-- A combinator for running two (independent) computations in sequence

{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}

module Delay-monad.Sequential where

open import Equality.Propositional as Eq using (_≡_)
open import Prelude hiding (_+_)
open import Prelude.Size

open import Conat Eq.equality-with-J as Conat
  using (zero; suc; force; _+_)

open import Delay-monad
open import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity
open import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity.Kind
open import Delay-monad.Monad


    a               : Level
    A B C           : Type a
    i               : Size
    k               : Kind
    f₁ f₂           : Delay (A  B) 
    x x₁ x₂ y y₁ y₂ : Delay A 
    f′              : Delay′ (A  B) 
    x′              : Delay′ A 
    h               : A  B
    z               : A

-- The _⊛_ operator

-- Sequential composition of computations.

infixl 6 _⊛_

_⊛_ : Delay (A  B) i  Delay A i  Delay B i
f  x = f >>=′ λ f  x >>=′ λ x  now (f x)

-- The number of later constructors in f ⊛ x is bisimilar to the sum
-- of the number of later constructors in f and the number of later
-- constructors in x.

steps-⊛∼steps-+-steps :
  (f : Delay (A  B) ) 
  Conat.[ i ] steps (f  x)  steps f + steps x
steps-⊛∼steps-+-steps {x = now _}   (now _)   = zero
steps-⊛∼steps-+-steps {x = later _} (now _)   = suc λ { .force  steps-⊛∼steps-+-steps (now _)    }
steps-⊛∼steps-+-steps               (later f) = suc λ { .force  steps-⊛∼steps-+-steps (f .force) }

-- A rearrangement lemma for _⊛_.

later-⊛∼⊛-later :
  [ i ] later f′  x′ .force  f′ .force  later x′
later-⊛∼⊛-later = lemma _ Eq.refl
  lemma :
     f  f′ .force  f  [ i ] later f′  x′ .force  f  later x′
  lemma {f′ = f′} {x′ = x′} (now f) eq = later λ { .force 
    f′ .force  x′ .force  ≡⟨ Eq.cong (_⊛ x′ .force) eq 
    now f  x′ .force       }
  lemma {f′ = f′} {x′ = x′} (later f) eq = later λ { .force 
    f′ .force  x′ .force  ≡⟨ Eq.cong (_⊛ x′ .force) eq 
    later f  x′ .force    ∼⟨ later-⊛∼⊛-later ⟩∼
    f .force  later x′     }

-- The _⊛_ operator preserves strong and weak bisimilarity and
-- expansion.

infixl 6 _⊛-cong_

_⊛-cong_ :
  [ i ] f₁  k  f₂ 
  [ i ] x₁  k  x₂ 
  [ i ] f₁  x₁  k  f₂  x₂
p ⊛-cong q = p >>=-cong λ _  q >>=-cong λ _  now

-- The _⊛_ operator is (kind of) commutative.

⊛-comm :
  (f : Delay (A  B) ) (x : Delay A ) 
  [ i ] f  x  map′ (flip _$_) x  f
⊛-comm (now f)   (now x)   = reflexive _
⊛-comm (now f)   (later x) = later λ { .force  ⊛-comm (now f) (x .force) }
⊛-comm (later f) (now x)   = later λ { .force  ⊛-comm (f .force) (now x) }
⊛-comm (later f) (later x) = later λ { .force 
  f .force  later x                    ∼⟨ symmetric later-⊛∼⊛-later 
  later f  x .force                    ∼⟨ ⊛-comm (later f) (x .force) ⟩∼
  map′ (flip _$_) (x .force)  later f   }

-- The function map′ can be expressed using _⊛_.

map∼now-⊛ : (x : Delay A )  [ i ] map′ h x  now h  x
map∼now-⊛ {h = h} x =
  map′ h x                           ∼⟨ map∼>>=-now _ 
  (x >>=′ now  h)                   ∼⟨⟩
  (now h >>=′ λ h  x >>=′ now  h)  ∼⟨⟩
  now h  x                          

-- The applicative functor laws hold up to strong bisimilarity.

now-id-⊛ : [ i ] now id  x  x
now-id-⊛ {x = now x}   = now
now-id-⊛ {x = later x} = later λ { .force  now-id-⊛ }

now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ :
  (f : Delay (B  C) ) (g : Delay (A  B) ) (x : Delay A ) 
  [ i ] now  f  f ∘_)  f  g  x  f  (g  x)
now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (now _)   (now _)   (now _)   = now
now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (now _)   (now _)   (later x) = later λ { .force  now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (now _)    (now _)    (x .force) }
now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (now _)   (later g) x         = later λ { .force  now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (now _)    (g .force) x          }
now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (later f) g         x         = later λ { .force  now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (f .force) g          x          }

now-⊛-now : [ i ] now h  now z  now (h z)
now-⊛-now = now

⊛-now :
  (f : Delay (A  B) ) 
  [ i ] f  now z  now  f  f z)  f
⊛-now (now f)   = now
⊛-now (later f) = later λ { .force  ⊛-now (f .force) }

