-- Incorrect coinductive axiomatisation of subtyping

-- This module shows that if we remove transitivity from
-- RecursiveTypes.Subtyping.Axiomatic.Coinductive._≤_, and take the
-- transitive closure of the resulting relation, then we get a weaker
-- (less defined) relation than the one we started with.

module RecursiveTypes.Subtyping.Axiomatic.Incorrect where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Function using (id; _$_)
open import Data.Nat
  using (; zero; suc; z≤n; s≤s; ≤′-refl) renaming (_≤_ to _≤ℕ_)
open import Data.Nat.Induction
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (m≤n⇒m≤1+n; ≤⇒≤′)
open import Data.Product as Prod
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary

open import RecursiveTypes.Syntax hiding (_≲_)
open import RecursiveTypes.Substitution using (_[0≔_]; unfold[μ_⟶_])
open import RecursiveTypes.Subtyping.Semantic.Coinductive as Sem
  using (_≤Coind_; ; ; _⟶_)

-- The alternative "subtyping" relation

infixr 10 _⟶_
infix  4  _≤_ _≤′_
infixr 2  _≤⟨_⟩_
infix  2  _∎

-- A definition which does not include a transitivity constructor.

data _≤′_ {n} : Ty n  Ty n  Set where
     :  {τ}   ≤′ τ
     :  {σ}  σ ≤′ 
  _⟶_ :  {σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂}
        (τ₁≤′σ₁ :  (τ₁ ≤′ σ₁)) (σ₂≤′τ₂ :  (σ₂ ≤′ τ₂)) 
        σ₁  σ₂ ≤′ τ₁  τ₂

  unfold :  {τ₁ τ₂}  μ τ₁  τ₂ ≤′ unfold[μ τ₁  τ₂ ]
  fold   :  {τ₁ τ₂}  unfold[μ τ₁  τ₂ ] ≤′ μ τ₁  τ₂

  _∎ :  τ  τ ≤′ τ

-- The transitive closure of this relation.

data _≤_ {n} : Ty n  Ty n  Set where
  include :  {σ τ} (σ≤τ : σ ≤′ τ)  σ  τ
  _≤⟨_⟩_  :  τ₁ {τ₂ τ₃} (τ₁≤τ₂ : τ₁  τ₂) (τ₂≤τ₃ : τ₂  τ₃)  τ₁  τ₃

-- Some types used in counterexamples below

σ : Ty zero
σ = μ   var zero

τ : Ty zero
τ = μ   var zero

σ≤τ : σ ≤Coind τ
σ≤τ =     σ≤τ

-- Soundness and incompleteness of _≤′_

sound′ :  {n} {σ τ : Ty n}  σ ≤′ τ  σ ≤Coind τ
sound′                = 
sound′                = 
sound′ (τ₁≤σ₁  σ₂≤τ₂) =  sound′ ( τ₁≤σ₁)   sound′ ( σ₂≤τ₂)
sound′ unfold          = Sem.unfold
sound′ fold            = Sem.fold
sound′ (τ )           = Sem.refl∞ _

incomplete′ : ¬ (∀ {n} {σ τ : Ty n}  σ ≤Coind τ  σ ≤′ τ)
incomplete′ hyp with hyp {σ = σ} {τ = τ} σ≤τ
... | ()

-- Soundness of _≤_

sound :  {n} {σ τ : Ty n}  σ  τ  σ ≤Coind τ
sound (τ₁ ≤⟨ τ₁≤τ₂  τ₂≤τ₃) = Sem.trans (sound τ₁≤τ₂) (sound τ₂≤τ₃)
sound (include σ≤τ)         = sound′ σ≤τ

-- An alternative definition of the transitive closure of _≤′_

infixr 5 _∷_
infix  4 _≲_

data _≲_ {n} : Ty n  Ty n  Set where
  [_] :  {σ τ} (σ≤τ : σ ≤′ τ)  σ  τ
  _∷_ :  {τ₁ τ₂ τ₃} (τ₁≤τ₂ : τ₁ ≤′ τ₂) (τ₂≲τ₃ : τ₂  τ₃)  τ₁  τ₃

-- This definition is transitive.

_++_ :  {n} {τ₁ τ₂ τ₃ : Ty n}  τ₁  τ₂  τ₂  τ₃  τ₁  τ₃
[ τ₁≤τ₂ ]       ++ τ₂≤τ₃ = τ₁≤τ₂  τ₂≤τ₃
(τ₁≤τ₂  τ₂≤τ₃) ++ τ₃≤τ₄ = τ₁≤τ₂  (τ₂≤τ₃ ++ τ₃≤τ₄)

-- Hence it is complete with respect to the one above.

