-- A very brief treatment of different kinds of term equivalences,
-- including contextual equivalence and applicative bisimilarity

module Lambda.Closure.Equivalences where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero)
open import Data.Maybe hiding (_>>=_)
open import Data.Maybe.Relation.Binary.Pointwise as Maybe
  using (just; nothing)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product as Prod
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Vec using ([]; _∷_)
open import Effect.Monad.Partiality as Partiality
  using (_⊥; later⁻¹; laterˡ⁻¹; laterʳ⁻¹)
open import Function.Base
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Equivalence
  using (_⇔_; equivalence; module Equivalence)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary

open Partiality._⊥
  open module EP {A : Set} = Partiality.Equality (_≡_ {A = A})
  open module RP {A : Set} =
    Partiality.Reasoning (P.isEquivalence {A = A})

  open module RC {A : Set} =
    Partiality.Reasoning {_∼_ = λ (_ _ : A)  } _
      using () renaming (_≈⟨_⟩_ to _≈○⟨_⟩_; _∎ to _∎○)

open import Lambda.Closure.Functional
open PF using (return; _>>=_; fail)
open import Lambda.Syntax
open Closure Tm

-- Two equivalent notions of equivalence of partial values

-- _≈○_ is a notion of weak bisimilarity which identifies all values.

open module EC {A : Set} = Partiality.Equality  (_ _ : A)  )
  using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈○_)

-- _≈○_ is equivalent to "terminates iff terminates".

≈○⇔⇓≈⇓ : {A : Set} {x y : A }  x ≈○ y  (x   y )
≈○⇔⇓≈⇓ {A} = equivalence
   x≈y  equivalence (h₁ x≈y) (h₁ (RC.sym x≈y)))
  (h₂ _ _)
  h₁ : {x y : A }  x ≈○ y  x   y 
  h₁ (EC.now _)      (v , now P.refl) = -, now P.refl
  h₁ (EC.later  x≈y) (v , laterˡ x⇓v) = Prod.map id laterˡ $ h₁ ( x≈y) (v , x⇓v)
  h₁ (EC.laterʳ x≈y) (v , x⇓v)        = Prod.map id laterˡ $ h₁    x≈y  (v , x⇓v)
  h₁ (EC.laterˡ x≈y) (v , laterˡ x⇓v) =                      h₁    x≈y  (v , x⇓v)

  h₂ : (x y : A )  x   y   x ≈○ y
  h₂ (now v) y x⇓⇔y⇓ =
    now v  ≈○⟨ EC.now _ 
    now _  ≈○⟨ Partiality.map _ (sym $ proj₂ $ Equivalence.to   x⇓⇔y⇓ ⟨$⟩ (-, now P.refl)) 
    y      ∎○

  h₂ x (now v) x⇓⇔y⇓ =
    x      ≈○⟨ Partiality.map _ (      proj₂ $ Equivalence.from x⇓⇔y⇓ ⟨$⟩ (-, now P.refl)) 
    now _  ≈○⟨ EC.now _ 
    now v  ∎○

  h₂ (later x) (later y) x⇓⇔y⇓ = EC.later (
    h₂ ( x) ( y)
       (equivalence (lemma (_⟨$⟩_ (Equivalence.to   x⇓⇔y⇓)))
                    (lemma (_⟨$⟩_ (Equivalence.from x⇓⇔y⇓)))))
    lemma : {A : Set} {x y :  (A )} 
            (later x   later y )  ( x    y )
    lemma hyp (v , x⇓) = Prod.map id laterˡ⁻¹ $ hyp (v , laterˡ x⇓)

-- Two equivalent definitions of contextual equivalence

-- Context m n consists of contexts with zero or more holes. The holes
-- expect terms of type Tm m, and if we fill those holes we get a term
-- of type Tm n.

infixl 9 _·_

data Context (m : ) :   Set where
     : Context m m
  con :  {n} (i : )  Context m n
  var :  {n} (x : Fin n)  Context m n
  ƛ   :  {n} (C : Context m (suc n))  Context m n
  _·_ :  {n} (C₁ C₂ : Context m n)  Context m n

-- Fills all the holes.

infix 10 _[_]

