-- Based on "From Interpreter to Compiler: A Representational
-- Derivation" by Mitchell Wand

{-# OPTIONS --no-termination-check #-}

open import Data.Star.Nat

module Wand2
         -- Semantic domains of base types.
         (Base :  -> Set)
         -- The result type for the continuations.
         (Result : Set)

open import Data.Star
open import Data.Star.List
open import Data.Star.Decoration
import Data.Star.Environment as Env
open import Data.Unit
open import Relation.Binary
open import Function hiding (_∋_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- Type system

-- The language used is the simply typed lambda calculus with
-- multi-argument functions.

infixl 70 _·_
infix  50 ƛ_
infixr 30 _⟶_
infix   4 _⊢_

data Ty : Set where
  base :  -> Ty
  _⟶_  : List Ty -> Ty -> Ty

open Env Ty


  data _⊢_ : Ctxt -> Ty -> Set where
    var  : forall {Γ τ}    -> Γ  τ -> Γ  τ
    ƛ_   : forall {Γ Γ⁺ τ} -> Γ ▻▻ Γ⁺  τ -> Γ  Γ⁺  τ
    _·_  : forall {Γ Γ⁺ τ} -> Γ  Γ⁺  τ -> Args Γ Γ⁺ -> Γ  τ

  -- An argument sequence is defined as a context extension decorated
  -- with terms.

  Args : Ctxt -> Ctxt -> Set
  Args Γ Γ⁺ = All (\σ -> Γ  σ) Γ⁺

-- An example, just to see how things work

module Example (x : ε  base 0#) (y : ε  base 1#) where

  Types : Ctxt
  Types = ε  base 0#  base 1#

  fun : ε  Types  base 0#
  fun = ƛ var (vs vz)

  args : Args ε Types
  args = ε {I = NonEmpty _}   x   y

  application : ε  base 0#
  application = fun · args

-- The semantics which Wand starts off with

-- Continuations.

Cont : Set -> Set
Cont A = (A -> Result) -> Result

-- Semantic domains. Note that the code in Wand's paper is untyped.
-- Before I understood what the semantic domains should be I had
-- trouble understanding his code. Wand presumably had something
-- resembling these types in his head; writing them out would have
-- made his paper more accessible (at least to people like me who
-- usually write interpreters in a different way).

⟦_⟧⋆ : Ty -> Set
 base n ⟧⋆ = Base n
 Γ⁺  τ ⟧⋆ = Env ⟦_⟧⋆ Γ⁺ -> Cont  τ ⟧⋆

-- The function above is terminating, since ⟦_⟧⋆ is only applied to
-- the elements of Γ⁺. The termination checker cannot see this,
-- though.

-- The interpreter.

-- The interpreter's result type.

Dom : Ctxt -> Ty -> Set
Dom Γ σ = Env ⟦_⟧⋆ Γ -> Cont  σ ⟧⋆

-- These two functions are also terminating. Due to the use of reverse
-- this is not apparent to the termination checker, though.


  ⟦_⟧ : forall {Γ σ} -> Γ  σ -> Dom Γ σ
   var x   ρ k = k (lookup x ρ)
   ƛ t     ρ k = k (\vs k' ->  t  (ρ ▻▻▻ vs) k')
   t · ts  ρ k =  t  ε  reverse id ts  ρ k

  -- Note that this function exhibits a clowns/jokers structure, by
  -- the way (a zipper where the things on the two sides have
  -- different types).

  ⟦_•_•_⟧ : forall {Γ Γ⁺ Δ⁺ τ} ->
            Γ  Γ⁺  τ -> Env ⟦_⟧⋆ Δ⁺ ->
            Star (flip (DecoratedWith (\σ -> Γ  σ)))
                 (nonEmpty Δ⁺) (nonEmpty Γ⁺) ->
            Dom Γ τ
   t  ρ'  ε         ρ k =  t  ρ (\v -> v ρ' k)
   t  ρ'   a  as  ρ k =  a  ρ (\v ->  t  ρ'   v  as  ρ k)

