-- An implementation of the Thue-Morse sequence

-- The paper "Productivity of stream definitions" by Endrullis et al.
-- (TCS 2010) uses a certain definition of the Thue-Morse sequence as
-- a running example.

-- Note that the code below makes use of the fact that Agda's
-- termination checker allows "swapping of arguments", which was not
-- mentioned when the termination checker was described in the paper
-- "Beating the Productivity Checker Using Embedded Languages".
-- However, it is easy to rewrite the code into a form which does not
-- make use of swapping, at the cost of some code duplication.

module ThueMorse where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Codata.Musical.Stream as S using (Stream; _≈_)
open S.Stream; open S._≈_
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; not); open Data.Bool.Bool
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as EqReasoning

  module SS {A : Set} = Setoid (S.setoid A)
  open module SR {A : Set} = EqReasoning (S.setoid A)
    using (begin_; _∎)

-- Chunks

-- A value of type Chunks describes how a stream is generated. Note
-- that an infinite sequence of empty chunks is not allowed.

data Chunks : Set where
  -- Start the next chunk.
  next : (m :   Chunks)  Chunks
  -- Cons an element to the current chunk.
  cons : (m :  Chunks)  Chunks

-- Equality of chunks.

infix 4 _≈C_

data _≈C_ : Chunks  Chunks  Set where
  next :  {m m′} (m≈m′ :      m ≈C   m′ )  next m ≈C next m′
  cons :  {m m′} (m≈m′ :  ( m ≈C  m′))  cons m ≈C cons m′

-- Chunk transformers

tailC : Chunks  Chunks
tailC (next m) = next (tailC m)
tailC (cons m) =  m


  evensC : Chunks  Chunks
  evensC (next m) = next (evensC m)
  evensC (cons m) = cons ( oddsC ( m))

  oddsC : Chunks  Chunks
  oddsC (next m) = next (oddsC m)
  oddsC (cons m) = evensC ( m)

infixr 5 _⋎C_

-- Note that care is taken to create as few and large chunks as
-- possible (see also _⋎W_).

_⋎C_ : Chunks  Chunks  Chunks
next m ⋎C next m′ = next (m ⋎C      m′)   -- Two chunks in, one out.
next m ⋎C cons m′ = next (m ⋎C cons m′)
cons m ⋎C      m′ = cons ( (m′ ⋎C  m))

-- Stream programs

-- StreamP m A encodes programs which generate streams with chunk
-- sizes given by m.

infixr 5 _∷_ _⋎_

data StreamP : Chunks  Set  Set₁ where
  [_]     :  {m A} (xs :  (StreamP m A))  StreamP (next m) A
  _∷_     :  {m A} (x : A) (xs : StreamP ( m) A)  StreamP (cons m) A
  tail    :  {m A} (xs : StreamP m A)  StreamP (tailC m) A
  evens   :  {m A} (xs : StreamP m A)  StreamP (evensC m) A
  odds    :  {m A} (xs : StreamP m A)  StreamP (oddsC m) A
  _⋎_     :  {m m′ A} (xs : StreamP m A) (ys : StreamP m′ A) 
            StreamP (m ⋎C m′) A
  map     :  {m A B} (f : A  B) (xs : StreamP m A)  StreamP m B
  cast    :  {m m′ A} (ok : m ≈C m′) (xs : StreamP m A)  StreamP m′ A

data StreamW : Chunks  Set  Set₁ where
  [_] :  {m A} (xs : StreamP m A)  StreamW (next m) A
  _∷_ :  {m A} (x : A) (xs : StreamW ( m) A)  StreamW (cons m) A

program :  {m A}  StreamW m A  StreamP m A
program [ xs ]   = [  xs ]
program (x  xs) = x  program xs

tailW :  {m A}  StreamW m A  StreamW (tailC m) A
tailW [ xs ]   = [ tail xs ]
tailW (x  xs) = xs


  evensW :  {m A}  StreamW m A  StreamW (evensC m) A
  evensW [ xs ]   = [ evens xs ]
  evensW (x  xs) = x  oddsW xs

  oddsW :  {m A}  StreamW m A  StreamW (oddsC m) A
  oddsW [ xs ]   = [ odds xs ]
  oddsW (x  xs) = evensW xs

infixr 5 _⋎W_

-- Note: Uses swapping of arguments.

