-- Generalised reverse composition

{-# OPTIONS --universe-polymorphism #-}

module ReverseComposition where

open import Category.Monad
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.List as List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_)
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe hiding (map)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; ; ,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Function
open import Level using (Lift; lift)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_; _≗_)
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as H using (_≅_)

-- Functions from a given number of arguments, with given types

-- Injection of values into the monad.

record Done {} (A : Set ) : Set  where
  constructor return

  -- Extraction of the result.

  field run : A

open Done public

-- Abstraction.

infixl 5 _→̂_

record _→̂_ {} (A B : Set ) : Set  where
  constructor Λ

  -- Application.

  infixl 10 _·_

  field _·_ : A  B

open _→̂_ public

-- Functions from a given number of arguments, with given types.

infixr 4 _⇨_

_⇨_ :  {}  List (Set )  Set   Set 
[]        B = Done B
(A  As)  B = A →̂ (As  B)

-- Heterogeneous equality

infix 4 _≈_

data _≈_ {} :  {As₁ As₂} {B₁ B₂ : Set } 
               As₁  B₁  As₂  B₂  Set (Level.suc ) where
  return-cong :  {B} {x₁ x₂ : B} 
                (x₁≡x₂ : x₁  x₂)  return x₁  return x₂
  Λ-cong      :  {A As₁ B₁ As₂ B₂}
                  {f₁ : A  As₁  B₁} {f₂ : A  As₂  B₂}
                (f₁≈f₂ :  x  f₁ x  f₂ x)  Λ f₁  Λ f₂

refl :   { As} {B : Set } (f : As  B)  f  f
refl {As = []}     (return x) = return-cong P.refl
refl {As = A  As} (Λ f)      = Λ-cong  x  refl (f x))

sym :  { As₁ As₂} {B₁ B₂ : Set } {f : As₁  B₁} {g : As₂  B₂} 
      f  g  g  f
sym (return-cong x≡y) = return-cong (P.sym x≡y)
sym (Λ-cong f≈g)      = Λ-cong (sym  f≈g)

trans :  { As₁ As₂ As₃} {B₁ B₂ B₃ : Set }
          {f : As₁  B₁} {g : As₂  B₂} {h : As₃  B₃} 
        f  g  g  h  f  h
trans (return-cong x≡y) (return-cong y≡z) =
  return-cong (P.trans x≡y y≡z)
trans (Λ-cong f≈g) (Λ-cong g≈h) = Λ-cong λ x  trans (f≈g x) (g≈h x)

-- The equality is complete with respect to propositional equality.
-- For (a limited form of) soundness, see run-cong.

complete :  { As} {B : Set } {f g : As  B}  f  g  f  g
complete P.refl = refl _

-- Equational reasoning.

module ≈-Reasoning where

  infix  3 _∎
  infixr 2 _≈⟨_⟩_ _≡⟨_⟩_

  _≈⟨_⟩_ :  { As₁ As₂ As₃} {B₁ B₂ B₃ : Set }
           (f : As₁  B₁) {g : As₂  B₂} {h : As₃  B₃} 
           f  g  g  h  f  h
  _ ≈⟨ f≈g  g≈h = trans f≈g g≈h

  _≡⟨_⟩_ :  { As₁ As₂} {B₁ B₂ : Set }
           f {g : As₁  B₁} {h : As₂  B₂} 
           f  g  g  h  f  h
  _ ≡⟨ P.refl  g≈h = g≈h

  _∎ :  { As} {B : Set } (f : As  B)  f  f
  f  = refl f

-- A module which can be used when deriving code from a specification
-- of the form "∃ λ g → f ≈ g".

module Derivation where

  open ≈-Reasoning public

  infix 1 ▷_

  EqualTo :  { As} {B : Set }  As  B  Set (Level.suc )
  EqualTo {As = As} {B} f =  λ (g : As  B)  f  g