_[_] :  {m n}  Context m n  Tm m  Tm n
         [ t ] = t
con i     [ t ] = con i
var x     [ t ] = var x
ƛ C       [ t ] = ƛ (C [ t ])
(C₁ · C₂) [ t ] = C₁ [ t ] · C₂ [ t ]

-- Contextual equivalence.
-- Termination is the only observation. This is perhaps a bit strange:
-- there is no way to observe the difference between con i and con j
-- for i ≢ j.

infix 4 _≈C_

_≈C_ :  {n}  Tm n  Tm n  Set
t₁ ≈C t₂ =  C   C [ t₁ ]  [] ≈○  C [ t₂ ]  []

-- Alternative definition of contextual equivalence.

infix 4 _≈C′_

_≈C′_ :  {n}  Tm n  Tm n  Set
t₁ ≈C′ t₂ =  C   C [ t₁ ]  []    C [ t₂ ]  [] 

-- These definitions are equivalent.

≈C⇔≈C′ :  {n} {t₁ t₂ : Tm n}  t₁ ≈C t₂  t₁ ≈C′ t₂
≈C⇔≈C′ = equivalence
   t₁≈t₂ C  Equivalence.to   ≈○⇔⇓≈⇓ ⟨$⟩ t₁≈t₂ C)
   t₁≈t₂ C  Equivalence.from ≈○⇔⇓≈⇓ ⟨$⟩ t₁≈t₂ C)

-- A very strict term equivalence

-- A term equivalence defined directly on top of the semantics.

infix 4 _≈!_

_≈!_ :  {n}  Tm n  Tm n  Set
t₁ ≈! t₂ =  ρ   t₁  ρ   t₂  ρ

-- This equivalence is not compatible.
-- Note that the proof does not use constants (con).

¬-compatible : ¬ ((t₁ t₂ : Tm 1)  t₁ ≈! t₂  ƛ t₁ ≈! ƛ t₂)
¬-compatible ƛ-cong with
  ƛ-cong (ƛ (vr 1) · ƛ (ƛ (vr 0))) (ƛ (vr 1) · ƛ (vr 0))
          _  later ( now P.refl))
... | now ()

-- Incorrect definition of applicative bisimilarity

-- The difference between this definition and the one below is that in
-- this definition ƛ is inductive rather than coinductive.

module Incorrect where

  infix 4 _≈mv_ _≈v_

  -- _≈mv_, _≈c_ and _≈v_ are defined mutually (coinductively).

  data _≈v_ : Value  Value  Set

  -- Equivalence of possibly exceptional values.

  _≈mv_ : Maybe Value  Maybe Value  Set
  _≈mv_ = Maybe.Pointwise _≈v_

  -- Equivalence of computations.

  open module EA = Partiality.Equality _≈mv_
    using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈c_)

  -- Equivalence of values.

  data _≈v_ where
    con :  {i}  con i ≈v con i
    ƛ   :  {n₁} {t₁ : Tm (1 + n₁)} {ρ₁} {n₂} {t₂ : Tm (1 + n₂)} {ρ₂}
          (t₁≈t₂ :  v   t₁  (v  ρ₁) ≈c  t₂  (v  ρ₂)) 
          ƛ t₁ ρ₁ ≈v ƛ t₂ ρ₂

  -- Applicative bisimilarity.

  infix 4 _≈t_

  _≈t_ :  {n}  Tm n  Tm n  Set
  t₁ ≈t t₂ =  ρ   t₁  ρ ≈c  t₂  ρ

  -- This notion of applicative bisimilarity is not reflexive.
  -- Note that the definition above is a bit strange in Agda: it is
  -- subject to the quantifier inversion described by Thorsten
  -- Altenkirch and myself in "Termination Checking in the Presence of
  -- Nested Inductive and Coinductive Types". However, for this proof
  -- it does not matter if _≈c_ is seen as having the form
  -- μX.νY.μZ. F X Y Z or νX.μY. F X Y; the ν part is never used.


    distinct-c : ¬ now (just (ƛ (var zero) [])) ≈c
                   now (just (ƛ (var zero) []))
    distinct-c (now eq) = distinct-mv eq

    distinct-mv : ¬ just (ƛ (var zero) []) ≈mv
                    just (ƛ (var zero) [])
    distinct-mv (just eq) = distinct-v eq

    distinct-v : ¬ ƛ (var zero) [] ≈v ƛ (var zero) []
    distinct-v (ƛ eq) = distinct-c (eq (ƛ (var zero) []))

  distinct-t : ¬ ƛ (var zero) ≈t (Tm 0  ƛ (var zero))
  distinct-t eq = distinct-c (eq [])

-- Applicative bisimilarity

infix 4 _≈mv_ _≈v_

-- _≈mv_, _≈c_ and _≈v_ are defined mutually (coinductively).

data _≈v_ : Value  Value  Set

-- Equivalence of possibly exceptional values.