_⋎W_ :  {m m′ A}  StreamW m A  StreamW m′ A  StreamW (m ⋎C m′) A
[ xs ]   ⋎W [ ys ]   = [ xs  ys ]
[ xs ]   ⋎W (y  ys) = [ xs  program (y  ys) ]
(x  xs) ⋎W ys       = x  ys ⋎W xs

mapW :  {m A B}  (A  B)  StreamW m A  StreamW m B
mapW f [ xs ]   = [ map f xs ]
mapW f (x  xs) = f x  mapW f xs

castW :  {m m′ A}  m ≈C m′  StreamW m A  StreamW m′ A
castW (next m≈m′) [ xs ]   = [ cast m≈m′ xs ]
castW (cons m≈m′) (x  xs) = x  castW ( m≈m′) xs

whnf :  {m A}  StreamP m A  StreamW m A
whnf [ xs ]         = [  xs ]
whnf (x  xs)       = x  whnf xs
whnf (tail xs)      = tailW (whnf xs)
whnf (evens xs)     = evensW (whnf xs)
whnf (odds xs)      = oddsW (whnf xs)
whnf (xs  ys)      = whnf xs ⋎W whnf ys
whnf (map f xs)     = mapW f (whnf xs)
whnf (cast m≈m′ xs) = castW m≈m′ (whnf xs)


  ⟦_⟧W :  {m A}  StreamW m A  Stream A
   [ xs ] ⟧W =  xs ⟧P
   x  xs ⟧W = x    xs ⟧W

  ⟦_⟧P :  {m A}  StreamP m A  Stream A
   xs ⟧P =  whnf xs ⟧W

-- The Thue-Morse sequence

[ccn]ω : Chunks
[ccn]ω = cons ( cons ( next [ccn]ω))

[cn]²[ccn]ω : Chunks
[cn]²[ccn]ω = cons ( next (cons ( next [ccn]ω)))

[cn]³[ccn]ω : Chunks
[cn]³[ccn]ω = cons ( next [cn]²[ccn]ω)

-- Explanation of the proof of lemma₁:
-- odds [ccn]ω ≈ [cn]ω
-- [cn]ω ⋎ [ccn]ω ≈
-- c ([ccn]ω ⋎ n[cn]ω) ≈
-- c c (n[cn]ω ⋎ cn[ccn]ω) ≈
-- c c n ([cn]ω ⋎ cn[ccn]ω) ≈
-- c c n c (cn[ccn]ω ⋎ n[cn]ω) ≈
-- c c n c c (n[cn]ω ⋎ n[ccn]ω) ≈
-- c c n c c n ([cn]ω ⋎ [ccn]ω)

lemma₁ : oddsC [ccn]ω ⋎C [ccn]ω ≈C [ccn]ω
lemma₁ = cons ( cons ( next (cons ( cons ( next lemma₁)))))

-- Explanation of the proof of lemma:
-- evens [cn]³[ccn]ω ≈ cnn[cn]ω
-- tail  [cn]³[ccn]ω ≈ n[cn]²[ccn]ω
-- cnn[cn]ω ⋎ n[cn]²[ccn]ω ≈
-- c (n[cn]²[ccn]ω ⋎ nn[cn]ω) ≈
-- c n ([cn]²[ccn]ω ⋎ n[cn]ω) ≈
-- c n c (n[cn]ω ⋎ ncn[ccn]ω) ≈
-- c n c n ([cn]ω ⋎ cn[ccn]ω) ≈
-- c n c n c (cn[ccn]ω ⋎ n[cn]ω) ≈
-- c n c n c c (n[cn]ω ⋎ n[ccn]ω) ≈
-- c n c n c c n ([cn]ω ⋎ [ccn]ω)

lemma : evensC [cn]³[ccn]ω ⋎C tailC [cn]³[ccn]ω ≈C [cn]²[ccn]ω
lemma = cons ( next (cons ( next (cons ( cons ( next lemma₁))))))

thueMorse : StreamP [cn]³[ccn]ω Bool
thueMorse =
  false  [  cast lemma (map not (evens thueMorse)  tail thueMorse) ]

