-- Contexts, variables, context morphisms, etc.

-- Based on Conor McBride's "Outrageous but Meaningful Coincidences:
-- Dependent type-safe syntax and evaluation".

-- The contexts and variables are parametrised by a universe.

open import Data.Universe.Indexed

module deBruijn.Context.Basics
  {i u e} (Uni : IndexedUniverse i u e) where

open IndexedUniverse Uni

open import Data.Product as Prod
open import Data.Unit
open import Function hiding (_∋_)
open import Level using (_⊔_; Lift)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec

open P.≡-Reasoning

-- Contexts and "types"


  -- Contexts.

  infixl 5 _▻_

  data Ctxt : Set (i  u  e) where
    ε   : Ctxt
    _▻_ : (Γ : Ctxt) (σ : Type Γ)  Ctxt

  -- Semantic types: maps from environments to universe codes. The
  -- semantic types come in two flavours: indexed and unindexed
  -- (paired up with an index).

  IType : Ctxt  I  Set (u  e)
  IType Γ i = Env Γ  U i

  Type : Ctxt  Set (i  u  e)
  Type Γ =  λ i  IType Γ i

  -- Extracts the index from an unindexed type.

  index :  {Γ}  Type Γ  I
  index = proj₁

  -- Converts a type to an indexed type.

  indexed-type :  {Γ} (σ : Type Γ)  IType Γ (index σ)
  indexed-type = proj₂

  -- Interpretation of contexts: environments.

  Env : Ctxt  Set e
  Env ε       = Lift _ 
  Env (Γ  σ) = Σ (Env Γ) λ γ  El (indexed-type σ γ)

-- Semantic values: maps from environments to universe values.

Value : (Γ : Ctxt)  Type Γ  Set _
Value Γ σ = (γ : Env Γ)  El (indexed-type σ γ)

-- Context morphisms

-- Context morphisms or "semantic substitutions": maps from
-- environments to environments. Note the arrow's direction.

infixr 4 _⇨̂_

_⇨̂_ : Ctxt  Ctxt  Set _
Γ ⇨̂ Δ = Env Δ  Env Γ

-- The identity morphism.

îd :  {Γ}  Γ ⇨̂ Γ
îd = id

-- If the context cannot be inferred the following variant can be used
-- instead.

îd[_] :  Γ  Γ ⇨̂ Γ
îd[ _ ] = îd

-- Reverse composition of context morphisms.

infixl 9 _∘̂_

_∘̂_ :  {Γ Δ Ε}  Γ ⇨̂ Δ  Δ ⇨̂ Ε  Γ ⇨̂ Ε
ρ̂₁ ∘̂ ρ̂₂ = ρ̂₁  ρ̂₂

-- Application of context morphisms to indexed types.

infixl 8 _/̂I_

_/̂I_ :  {Γ Δ i}  IType Γ i  Γ ⇨̂ Δ  IType Δ i
σ /̂I ρ̂ = σ  ρ̂

-- Application of context morphisms to types.

infixl 8 _/̂_

_/̂_ :  {Γ Δ}  Type Γ  Γ ⇨̂ Δ  Type Δ
(i , σ)  ρ̂ = (i , σ /̂I ρ̂)

-- Application of context morphisms to values.

infixl 8 _/̂Val_

_/̂Val_ :  {Γ Δ σ}  Value Γ σ  (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ)  Value Δ (σ  ρ̂)
v /̂Val ρ̂ = v  ρ̂

-- Weakening.

ŵk :  {Γ σ}  Γ ⇨̂ Γ  σ
ŵk = proj₁

ŵk[_] :  {Γ} σ  Γ ⇨̂ Γ  σ
ŵk[ _ ] = ŵk

-- Empty context morphism.

ε̂ :  {Δ}  ε ⇨̂ Δ
ε̂ = λ _  _

ε̂[_] :  Δ  ε ⇨̂ Δ
ε̂[ _ ] = ε̂

-- Extends a context morphism with another value.

infixl 5 _▻̂_ _▻̂[_]_

_▻̂_ :  {Γ Δ σ} (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ)  Value Δ (σ  ρ̂)  Γ  σ ⇨̂ Δ
_▻̂_ = <_,_>

_▻̂[_]_ :  {Γ Δ} (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) σ  Value Δ (σ  ρ̂)  Γ  σ ⇨̂ Δ
ρ̂ ▻̂[ _ ] v = ρ̂ ▻̂ v

-- A context morphism which only modifies the last "variable".