_≈mv_ : Maybe Value  Maybe Value  Set
_≈mv_ = Maybe.Pointwise _≈v_

-- Equivalence of computations.

open module EA = Partiality.Equality _≈mv_
  using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈c_)

-- Equivalence of values.

data _≈v_ where
  con :  {i}  con i ≈v con i
  ƛ   :  {n₁} {t₁ : Tm (1 + n₁)} {ρ₁} {n₂} {t₂ : Tm (1 + n₂)} {ρ₂}
        (t₁≈t₂ :  v   ( t₁  (v  ρ₁) ≈c  t₂  (v  ρ₂))) 
        ƛ t₁ ρ₁ ≈v ƛ t₂ ρ₂

-- Applicative bisimilarity.

infix 4 _≈t_

_≈t_ :  {n}  Tm n  Tm n  Set
t₁ ≈t t₂ =  ρ   t₁  ρ ≈c  t₂  ρ

-- Applicative bisimilarity is reflexive.


  infix 3 _∎mv _∎c _∎v

  _∎mv : (v : Maybe Value)  v ≈mv v
  just v  ∎mv = just (v ∎v)
  nothing ∎mv = nothing

  _∎c : (x : Maybe Value )  x ≈c x
  now mv  ∎c = EA.now (mv ∎mv)
  later x ∎c = EA.later ( ( x ∎c))

  _∎v : (v : Value)  v ≈v v
  con i ∎v = con
  ƛ t ρ ∎v = ƛ  v   ( t  (v  ρ) ∎c))

infix 3 _∎t

_∎t :  {n} (t : Tm n)  t ≈t t
t ∎t = λ ρ   t  ρ ∎c

-- Applicative bisimilarity is symmetric.


  sym-mv :  {v₁ v₂}  v₁ ≈mv v₂  v₂ ≈mv v₁
  sym-mv (just v₁≈v₂) = just (sym-v v₁≈v₂)
  sym-mv nothing      = nothing

  sym-c :  {x₁ x₂}  x₁ ≈c x₂  x₂ ≈c x₁
  sym-c (EA.now v₁≈v₂)    = EA.now (sym-mv v₁≈v₂)
  sym-c (EA.later  x₁≈x₂) = EA.later ( sym-c ( x₁≈x₂))
  sym-c (EA.laterˡ x₁≈x₂) = EA.laterʳ  (sym-c    x₁≈x₂)
  sym-c (EA.laterʳ x₁≈x₂) = EA.laterˡ  (sym-c    x₁≈x₂)

  sym-v :  {v₁ v₂}  v₁ ≈v v₂  v₂ ≈v v₁
  sym-v con       = con
  sym-v (ƛ t₁≈t₂) = ƛ  v   sym-c ( (t₁≈t₂ v)))

sym-t :  {n} {t₁ t₂ : Tm n}  t₁ ≈t t₂  t₂ ≈t t₁
sym-t t₁≈t₂ = λ ρ  sym-c (t₁≈t₂ ρ)

-- Applicative bisimilarity is transitive.


  trans-mv :  {v₁ v₂ v₃}  v₁ ≈mv v₂  v₂ ≈mv v₃  v₁ ≈mv v₃
  trans-mv (just v₁≈v₂) (just v₂≈v₃) = just (trans-v v₁≈v₂ v₂≈v₃)
  trans-mv nothing      nothing      = nothing


    now-trans-c :  {x₁ x₂ v₃}  x₁ ≈c x₂  x₂ ≈c now v₃  x₁ ≈c now v₃
    now-trans-c (EA.now    v₁≈v₂) (EA.now    v₂≈v₃) = EA.now (trans-mv       v₁≈v₂   v₂≈v₃)
    now-trans-c (EA.laterˡ x₁≈x₂)            x₂≈v₃  = EA.laterˡ (now-trans-c x₁≈x₂   x₂≈v₃)
    now-trans-c            x₁≈lx₂ (EA.laterˡ x₂≈v₃) = now-trans-c (laterʳ⁻¹  x₁≈lx₂) x₂≈v₃

