-- Some results that hold for modalities that commute with Erased

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality
import Modality.Basics

module Modality.Commutes-with-Erased
  (eq-J :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺)
  (open Modality.Basics eq-J)
  (M : Modality a)
  (commutes-with-Erased : Modality.Commutes-with-Erased M)

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq-J
open Modality M
  hiding (Stable-Π; Stable-Erased; Stable-Contractibleᴱ; Stable-⁻¹ᴱ)

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
import Modality.Box-cong
open import Prelude

open import Equivalence eq-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Equivalence.Erased eq-J as EEq using (_≃ᴱ_; Is-equivalenceᴱ)
open import Equivalence.Erased.Contractible-preimages eq-J as ECP
  using (Contractibleᴱ; _⁻¹ᴱ_)
import Equivalence.Half-adjoint eq-J as HA
open import Erased.Level-1 eq-J as E
  using (Erased; []-cong-axiomatisation)
import Erased.Level-2 eq-J as E₂
open import Extensionality eq-J
open import Function-universe eq-J as F hiding (_∘_)
open import H-level eq-J
import Modality.Has-choice eq-J M as C
import Modality.Left-exact eq-J M as Lex

         : Level
    A B   : Type 
    f k y : A

-- ◯ commutes with Erased

-- ◯ (Erased A) is equivalent to Erased (◯ A).

◯-Erased≃Erased-◯ :  (Erased A)  Erased ( A)
◯-Erased≃Erased-◯ = Eq.⟨ _ , commutes-with-Erased 

-- Some results that hold if the []-cong axioms can be instantiated

module []-cong (ax : []-cong-axiomatisation a) where

    open module MBC = Modality.Box-cong eq-J ax M
      hiding (Modal→Stable-Is-equivalenceᴱ; ◯-cong-◯)

    module EC = E₂.[]-cong₂-⊔ ax ax ax
    module BC = ECP.[]-cong₂ ax ax

  -- Some results related to stability

  -- If A is k-stable, then Erased A is k-stable.

  Stable-Erased : @0 Stable-[ k ] A  Stable-[ k ] (Erased A)
  Stable-Erased {A} s =
     (Erased A)  ↔⟨ ◯-Erased≃Erased-◯ 
    Erased ( A)  ↝⟨ EC.Erased-cong s ⟩□
    Erased A      

  -- If f has type A → B, A is modal, and equality is k-stable for B,
  -- then f ⁻¹ᴱ y is k-stable.

  Stable-⁻¹ᴱ :
    {A B : Type a} {f : A  B} {y : B} 
    Modal A 
    @0 For-iterated-equality 1 Stable-[ k ] B 
    Stable-[ k ] (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)
  Stable-⁻¹ᴱ m s =
    Stable-Σ m λ _ 
    Stable-Erased (s _ _)

  -- An equivalence

  -- If the modality is left exact, then ◯ (f ⁻¹ᴱ y) is equivalent to
  -- ◯ (η ∘ f ⁻¹ᴱ η y).

  ◯⁻¹ᴱ≃◯∘⁻¹ᴱ :
    {A : Type a} {f : A  B} {y : B} 
    @0 Left-exact-η-cong 
     (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)   (η  f ⁻¹ᴱ η y)
  ◯⁻¹ᴱ≃◯∘⁻¹ᴱ {A} {f} {y} lex =
     ( λ (x : A)  Erased (f x  y))        ↔⟨ inverse ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ 
     ( λ (x : A)   (Erased (f x  y)))    ↝⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ ∃-cong λ _  ◯-Erased≃Erased-◯) 
     ( λ (x : A)  Erased ( (f x  y)))    ↔⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ ∃-cong  _  EC.Erased-cong (Lex.◯≡≃η≡η lex))) ⟩□
     ( λ (x : A)  Erased (η (f x)  η y))  

  -- Some results that hold if the modality has choice (for valid
  -- domains) in erased contexts

  module Has-erased-choice-for
    -- The choice principle only has to hold for valid domains.
    (@0 Valid-domain : Type a  Type a)
    (@0 has-choice : {A : Type a}  Valid-domain A  Has-choice-for A)

    -- One type is assumed to be valid.
    (@0 v : Valid-domain A)

    -- If A is modal, then Contractibleᴱ A is k-stable (perhaps
    -- assuming function extensionality).

