-- A lookahead operator cannot be defined

-- In "Parsing with First-Class Derivatives" Brachthäuser, Rendel and
-- Ostermann state that "Lookahead and [...] cannot be expressed as
-- user defined combinators". Here I give a formal proof of a variant
-- of this statement (in the present setting).

module TotalParserCombinators.NoLookahead where

open import Data.List
open import Data.List.Properties
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Unit
open import Function.Base
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Equivalence using (Equivalence; _⇔_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PE using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary

open import TotalParserCombinators.Lib
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser
open import TotalParserCombinators.Semantics.Continuation

-- It is impossible to define a lookahead operator satisfying a
-- certain specification (without changing the interface of the parser
-- combinator library).

no-lookahead :
  ¬  λ (look :  {Tok R} {f-bag : List Tok  List R} 
                ((s : List Tok)  Parser Tok R (f-bag s)) 
                Parser Tok R (f-bag [])) 
       {Tok R x s₁ s₂} {f-bag : List Tok  List R}
        {f : (s : List Tok)  Parser Tok R (f-bag s)} 
      x  s₂  look f · s₁  x  s₂  f s₁ · s₁
no-lookahead (look , correct) = ¬f[-]·[-] f[-]·[-]
  f-bag : List   List 
  f-bag []      = [ _ ]
  f-bag (_  _) = []

  f : (s : List )  Parser   (f-bag s)
  f []      = return _
  f (_  _) = fail

  f[]·[] : _  []  f [] · []
  f[]·[] = return

  look-f·[] : _  []  look f · []
  look-f·[] = Equivalence.from correct ⟨$⟩ f[]·[]

  look-f·[-] : _  [ _ ]  look f · [ _ ]
  look-f·[-] = extend look-f·[]

  f[-]·[-] : _  [ _ ]  f [ _ ] · [ _ ]
  f[-]·[-] = Equivalence.to correct ⟨$⟩ look-f·[-]

  ¬f[-]·[-] : ¬ _  [ _ ]  f [ _ ] · [ _ ]
  ¬f[-]·[-] ()