-- Colists

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --sized-types #-}

open import Equality

module Colist {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

  open module E = Derived-definitions-and-properties eq using (_≡_)

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude
open import Prelude.Size

open import Conat eq as Conat using (Conat; zero; suc; force; infinity)
open import Function-universe eq hiding (id; _∘_)
import Nat eq as Nat

private variable
  a p q                                    : Level
  A B                                      : Type a
  P Q                                      : A  Type p
                                       : Size  A  Type p
  i                                        : Size
  c m ms n ns x xs xs₁ xs₂ y ys ys₁ ys₂ zs : A
  f g                                      : (x : A)  P x

-- The type

-- Colists.


  infixr 5 _∷_

  data Colist (A : Type a) (i : Size) : Type a where
    []  : Colist A i
    _∷_ : A  Colist′ A i  Colist A i

  record Colist′ (A : Type a) (i : Size) : Type a where
      force : {j : Size< i}  Colist A j

open Colist′ public

-- Some operations

-- A variant of cons.

infixr 5 _∷′_

_∷′_ : A  Colist A i  Colist A i
x ∷′ xs = x  λ { .force  xs }

-- The colist's tail, if any.

tail : Colist A i  Colist′ A i
tail xs@[]    = λ { .force  xs }
tail (x  xs) = xs

-- A map function.

map : (A  B)  Colist A i  Colist B i
map f []       = []
map f (x  xs) = f x  λ { .force  map f (force xs) }

-- The length of a colist.

length : Colist A i  Conat i
length []       = zero
length (n  ns) = suc λ { .force  length (force ns) }

-- The colist replicate n x contains exactly n copies of x (and
-- nothing else).

replicate : Conat i  A  Colist A i
replicate zero    x = []
replicate (suc n) x = x  λ { .force  replicate (force n) x }

-- Repeats the given element indefinitely.

repeat : A  Colist A i
repeat = replicate infinity

-- Appends one colist to another.

infixr 5 _++_

_++_ : Colist A i  Colist A i  Colist A i
[]       ++ ys = ys
(x  xs) ++ ys = x  λ { .force  force xs ++ ys }

-- The colist cycle x xs is an endless cycle of repetitions of the
-- colist x ∷ xs.

cycle : A  Colist′ A i  Colist A i
cycle x xs = x  λ { .force  force xs ++ cycle x xs }

-- "Scan left".

scanl : (A  B  A)  A  Colist B i  Colist A i
scanl c n []       = n  λ { .force  [] }
scanl c n (x  xs) = n  λ { .force  scanl c (c n x) (force xs) }

-- The natural numbers in strictly increasing order.

nats : Colist  i
nats = 0  λ { .force  map suc nats }

-- The colist nats-from n is the natural numbers greater than or equal
-- to n, in strictly increasing order.

nats-from :   Colist  i
nats-from n = n  λ { .force  nats-from (suc n) }

-- The list take n xs is the longest possible prefix of xs that
-- contains at most n elements.

take :   Colist A   List A
take zero    _        = []
take _       []       = []
take (suc n) (x  xs) = x  take n (force xs)

-- The sum of the successor of every element in the list.

sum-of-successors : Colist (Conat ) i  Conat i
sum-of-successors []       = zero
sum-of-successors (n  ns) = suc λ { .force 
  n Conat.+ sum-of-successors (ns .force) }

-- Bisimilarity

-- [ ∞ ] xs ∼ ys means that xs and ys are "equal".


  infix 4 [_]_∼_ [_]_∼′_

  data [_]_∼_ {A : Type a} (i : Size) :
         Colist A   Colist A   Type a where
    []  : [ i ] []  []
    _∷_ : x  y  [ i ] force xs ∼′ force ys  [ i ] x  xs  y  ys

  record [_]_∼′_ {A : Type a} (i : Size) (xs ys : Colist A ) :
           Type a where
      force : {j : Size< i}  [ j ] xs  ys

open [_]_∼′_ public

-- Bisimilarity is an equivalence relation.

reflexive-∼ : (xs : Colist A )  [ i ] xs  xs
reflexive-∼ []       = []
reflexive-∼ (x  xs) =
  E.refl _  λ { .force  reflexive-∼ (force xs) }

symmetric-∼ : [ i ] xs  ys  [ i ] ys  xs
symmetric-∼ []        = []
symmetric-∼ (p₁  p₂) =
  E.sym p₁  λ { .force  symmetric-∼ (force p₂) }

transitive-∼ : [ i ] xs  ys  [ i ] ys  zs  [ i ] xs  zs
transitive-∼ []        []        = []
transitive-∼ (p₁  p₂) (q₁  q₂) =
  E.trans p₁ q₁  λ { .force  transitive-∼ (force p₂) (force q₂) }

-- Equational reasoning combinators.