    Stable-Contractibleᴱ :
      @0 Extensionality? k a a 
      Modal A 
      Stable-[ k ] (Contractibleᴱ A)
    Stable-Contractibleᴱ ext m =
      Stable-Σ m λ _ 
      Stable-Erased (
      C.Valid-domain₁.Stable-Π Valid-domain has-choice v ext λ _ 
      Modal→Stable (Modal→Separated m _ _))


      -- If the modality is left exact, then ◯ commutes with
      -- Contractibleᴱ (assuming function extensionality).

      ◯-Contractibleᴱ≃Contractibleᴱ-◯ :
        @0 Left-exact-η-cong 
         (Contractibleᴱ A) ↝[ a  a ] Contractibleᴱ ( A)
      ◯-Contractibleᴱ≃Contractibleᴱ-◯ lex ext =
        ◯-Contractibleᴱ≃Contractibleᴱ-◯′ ext lex (◯Ση≃Σ◯◯ ext)

      -- A generalisation of ◯-Contractibleᴱ≃Contractibleᴱ-◯.

      ◯-Contractibleᴱ≃Contractibleᴱ-◯′ :
        @0 Extensionality? k a a 
        @0 Left-exact-η-cong 
        ({A : Type a} {P :  A  Type a} 
          (Σ A (P  η)) ↝[ k ] Σ ( A) (  P)) 
         (Contractibleᴱ A) ↝[ k ] Contractibleᴱ ( A)
      ◯-Contractibleᴱ≃Contractibleᴱ-◯′ ext lex comm =
         (Contractibleᴱ A)                               ↔⟨⟩
         ( λ (x : A)  Erased ((y : A)  x  y))        ↔⟨ inverse ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ 
         ( λ (x : A)   (Erased ((y : A)  x  y)))    ↔⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ ∃-cong λ _  ◯-Erased≃Erased-◯) 
         ( λ (x : A)  Erased ( ((y : A)  x  y)))    ↝⟨ (◯-cong-↝ᴱ ext λ ext  ∃-cong λ _  EC.Erased-cong (
                                                              inverse-ext? (C.Valid-domain₁.Π◯≃◯Π Valid-domain has-choice v) ext)) 
         ( λ (x : A)  Erased ((y : A)   (x  y)))    ↝⟨ (◯-cong-↝ᴱ ext λ ext  ∃-cong λ _ 
                                                              EC.Erased-cong (∀-cong ext λ _  from-equivalence $
                                                              Lex.◯≡≃η≡η lex)) 
         ( λ (x : A)  Erased ((y : A)  η x  η y))    ↝⟨ comm 
        ( λ (x :  A)   (Erased ((y : A)  x  η y)))  ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  ◯-Erased≃Erased-◯) 
        ( λ (x :  A)  Erased ( ((y : A)  x  η y)))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  EC.Erased-cong (
                                                              inverse-ext? (C.Valid-domain₁.Π◯≃◯Π Valid-domain has-choice v) ext)) 
        ( λ (x :  A)  Erased ((y : A)   (x  η y)))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  EC.Erased-cong (inverse-ext? Π◯◯≃Π◯η ext)) 
        ( λ (x :  A)  Erased ((y :  A)   (x  y)))  ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _  EC.Erased-cong (∀-cong ext λ _  from-equivalence $ inverse $
                                                              Modal→≃◯ (Separated-◯ _ _))) 
        ( λ (x :  A)  Erased ((y :  A)  x  y))      ↔⟨⟩
        Contractibleᴱ ( A)                               

  -- Some results that hold if the modality has choice (for valid
  -- domains)

  -- Some lemmas that are reexported from the module Has-choice-for
  -- below.

    module Has-choice-for′
      -- The choice principle only has to hold for valid domains.
      (Valid-domain : Type a  Type a)
      (has-choice : {A : Type a}  Valid-domain A  Has-choice-for A)

      -- Certain types are assumed to be valid.
      (vB : Valid-domain B)
      (@0 v⁻¹ᴱ : {f : A  B} {y : B}  Valid-domain (f ⁻¹ᴱ y))

      open C Valid-domain has-choice

      -- More results related to stability

      -- If f has type A → B, A is modal, and B is separated, then
      -- ECP.Is-equivalenceᴱ f is k-stable (perhaps assuming function
      -- extensionality).