  ▷_ :  { As} {B : Set } {f g : As  B}  f  g  EqualTo f
  ▷_ = ,_

  witness :  { As} {B : Set } {f : As  B}  EqualTo f  As  B
  witness = proj₁

  proof :  { As} {B : Set } {f : As  B}
          (f≈ : EqualTo f)  f  witness f≈
  proof = proj₂

-- Some congruences.

infixl 10 _·-cong_

_·-cong_ :  { As₁ As₂} {A₁ B₁ A₂ B₂ : Set }
             {x₁ x₂} {f₁ : A₁  As₁  B₁} {f₂ : A₂  As₂  B₂} 
           f₁  f₂  x₁  x₂  f₁ · x₁  f₂ · x₂
Λ-cong f₁≈f₂ ·-cong H.refl = f₁≈f₂ _

run-cong :  {} {B : Set } {x₁ x₂ : []  B} 
           x₁  x₂  run x₁  run x₂
run-cong (return-cong x₁≡x₂) = x₁≡x₂

-- Generalised reverse composition

-- This construction seems to be closely related to free monads, see
-- FreeAnnotatedMonad.

infixl 6 _>>=_

_>>=_ :  { As Bs} {B C : Set } 
        As  B  (B  Bs  C)  As ++ Bs  C
_>>=_ {As = []}     x g = g (run x)
_>>=_ {As = A  As} f g = Λ λ x  f · x >>= g

-- Bind and return form an annotated monad.

module MonadLaws {} where

  left-identity :  {As} {A B : Set } (f : A  As  B) x 
                  return x >>= f  f x
  left-identity f x = refl (f x)

  right-identity :  {As} {B : Set }
                   (f : As  B)  f >>= return  f
  right-identity {As = []}     x = refl x
  right-identity {As = A  As} f = Λ-cong λ x  right-identity (f · x)

  assoc :  {As Bs Cs} {B C D : Set }
          (f : As  B) (g : B  Bs  C) (h : C  Cs  D) 
          (f >>= g) >>= h  f >>=  x  g x >>= h)
  assoc {As = []}     x g h = refl (g (run x) >>= h)
  assoc {As = A  As} f g h = Λ-cong λ x  assoc (f · x) g h

  infixl 6 _>>=-cong_ _>>=-cong′_

  _>>=-cong_ :  {As₁ Bs₁ As₂ Bs₂} {B₁ C₁ B₂ C₂ : Set }
                 {f₁ : As₁  B₁} {g₁ : B₁  Bs₁  C₁}
                 {f₂ : As₂  B₂} {g₂ : B₂  Bs₂  C₂} 
               f₁  f₂  (∀ {x₁ x₂}  x₁  x₂  g₁ x₁  g₂ x₂) 
               f₁ >>= g₁  f₂ >>= g₂
  return-cong x₁≡x₂ >>=-cong g₁≈g₂ = g₁≈g₂ (H.≡-to-≅ x₁≡x₂)
  Λ-cong f₁≈f₂      >>=-cong g₁≈g₂ = Λ-cong λ x  f₁≈f₂ x >>=-cong g₁≈g₂

  _>>=-cong′_ :  {As₁ Bs₁ As₂ Bs₂} {B C₁ C₂ : Set }
                  {f₁ : As₁  B} {g₁ : B  Bs₁  C₁}
                  {f₂ : As₂  B} {g₂ : B  Bs₂  C₂} 
                f₁  f₂  (∀ x  g₁ x  g₂ x) 
                f₁ >>= g₁  f₂ >>= g₂
  _>>=-cong′_ {g₁ = g₁} {g₂ = g₂} f₁≈f₂ g₁≈g₂ =
    f₁≈f₂ >>=-cong λ {x₁ x₂} x₁≅x₂ 
    H.subst  x  g₁ x₁  g₂ x) x₁≅x₂ (g₁≈g₂ x₁)

-- We can turn this into some kind of restricted monoid.