infix  -1 _∎
infixr -2 step-∼ step-≡ _∼⟨⟩_

_∎ : (xs : Colist A )  [ i ] xs  xs
_∎ = reflexive-∼

step-∼ :  xs  [ i ] ys  zs  [ i ] xs  ys  [ i ] xs  zs
step-∼ _ ys∼zs xs∼ys = transitive-∼ xs∼ys ys∼zs

syntax step-∼ xs ys∼zs xs∼ys = xs ∼⟨ xs∼ys  ys∼zs

step-≡ :  xs  [ i ] ys  zs  xs  ys  [ i ] xs  zs
step-≡ {i} _ ys∼zs xs≡ys = E.subst ([ i ]_∼ _) (E.sym xs≡ys) ys∼zs

syntax step-≡ xs ys∼zs xs≡ys = xs ≡⟨ xs≡ys  ys∼zs

_∼⟨⟩_ :  xs  [ i ] xs  ys  [ i ] xs  ys
_ ∼⟨⟩ xs∼ys = xs∼ys

-- A property relating Colist._∷_ and _∷′_.

∷∼∷′ : [ i ] x  xs  x ∷′ force xs
∷∼∷′ = E.refl _  λ { .force  reflexive-∼ _ }

-- Functor laws.

map-id : (xs : Colist A )  [ i ] map id xs  xs
map-id []       = []
map-id (_  xs) = E.refl _  λ { .force  map-id (force xs) }

map-∘ :
  (xs : Colist A ) 
  [ i ] map (f  g) xs  map f (map g xs)
map-∘ []       = []
map-∘ (_  xs) = E.refl _  λ { .force  map-∘ (force xs) }

-- If two non-empty colists are bisimilar, then their heads are
-- bisimilar.

head-cong : [ i ] x  xs  y  ys  x  y
head-cong (p  _) = p

-- Some preservation lemmas.

tail-cong : [ i ] xs  ys  [ i ] force (tail xs) ∼′ force (tail ys)
tail-cong []       = λ { .force  [] }
tail-cong (_  ps) = ps

map-cong :
  (∀ x  f x  g x) 
  [ i ] xs  ys  [ i ] map f xs  map g ys
map-cong         f≡g []                   = []
map-cong {f} {g} f≡g (_∷_ {x} {y} x≡y ps) =
  (f x  E.≡⟨ E.cong f x≡y 
   f y  E.≡⟨ f≡g y ⟩∎
   g y  )  λ { .force 
  map-cong f≡g (force ps) }

length-cong : [ i ] xs  ys  Conat.[ i ] length xs  length ys
length-cong []       = zero
length-cong (_  ps) = suc λ { .force  length-cong (force ps) }

replicate-cong : Conat.[ i ] m  n  [ i ] replicate m x  replicate n x
replicate-cong zero    = []
replicate-cong (suc p) =
  E.refl _  λ { .force  replicate-cong (force p) }

infixr 5 _++-cong_

_++-cong_ :
  [ i ] xs₁  ys₁  [ i ] xs₂  ys₂  [ i ] xs₁ ++ xs₂  ys₁ ++ ys₂
[]       ++-cong qs = qs
(p  ps) ++-cong qs = p  λ { .force  force ps ++-cong qs }

cycle-cong : [ i ] force xs ∼′ force ys  [ i ] cycle x xs  cycle x ys
cycle-cong p = E.refl _  λ { .force  force p ++-cong cycle-cong p }

scanl-cong : [ i ] xs  ys  [ i ] scanl c n xs  scanl c n ys
scanl-cong [] = E.refl _  λ { .force  [] }

scanl-cong {c} {n} (_∷_ {x} {y} {xs} {ys} x≡y ps) =
  E.refl n  λ { .force 
    scanl c (c n x) (force xs)  ≡⟨ E.cong  x  scanl _ (c _ x) _) x≡y 
    scanl c (c n y) (force xs)  ∼⟨ scanl-cong (force ps) 
    scanl c (c n y) (force ys)   }

take-cong :  n  [  ] xs  ys  take n xs  take n ys
take-cong n       []       = E.refl _
take-cong zero    (p  ps) = E.refl _
take-cong (suc n) (p  ps) = E.cong₂ _∷_ p (take-cong n (force ps))

sum-of-successors-cong :
  [ i ] ms  ns 
  Conat.[ i ] sum-of-successors ms  sum-of-successors ns
sum-of-successors-cong []       = zero
sum-of-successors-cong (p  ps) = suc λ { .force 
  E.subst (Conat.[ _ ] _ ∼_) p (Conat.reflexive-∼ _)
  sum-of-successors-cong (ps .force) }

-- The length of replicate n x is bisimilar to n.

length-replicate :  n  Conat.[ i ] length (replicate n x)  n
length-replicate zero    = zero
length-replicate (suc n) =
  suc λ { .force  length-replicate (force n) }