ŝub :  {Γ σ}  Value Γ σ  Γ  σ ⇨̂ Γ
ŝub v = îd ▻̂ v

-- The "tail" of a "nonempty" context morphism.

t̂ail :  {Γ Δ σ}  Γ  σ ⇨̂ Δ  Γ ⇨̂ Δ
t̂ail ρ̂ = ŵk ∘̂ ρ̂

-- The "head" of a "nonempty" context morphism.

ĥead :  {Γ Δ σ} (ρ̂ : Γ  σ ⇨̂ Δ)  Value Δ (σ  t̂ail ρ̂)
ĥead ρ̂ = proj₂  ρ̂

-- Lifting.

infixl 10 _↑̂_
infix  10 _↑̂

_↑̂_ :  {Γ Δ} (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) σ  Γ  σ ⇨̂ Δ  σ  ρ̂
ρ̂ ↑̂ _ = Prod.map ρ̂ id

_↑̂ :  {Γ Δ σ} (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ)  Γ  σ ⇨̂ Δ  σ  ρ̂
ρ̂ ↑̂ = ρ̂ ↑̂ _

-- Variables

-- Variables (de Bruijn indices).

infix 3 _∋_

data _∋_ : (Γ : Ctxt)  Type Γ  Set (i  u  e) where
  zero :  {Γ σ}                Γ  σ  σ  ŵk
  suc  :  {Γ σ τ} (x : Γ  τ)  Γ  σ  τ  ŵk

zero[_] :  {Γ} σ  Γ  σ  σ  ŵk
zero[ _ ] = zero

suc[_] :  {Γ} σ {τ}  Γ  τ  Γ  σ  τ  ŵk
suc[ _ ] = suc

-- Interpretation of variables: a lookup function.

lookup :  {Γ σ}  Γ  σ  Value Γ σ
lookup zero    (γ , v) = v
lookup (suc x) (γ , v) = lookup x γ

-- Application of context morphisms to variables.

infixl 8 _/̂∋_

_/̂∋_ :  {Γ Δ σ}  Γ  σ  (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ)  Value Δ (σ  ρ̂)
x /̂∋ ρ̂ = lookup x /̂Val ρ̂

-- Equality

infix 4 _≅-Ctxt_ _≅-Type_ _≅-IType_ _≅-Value_ _≅-⇨̂_ _≅-∋_

-- Equality of contexts.

_≅-Ctxt_ : Ctxt  Ctxt  Set _
Γ₁ ≅-Ctxt Γ₂ = Γ₁  Γ₂

-- Equality of types.
-- This library uses propositional equality, including the K rule.
-- Two types are defined to be equal if their corresponding telescopes
-- are equal. The constructor [_] turns a type into a telescope.
-- At first two types (or context morphisms, or…) were defined to be
-- equal if they were equal according to the heterogeneous equality.
-- However, this led to a problem. Consider the old and new
-- definitions of /̂-cong:
-- Old:
--   /̂-cong : ∀ {Γ₁ Δ₁ σ₁} {ρ̂₁ : Γ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁}
--              {Γ₂ Δ₂ σ₂} {ρ̂₂ : Γ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} →
--            Γ₁ ≡ Γ₂ → Δ₁ ≡ Δ₂ → σ₁ ≅ σ₂ → ρ̂₁ ≅ ρ̂₂ → σ₁ /̂ ρ̂₁ ≅ σ₂ /̂ ρ̂₂
--   /̂-cong P.refl P.refl H.refl H.refl = H.refl
-- New:
--   /̂-cong : ∀ {Γ₁ Δ₁ σ₁} {ρ̂₁ : Γ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁}
--              {Γ₂ Δ₂ σ₂} {ρ̂₂ : Γ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} →
--            σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂ → ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂ → σ₁ /̂ ρ̂₁ ≅-Type σ₂ /̂ ρ̂₂
--   /̂-cong P.refl P.refl = P.refl
-- Notice that the old definition required more assumptions than the
-- new one. This meant that proofs using various congruences became
-- unnecessarily large and complicated.

record [Type] : Set (i  u  e) where
  constructor [_]
    {Γ} : Ctxt
    σ   : Type Γ

_≅-Type_ :  {Γ₁} (σ₁ : Type Γ₁)
             {Γ₂} (σ₂ : Type Γ₂)  Set _
σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂ = [ σ₁ ]  [ σ₂ ]

-- If the indices are equal, then _≅-Type_ coincides with _≡_.