infixr 9 _⊙_

_⊙_ :  { As Bs} {B C : Set } 
      As  B  (B  Bs)  C  As ++ Bs  C
f  g = f >>= _·_ g

identity :  {} {A : Set }  A  []  A
identity = Λ λ x  return x

module MonoidLaws {} where

  open MonadLaws using (_>>=-cong_)
  open ≈-Reasoning

  right-identity :  {As} {B : Set }
                   (f : As  B)  f  identity  f
  right-identity f =
    f  identity  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f >>= return  ≈⟨ MonadLaws.right-identity f 

  -- Note that the type of f is not completely general.

  left-identity :  {As} {A B : Set }
                  (f : A  As  B)  identity  f  f
  left-identity f =
    identity  f                  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (Λ λ x  return x) >>= _·_ f  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (Λ λ x  return x >>= _·_ f)  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (Λ λ x  f · x)               ≡⟨ P.refl 

  -- Note that the types of g and h are not completely general.

  assoc :  {As Bs Cs} {B C D : Set }
          (f : As  B) (g : B  Bs  C) (h : C  Cs  D) 
          (f  g)  h  f  (g  h)
  assoc f g h =
    (f  g)  h                    ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f >>= _·_ g >>= _·_ h          ≈⟨ MonadLaws.assoc f (_·_ g) (_·_ h) 
    f >>=  x  g · x >>= _·_ h)  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f  (g  h)                    

  infixr 9 _⊙-cong_

  _⊙-cong_ :  {As₁ Bs₁ As₂ Bs₂} {B₁ C₁ B₂ C₂ : Set }
               {f₁ : As₁  B₁} {g₁ : B₁  Bs₁  C₁}
               {f₂ : As₂  B₂} {g₂ : B₂  Bs₂  C₂} 
             f₁  f₂  g₁  g₂  f₁  g₁  f₂  g₂
  f₁≈f₂ ⊙-cong g₁≈g₂ = f₁≈f₂ >>=-cong _·-cong_ g₁≈g₂

  identity-cong : {A : Set }  identity {A = A}  identity {A = A}
  identity-cong = refl identity

-- Join and split

join :  { As Bs} {C : Set }  As  Bs  C  As ++ Bs  C
join f = f >>= id

split :  {} As {Bs} {C : Set }  As ++ Bs  C  As  Bs  C
split []       f = return f
split (A  As) f = Λ λ a  split As (f · a)

module JoinSplit {} where

  join∘split :  As {Bs} {C : Set } (f : As ++ Bs  C) 
               join (split As f)  f
  join∘split []       f = refl f
  join∘split (A  As) f = Λ-cong λ a  join∘split As (f · a)

  split∘join :  {As Bs} {C : Set } (f : As  Bs  C) 
               split As (join f)  f
  split∘join {[]}     f = refl f
  split∘join {A  As} f = Λ-cong λ a  split∘join (f · a)

-- Generalised currying

Args :  {}  List (Set )  Set 
Args = List.foldr _×_ (Lift )

uncurry :  { As} {B : Set }  As  B  (Args As  B)
uncurry {As = []}     x _        = run x
uncurry {As = A  As} f (a , as) = uncurry (f · a) as

curry :  { As} {B : Set }  (Args As  B)  As  B
curry {As = []}     f = return (f _)
curry {As = A  As} f = Λ λ a  curry  as  f (a , as))

module CurryLaws {} where

  curry∘uncurry :  {As} {B : Set } (f : As  B) 
                  curry {As = As} (uncurry f)  f
  curry∘uncurry {As = []}     x = return-cong P.refl
  curry∘uncurry {As = A  As} f = Λ-cong λ a  curry∘uncurry (f · a)

  uncurry∘curry :  As {B : Set } (f : Args As  B) 
                  uncurry (curry {As = As} f)  f
  uncurry∘curry []       f as = P.refl
  uncurry∘curry (A  As) f as = uncurry∘curry As _ _