-- Equality programs

infix  4 _≈[_]P_ _≈[_]W_
infixr 2 _≈⟨_⟩P_ _≈⟨_⟩_

data _≈[_]P_ : {A : Set}  Stream A  Chunks  Stream A  Set₁ where
  [_]     :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A}
            (xs≈ys :  (xs ≈[ m ]P ys))  xs ≈[ next m ]P ys
  _∷_     :  {m A} (x : A) {xs ys}
            (xs≈ys :  xs ≈[  m ]P  ys)  x  xs ≈[ cons m ]P x  ys
  tail    :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A} (xs≈ys : xs ≈[ m ]P ys) 
            S.tail xs ≈[ tailC m ]P S.tail ys
  evens   :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A} (xs≈ys : xs ≈[ m ]P ys) 
            S.evens xs ≈[ evensC m ]P S.evens ys
  odds    :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A} (xs≈ys : xs ≈[ m ]P ys) 
            S.odds xs ≈[ oddsC m ]P S.odds ys
  _⋎_     :  {m m′ A} {xs xs′ ys ys′ : Stream A}
            (xs≈ys : xs ≈[ m ]P ys) (xs′≈ys′ : xs′ ≈[ m′ ]P ys′) 
            (xs  S._⋎_  xs′) ≈[ m ⋎C m′ ]P (ys  S._⋎_  ys′)
  map     :  {m A B} (f : A  B) {xs ys : Stream A}
            (xs≈ys : xs ≈[ m ]P ys)  S.map f xs ≈[ m ]P S.map f ys
  cast    :  {m m′ A} (ok : m ≈C m′) {xs ys : Stream A}
            (xs≈ys : xs ≈[ m ]P ys)  xs ≈[ m′ ]P ys
  _≈⟨_⟩P_ :  {m A} xs {ys zs : Stream A}
            (xs≈ys : xs ≈[ m ]P ys) (ys≈zs : ys  zs)  xs ≈[ m ]P zs
  _≈⟨_⟩_  :  {m A} xs {ys zs : Stream A}
            (xs≈ys : xs  ys) (ys≈zs : ys ≈[ m ]P zs)  xs ≈[ m ]P zs

data _≈[_]W_ : {A : Set}  Stream A  Chunks  Stream A  Set₁ where
  [_]     :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A}
            (xs≈ys : xs ≈[ m ]P ys)  xs ≈[ next m ]W ys
  _∷_     :  {m A} (x : A) {xs ys}
            (xs≈ys :  xs ≈[  m ]W  ys)  x  xs ≈[ cons m ]W x  ys

program≈ :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs ≈[ m ]W ys  xs ≈[ m ]P ys
program≈ [ xs≈ys ]   = [  xs≈ys ]
program≈ (x  xs≈ys) = x  program≈ xs≈ys

tail-congW :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs ≈[ m ]W ys 
             S.tail xs ≈[ tailC m ]W S.tail ys
tail-congW [ xs≈ys ]   = [ tail xs≈ys ]
tail-congW (x  xs≈ys) = xs≈ys


  evens-congW :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A} 
                xs ≈[ m ]W ys  S.evens xs ≈[ evensC m ]W S.evens ys
  evens-congW [ xs≈ys ]   = [ evens xs≈ys ]
  evens-congW (x  xs≈ys) = x  odds-congW xs≈ys

  odds-congW :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A} 
               xs ≈[ m ]W ys  S.odds xs ≈[ oddsC m ]W S.odds ys
  odds-congW [ xs≈ys ]   = [ odds xs≈ys ]
  odds-congW (x  xs≈ys) = evens-congW xs≈ys

infixr 5 _⋎-congW_

-- Note: Uses swapping of arguments.

_⋎-congW_ :  {m m′ A} {xs xs′ ys ys′ : Stream A} 
            xs ≈[ m ]W ys  xs′ ≈[ m′ ]W ys′ 
            (xs  S._⋎_  xs′) ≈[ m ⋎C m′ ]W (ys  S._⋎_  ys′)
[ xs≈ys ]   ⋎-congW [ xs′≈ys′ ]   = [ xs≈ys  xs′≈ys′ ]
[ xs≈ys ]   ⋎-congW (y  xs′≈ys′) = [ xs≈ys  program≈ (y  xs′≈ys′) ]
(x  xs≈ys) ⋎-congW xs′≈ys′       = x  xs′≈ys′ ⋎-congW xs≈ys