-- A lemma relating nats and nats-from n.

map-+-nats∼nats-from :
   n  [ i ] map (n +_) nats  nats-from n
map-+-nats∼nats-from n = Nat.+-right-identity  λ { .force 
  map (n +_) (map suc nats)  ∼⟨ symmetric-∼ (map-∘ _) 
  map ((n +_)  suc) nats    ∼⟨ map-cong  _  E.sym (Nat.suc+≡+suc _)) (_ ) 
  map (suc n +_) nats        ∼⟨ map-+-nats∼nats-from (suc n) 
  nats-from (suc n)           }

-- The colist nats is bisimilar to nats-from 0.

nats∼nats-from-0 : [ i ] nats  nats-from 0
nats∼nats-from-0 =
  nats             ∼⟨ symmetric-∼ (map-id _) 
  map id nats      ∼⟨⟩
  map (0 +_) nats  ∼⟨ map-+-nats∼nats-from _ 
  nats-from 0      

-- The ◇ predicate

-- ◇ ∞ P xs means that P holds for some element in xs.

data  {A : Type a} (i : Size)
       (P : A  Type p) : Colist A   Type (a  p) where
  here  : P x   i P (x  xs)
  there : {j : Size< i}   j P (force xs)   i P (x  xs)

-- ◇ respects bisimilarity.

◇-∼ : [  ] xs  ys   i P xs   i P ys
◇-∼ (x≡y  _) (here p)  = here (E.subst _ x≡y p)
◇-∼ (_    b) (there p) = there (◇-∼ (force b) p)

-- A map function for ◇.

◇-map :
  (∀ {x}  P x  Q x) 
  (∀ {xs}   i P xs   i Q xs)
◇-map f (here p)  = here (f p)
◇-map f (there p) = there (◇-map f p)

-- A variant of ◇-map.

◇-map′ :
  (∀ {x}  P (f x)  Q (g x)) 
  (∀ {xs}   i P (map f xs)   i Q (map g xs))
◇-map′ g {xs = _  _} (here p)  = here (g p)
◇-map′ g {xs = _  _} (there p) = there (◇-map′ g p)
◇-map′ g {xs = []}    ()

-- If a predicate holds for some element in a colist, then it holds
-- for some value.

◇-witness :  i P xs   P
◇-witness (here p)  = _ , p
◇-witness (there p) = ◇-witness p

-- If const A holds for some element, then A holds.

◇-const :  i (const A) xs  A
◇-const = proj₂  ◇-witness

-- Colist membership.

infix 4 [_]_∈_

[_]_∈_ : {A : Type a}  Size  A  Colist A   Type a
[ i ] x  xs =  i (x ≡_) xs

-- A generalisation of "◇ ∞ P xs holds iff P holds for some element in
-- xs".

◇⇔∈× :  i P xs   λ x  [ i ] x  xs × P x
◇⇔∈× {P} = record { to = to; from = from }
  to :  i P xs   λ x  [ i ] x  xs × P x
  to (here p)  = _ , here (E.refl _) , p
  to (there p) = Σ-map id (Σ-map there id) (to p)

  from : ( λ x  [ i ] x  xs × P x)   i P xs
  from (x , here eq   , p) = here (E.subst P eq p)
  from (x , there x∈xs , p) = there (from (x , x∈xs , p))

-- If P holds for some element in replicate (suc n) x, then it also
-- holds for x, and vice versa.

◇-replicate-suc⇔ :  i P (replicate (suc n) x)  P x
◇-replicate-suc⇔ {P} {x} = record
  { to   = to _
  ; from = here
  to :  n   i P (replicate n x)  P x
  to zero    ()
  to (suc n) (here p)  = p
  to (suc n) (there p) = to (force n) p

-- If P holds for some element in cycle x xs, then it also holds for
-- some element in x ∷ xs, and vice versa.

◇-cycle⇔ :  i P (cycle x xs)   i P (x  xs)
◇-cycle⇔ {i} {P} {x} {xs} = record
  { to   =  i P (cycle x xs)               ↝⟨ ◇-∼ (transitive-∼ ∷∼∷′ (symmetric-∼ ∷∼∷′)) 
            i P ((x  xs) ++ cycle x xs)   ↝⟨ to _ 
            i P (x  xs)   i P (x  xs)  ↝⟨ [ id , id ] ⟩□
            i P (x  xs)                   
  ; from =  i P (x  xs)                  ↝⟨ from 
            i P ((x  xs) ++ cycle x xs)  ↝⟨ ◇-∼ (transitive-∼ ∷∼∷′ (symmetric-∼ ∷∼∷′)) ⟩□
            i P (cycle x xs)              
  to :  {i} ys   i P (ys ++ cycle x xs)   i P ys   i P (x  xs)
  to []       (here p)  = inj₂ (here p)
  to []       (there p) = case to (force xs) p of
                            [ inj₂  there , inj₂ ]
  to (y  ys) (here p)  = inj₁ (here p)
  to (y  ys) (there p) = ⊎-map there id (to (force ys) p)

  from :  {i}   i P ys   i P (ys ++ cycle x xs)
  from (here p)   = here p
  from (there ps) = there (from ps)