≅-Type-⇒-≡ :  {Γ} {σ₁ σ₂ : Type Γ} 
             σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂  σ₁  σ₂
≅-Type-⇒-≡ P.refl = P.refl

-- Certain uses of substitutivity can be removed.

drop-subst-Type :  {a} {A : Set a} {x₁ x₂}
                  (f : A  Ctxt) {σ} (x₁≡x₂ : x₁  x₂) 
                  P.subst  x  Type (f x)) x₁≡x₂ σ ≅-Type σ
drop-subst-Type f P.refl = P.refl

-- TODO: Should functions like ≅-Type-⇒-≡ and drop-subst-Type be
-- included for all types?

record [IType] : Set (i  u  e) where
  constructor [_]
    {Γ}   : Ctxt
    {idx} : I
    σ     : IType Γ idx

_≅-IType_ :  {Γ₁ i₁} (σ₁ : IType Γ₁ i₁)
              {Γ₂ i₂} (σ₂ : IType Γ₂ i₂)  Set _
σ₁ ≅-IType σ₂ = _≡_ {A = [IType]} [ σ₁ ] [ σ₂ ]

-- If the indices are equal, then _≅-IType_ coincides with _≡_.

≅-IType-⇒-≡ :  {Γ i} {σ₁ σ₂ : IType Γ i} 
              σ₁ ≅-IType σ₂  σ₁  σ₂
≅-IType-⇒-≡ P.refl = P.refl

-- Equality of values.

record [Value] : Set (i  u  e) where
  constructor [_]
    {Γ} : Ctxt
    {σ} : Type Γ
    v   : Value Γ σ

_≅-Value_ :  {Γ₁ σ₁} (v₁ : Value Γ₁ σ₁)
              {Γ₂ σ₂} (v₂ : Value Γ₂ σ₂)  Set _
v₁ ≅-Value v₂ = _≡_ {A = [Value]} [ v₁ ] [ v₂ ]

≅-Value-⇒-≡ :  {Γ σ} {v₁ v₂ : Value Γ σ} 
              v₁ ≅-Value v₂  v₁  v₂
≅-Value-⇒-≡ P.refl = P.refl

-- Equality of context morphisms.

record [⇨̂] : Set (i  u  e) where
  constructor [_]
    {Γ Δ} : Ctxt
    ρ̂     : Γ ⇨̂ Δ

_≅-⇨̂_ :  {Γ₁ Δ₁} (ρ̂₁ : Γ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁)
          {Γ₂ Δ₂} (ρ̂₂ : Γ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂)  Set _
ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂ = _≡_ {A = [⇨̂]} [ ρ̂₁ ] [ ρ̂₂ ]

≅-⇨̂-⇒-≡ :  {Γ Δ} {ρ̂₁ ρ̂₂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ} 
          ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂  ρ̂₁  ρ̂₂
≅-⇨̂-⇒-≡ P.refl = P.refl

-- Equality of variables.

record [∋] : Set (i  u  e) where
  constructor [_]
    {Γ} : Ctxt
    {σ} : Type Γ
    x   : Γ  σ

_≅-∋_ :  {Γ₁ σ₁} (x₁ : Γ₁  σ₁)
          {Γ₂ σ₂} (x₂ : Γ₂  σ₂)  Set _
x₁ ≅-∋ x₂ = _≡_ {A = [∋]} [ x₁ ] [ x₂ ]

≅-∋-⇒-≡ :  {Γ σ} {x₁ x₂ : Γ  σ} 
          x₁ ≅-∋ x₂  x₁  x₂
≅-∋-⇒-≡ P.refl = P.refl

-- Some congruence lemmas

▻-cong :  {Γ₁ Γ₂ σ₁ σ₂}  σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂  Γ₁  σ₁ ≅-Ctxt Γ₂  σ₂
▻-cong P.refl = P.refl

indexed-type-cong :
   {Γ₁} {σ₁ : Type Γ₁}
    {Γ₂} {σ₂ : Type Γ₂} 
  σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂  indexed-type σ₁ ≅-IType indexed-type σ₂
indexed-type-cong P.refl = P.refl

