (from x))  x
    to-from = Listed.elim-prop e
      e : Listed.Elim-prop _
      e .Listed.Elim-prop.[]ʳ               = refl _
      e .Listed.Elim-prop.∷ʳ x              = cong (x Listed.∷_)
      e .Listed.Elim-prop.is-propositionʳ _ = Listed.is-set

-- The type of listed finite subsets defined above is pointwise
-- equivalent to the type of listed finite subsets defined in Listed.

Listed≃Listed : Finite-subset-of A  Listed.Finite-subset-of A
Listed≃Listed = Eq.↔→≃ (proj₁  to) from to-from (proj₂  to)
  open Listed≃Listed

-- The equivalence preserves membership.

∈≃∈ :  y  (x  y)  (x LM.∈ _≃_.to Listed≃Listed y)
∈≃∈ {x} y =
  x  y                                                ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong (_ ∈_) $ sym $ _≃_.left-inverse-of Listed≃Listed y 
  x  _≃_.from Listed≃Listed (_≃_.to Listed≃Listed y)  ↝⟨ ∈from≃ _ ⟩□
  x LM.∈ _≃_.to Listed≃Listed y                        
  open Listed≃Listed

-- Another dependent eliminator (expressed using equality).
-- Note that the motive is not required to be propositional.

record Elim′ {A : Type a} (P : Finite-subset-of A  Type p) :
             Type (a  p) where
    []ʳ     : P []
    ∷ʳ      :  x  P y  P (x  y)
    dropʳ   :  x (p : P y) 
              subst P (drop {x = x} {y = y}) (∷ʳ x (∷ʳ x p))  ∷ʳ x p
    swapʳ   :  x y (p : P z) 
              subst P (swap {x = x} {y = y} {z = z}) (∷ʳ x (∷ʳ y p)) 
              ∷ʳ y (∷ʳ x p)
    is-setʳ :  x  Is-set (P x)

open Elim′ public

elim′ : Elim′ P  (x : Finite-subset-of A)  P x
elim′ {P} e x =
  subst P (_≃_.left-inverse-of Listed≃Listed x)
    (Listed.elim e′ (_≃_.to Listed≃Listed x))
  module E = Elim′ e

  e′ : Listed.Elim (P  _≃_.from Listed≃Listed)
  e′ .Listed.[]ʳ = E.[]ʳ

  e′ .Listed.∷ʳ = E.∷ʳ

  e′ .Listed.dropʳ x p =
    subst (P  _≃_.from Listed≃Listed)
      (e .∷ʳ x (e .∷ʳ x p))                        ≡⟨ subst-∘ _ _ _ 

    subst P
      (cong (_≃_.from Listed≃Listed) Listed.drop)
      (e .∷ʳ x (e .∷ʳ x p))                        ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst P) _) $ is-set _ _ 

    subst P drop (e .∷ʳ x (e .∷ʳ x p))             ≡⟨ e .dropʳ x p ⟩∎

    e .∷ʳ x p                                      

  e′ .Listed.swapʳ x y p =
    subst (P  _≃_.from Listed≃Listed)
      (e .∷ʳ x (e .∷ʳ y p))                        ≡⟨ subst-∘ _ _ _ 

    subst P
      (cong (_≃_.from Listed≃Listed) Listed.swap)
      (e .∷ʳ x (e .∷ʳ y p))                        ≡⟨ cong (flip (subst P) _) $ is-set _ _ 

    subst P swap (e .∷ʳ x (e .∷ʳ y p))             ≡⟨ e .swapʳ x y p ⟩∎

    e .∷ʳ y (e .∷ʳ x p)                            

  e′ .Listed.is-setʳ _ = E.is-setʳ _