-- The □ predicate

-- □ ∞ P xs means that P holds for every element in xs.


  data  {A : Type a} (i : Size)
         (P : A  Type p) : Colist A   Type (a  p) where
    []  :  i P []
    _∷_ : P x  □′ i P (force xs)   i P (x  xs)

  record □′ {A : Type a} (i : Size)
            (P : A  Type p) (xs : Colist A ) : Type (a  p) where
      force : {j : Size< i}   j P xs

open □′ public

-- Some projections.

□-head :  i P (x  xs)  P x
□-head (p  _) = p

□-tail : {j : Size< i}   i P (x  xs)   j P (force xs)
□-tail (_  ps) = force ps

-- □ respects bisimilarity.

□-∼ : [ i ] xs  ys   i P xs   i P ys
□-∼ []       _        = []
□-∼ (eq  b) (p  ps) =
  E.subst _ eq p  λ { .force 
  □-∼ (force b) (force ps) }

-- A generalisation of "□ ∞ P xs holds iff P is true for every element
-- in xs".

□⇔∈→ :  i P xs  (∀ x  [ i ] x  xs  P x)
□⇔∈→ {P} = record { to = to; from = from _ }
  to :  i P xs  (∀ x  [ i ] x  xs  P x)
  to (p  ps) x (here eq)    = E.subst P (E.sym eq) p
  to (p  ps) x (there x∈xs) = to (force ps) x x∈xs

  from :  xs  (∀ x  [ i ] x  xs  P x)   i P xs
  from []       f = []
  from (x  xs) f =
    f x (here (E.refl _))  λ { .force 
    from (force xs)  x  f x  there) }

-- If P is universally true, then □ i P is also universally true.

□-replicate : (∀ x  P x)  (∀ xs   i P xs)
□-replicate f _ = _⇔_.from □⇔∈→  x _  f x)

-- Something resembling applicative functor application for □.

infixl 4 _□-⊛_

_□-⊛_ :  i  x  P x  Q x) xs   i P xs   i Q xs
[]       □-⊛ _        = []
(f  fs) □-⊛ (p  ps) = f p  λ { .force  force fs □-⊛ force ps }

-- A map function for □.

□-map :
  (∀ {x}  P x  Q x) 
  (∀ {xs}   i P xs   i Q xs)
□-map f ps = □-replicate  _  f) _ □-⊛ ps

-- A variant of □-map.

□-map′ :
  (∀ {x}  P (f x)  Q (g x)) 
  (∀ {xs}   i P (map f xs)   i Q (map g xs))
□-map′ g {xs = []}    []       = []
□-map′ g {xs = _  _} (p  ps) =
  g p  λ { .force  □-map′ g (force ps) }

-- Something resembling applicative functor application for □ and ◇.

infixl 4 _□◇-⊛_

_□◇-⊛_ :  i  x  P x  Q x) xs   i P xs   i Q xs
(f  _)  □◇-⊛ (here p)  = here (f p)
(_  fs) □◇-⊛ (there p) = there (force fs □◇-⊛ p)

-- A combination of some of the combinators above.

□◇-witness :  i P xs   i Q xs   λ x  P x × Q x
□◇-witness p q = ◇-witness (□-map _,_ p □◇-⊛ q)

-- If P holds for every element in replicate (suc n) x, then it also holds
-- for x, and vice versa.

□-replicate-suc⇔ :  i P (replicate (suc n) x)  P x
□-replicate-suc⇔ {P} {x} = record
  { to   = □-head
  ; from = from _
  from :  n  P x   i P (replicate n x)
  from zero    p = []
  from (suc n) p = p  λ { .force  from (force n) p }

-- If P holds for every element in cycle x xs, then it also holds for
-- every element in x ∷ xs, and vice versa.