      Modal→Stable-Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP :
        {@0 f : A  B} 
        Extensionality? k a a 
        Modal A  @0 Separated B 
        Stable-[ k ] (ECP.Is-equivalenceᴱ f)
      Modal→Stable-Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP {f} ext m s =
        Valid-domain₁.Stable-Π vB ext λ y 
        let m′ : Modal (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)
            m′ = Modal-⁻¹ᴱ m s in
        Stable-Σ m′ λ _ 
        Stable-Erased (
        Valid-domain₁.Stable-Π v⁻¹ᴱ ext λ _ 
        Modal→Stable (Modal→Separated m′ _ _))

      -- If f has type A → B, A is modal, and B is separated, then
      -- Is-equivalenceᴱ f is k-stable (perhaps assuming function
      -- extensionality).

      Modal→Stable-Is-equivalenceᴱ :
        {@0 f : A  B} 
        Extensionality? k a a 
        Modal A  @0 Separated B 
        Stable-[ k ] (Is-equivalenceᴱ f)
      Modal→Stable-Is-equivalenceᴱ {k} {f} ext m s =
          (Stable→Stable-⇔ $ MBC.Modal→Stable-Is-equivalenceᴱ m s)
           ext  Modal→Stable $ Modal-Is-equivalenceᴱ ext m s)
        Modal→Stable-≃ᴱ-Is-equivalenceᴱ :
          @0 Extensionality a a 
          Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ] (Is-equivalenceᴱ f)
        Modal→Stable-≃ᴱ-Is-equivalenceᴱ ext =
                                                                   $⟨ s′ 
          Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ] (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ y))  →⟨ Stable-respects-↝-sym $ inverse $
                                                                      EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ≃ᴱIs-equivalenceᴱ-CP ext ⟩□
          Stable-[ equivalenceᴱ ] (Is-equivalenceᴱ f)              
          ext′ = E.[ ext ]

          s′ =
            Valid-domain₁.Stable-Π vB ext′ λ y 
            let m′ : Modal (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)
                m′ = Modal-⁻¹ᴱ m s in
            Stable-Σ m′ λ _ 
            Stable-Erased (
            Valid-domain₁.Stable-Π v⁻¹ᴱ ext′ λ _ 
            Modal→Stable (Modal→Separated m′ _ _))

  module Has-choice-for
    -- The choice principle only has to hold for valid domains.
    (Valid-domain : Type a  Type a)
    (has-choice : {A : Type a}  Valid-domain A  Has-choice-for A)

    -- Valid-domain must be closed under certain things.
    (v-Σ :
     {A : Type a} {P : A  Type a} 
     Valid-domain A  (∀ x  Valid-domain (P x))  Valid-domain (Σ A P))
    (v-≡ :
     {A : Type a} {x y : A} 
     Valid-domain A  Valid-domain (x  y))
    (v-◯ : {A : Type a}  Valid-domain A  Valid-domain ( A))
    (@0 v-Erased :
     {A : Type a} 
     Valid-domain A  Valid-domain (Erased A))

    -- Certain types are assumed to be valid.
    (vA : Valid-domain A)
    (vB : Valid-domain B)


      -- Some lemmas used below.

