-- Yet another implementation of the Fibonacci sequence using tail

module LargeCombinators where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Codata.Musical.Stream as S using (Stream; _∷_; _≈_)
open import Data.Nat
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P

-- Stream programs. Note that the destructor tail is encapsulated in a
-- larger combinator, which also incorporates a constructor. This
-- ensures that the combinator can be used freely, with no risk of
-- destroying productivity.
-- Note that, in the general case, the implementation of whnf for the
-- "large combinator" may be quite tricky. In this case the
-- implementation turns out to be very simple, though.
-- The idea to use a "large combinator" is due to Thorsten Altenkirch.

infixr 5 _∷_

data StreamP (A : Set) : Set where
  _∷_     : (x : A) (xs :  (StreamP A))  StreamP A
  zipWith : (f : A  A  A) (xs ys : StreamP A)  StreamP A

  -- The intention is that ⟦ x ∷zipWith f · xs [tail ys ] ⟧P should be
  -- equal to x ∷ ♯ S.zipWith f ⟦ xs ⟧P (S.tail ⟦ ys ⟧P).

  _∷zipWith_·_[tail_] :
    (x : A) (f : A  A  A) (xs ys : StreamP A)  StreamP A

-- WHNFs.

data StreamW (A : Set) : Set where
  _∷_ : (x : A) (xs : StreamP A)  StreamW A

-- Stream programs can be turned into streams.

whnf :  {A}  StreamP A  StreamW A
whnf (x  xs) = x   xs
whnf (x ∷zipWith f · xs′ [tail ys ]) with whnf ys
... | _  ys′ = x  zipWith f xs′ ys′
whnf (zipWith f xs ys) with whnf xs | whnf ys
... | x  xs′ | y  ys′ = f x y  zipWith f xs′ ys′


  ⟦_⟧W :  {A}  StreamW A  Stream A
   x  xs ⟧W = x    xs ⟧P

  ⟦_⟧P :  {A}  StreamP A  Stream A
   xs ⟧P =  whnf xs ⟧W

-- The Fibonacci sequence.

fib : StreamP 
fib = 0   (1 ∷zipWith _+_ · fib [tail fib ])

-- ⟦_⟧P is homomorphic with respect to zipWith/S.zipWith.

zipWith-hom :
   {A} (f : A  A  A) (xs ys : StreamP A) 
   zipWith f xs ys ⟧P  S.zipWith f  xs ⟧P  ys ⟧P
zipWith-hom f xs ys with whnf xs | whnf ys
... | x  xs′ | y  ys′ = P.refl   zipWith-hom f xs′ ys′

-- The stream ⟦ fib ⟧P satisfies its intended defining equation.

fib-correct :
   fib ⟧P  0   (1   (S.zipWith _+_  fib ⟧P (S.tail  fib ⟧P)))
fib-correct =
  P.refl   (P.refl  
    zipWith-hom _+_ fib (1 ∷zipWith _+_ · fib [tail fib ]))

-- For completeness, let us show that _∷zipWith_·_[tail_] is correctly
-- implemented.

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_; [_])

_∷zipWith_·_[tail_]-hom :
   {A} (x : A) (f : A  A  A) (xs ys : StreamP A) 
   x ∷zipWith f · xs [tail ys ] ⟧P 
  x   S.zipWith f  xs ⟧P (S.tail  ys ⟧P)
x ∷zipWith f · xs [tail ys ]-hom with whnf ys in eq
... | y  ys′ = P.refl   helper eq
  helper : whnf ys  y  ys′ 
            zipWith f xs ys′ ⟧P 
           S.zipWith f  xs ⟧P (S.tail  ys ⟧P)
  helper eq rewrite eq = zipWith-hom f xs ys′