îd-cong :  {Γ₁ Γ₂}  Γ₁ ≅-Ctxt Γ₂  îd[ Γ₁ ] ≅-⇨̂ îd[ Γ₂ ]
îd-cong P.refl = P.refl

∘̂-cong :  {Γ₁ Δ₁ Ε₁} {ρ̂₁₁ : Γ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁} {ρ̂₂₁ : Δ₁ ⇨̂ Ε₁}
           {Γ₂ Δ₂ Ε₂} {ρ̂₁₂ : Γ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} {ρ̂₂₂ : Δ₂ ⇨̂ Ε₂} 
         ρ̂₁₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₁₂  ρ̂₂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂₂  ρ̂₁₁ ∘̂ ρ̂₂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₁₂ ∘̂ ρ̂₂₂
∘̂-cong P.refl P.refl = P.refl

/̂I-cong :  {Γ₁ Δ₁ i₁} {σ₁ : IType Γ₁ i₁} {ρ̂₁ : Γ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁}
            {Γ₂ Δ₂ i₂} {σ₂ : IType Γ₂ i₂} {ρ̂₂ : Γ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} 
          σ₁ ≅-IType σ₂  ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂  σ₁ /̂I ρ̂₁ ≅-IType σ₂ /̂I ρ̂₂
/̂I-cong P.refl P.refl = P.refl

/̂-cong :  {Γ₁ Δ₁ σ₁} {ρ̂₁ : Γ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁}
           {Γ₂ Δ₂ σ₂} {ρ̂₂ : Γ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} 
         σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂  ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂  σ₁  ρ̂₁ ≅-Type σ₂  ρ̂₂
/̂-cong P.refl P.refl = P.refl

/̂Val-cong :  {Γ₁ Δ₁ σ₁} {v₁ : Value Γ₁ σ₁} {ρ̂₁ : Γ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁}
              {Γ₂ Δ₂ σ₂} {v₂ : Value Γ₂ σ₂} {ρ̂₂ : Γ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} 
            v₁ ≅-Value v₂  ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂  v₁ /̂Val ρ̂₁ ≅-Value v₂ /̂Val ρ̂₂
/̂Val-cong P.refl P.refl = P.refl

ŵk-cong :  {Γ₁} {σ₁ : Type Γ₁} {Γ₂} {σ₂ : Type Γ₂} 
          σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂  ŵk[ σ₁ ] ≅-⇨̂ ŵk[ σ₂ ]
ŵk-cong P.refl = P.refl

ε̂-cong :  {Δ₁ Δ₂}  Δ₁ ≅-Ctxt Δ₂  ε̂[ Δ₁ ] ≅-⇨̂ ε̂[ Δ₂ ]
ε̂-cong P.refl = P.refl

▻̂-cong :  {Γ₁ Δ₁ σ₁} {ρ̂₁ : Γ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁} {v₁ : Value Δ₁ (σ₁  ρ̂₁)}
           {Γ₂ Δ₂ σ₂} {ρ̂₂ : Γ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} {v₂ : Value Δ₂ (σ₂  ρ̂₂)} 
         σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂  ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂  v₁ ≅-Value v₂ 
         ρ̂₁ ▻̂[ σ₁ ] v₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂ ▻̂[ σ₂ ] v₂
▻̂-cong P.refl P.refl P.refl = P.refl

ŝub-cong :  {Γ₁ σ₁} {v₁ : Value Γ₁ σ₁} {Γ₂ σ₂} {v₂ : Value Γ₂ σ₂} 
           v₁ ≅-Value v₂  ŝub v₁ ≅-⇨̂ ŝub v₂
ŝub-cong P.refl = P.refl

t̂ail-cong :  {Γ₁ Δ₁ σ₁} {ρ̂₁ : Γ₁  σ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁}
              {Γ₂ Δ₂ σ₂} {ρ̂₂ : Γ₂  σ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} 
            ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂  t̂ail ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ t̂ail ρ̂₂
t̂ail-cong P.refl = P.refl

ĥead-cong :  {Γ₁ Δ₁ σ₁} {ρ̂₁ : Γ₁  σ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁}
              {Γ₂ Δ₂ σ₂} {ρ̂₂ : Γ₂  σ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} 
            ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂  ĥead ρ̂₁ ≅-Value ĥead ρ̂₂
ĥead-cong P.refl = P.refl