□-cycle⇔ :  i P (cycle x xs)   i P (x  xs)
□-cycle⇔ {i} {P} {x} {xs} = record
  { to   =  i P (cycle x xs)              ↝⟨  { (p  ps)  p  ps }) 
            i P ((x  xs) ++ cycle x xs)  ↝⟨ to _ ⟩□
            i P (x  xs)                  
  ; from =  i P (x  xs)                  ↝⟨  hyp  from hyp hyp) 
            i P ((x  xs) ++ cycle x xs)  ↝⟨  { (p  ps)  p  ps }) ⟩□
            i P (cycle x xs)              
  to :  {i} ys   i P (ys ++ cycle x xs)   i P ys
  to []       _        = []
  to (y  ys) (p  ps) = p  λ { .force  to (force ys) (force ps) }

  from :  {i}   i P (x  xs)   i P ys   i P (ys ++ cycle x xs)
  from ps       (q  qs) = q  λ { .force  from ps (force qs) }
  from (p  ps) []       = p  λ { .force  from (p  ps) (force ps) }

-- A variant of ◇ with a sized predicate

-- ◇ˢ ∞ Pˢ xs means that (some instance of) Pˢ holds for some element
-- in xs.

data ◇ˢ {A : Type a} (i : Size)
        ( : Size  A  Type p) : Colist A   Type (a  p) where
  here  :  i x  ◇ˢ i  (x  xs)
  there : {j : Size< i}  ◇ˢ j  (force xs)  ◇ˢ i  (x  xs)

-- ◇ˢ respects bisimilarity.

◇ˢ-∼ : [  ] xs  ys  ◇ˢ i  xs  ◇ˢ i  ys
◇ˢ-∼ (eq  _) (here p)  = here (E.subst _ eq p)
◇ˢ-∼ (_   b) (there p) = there (◇ˢ-∼ (force b) p)

-- If Pˢ is upwards closed, then flip ◇ˢ Pˢ is upwards closed.

◇ˢ-upwards-closed :
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {x}   j x   i x) 
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {xs}  ◇ˢ j  xs  ◇ˢ i  xs)
◇ˢ-upwards-closed Pˢ-closed (here p)  = here (Pˢ-closed p)
◇ˢ-upwards-closed Pˢ-closed (there p) =
  there (◇ˢ-upwards-closed Pˢ-closed p)

-- A variant of the previous lemma.

◇ˢ-upwards-closed-∞ :
  (∀ {i x}   i x    x) 
  (∀ {i xs}  ◇ˢ i  xs  ◇ˢ   xs)
◇ˢ-upwards-closed-∞ Pˢ-closed-∞ (here p)  = here (Pˢ-closed-∞ p)
◇ˢ-upwards-closed-∞ Pˢ-closed-∞ (there p) =
  there (◇ˢ-upwards-closed-∞ Pˢ-closed-∞ p)

-- A map function for ◇ˢ.

◇ˢ-map :
  (∀ {i x}   i x   i x) 
  (∀ {xs}  ◇ˢ i  xs  ◇ˢ i  xs)
◇ˢ-map f (here p)  = here (f p)
◇ˢ-map f (there p) = there (◇ˢ-map f p)

-- A variant of ◇ˢ-map.

◇ˢ-map′ :
  (∀ {i x}   i (f x)   i (g x)) 
  (∀ {xs}  ◇ˢ i  (map f xs)  ◇ˢ i  (map g xs))
◇ˢ-map′ g {xs = _  _} (here p)  = here (g p)
◇ˢ-map′ g {xs = _  _} (there p) = there (◇ˢ-map′ g p)
◇ˢ-map′ g {xs = []}    ()

-- If a predicate holds for some element in a colist, then it holds
-- for some value (assuming that Pˢ is upwards closed).

◇ˢ-witness :
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {x}   j x   i x) 
  ◇ˢ i  xs   ( i)
◇ˢ-witness closed (here p)  = _ , p
◇ˢ-witness closed (there p) = Σ-map id closed (◇ˢ-witness closed p)

-- If Pˢ ∞ holds for some element in xs, then ◇ˢ ∞ Pˢ xs holds.

∈×∞→◇ˢ : [  ] x  xs    x  ◇ˢ   xs
∈×∞→◇ˢ (here eq)    p = here (E.subst _ eq p)
∈×∞→◇ˢ (there x∈xs) p = there (∈×∞→◇ˢ x∈xs p)

-- If Pˢ i x implies Pˢ ∞ x for any i and x, then ◇ˢ ∞ Pˢ xs holds iff
-- Pˢ ∞ holds for some element in xs.

◇ˢ⇔∈× :
  (∀ {i x}   i x    x) 
  ◇ˢ   xs  ( λ x  [  ] x  xs ×   x)
◇ˢ⇔∈× {} →∞ = record
  { to   = to
  ; from = λ { (_ , x∈xs , p)  ∈×∞→◇ˢ x∈xs p }
  to : ◇ˢ i  xs   λ x  [  ] x  xs ×   x
  to (here p)  = _ , here (E.refl _) , →∞ p
  to (there p) = Σ-map id (Σ-map there id) (to p)

-- Sized variants of the previous lemma.

