-- Some results about the blocked status and block/unblock

module StatusLemmas where

open import Syntax
open import Semantics.BigStep
open import Equivalence
open import Totality
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Nullary

-- If something is possible in the blocked setting, then it is also
-- possible in the unblocked one.

Bto·⇓ :  {t} {x : Expr t} {v i}  x ⇓[ B ] v  x ⇓[ i ] v
Bto·⇓ Val            = Val
Bto·⇓ (Loop )       = Loop   (Bto·⇓  )
Bto·⇓ (Add₁ x⇓ y⇓)   = Add₁   (Bto·⇓ x⇓) (Bto·⇓ y⇓)
Bto·⇓ (Add₂ x↯)      = Add₂   (Bto·⇓ x↯)
Bto·⇓ (Add₃ x⇓ y↯)   = Add₃   (Bto·⇓ x⇓) (Bto·⇓ y↯)
Bto·⇓ (Seqn₁ x⇓ y⇒)  = Seqn₁  (Bto·⇓ x⇓) (Bto·⇓ y⇒)
Bto·⇓ (Seqn₂ x↯)     = Seqn₂  (Bto·⇓ x↯)
Bto·⇓ (Catch₁ x⇓)    = Catch₁ (Bto·⇓ x⇓)
Bto·⇓ (Catch₂ x↯ y⇒) = Catch₂ (Bto·⇓ x↯) (Bto·⇓ y⇒)
Bto·⇓ (Block x)      = Block x
Bto·⇓ (Unblock x)    = Unblock x

·toU⇓ :  {t} {x : Expr t} {v i}  x ⇓[ i ] v  x ⇓[ U ] v
·toU⇓ {i = B} x = Bto·⇓ x
·toU⇓ {i = U} x = x

Bto·⇑ :  {t} {x : Expr t} {i}  x ⇑[ B ]  x ⇑[ i ]
Bto·⇑ (Loop loop⇑)        ~ Loop (Bto·⇑ loop⇑)
Bto·⇑ (Add₁ x⇑)           = Add₁ (Bto·⇑ x⇑)
Bto·⇑ (Add₂ (_ , x⇓) y⇑)  = Add₂ (_ , Bto·⇓ x⇓) (Bto·⇑ y⇑)
Bto·⇑ (Seqn₁ x⇑)          = Seqn₁ (Bto·⇑ x⇑)
Bto·⇑ (Seqn₂ (_ , x⇓) y⇑) = Seqn₂ (_ , Bto·⇓ x⇓) (Bto·⇑ y⇑)
Bto·⇑ (Catch₁ x⇑)         = Catch₁ (Bto·⇑ x⇑)
Bto·⇑ (Catch₂ x↯ y⇑)      = Catch₂ (Bto·⇓ x↯) (Bto·⇑ y⇑)
Bto·⇑ (Block x⇑)          = Block x⇑
Bto·⇑ (Unblock x⇑)        = Unblock x⇑

·toU⇑ :  {t} {x : Expr t} {i}  x ⇑[ i ]  x ⇑[ U ]
·toU⇑ {i = B} x = Bto·⇑ x
·toU⇑ {i = U} x = x

-- However, the other direction is not valid.

¬UtoB :  t v   λ (x : Expr t)  x ⇓[ U ] v × ¬ (x ⇓[ B ] v)
¬UtoB t v = (x , Catch₂ Int Val , helper)
  v′ : Value
  v′ with v
  ... | nat 0 = nat 1
  ... | _     = nat 0

  x : Expr t
  x =  v′  catch  v 

  helper : ¬ (x ⇓[ B ] v)
  helper x⇓ with v
  helper (Catch₁ ())   | nat zero
  helper (Catch₁ ())   | nat (suc n)
  helper (Catch₂ () _) | nat zero
  helper (Catch₂ () _) | nat (suc n)
  helper (Catch₂ () _) | throw

-- In a total setting the following more limited variant is
-- provable...

Uto·' :  {x : Expr total} {i}  x ↡[ U ]  x ↡[ i ]
Uto·' (_ , x) = helper x
  helper :  {x : Expr total} {i m}  x ⇓[ U ] nat m  x ↡[ i ]
  helper Val           = (_ , Val)
  helper (Add₁ x⇓ y⇓)  = zip-Σ _+_ Add₁ (helper x⇓) (helper y⇓)
  helper (Seqn₁ x⇓ y⇓) = zip-Σ  x y  y) Seqn₁ (helper x⇓) (helper y⇓)
  helper (Catch₁ x⇓)   = map-Σ₂ Catch₁ (helper x⇓)
  helper (Block x)     = (_ , Block x)
  helper (Unblock x)   = (_ , Unblock x)
  helper {x catch y} {i} (Catch₂ x↯ y⇓) with defined x i
  ... | (throw , x↯') = (_ , Catch₂ x↯' y⇓)
  ... | (nat n , x⇓)  = (n , Catch₁ x⇓)

-- ...but not in a partial setting.

¬UtoB′ :  λ (x : Expr partial)  x ↡[ U ] × ¬ (x ↡[ B ])
¬UtoB′ = (x , (0 , Catch₂ Int Val) , helper)
  x = loop  nat 0  catch  nat 0 

  helper : ¬ (x ↡[ B ])
  helper (n , Catch₁ )                    = loop-¬⇓ nat-¬↯ (nat n , )
  helper (n , Catch₂ (Loop (Seqn₁ _ )) _) = loop-¬⇓ nat-¬↯ (throw , )
  helper (n , Catch₂ (Loop (Seqn₂ ())) _)

-- The problems with converting from U to B also mean that uses of
-- block and unblock seldom can be simplified.

block-unblockˡ :  {t} {x : Expr t}  x  block (unblock x)
block-unblockˡ = record {  = λ x  Block (Unblock (·toU⇓ x))
                        ;  = λ x  Block (Unblock (·toU⇑ x))

block-unblockʳ :  t   λ (x : Expr t)  block (unblock x)  x
block-unblockʳ _ =
  ( nat 0  , λ bu⊑  nat-¬↯ (_⊑_. bu⊑ {i = B} (Block (Unblock Int))))

unblock-blockˡ :  t   λ (x : Expr t)  x  unblock (block x)
unblock-blockˡ t =
  ( nat 0  catch  nat 1  , λ ⊑ub 
     helper (_⊑_. ⊑ub (Catch₂ Int Val)))
  helper : ¬ (unblock {t} (block ( nat 0  catch  nat 1 ))
                ⇓[ U ] nat 1)
  helper (Unblock (Block (Catch₁ ())))
  helper (Unblock (Block (Catch₂ () _)))

unblock-blockʳ :  t   λ (x : Expr t)  unblock (block x)  x
unblock-blockʳ _ =
  ( nat 0  , λ ub⊑  nat-¬↯ (_⊑_. ub⊑ {i = B} (Unblock Int)))