↑̂-cong :  {Γ₁ Δ₁} {ρ̂₁ : Γ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁} {σ₁}
           {Γ₂ Δ₂} {ρ̂₂ : Γ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} {σ₂} 
         ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂  σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂  ρ̂₁ ↑̂ σ₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂ ↑̂ σ₂
↑̂-cong P.refl P.refl = P.refl

zero-cong :  {Γ₁} {σ₁ : Type Γ₁}
              {Γ₂} {σ₂ : Type Γ₂} 
            σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂  zero[ σ₁ ] ≅-∋ zero[ σ₂ ]
zero-cong P.refl = P.refl

suc-cong :
   {Γ₁ σ₁ τ₁} {x₁ : Γ₁  τ₁}
    {Γ₂ σ₂ τ₂} {x₂ : Γ₂  τ₂} 
  σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂  x₁ ≅-∋ x₂  suc[ σ₁ ] x₁ ≅-∋ suc[ σ₂ ] x₂
suc-cong P.refl P.refl = P.refl

/̂∋-cong :  {Γ₁ Δ₁ σ₁} {x₁ : Γ₁  σ₁} {ρ̂₁ : Γ₁ ⇨̂ Δ₁}
            {Γ₂ Δ₂ σ₂} {x₂ : Γ₂  σ₂} {ρ̂₂ : Γ₂ ⇨̂ Δ₂} 
          x₁ ≅-∋ x₂  ρ̂₁ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₂  x₁ /̂∋ ρ̂₁ ≅-Value x₂ /̂∋ ρ̂₂
/̂∋-cong P.refl P.refl = P.refl

-- Some properties, all of which hold definitionally

-- _/̂_ preserves the index.

index-/̂ :  {Γ Δ} (σ : Type Γ) (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) 
          index (σ  ρ̂)  index σ
index-/̂ σ ρ̂ = P.refl

-- îd and _∘̂_ form a monoid.

îd-∘̂ :  {Γ Δ} (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ)  ρ̂ ∘̂ îd ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂
îd-∘̂ ρ̂ = P.refl

∘̂-îd :  {Γ Δ} (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ)  îd ∘̂ ρ̂ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂
∘̂-îd ρ̂ = P.refl

∘̂-assoc :  {Γ Δ Ε Ζ} (ρ̂₁ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) (ρ̂₂ : Δ ⇨̂ Ε) (ρ̂₃ : Ε ⇨̂ Ζ) 
          ρ̂₁ ∘̂ (ρ̂₂ ∘̂ ρ̂₃) ≅-⇨̂ (ρ̂₁ ∘̂ ρ̂₂) ∘̂ ρ̂₃
∘̂-assoc ρ̂₁ ρ̂₂ ρ̂₃ = P.refl

-- The lifting of the identity substitution is the identity
-- substitution.

îd-↑̂ :  {Γ} (σ : Type Γ)  îd ↑̂ σ ≅-⇨̂ îd[ Γ  σ ]
îd-↑̂ σ = P.refl

-- _↑̂ distributes over _∘̂_.

↑̂-distrib :  {Γ Δ Ε} (ρ̂₁ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) (ρ̂₂ : Δ ⇨̂ Ε) σ 
            (ρ̂₁ ∘̂ ρ̂₂) ↑̂ σ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂₁ ↑̂ σ ∘̂ ρ̂₂ ↑̂
↑̂-distrib ρ̂₁ ρ̂₂ σ = P.refl

-- ŵk is a left inverse of ŝub.

ŵk-∘̂-ŝub :  {Γ σ} (v : Value Γ σ)  ŵk ∘̂ ŝub v ≅-⇨̂ îd
ŵk-∘̂-ŝub v = P.refl

-- First weakening under the head, and then replacing the head with
-- the new head, is the same as doing nothing.

ŵk-↑̂-∘̂-ŝub :  {Γ} σ  ŵk ↑̂ ∘̂ ŝub proj₂ ≅-⇨̂ îd[ Γ  σ ]
ŵk-↑̂-∘̂-ŝub σ = P.refl

-- ŵk commutes with arbitrary context morphisms (modulo lifting).

∘̂-ŵk :  {Γ Δ} (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) σ  ρ̂ ∘̂ ŵk[ σ  ρ̂ ] ≅-⇨̂ ŵk[ σ ] ∘̂ ρ̂ ↑̂
∘̂-ŵk ρ̂ σ = P.refl

-- ŝub commutes with arbitrary context morphisms (modulo lifting).