≲-complete :  {n} {σ τ : Ty n}  σ  τ  σ  τ
≲-complete (include σ≤τ)         = [ σ≤τ ]
≲-complete (τ₁ ≤⟨ τ₁≤τ₂  τ₂≤τ₃) = ≲-complete τ₁≤τ₂ ++ ≲-complete τ₂≤τ₃

-- It is also sound.

≲-sound :  {n} {σ τ : Ty n}  σ  τ  σ  τ
≲-sound [ σ≤τ ]         = include σ≤τ
≲-sound (τ₁≤τ₂  τ₂≲τ₃) = _ ≤⟨ include τ₁≤τ₂  ≲-sound τ₂≲τ₃

-- The number of uses of transitivity in the proof.

length :  {n} {σ τ : Ty n}  σ  τ  
length [ σ≤τ ]         = 0
length (τ₁≤τ₂  τ₂≲τ₃) = suc (length τ₂≲τ₃)

-- Given proofs of certain statements one can extract shorter or
-- equally long proofs for related statements


  codomain-⟶μ :  {n} {σ₁ σ₂ : Ty n} {τ₁ τ₂} 
                (σ₁⟶σ₂≲μτ₁⟶τ₂ : σ₁  σ₂  μ τ₁  τ₂) 
                 λ (σ₂≲τ₂′ : σ₂  τ₂ [0≔ μ τ₁  τ₂ ]) 
                    length σ₂≲τ₂′ ≤ℕ length σ₁⟶σ₂≲μτ₁⟶τ₂
  codomain-⟶μ [ fold ]                  = ([ _  ] , z≤n)
  codomain-⟶μ (τ₁≤′σ₁  σ₂≤′τ₂  τ₂≲τ₃) = Prod.map (_∷_ ( σ₂≤′τ₂)) s≤s (codomain-⟶μ τ₂≲τ₃)
  codomain-⟶μ (fold             τ₂≲τ₃) = Prod.map id m≤n⇒m≤1+n (codomain-μμ τ₂≲τ₃)
  codomain-⟶μ ((._ )           τ₂≲τ₃) = Prod.map id m≤n⇒m≤1+n (codomain-⟶μ τ₂≲τ₃)
  codomain-⟶μ (                τ₂≲τ₃) with sound (≲-sound τ₂≲τ₃)
  ... | ()

  codomain-μμ :  {n} {σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂ : Ty (suc n)} 
                (μσ₁⟶σ₂≲μτ₁⟶τ₂ : μ σ₁  σ₂  μ τ₁  τ₂) 
                 λ (σ₂′≲τ₂′ : σ₂ [0≔ μ σ₁  σ₂ ]  τ₂ [0≔ μ τ₁  τ₂ ]) 
                    length σ₂′≲τ₂′ ≤ℕ length μσ₁⟶σ₂≲μτ₁⟶τ₂
  codomain-μμ [ ._  ]         = ([ _  ] , z≤n)
  codomain-μμ (unfold  τ₂≲τ₃) = Prod.map id m≤n⇒m≤1+n (codomain-⟶μ τ₂≲τ₃)
  codomain-μμ ((._ )  τ₂≲τ₃) = Prod.map id m≤n⇒m≤1+n (codomain-μμ τ₂≲τ₃)
  codomain-μμ (       τ₂≲τ₃) with sound (≲-sound τ₂≲τ₃)
  ... | ()

-- Incompleteness of _≤_

incomplete : ¬ (∀ {n} {σ τ : Ty n}  σ ≤Coind τ  σ  τ)
incomplete hyp = σ≴τ $ ≲-complete $ hyp σ≤τ
  σ≴τ : ¬ σ  τ
  σ≴τ σ≲τ = <′-rec Pred  _ σ≲τ refl
    Pred :   Set
    Pred n = (σ≲τ : σ  τ)  length σ≲τ  n

     :  n  <′-Rec Pred n  Pred n
     n  rec [ () ]           _
     ._ rec ((._ )  τ₂≲τ₃) refl = rec _ ≤′-refl τ₂≲τ₃ refl
     ._ rec (unfold  τ₂≲τ₃) refl with codomain-⟶μ τ₂≲τ₃
    ... | (τ₂≲τ₃′ , not-longer) = rec _ (≤⇒≤′ $ s≤s not-longer) τ₂≲τ₃′ refl
     n  rec (       τ₂≲τ₃) _    with sound (≲-sound τ₂≲τ₃)
    ... | ()