  curry-cong :  {As} {B : Set } {f₁ f₂ : Args As  B} 
               f₁  f₂  curry {As = As} f₁  curry {As = As} f₂
  curry-cong {[]}     f₁≗f₂ = return-cong (f₁≗f₂ _)
  curry-cong {A  As} f₁≗f₂ = Λ-cong λ a 
    curry-cong  as  f₁≗f₂ (a , as))

  uncurry-cong :  {As} {B : Set } {f₁ f₂ : As  B} 
                 f₁  f₂  uncurry f₁  uncurry f₂
  uncurry-cong (return-cong x₁≡x₂) _        = x₁≡x₂
  uncurry-cong (Λ-cong f₁≈f₂)      (a , as) = uncurry-cong (f₁≈f₂ a) as

-- A specialised variant of _⇨_

infixr 5 _↑_⇨_

_↑_⇨_ :  {}  Set     Set   Set 
A  n  B = List.replicate n A  B

-- Applies the function to a vector of arguments.
-- Note that app is morally a special case of uncurry.

app :  {} {A B : Set } {n}  A  n  B  Vec A n  B
app {n = zero}  x []       = run x
app {n = suc n} f (x  xs) = app (f · x) xs

-- Casts

cast :  { As₁ As₂} {B : Set }  As₁  As₂  As₁  B  As₂  B
cast {B = B} = P.subst  As  As  B)

module Cast where

  drop :  { As₁ As₂} {B : Set } (eq : As₁  As₂) (f : As₁  B) 
         cast eq f  f
  drop P.refl = refl

-- _⇨_ can be turned into a monad in a second way

-- Above it was shown that _⇨_ is a parametrised monad. Here it is
-- shown that _⇨_ As is an ordinary monad.

return∥ :  { As} {B : Set }  B  As  B
return∥ {As = As} x = curry {As = As} (const x)

infixl 6 _>>=∥_

_>>=∥_ :  { As} {B C : Set }  As  B  (B  As  C)  As  C
f >>=∥ g = curry λ as  uncurry (g (uncurry f as)) as

-- The monad laws.

module MonadLaws∥ {} where

  open ≈-Reasoning

  left-identity :  {As} {A B : Set } (f : A  As  B) x 
                  return∥ x >>=∥ f  f x
  left-identity {As = []}     f x = refl (f x)
  left-identity {As = A  As} f x =
    Λ  y  return∥ x >>=∥ λ z  f z · y)  ≈⟨ Λ-cong  y  left-identity  z  f z · y) x) 
    Λ  y  f x · y)                       ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f x                                     

  right-identity :  {As} {B : Set }
                   (f : As  B)  f >>=∥ return∥  f
  right-identity {As = []}    x = refl x
  right-identity {As = _  _} f = Λ-cong λ x  right-identity (f · x)

  return∥-cong :  {As} {B : Set } {x₁ x₂ : B} 
                 x₁  x₂  return∥ {As = As} x₁  return∥ {As = As} x₂
  return∥-cong {As = []}     x₁≡x₂ = return-cong x₁≡x₂
  return∥-cong {As = A  As} x₁≡x₂ = Λ-cong λ _  return∥-cong x₁≡x₂

  infixl 6 _>>=∥-cong_ _>>=∥-cong′_

  _>>=∥-cong_ :  {As₁ As₂} {B₁ C₁ B₂ C₂ : Set }
                  {f₁ : As₁  B₁} {g₁ : B₁  As₁  C₁}
                  {f₂ : As₂  B₂} {g₂ : B₂  As₂  C₂} 
                f₁  f₂  (∀ {x₁ x₂}  x₁  x₂  g₁ x₁  g₂ x₂) 
                f₁ >>=∥ g₁  f₂ >>=∥ g₂
  return-cong x₁≡x₂ >>=∥-cong g₁≈g₂ = g₁≈g₂ (H.≡-to-≅ x₁≡x₂)
  Λ-cong f₁≈f₂      >>=∥-cong g₁≈g₂ = Λ-cong λ x 
    f₁≈f₂ x >>=∥-cong λ x₁≅x₂  g₁≈g₂ x₁≅x₂ ·-cong H.refl