ŝub-∘̂ :  {Γ Δ σ} (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) (v : Value Γ σ) 
        ŝub v ∘̂ ρ̂ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂ ↑̂ ∘̂ ŝub (v /̂Val ρ̂)
ŝub-∘̂ ρ̂ v = P.refl

-- Laws relating _▻̂_, ĥead and t̂ail.

ĥead-▻̂ :  {Γ Δ σ} (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) (v : Value Δ (σ  ρ̂)) 
         ĥead (ρ̂ ▻̂[ σ ] v) ≅-Value v
ĥead-▻̂ ρ̂ v = P.refl

t̂ail-▻̂ :  {Γ Δ σ} (ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) (v : Value Δ (σ  ρ̂)) 
         t̂ail (ρ̂ ▻̂[ σ ] v) ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂
t̂ail-▻̂ ρ̂ v = P.refl

t̂ail-▻̂-ĥead :  {Γ Δ σ} (ρ̂ : Γ  σ ⇨̂ Δ)  t̂ail ρ̂ ▻̂ ĥead ρ̂ ≅-⇨̂ ρ̂
t̂ail-▻̂-ĥead ρ̂ = P.refl

-- Law relating _▻̂_ and _∘̂_.

▻̂-∘̂ :  {Γ Δ Ε σ} (ρ̂₁ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) (ρ̂₂ : Δ ⇨̂ Ε) (v : Value Δ (σ  ρ̂₁)) 
      (ρ̂₁ ▻̂[ σ ] v) ∘̂ ρ̂₂ ≅-⇨̂ (ρ̂₁ ∘̂ ρ̂₂) ▻̂ v /̂Val ρ̂₂
▻̂-∘̂ ρ̂₁ ρ̂₂ v = P.refl

-- The identity substitution has no effect.

/̂-îd :  {Γ} (σ : Type Γ)  σ  îd ≅-Type σ
/̂-îd σ = P.refl

/̂Val-îd :  {Γ σ} (v : Value Γ σ)  v /̂Val îd ≅-Value v
/̂Val-îd v = P.refl

-- Applying two substitutions is equivalent to applying their
-- composition.

/̂-∘̂ :  {Γ Δ Ε} (ρ̂₁ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) (ρ̂₂ : Δ ⇨̂ Ε) σ 
      σ  ρ̂₁ ∘̂ ρ̂₂ ≅-Type σ  ρ̂₁  ρ̂₂
/̂-∘̂ ρ̂₁ ρ̂₂ σ = P.refl

/̂Val-∘̂ :  {Γ Δ Ε σ} (ρ̂₁ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ) (ρ̂₂ : Δ ⇨̂ Ε) (v : Value Γ σ) 
         v /̂Val ρ̂₁ ∘̂ ρ̂₂ ≅-Value v /̂Val ρ̂₁ /̂Val ρ̂₂
/̂Val-∘̂ ρ̂₁ ρ̂₂ v = P.refl

-- More properties

-- _▻_ is injective.

▻-injective :  {Γ₁ σ₁ Γ₂ σ₂} 
              Γ₁  σ₁ ≅-Ctxt Γ₂  σ₂  Γ₁ ≅-Ctxt Γ₂ × σ₁ ≅-Type σ₂
▻-injective P.refl = P.refl , P.refl

-- Equality of variables is decidable (if they refer to the same
-- context).

infix 4 _≟-∋_

_≟-∋_ :  {Γ σ₁} (x₁ : Γ  σ₁) {σ₂} (x₂ : Γ  σ₂) 
        Dec (x₁ ≅-∋ x₂)
zero   ≟-∋ zero   = yes P.refl
zero   ≟-∋ suc _  = no λ ()
suc _  ≟-∋ zero   = no λ ()
suc x₁ ≟-∋ suc x₂ = Dec.map′ (suc-cong P.refl) helper (x₁ ≟-∋ x₂)
  helper :  {Γ₁ σ₁ τ₁} {x₁ : Γ₁  τ₁}
             {Γ₂ σ₂ τ₂} {x₂ : Γ₂  τ₂} 
           suc[ σ₁ ] x₁ ≅-∋ suc[ σ₂ ] x₂  x₁ ≅-∋ x₂
  helper P.refl = P.refl