◇ˢ→∈× :
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {x}   j x   i x) 
  ◇ˢ i  xs   λ x  [ i ] x  xs ×  i x
◇ˢ→∈× closed (here p)  = _ , here (E.refl _) , p
◇ˢ→∈× closed (there p) = Σ-map id (Σ-map there closed) (◇ˢ→∈× closed p)

∈×→◇ˢ :
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {x}   i x   j x) 
  [ i ] x  xs   i x  ◇ˢ i  xs
∈×→◇ˢ closed (here eq)    p = here (E.subst _ eq p)
∈×→◇ˢ closed (there x∈xs) p = there (∈×→◇ˢ closed x∈xs (closed p))

-- ◇ ∞ (Pˢ ∞) is "contained in" ◇ˢ ∞ Pˢ.

◇∞→◇ˢ∞ :   ( ) xs  ◇ˢ   xs
◇∞→◇ˢ∞ {} {xs} =
    ( ) xs                    ↝⟨ _⇔_.to ◇⇔∈× 
  ( λ x  [  ] x  xs ×   x)  ↝⟨  { (_ , x∈xs , p)  ∈×∞→◇ˢ x∈xs p }) ⟩□
  ◇ˢ   xs                       

-- If Pˢ i x implies Pˢ ∞ x for any i and x, then ◇ˢ ∞ Pˢ is pointwise
-- logically equivalent to ◇ ∞ (Pˢ ∞).

◇ˢ∞⇔◇∞ :
  (∀ {i x}   i x    x) 
  ◇ˢ   xs    ( ) xs
◇ˢ∞⇔◇∞ {} {xs} →∞ =
  ◇ˢ   xs                       ↝⟨ ◇ˢ⇔∈× →∞ 
  ( λ x  [  ] x  xs ×   x)  ↝⟨ inverse ◇⇔∈× ⟩□
    ( ) xs                    

-- ◇ˢ i (const P) is pointwise logically equivalent to ◇ i P.

◇ˢ⇔◇ : ◇ˢ i  _  P) xs   i P xs
◇ˢ⇔◇ {P} = record { to = to; from = from }
  to : ◇ˢ i  _  P) xs   i P xs
  to (here p)  = here p
  to (there p) = there (to p)

  from :  i P xs  ◇ˢ i  _  P) xs
  from (here p)  = here p
  from (there p) = there (from p)

-- If ◇ˢ i Pˢ (x ∷ xs) holds, then ◇ˢ i Pˢ (cycle x xs) also holds.

◇ˢ-cycle← : ◇ˢ i  (x  xs)  ◇ˢ i  (cycle x xs)
◇ˢ-cycle← {i} {} {x} {xs} =
  ◇ˢ i  (x  xs)                  ↝⟨ from 
  ◇ˢ i  ((x  xs) ++ cycle x xs)  ↝⟨ ◇ˢ-∼ (transitive-∼ ∷∼∷′ (symmetric-∼ ∷∼∷′)) ⟩□
  ◇ˢ i  (cycle x xs)              
  from :  {i}  ◇ˢ i  ys  ◇ˢ i  (ys ++ cycle x xs)
  from (here p)   = here p
  from (there ps) = there (from ps)

-- If Pˢ i x implies Pˢ ∞ x for any i and x, then ◇ˢ ∞ Pˢ (cycle x xs)
-- is logically equivalent to ◇ˢ ∞ Pˢ (x ∷ xs).

◇ˢ-cycle⇔ :
  (∀ {i x}   i x    x) 
  ◇ˢ   (cycle x xs)  ◇ˢ   (x  xs)
◇ˢ-cycle⇔ {} {x} {xs} →∞ = record
  { to   = ◇ˢ   (cycle x xs)                 ↝⟨ ◇ˢ-∼ (transitive-∼ ∷∼∷′ (symmetric-∼ ∷∼∷′)) 
           ◇ˢ   ((x  xs) ++ cycle x xs)     ↝⟨ to _ 
           ◇ˢ   (x  xs)  ◇ˢ   (x  xs)  ↝⟨ [ id , id ] ⟩□
           ◇ˢ   (x  xs)                     
  ; from = ◇ˢ-cycle←
  to :  ys  ◇ˢ i  (ys ++ cycle x xs)  ◇ˢ   ys  ◇ˢ   (x  xs)
  to []       (here p)  = inj₂ (here (→∞ p))
  to []       (there p) = case to (force xs) p of
                            [ inj₂  there , inj₂ ]
  to (y  ys) (here p)  = inj₁ (here (→∞ p))
  to (y  ys) (there p) = ⊎-map there id (to (force ys) p)

-- A variant of □ with a sized predicate

-- □ˢ ∞ Pˢ xs means that (some instance of) Pˢ holds for every element
-- in xs.


  data □ˢ {A : Type a} (i : Size)
          ( : Size  A  Type p) : Colist A   Type (a  p) where
    []  : □ˢ i  []
    _∷_ :  i x  □ˢ′ i  (force xs)  □ˢ i  (x  xs)

  record □ˢ′ {A : Type a} (i : Size)
             ( : Size  A  Type p) (xs : Colist A ) :
             Type (a  p) where
      force : {j : Size< i}  □ˢ j  xs

open □ˢ′ public

-- Some projections.