      @0 v-⁻¹ᴱ :
        {A B : Type a} {f : A  B} {y : B} 
        Valid-domain A  Valid-domain B 
        Valid-domain (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)
      v-⁻¹ᴱ vA vB = v-Σ vA λ _  v-Erased (v-≡ vB)

      @0 v⁻¹ᴱ :
        {f : A  B} 
        Valid-domain (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)
      v⁻¹ᴱ = v-⁻¹ᴱ vA vB

      open module H =
        Has-choice-for′ {B = B} {A = A} Valid-domain has-choice vB v⁻¹ᴱ

      open C Valid-domain has-choice
      open module HE {A} =
        Has-erased-choice-for {A = A} Valid-domain has-choice
      module H′ {A B} =
        Has-choice-for′ {B = B} {A = A} Valid-domain has-choice
      module Σ≡◯ =
        Valid-domain-Σ≡◯.Valid-domain₂′.Left-exact v-Σ v-≡ v-◯ vA vB

    -- Some results that hold if the modality is left exact in erased
    -- contexts (in addition to having choice)

    module Left-exact (@0 lex : Left-exact-η-cong) where

      -- A function f : A → B is ◯-connected with erased proofs if and
      -- only if ◯ (ECP.Is-equivalenceᴱ f) holds.

      Connected-→ᴱ≃◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP :
        {f : A  B} 
         -Connected-→ᴱ f ↝[ a  a ]  (ECP.Is-equivalenceᴱ f)
      Connected-→ᴱ≃◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP {f} ext =
         -Connected-→ᴱ f                    ↔⟨⟩
        (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ ( (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  inverse-ext? (◯-Contractibleᴱ≃Contractibleᴱ-◯ v⁻¹ᴱ lex) ext) 
        (∀ y   (Contractibleᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)))  ↝⟨ Valid-domain₁.Π◯≃◯Π vB ext 
         (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ y))    ↔⟨⟩
         (ECP.Is-equivalenceᴱ f)            

      -- Some results that hold if the modality commutes with Σ (in
      -- addition to having choice, and being left exact in erased
      -- contexts)

      module Commutes-with-Σ (commutes-with-Σ : Commutes-with-Σ) where

        -- ◯ (ECP.Is-equivalenceᴱ f) is equivalent to
        -- ECP.Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f) (for f : A → B, assuming
        -- function extensionality).

        ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP≃Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP :
          {f : A  B} 
           (ECP.Is-equivalenceᴱ f) ↝[ a  a ]
          ECP.Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f)
        ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP≃Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP {f} ext =
           (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ y))          ↝⟨ inverse-ext? Connected-→ᴱ≃◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP ext 
          (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ ( (f ⁻¹ᴱ y)))        ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  BC.Contractibleᴱ-cong ext $ ◯⁻¹ᴱ≃◯∘⁻¹ᴱ lex) 
          (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ ( (η  f ⁻¹ᴱ η y)))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  BC.Contractibleᴱ-cong ext $ ◯∘⁻¹ᴱ≃◯-map-⁻¹ᴱ commutes-with-Σ) 
          (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ (◯-map f ⁻¹ᴱ η y))    ↝⟨ inverse-ext?
                                                          (Π◯↝Πη λ ext _ 
                                                           Stable-Contractibleᴱ (v-⁻¹ᴱ (v-◯ vA) (v-◯ vB)) ext $
                                                           Modal-⁻¹ᴱ Modal-◯ Separated-◯)
                                                          ext ⟩□
          (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ (◯-map f ⁻¹ᴱ y))      


          -- ◯ (Is-equivalenceᴱ f) is logically equivalent to
          -- Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f) (for f : A → B).

          ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ⇔Is-equivalenceᴱ :
            {f : A  B} 
             (Is-equivalenceᴱ f)  Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f)
          ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ⇔Is-equivalenceᴱ {f} =
             (Is-equivalenceᴱ f)                  ↝⟨ ◯-cong-⇔ EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ⇔Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP 
             (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ y))      ↝⟨ ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP≃Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP _ 
            (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ (◯-map f ⁻¹ᴱ y))  ↝⟨ inverse $ EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ⇔Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP ⟩□
            Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f)              

          -- ◯ (Is-equivalenceᴱ f) is equivalent (with erased proofs)
          -- to Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f) (for f : A → B, assuming
          -- function extensionality).

          ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ≃ᴱIs-equivalenceᴱ :
            {f : A  B} 
            @0 Extensionality a a 
             (Is-equivalenceᴱ f) ≃ᴱ Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f)
          ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ≃ᴱIs-equivalenceᴱ {f} ext =
             (Is-equivalenceᴱ f)                  ↝⟨ ◯-cong-≃ᴱ (EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ≃ᴱIs-equivalenceᴱ-CP ext) 
             (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ (f ⁻¹ᴱ y))      ↝⟨ ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP≃Is-equivalenceᴱ-CP E.[ ext ] 
            (∀ y  Contractibleᴱ (◯-map f ⁻¹ᴱ y))  ↝⟨ inverse $ EEq.Is-equivalenceᴱ≃ᴱIs-equivalenceᴱ-CP ext ⟩□
            Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f)              

          -- ◯ (Is-equivalenceᴱ f) is equivalent to
          -- Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f) (for f : A → B, assuming
          -- function extensionality).

          ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ≃Is-equivalenceᴱ′ :
            {f : A  B} 
            Extensionality a a 
             (Is-equivalenceᴱ f)  Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f)
          ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ≃Is-equivalenceᴱ′ {f} ext =
             (Is-equivalenceᴱ f)                                       ↔⟨⟩

             ( λ (f⁻¹ : B  A)  Erased (HA.Proofs f f⁻¹))            ↝⟨ inverse ◯Σ◯≃◯Σ 

             ( λ (f⁻¹ : B  A)   (Erased (HA.Proofs f f⁻¹)))        ↝⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ ∃-cong λ _  ◯-Erased≃Erased-◯) 

             ( λ (f⁻¹ : B  A)  Erased ( (HA.Proofs f f⁻¹)))        ↝⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ ∃-cong λ _  EC.Erased-cong (
                                                                              lex ext)) 
             ( λ (f⁻¹ : B  A) 
                 Erased (HA.Proofs (◯-map f) (◯-map f⁻¹)))              ↝⟨ (◯-cong-≃ $ ∃-cong λ _  ≡⇒↝ _ $
                                                                            cong  g  Erased (HA.Proofs (◯-map f) g)) $ sym $
                                                                            apply-ext ext λ _  ◯-map-◯-ηˡ) 
             ( λ (f⁻¹ : B  A) 
                 Erased (HA.Proofs (◯-map f) (◯-map-◯ (η f⁻¹))))        ↝⟨ Eq.⟨ _ , commutes-with-Σ  

            ( λ (f⁻¹ :  (B  A)) 
                (Erased (HA.Proofs (◯-map f) (◯-map-◯ f⁻¹))))          ↝⟨ (∃-cong λ _ 
                                                                            Modal→Stable $
                                                                            Modal-Erased (
                                                                            Modal-Σ (Modal-Π ext λ _  Separated-◯ _ _) λ _ 
                                                                            Modal-Σ (Modal-Π ext λ _  Separated-◯ _ _) λ _ 
                                                                            Modal-Π ext λ _ 
                                                                            Modal→Separated (Separated-◯ _ _) _ _)) 

            ( λ (f⁻¹ :  (B  A)) 
               Erased (HA.Proofs (◯-map f) (◯-map-◯ f⁻¹)))              ↝⟨ Valid-domain₁.Σ◯→≃Σ◯→◯ vB ext 

            ( λ (f⁻¹ :  B   A)  Erased (HA.Proofs (◯-map f) f⁻¹))  ↔⟨⟩

            Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f)                                   

        -- ◯ (Is-equivalenceᴱ f) is equivalent to
        -- Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f) (for f : A → B, assuming function
        -- extensionality).

        ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ≃Is-equivalenceᴱ :
          {f : A  B} 
           (Is-equivalenceᴱ f) ↝[ a  a ] Is-equivalenceᴱ (◯-map f)
        ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ≃Is-equivalenceᴱ =
            (from-equivalence  ◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ≃Is-equivalenceᴱ′)

        -- ◯ commutes with ECP._≃ᴱ_ (for A and B, assuming function
        -- extensionality).

        ◯≃ᴱ-CP-≃◯≃ᴱ-CP-◯ :  (A ECP.≃ᴱ B) ↝[ a  a ] ( A ECP.≃ᴱ  B)
        ◯≃ᴱ-CP-≃◯≃ᴱ-CP-◯ ext =
            {P = λ f  ECP.Is-equivalenceᴱ f}
             ext f≡g 
               ECP.[]-cong₂-⊔.Is-equivalenceᴱ-cong ax ax ax ext f≡g)
               (v-◯ vB) (v-⁻¹ᴱ (v-◯ vA) (v-◯ vB)) ext
               Modal-◯ Separated-◯)
               vA ax ext)

        -- ◯ commutes with _≃ᴱ_ (for A and B, assuming function
        -- extensionality).