    later-trans-c :  {x₁ x₂ x₃} 
                    x₁ ≈c x₂  x₂ ≈c later x₃  x₁ ≈c later x₃
    later-trans-c (EA.later  x₁≈x₂)        lx₂≈lx₃ = EA.later  ( trans-c ( x₁≈x₂) (later⁻¹  lx₂≈lx₃))
    later-trans-c (EA.laterˡ x₁≈x₂)         x₂≈lx₃ = EA.later  ( trans-c    x₁≈x₂  (laterʳ⁻¹  x₂≈lx₃))
    later-trans-c (EA.laterʳ x₁≈x₂)        lx₂≈lx₃ =        later-trans-c    x₁≈x₂  (laterˡ⁻¹ lx₂≈lx₃)
    later-trans-c         x₁≈x₂  (EA.laterʳ x₂≈x₃) = EA.laterʳ (  trans-c    x₁≈x₂             x₂≈x₃ )

  trans-c :  {x₁ x₂ x₃}  x₁ ≈c x₂  x₂ ≈c x₃  x₁ ≈c x₃
  trans-c {x₃ = now   v₃} x₁≈x₂ x₂≈v₃  = now-trans-c   x₁≈x₂ x₂≈v₃
  trans-c {x₃ = later z₃} x₁≈x₂ x₂≈lx₃ = later-trans-c x₁≈x₂ x₂≈lx₃

  trans-v :  {v₁ v₂ v₃}  v₁ ≈v v₂  v₂ ≈v v₃  v₁ ≈v v₃
  trans-v con       con       = con
  trans-v (ƛ t₁≈t₂) (ƛ t₂≈t₃) =
    ƛ  v   trans-c ( (t₁≈t₂ v)) ( (t₂≈t₃ v)))

trans-t :  {n} {t₁ t₂ t₃ : Tm n}  t₁ ≈t t₂  t₂ ≈t t₃  t₁ ≈t t₃
trans-t t₁≈t₂ t₂≈t₃ = λ ρ  trans-c (t₁≈t₂ ρ) (t₂≈t₃ ρ)

-- Bind preserves applicative bisimilarity.

infixl 1 _>>=-cong-c_

_>>=-cong-c_ :  {x₁ x₂ f₁ f₂} 
               x₁ ≈c x₂  (∀ {v₁ v₂}  v₁ ≈v v₂  f₁ v₁ ≈c f₂ v₂) 
               (x₁ >>= f₁) ≈c (x₂ >>= f₂)
_>>=-cong-c_ {f₁ = f₁} {f₂} x₁≈x₂ f₁≈f₂ =
  Partiality._>>=-cong_ x₁≈x₂ helper
  helper :  {mv₁ mv₂}  mv₁ ≈mv mv₂ 
           maybe f₁ fail mv₁ ≈c maybe f₂ fail mv₂
  helper nothing      = EA.now nothing
  helper (just v₁≈v₂) = f₁≈f₂ v₁≈v₂

-- _≈!_ is stronger than applicative bisimilarity.

≈!⇒≈t :  {n} {t₁ t₂ : Tm n}  t₁ ≈! t₂  t₁ ≈t t₂
≈!⇒≈t t₁≈t₂ = λ ρ 
  Partiality.map  {v₁} v₁≡v₂  P.subst (_≈mv_ v₁) v₁≡v₂ (v₁ ∎mv))
                 (t₁≈t₂ ρ)

¬≈t⇒≈! : ¬ ((t₁ t₂ : Tm 0)  t₁ ≈t t₂  t₁ ≈! t₂)
¬≈t⇒≈! hyp with hyp t₁ t₂ bisimilar []
  t₁ : Tm 0
  t₁ = ƛ (ƛ (vr 0)) · con 0

  t₂ : Tm 0
  t₂ = ƛ (vr 0)

  bisimilar : t₁ ≈t t₂
  bisimilar [] =
    EA.laterˡ (EA.now (just (ƛ  v   (return v ∎c)))))
... | laterˡ (now ())