-- The _∣_ operator

-- Sequential composition of computations.

infix 10 _∣_

_∣_ : Delay A i  Delay B i  Delay (A × B) i
x  y = map′ _,_ x  y

-- The number of later constructors in x ∣ y is bisimilar to the sum
-- of the number of later constructors in x and the number of later
-- constructors in y.

steps-∣∼max-steps-steps :
  Conat.[ i ] steps (x  y)  steps x + steps y
steps-∣∼max-steps-steps {x = x} {y = y} =
  steps (x  y)                 Conat.∼⟨ Conat.reflexive-∼ _ 
  steps (map′ _,_ x  y)        Conat.∼⟨ steps-⊛∼steps-+-steps (map′ _,_ x) 
  steps (map′ _,_ x) + steps y  Conat.∼⟨ steps-map′ x Conat.+-cong Conat.reflexive-∼ _ ⟩∎
  steps x + steps y             ∎∼

-- The _∣_ operator preserves strong and weak bisimilarity and
-- expansion.

infix 10 _∣-cong_

_∣-cong_ :
  [ i ] x₁  k  x₂ 
  [ i ] y₁  k  y₂ 
  [ i ] x₁  y₁  k  x₂  y₂
p ∣-cong q = map-cong _,_ p ⊛-cong q

-- The _∣_ operator is commutative (up to swapping of results).

∣-comm : [ i ] x  y  map′ swap (y  x)
∣-comm {x = x} {y = y} =
  x  y                                                          ∼⟨⟩
  map′ _,_ x  y                                                 ∼⟨ ⊛-comm (map′ _,_ x) y 
  map′ (flip _$_) y  map′ _,_ x                                 ∼⟨ map∼now-⊛ y ⊛-cong map∼now-⊛ x 
  now (flip _$_)  y  (now _,_  x)                             ∼⟨ symmetric (now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (now _  y) (now _) x) 
  now  f  f ∘_)  (now (flip _$_)  y)  now _,_  x          ∼⟨ symmetric (now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (now _) (now _) y) ⊛-cong (now _ ) ⊛-cong (x ) 
  now _∘_  now  f  f ∘_)  now (flip _$_)  y  now _,_  x  ∼⟨⟩
  now  x f y  f y x)  y  now _,_  x                        ∼⟨ ⊛-now (now  x f y  f y x)  y) ⊛-cong (x ) 
  now (_$ _,_)  (now  x f y  f y x)  y)  x                 ∼⟨ symmetric (now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (now _) (now _) y) ⊛-cong (x ) 
  now _∘_  now (_$ _,_)  now  x f y  f y x)  y  x         ∼⟨⟩
  now (curry swap)  y  x                                       ∼⟨⟩
  now _∘_  now (swap ∘_)  now _,_  y  x                      ∼⟨ now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (now _) (now _) y ⊛-cong (x ) 
  now (swap ∘_)  (now _,_  y)  x                              ∼⟨ (now _ ) ⊛-cong symmetric (map∼now-⊛ y) ⊛-cong (x ) 
  now (swap ∘_)  map′ _,_ y  x                                 ∼⟨⟩
  now _∘_  now swap  map′ _,_ y  x                            ∼⟨ now-∘-⊛-⊛-⊛ (now _) (map′ _,_ y) x 
  now swap  (map′ _,_ y  x)                                    ∼⟨ symmetric (map∼now-⊛ _) 
  map′ swap (map′ _,_ y  x)                                     ∼⟨⟩
  map′ swap (y  x)                                              

-- The _∣_ operator can be expressed using other functions.

∣-∼ : [ i ] x  y  (x >>=′ λ x  y >>=′ λ y  now (x , y))
∣-∼ {x = x} {y = y} =
  (map′ _,_ x >>=′ λ f  y >>=′ λ y  now (f y))                 ∼⟨ (map∼>>=-now x >>=-cong λ _  _ ) 
  ((x >>=′ λ x  now (x ,_)) >>=′ λ f  y >>=′ λ y  now (f y))  ∼⟨ symmetric $ associativity′ x  x  now (x ,_))  f  y >>=′ λ y  now (f y)) 
  (x >>=′ λ x  now (x ,_) >>=′ λ f  y >>=′ λ y  now (f y))    ∼⟨⟩
  (x >>=′ λ x  y >>=′ λ y  now (x , y))