map-congW :  {m A B} (f : A  B) {xs ys : Stream A} 
            xs ≈[ m ]W ys  S.map f xs ≈[ m ]W S.map f ys
map-congW f [ xs≈ys ]   = [ map f xs≈ys ]
map-congW f (x  xs≈ys) = f x  map-congW f xs≈ys

cast-congW :  {m m′ A} (ok : m ≈C m′) {xs ys : Stream A} 
             xs ≈[ m ]W ys  xs ≈[ m′ ]W ys
cast-congW (next m≈m′) [ xs≈ys ]   = [ cast m≈m′ xs≈ys ]
cast-congW (cons m≈m′) (x  xs≈ys) = x  cast-congW ( m≈m′) xs≈ys

transPW :  {m A} {xs ys zs : Stream A} 
          xs ≈[ m ]W ys  ys  zs  xs ≈[ m ]W zs
transPW [ xs≈ys ]   ys≈zs            = [ _ ≈⟨ xs≈ys ⟩P ys≈zs ]
transPW (x  xs≈ys) (P.refl  ys≈zs) = x  transPW xs≈ys ( ys≈zs)

transW :  {m A} {xs ys zs : Stream A} 
         xs  ys  ys ≈[ m ]W zs  xs ≈[ m ]W zs
transW (x  xs≈ys)      [ ys≈zs ]   = [ _ ≈⟨ x  xs≈ys  ys≈zs ]
transW (P.refl  xs≈ys) (x  ys≈zs) = x  transW ( xs≈ys) ys≈zs

whnf≈ :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs ≈[ m ]P ys  xs ≈[ m ]W ys
whnf≈ [ xs ]                 = [  xs ]
whnf≈ (x  xs)               = x  whnf≈ xs
whnf≈ (tail xs)              = tail-congW (whnf≈ xs)
whnf≈ (evens xs)             = evens-congW (whnf≈ xs)
whnf≈ (odds xs)              = odds-congW (whnf≈ xs)
whnf≈ (xs  ys)              = whnf≈ xs ⋎-congW whnf≈ ys
whnf≈ (map f xs)             = map-congW f (whnf≈ xs)
whnf≈ (cast m≈m′ xs)         = cast-congW m≈m′ (whnf≈ xs)
whnf≈ (xs ≈⟨ xs≈ys ⟩P ys≈zs) = transPW (whnf≈ xs≈ys) ys≈zs
whnf≈ (xs ≈⟨ xs≈ys   ys≈zs) = transW xs≈ys (whnf≈ ys≈zs)


  soundW :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs ≈[ m ]W ys  xs  ys
  soundW [ xs≈ys ]   = soundP xs≈ys
  soundW (x  xs≈ys) = P.refl   soundW xs≈ys

  soundP :  {m A} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs ≈[ m ]P ys  xs  ys
  soundP xs≈ys = soundW (whnf≈ xs≈ys)

-- The definition is correct

-- The proof consists mostly of boiler-plate code.

program-hom :  {m A} (xs : StreamW m A)   program xs ⟧P   xs ⟧W
program-hom [ xs ]   = SS.refl
program-hom (x  xs) = P.refl   program-hom xs


  tailW-hom :  {A : Set} {m} (xs : StreamW m A) 
                tailW xs ⟧W  S.tail  xs ⟧W
  tailW-hom [ xs ]   = tail-hom xs
  tailW-hom (x  xs) = SS.refl

  tail-hom :  {A : Set} {m} (xs : StreamP m A) 
               tail xs ⟧P  S.tail  xs ⟧P
  tail-hom xs = tailW-hom (whnf xs)


  infixr 5 _⋎W-hom_ _⋎-hom_

  -- Note: Uses swapping of arguments.

  _⋎W-hom_ :  {A : Set} {m m′} (xs : StreamW m A) (ys : StreamW m′ A) 
              xs ⋎W ys ⟧W ≈[ m ⋎C m′ ]P ( xs ⟧W  S._⋎_   ys ⟧W)
  (x  xs) ⋎W-hom ys        = x  ys ⋎W-hom xs
  [ xs ]   ⋎W-hom [ ys ]    = [  (xs ⋎-hom ys) ]
  [ xs ]   ⋎W-hom (y  ys′) =
    [  ( xs  program ys ⟧P                 ≈⟨ xs ⋎-hom program ys ⟩P (begin
         ( xs ⟧P  S._⋎_   program ys ⟧P)  SR.≈⟨ SS.refl  S._⋎-cong_  program-hom ys 
         ( xs ⟧P  S._⋎_   ys ⟧W)          )) ]
    where ys = y  ys′