        ◯≃ᴱ≃◯≃ᴱ◯ :  (A ≃ᴱ B) ↝[ a  a ] ( A ≃ᴱ  B)
        ◯≃ᴱ≃◯≃ᴱ◯ ext =
            (from-equivalence EEq.≃ᴱ-as-Σ)
             ext f≡g 
               EEq.[]-cong₂-⊔.Is-equivalenceᴱ-cong ax ax ax ext f≡g)
               (v-◯ vB) (v-⁻¹ᴱ (v-◯ vA) (v-◯ vB)) ext
               Modal-◯ Separated-◯)
            (Valid-domain₁.[]-cong.Σ◯→↝Σ◯→◯-Is-equivalenceᴱ vA ax ext)

    -- Some results that hold if the modality is left exact and
    -- commutes with Σ (in addition to having choice)

    module Left-exact-Commutes-with-Σ
      (lex             : Left-exact-η-cong)
      (commutes-with-Σ : Commutes-with-Σ)

      open Left-exact lex public hiding (module Commutes-with-Σ)
      open Left-exact.Commutes-with-Σ lex commutes-with-Σ public

      -- ◯ commutes with _↝[ k ]_ (assuming function extensionality).

      ◯↝≃◯↝◯ :  (A ↝[ k ] B) ↝[ a  a ] ( A ↝[ k ]  B)
      ◯↝≃◯↝◯ {k = implication}         = Valid-domain₁.◯→≃◯→◯ vA
      ◯↝≃◯↝◯ {k = logical-equivalence} = Valid-domain₂.◯⇔≃◯⇔◯ vA vB
      ◯↝≃◯↝◯ {k = injection}           = Σ≡◯.◯↣≃◯↣◯ lex
      ◯↝≃◯↝◯ {k = embedding}           = Σ≡◯.◯-Embedding≃Embedding-◯-◯
      ◯↝≃◯↝◯ {k = surjection}          = Σ≡◯.◯↠≃◯↠◯ lex
      ◯↝≃◯↝◯ {k = bijection}           = Σ≡◯.◯↔≃◯↔◯ lex
      ◯↝≃◯↝◯ {k = equivalence}         = Σ≡◯.◯≃≃◯≃◯ lex
      ◯↝≃◯↝◯ {k = equivalenceᴱ}        = ◯≃ᴱ≃◯≃ᴱ◯

      -- A variant of MBC.◯-cong-◯.

      ◯-cong-◯ :  (A ↝[ k ] B)   A ↝[ k ]  B
      ◯-cong-◯ = ◯↝≃◯↝◯ _

  -- Some results that hold if the modality has choice

  module Has-choice (has-choice : Has-choice) where

      open module H {A B} =
          {A = A} {B = B}
           _   _ )  _  has-choice)
          _ _ _ _ _ _
        hiding (module Left-exact; module Left-exact-Commutes-with-Σ)

    -- Some results that hold if the modality is left exact in erased
    -- contexts (in addition to having choice)

    module Left-exact (@0 lex : Left-exact-η-cong) where

        open module LE {A B} = H.Left-exact {A = A} {B = B} lex public
          hiding (module Commutes-with-Σ)

      -- Some results that hold if the modality commutes with Σ (in
      -- addition to having choice, and being left exact in erased
      -- contexts)

      module Commutes-with-Σ (commutes-with-Σ : Commutes-with-Σ) where

          open module  {A B} =
            LE.Commutes-with-Σ {A = A} {B = B} commutes-with-Σ

    -- Some results that hold if the modality is left exact and
    -- commutes with Σ (in addition to having choice)

    module Left-exact-Commutes-with-Σ
      (lex             : Left-exact-η-cong)
      (commutes-with-Σ : Commutes-with-Σ)

        open module LECΣ {A B} =
            {A = A} {B = B} lex commutes-with-Σ