-- Parser indices

module StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Index where

open import Data.Bool
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Function

-- Indices to the parser type

-- Does the parser accept empty strings?

Empty : Set
Empty = Bool

-- The proper left corners of the parser, represented as a tree. See
-- StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Grammar.

infix 5 _∪_

data Corners : Set where
  ε   : Corners
  _∪_ : (c₁ c₂ : Corners)  Corners

-- The index type.

infix 4 _◇_

record Index : Set where
  constructor _◇_
    empty   : Empty
    corners : Corners

open Index public

-- Type signature for non-terminals. The second argument is the result
-- type.

NonTerminalType : Set2
NonTerminalType = Index  Set  Set1

-- Operations on indices

infixr 50 _·_
infixr 40 _∥_

0I : Index
0I = false  ε

1I : Index
1I = true  ε

_∥_ : Index  Index  Index
i₁  i₂ = empty i₁  empty i₂  corners i₁  corners i₂

_·_ : Index  Index  Index
i₁ · i₂ = (empty i₁  empty i₂)
          (if empty i₁ then corners i₁  corners i₂
                       else corners i₁)

-- Testing indices for equality

infix 15 _Index-≟_ _Corners-≟_


  drop-∪₁ :  {c₁ c₂ c₃ c₄}  c₁  c₂  c₃  c₄  c₁  c₃
  drop-∪₁ refl = refl

  drop-∪₂ :  {c₁ c₂ c₃ c₄}  c₁  c₂  c₃  c₄  c₂  c₄
  drop-∪₂ refl = refl

_Corners-≟_ : Decidable {A = Corners} _≡_
ε         Corners-≟ ε           = yes refl
(c₁  c₂) Corners-≟ ( c₃   c₄) with c₁ Corners-≟ c₃ | c₂ Corners-≟ c₄
(c₁  c₂) Corners-≟ (.c₁  .c₂) | yes refl | yes refl = yes refl
(c₁  c₂) Corners-≟ ( c₃   c₄) | no  ¬c₁≡c₂ | _          = no (¬c₁≡c₂  drop-∪₁)
(c₁  c₂) Corners-≟ ( c₃   c₄) | _          | no  ¬c₁≡c₂ = no (¬c₁≡c₂  drop-∪₂)
ε         Corners-≟ (_  _)     = no λ()
(_  _)   Corners-≟ ε           = no λ()

_Index-≟_ : Decidable {A = Index} _≡_
i₁ Index-≟ i₂ with empty i₁  empty i₂
                 | corners i₁ Corners-≟ corners i₂
... | yes e₁≡e₂ | yes c₁≡c₂ = yes (cong₂ _◇_ e₁≡e₂ c₁≡c₂)
... | no ¬e₁≡e₂ | _         = no (¬e₁≡e₂  cong empty)
... | _         | no ¬c₁≡c₂ = no (¬c₁≡c₂  cong corners)