  _⋎-hom_ :  {A : Set} {m m′} (xs : StreamP m A) (ys : StreamP m′ A) 
             xs  ys ⟧P ≈[ m ⋎C m′ ]P ( xs ⟧P  S._⋎_   ys ⟧P)
  xs ⋎-hom ys = whnf xs ⋎W-hom whnf ys


  evensW-hom :  {A : Set} {m} (xs : StreamW m A) 
                evensW xs ⟧W  S.evens  xs ⟧W
  evensW-hom [ xs ]   = evens-hom xs
  evensW-hom (x  xs) = P.refl   oddsW-hom xs

  evens-hom :  {A : Set} {m} (xs : StreamP m A) 
               evens xs ⟧P  S.evens  xs ⟧P
  evens-hom xs = evensW-hom (whnf xs)

  oddsW-hom :  {A : Set} {m} (xs : StreamW m A) 
               oddsW xs ⟧W  S.odds  xs ⟧W
  oddsW-hom [ xs ]   = odds-hom xs
  oddsW-hom (x  xs) = evensW-hom xs

  odds-hom :  {A : Set} {m} (xs : StreamP m A) 
              odds xs ⟧P  S.odds  xs ⟧P
  odds-hom xs = oddsW-hom (whnf xs)


  mapW-hom :  {A B : Set} {m} (f : A  B) (xs : StreamW m A) 
              mapW f xs ⟧W  S.map f  xs ⟧W
  mapW-hom f [ xs ]   = map-hom f xs
  mapW-hom f (x  xs) = P.refl   mapW-hom f xs

  map-hom :  {A B : Set} {m} (f : A  B) (xs : StreamP m A) 
             map f xs ⟧P  S.map f  xs ⟧P
  map-hom f xs = mapW-hom f (whnf xs)


  castW-hom :  {m m′ A} (m≈m′ : m ≈C m′) (xs : StreamW m A) 
               castW m≈m′ xs ⟧W   xs ⟧W
  castW-hom (next m≈m′) [ xs ]   = cast-hom m≈m′ xs
  castW-hom (cons m≈m′) (x  xs) = P.refl   castW-hom ( m≈m′) xs

  cast-hom :  {m m′ A} (m≈m′ : m ≈C m′) (xs : StreamP m A) 
              cast m≈m′ xs ⟧P   xs ⟧P
  cast-hom m≈m′ xs = castW-hom m≈m′ (whnf xs)

-- The intended definition of the Thue-Morse sequence is bs = rhs bs.

rhs : Stream Bool  Stream Bool
rhs bs = false   (S.map not (S.evens bs)  S._⋎_  S.tail bs)

-- The definition above satisfies the intended defining equation.

correct :  thueMorse ⟧P ≈[ [cn]³[ccn]ω ]P rhs  thueMorse ⟧P
correct = false  [  cast lemma (
   cast lemma (map not (evens thueMorse)  tail thueMorse) ⟧P          ≈⟨ cast-hom lemma (map not (evens thueMorse)  tail thueMorse) 
   map not (evens thueMorse)  tail thueMorse ⟧P                       ≈⟨ map not (evens thueMorse) ⋎-hom tail thueMorse ⟩P (begin
  ( map not (evens thueMorse) ⟧P  S._⋎_   tail thueMorse ⟧P)        SR.≈⟨ SS.trans (map-hom not (evens thueMorse))
                                                                                    (S.map-cong not (evens-hom thueMorse))
                                                                           tail-hom thueMorse 
  (S.map not (S.evens  thueMorse ⟧P)  S._⋎_  S.tail  thueMorse ⟧P)   )) ]

-- The defining equation has at most one solution.

unique :  bs bs′  bs  rhs bs  bs′  rhs bs′  bs ≈[ [cn]³[ccn]ω ]P bs′
unique bs bs′ bs≈ bs′≈ =
  bs      ≈⟨ bs≈ 
  rhs bs  ≈⟨ false  [  cast lemma
                           (map not (evens (unique bs bs′ bs≈ bs′≈))
                            tail (unique bs bs′ bs≈ bs′≈)) ] ⟩P (begin
  rhs bs′ SR.≈⟨ SS.sym bs′≈ 
  bs′     )