□ˢ-head : □ˢ i  (x  xs)   i x
□ˢ-head (p  _) = p

□ˢ-tail :
  {j : Size< i} 
  □ˢ i  (x  xs)  □ˢ j  (force xs)
□ˢ-tail (_  ps) = force ps

-- □ˢ respects bisimilarity.

□ˢ-∼ : [ i ] xs  ys  □ˢ i  xs  □ˢ i  ys
□ˢ-∼ []       _        = []
□ˢ-∼ (eq  b) (p  ps) =
  E.subst _ eq p  λ { .force 
  □ˢ-∼ (force b) (force ps) }

-- If Pˢ is downwards closed, then flip □ˢ Pˢ is downwards closed.

□ˢ-downwards-closed :
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {x}   i x   j x) 
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {xs}  □ˢ i  xs  □ˢ j  xs)
□ˢ-downwards-closed Pˢ-closed []       = []
□ˢ-downwards-closed Pˢ-closed (p  ps) =
  Pˢ-closed p  λ { .force  □ˢ-downwards-closed Pˢ-closed (force ps) }

-- A variant of the previous lemma.

□ˢ-downwards-closed-∞ :
  (∀ {i x}    x   i x) 
  (∀ {i xs}  □ˢ   xs  □ˢ i  xs)
□ˢ-downwards-closed-∞ Pˢ-closed-∞ []       = []
□ˢ-downwards-closed-∞ Pˢ-closed-∞ (p  ps) =
  Pˢ-closed-∞ p  λ { .force 
  □ˢ-downwards-closed-∞ Pˢ-closed-∞ (force ps) }

-- If □ˢ ∞ Pˢ xs holds, then Pˢ ∞ holds for every element in xs.

□ˢ∞∈→ : □ˢ   xs  [  ] x  xs    x
□ˢ∞∈→ (p  ps) (here eq)    = E.subst _ (E.sym eq) p
□ˢ∞∈→ (p  ps) (there x∈xs) = □ˢ∞∈→ (force ps) x∈xs

-- If Pˢ ∞ x implies Pˢ i x for any i and x, then □ˢ ∞ Pˢ xs holds iff
-- Pˢ ∞ holds for every element in xs.

□ˢ⇔∈→ :
  (∀ {i x}    x   i x) 
  □ˢ   xs  (∀ x  [  ] x  xs    x)
□ˢ⇔∈→ {} ∞→ = record { to = λ p _  □ˢ∞∈→ p; from = from _ }
  from :  xs  (∀ x  [  ] x  xs    x)  □ˢ i  xs
  from []       f = []
  from (x  xs) f =
    ∞→ (f x (here (E.refl _)))  λ { .force 
    from (force xs)  x  f x  there) }

-- Sized variants of the previous lemma.

□ˢ∈→ :
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {x}   j x   i x) 
   {i x xs}  □ˢ i  xs  [ i ] x  xs   i x
□ˢ∈→ closed (p  ps) (here eq)    = E.subst _ (E.sym eq) p
□ˢ∈→ closed (p  ps) (there x∈xs) = closed (□ˢ∈→ closed (force ps) x∈xs)

∈→→□ˢ :
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {x}   i x   j x) 
   {i} xs  (∀ x  [ i ] x  xs   i x)  □ˢ i  xs
∈→→□ˢ closed []       f = []
∈→→□ˢ closed (x  xs) f =
  f x (here (E.refl _))  λ { .force 
  ∈→→□ˢ closed (force xs)  x  closed  f x  there) }

-- □ˢ ∞ Pˢ is "contained in" □ ∞ (Pˢ ∞).

□ˢ∞→□∞ : □ˢ   xs    ( ) xs
□ˢ∞→□∞ {} {xs} =
  □ˢ   xs                     ↝⟨  p _  □ˢ∞∈→ p) 
  (∀ x  [  ] x  xs    x)  ↝⟨ _⇔_.from □⇔∈→ ⟩□
    ( ) xs                  

-- If Pˢ ∞ x implies Pˢ i x for any i and x, then □ˢ ∞ Pˢ is pointwise
-- logically equivalent to □ ∞ (Pˢ ∞).

□ˢ∞⇔□∞ :
  (∀ {i x}    x   i x) 
  □ˢ   xs    ( ) xs
□ˢ∞⇔□∞ {} {xs} ∞→ =
  □ˢ   xs                     ↝⟨ □ˢ⇔∈→ ∞→ 
  (∀ x  [  ] x  xs    x)  ↝⟨ inverse □⇔∈→ ⟩□
    ( ) xs                  

-- □ˢ i (const P) is pointwise logically equivalent to □ i P.