-- Back to the example

module Example₂ (x : ε  base 0#) (y : ε  base 1#) where

  open Example x y

  sem : Cont (Base 0#)
  sem =  application  ε

-- First step of the derivation: name subexpressions

module Naming where

  *fetch : forall {Γ τ} -> Γ  τ -> Dom Γ τ
  *fetch x = \ρ k -> k (lookup x ρ)

  *close : forall {Γ Γ⁺ τ} -> Dom (Γ ▻▻ Γ⁺) τ -> Dom Γ (Γ⁺  τ)
  *close v = \ρ k -> k (\vs k' -> v (ρ ▻▻▻ vs) k')

  Dom' : Ctxt -> Ctxt -> Ty -> Set
  Dom' Δ⁺ Γ τ = Env ⟦_⟧⋆ Δ⁺ -> Dom Γ τ

  *clear-ev : forall {Γ τ} -> Dom' ε Γ τ -> Dom Γ τ
  *clear-ev f = \ρ k -> f ε ρ k

  *jsr : forall {Γ Δ⁺ σ τ} ->
         Dom Γ σ -> Dom' (Δ⁺  σ) Γ τ -> Dom' Δ⁺ Γ τ
  *jsr a as ρ' = \ρ k -> a ρ (\v -> as (ρ'   v) ρ k)

  *ev-fn : forall {Γ Γ⁺ τ} -> Dom Γ (Γ⁺  τ) -> Dom' Γ⁺ Γ τ
  *ev-fn f ρ' = \ρ k -> f ρ (\v -> v ρ' k)

  -- Note that *jsr and *ev-fn have similar structure. Try to merge
  -- them.

  *ap : forall {Γ Γ⁺ τ} -> Dom' (Γ⁺  Γ⁺  τ) Γ τ
  *ap ( v  ρ') ρ k = v ρ' k

  -- Note that *ev-fn f = *jsr f *ap:

  prop : forall {Γ Γ⁺ τ} (f : Dom Γ (Γ⁺  τ)) (ρ' : Env ⟦_⟧⋆ Γ⁺) ->
         *ev-fn {τ = τ} f ρ'  *jsr {τ = τ} f (*ap {τ = τ}) ρ'
  prop f ρ' = refl

-- Second step: defunctionalise

module Compiler where


    data Code : Ctxt -> Ty -> Set where
      *fetch    : forall {Γ τ} -> Γ  τ -> Code Γ τ
      *close    : forall {Γ Γ⁺ τ} ->
                  Code (Γ ▻▻ Γ⁺) τ -> Code Γ (Γ⁺  τ)
      *clear-ev : forall {Γ τ} -> Code' ε Γ τ -> Code Γ τ

    data Code' : Ctxt -> Ctxt -> Ty -> Set where
      *jsr : forall {Γ Δ⁺ σ τ} ->
             Code Γ σ -> Code' (Δ⁺  σ) Γ τ -> Code' Δ⁺ Γ τ
      *ap  : forall {Γ Γ⁺ τ} -> Code' (Γ⁺  Γ⁺  τ) Γ τ

  -- Compiler. It is terminating, but the use of reverse means that
  -- the termination checker cannot see this.


    comp : forall {Γ σ} -> Γ  σ -> Code Γ σ
    comp (var x)   = *fetch x
    comp (ƛ t)     = *close (comp t)
    comp (t₁ · t₂) = *clear-ev (comp' t₁ (reverse id t₂))

    comp' : forall {Γ Γ⁺ Δ⁺ τ} ->
            Γ  Γ⁺  τ ->
            Star (flip (DecoratedWith (\σ -> Γ  σ)))
                 (nonEmpty Δ⁺) (nonEmpty Γ⁺) ->
            Code' Δ⁺ Γ τ
    comp' t₁ ε          = *jsr (comp t₁) *ap
    comp' t₁ ( a  as) = *jsr (comp a) (comp' t₁ as)

-- Back to the example again

module Example₃ (x : ε  base 0#) (y : ε  base 1#) where

  open Example x y
  open Compiler

  code : Code ε (base 0#)
  code = comp application