□ˢ⇔□ : □ˢ i  _  P) xs   i P xs
□ˢ⇔□ {P} = record { to = to; from = from }
  to : □ˢ i  _  P) xs   i P xs
  to []       = []
  to (p  ps) = p  λ { .force  to (force ps) }

  from :  i P xs  □ˢ i  _  P) xs
  from []       = []
  from (p  ps) = p  λ { .force  from (force ps) }

-- If Pˢ is universally true, then □ˢ i Pˢ is also universally true.

□ˢ-replicate : (∀ {i} x   i x)  (∀ xs  □ˢ i  xs)
□ˢ-replicate f []       = []
□ˢ-replicate f (x  xs) = f x  λ { .force  □ˢ-replicate f (force xs) }

-- Something resembling applicative functor application for □ˢ.

infixl 4 _□ˢ-⊛_

_□ˢ-⊛_ : □ˢ i  j x   j x   j x) xs  □ˢ i  xs  □ˢ i  xs
[]       □ˢ-⊛ _        = []
(f  fs) □ˢ-⊛ (p  ps) = f p  λ { .force  force fs □ˢ-⊛ force ps }

-- A map function for □ˢ.

□ˢ-map :
  (∀ {i x}   i x   i x) 
  (∀ {xs}  □ˢ i  xs  □ˢ i  xs)
□ˢ-map f ps = □ˢ-replicate  _  f) _ □ˢ-⊛ ps

-- A variant of □ˢ-map.

□ˢ-map′ :
  (∀ {i x}   i (f x)   i (g x)) 
  (∀ {xs}  □ˢ i  (map f xs)  □ˢ i  (map g xs))
□ˢ-map′ g {xs = []}    []       = []
□ˢ-map′ g {xs = _  _} (p  ps) = g p  λ { .force  □ˢ-map′ g (force ps) }

-- Something resembling applicative functor application for □ˢ and ◇ˢ.

infixl 4 _□ˢ◇ˢ-⊛_

_□ˢ◇ˢ-⊛_ : □ˢ i  j x   j x   j x) xs  ◇ˢ i  xs  ◇ˢ i  xs
(f  _)  □ˢ◇ˢ-⊛ (here p)  = here (f p)
(_  fs) □ˢ◇ˢ-⊛ (there p) = there (force fs □ˢ◇ˢ-⊛ p)

-- A combination of some of the combinators above.

□ˢ◇ˢ-witness :
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {x}   j x   i x) 
  (∀ {i} {j : Size< i} {x}   j x   i x) 
  □ˢ i  xs  ◇ˢ i  xs   λ x   i x ×  i x
□ˢ◇ˢ-witness Pˢ-closed Qˢ-closed p q =
  ◇ˢ-witness  { {_} {_}  Σ-map Pˢ-closed Qˢ-closed })
             (□ˢ-map _,_ p □ˢ◇ˢ-⊛ q)

-- If □ˢ i Pˢ (cycle x xs) holds, then □ˢ i Pˢ (x ∷ xs) also holds.

□ˢ-cycle→ : □ˢ i  (cycle x xs)  □ˢ i  (x  xs)
□ˢ-cycle→ {i} {} {x} {xs} =
  □ˢ i  (cycle x xs)              ↝⟨  { (p  ps)  p  ps }) 
  □ˢ i  ((x  xs) ++ cycle x xs)  ↝⟨ to _ ⟩□
  □ˢ i  (x  xs)                  
  to :  {i} ys  □ˢ i  (ys ++ cycle x xs)  □ˢ i  ys
  to []       _        = []
  to (y  ys) (p  ps) = p  λ { .force  to (force ys) (force ps) }

-- If Pˢ ∞ x implies Pˢ i x for any i and x, then □ˢ ∞ Pˢ (cycle x xs)
-- is logically equivalent to □ˢ ∞ Pˢ (x ∷ xs).

□ˢ-cycle⇔ :
  (∀ {i x}    x   i x) 
  □ˢ   (cycle x xs)  □ˢ   (x  xs)
□ˢ-cycle⇔ {} {x} {xs} ∞→ = record
  { to   = □ˢ-cycle→
  ; from = □ˢ   (x  xs)                  ↝⟨  hyp  from hyp hyp) 
           □ˢ   ((x  xs) ++ cycle x xs)  ↝⟨  { (p  ps)  p  ps }) ⟩□
           □ˢ   (cycle x xs)              
  from : □ˢ   (x  xs)  □ˢ i  ys  □ˢ i  (ys ++ cycle x xs)
  from ps       (q  qs) = q  λ { .force  from ps (force qs) }
  from (p  ps) []       = ∞→ p  λ { .force 
                           from (p  ps) (force ps) }