  _>>=∥-cong′_ :  {As₁ As₂} {B C₁ C₂ : Set }
                   {f₁ : As₁  B} {g₁ : B  As₁  C₁}
                   {f₂ : As₂  B} {g₂ : B  As₂  C₂} 
                 f₁  f₂  (∀ x  g₁ x  g₂ x) 
                 f₁ >>=∥ g₁  f₂ >>=∥ g₂
  _>>=∥-cong′_ {g₁ = g₁} {g₂ = g₂} f₁≈f₂ g₁≈g₂ =
    f₁≈f₂ >>=∥-cong λ {x₁ x₂} x₁≅x₂ 
    H.subst  x  g₁ x₁  g₂ x) x₁≅x₂ (g₁≈g₂ x₁)

  assoc :  {As} {B C D : Set }
          (f : As  B) (g : B  As  C) (h : C  As  D) 
          (f >>=∥ g) >>=∥ h  f >>=∥  x  g x >>=∥ h)
  assoc {As = []}    x g h = refl (g (run x) >>=∥ h)
  assoc {As = _  _} f g h = Λ-cong λ x 
    (f · x >>=∥ λ y  g y · x) >>=∥  y  h y · x)  ≈⟨ assoc (f · x)  y  g y · x)  y  h y · x) 
    f · x >>=∥  y  g y · x >>=∥ λ z  h z · x)    ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f · x >>=∥  y  (g y >>=∥ h) · x)              

-- Some derived combinators.

infixr 9 _⊙∥_

_⊙∥_ :  { As} {B C : Set }  As  B  B  As  C  As  C
f ⊙∥ g = f >>=∥ _·_ g

identity∥ :  { As} {A : Set }  A  As  A
identity∥ = Λ λ x  return∥ x

-- Note that map corresponds to Wand's combinator B_k (see "Deriving
-- Target Code as a Representation of Continuation Semantics").

map :  { As} {B C : Set }  (B  C)  As  B  As  C
map f g = g >>=∥ return∥  f

infixl 10 _⊛∥_

_⊛∥_ :  { As} {B C : Set }  As  (B  C)  As  B  As  C
f ⊛∥ g = f >>=∥ λ h  map h g

zipWith∥ :  { As} {B C D : Set } 
           (B  C  D)  As  B  As  C  As  D
zipWith∥ f g h = return∥ f ⊛∥ g ⊛∥ h

const⋆ :  {} As {Bs} {C : Set }  Bs  C  As ++ Bs  C
const⋆ As f = return∥ {As = As} (lift tt) >>= const f

-- More laws.

module MoreLaws∥ {} where

  open ≈-Reasoning

  -- _⊙_ distributes from the left over _⊙∥_.

  ⊙-⊙∥ :  {As Bs} {C D E : Set }
         (f : As  C) (g : C  Bs  D) (h : D  C  Bs  E) 
         f  (g ⊙∥ h)  (f  g) ⊙∥ Λ  x  f  h · x)
  ⊙-⊙∥ {[]}     x g h = refl _
  ⊙-⊙∥ {A  As} f g h = Λ-cong λ x  ⊙-⊙∥ (f · x) g h

  swap->>=∥ :  {As} {B C D : Set }
              (f : As  B) (g : As  C) (h : B  C  As  D) 
              (f >>=∥ λ x  g >>=∥ h x)  (g >>=∥ λ x  f >>=∥ flip h x)
  swap->>=∥ {[]}     f g h = refl _
  swap->>=∥ {A  As} f g h = Λ-cong λ x 
    swap->>=∥ (f · x) (g · x)  y z  h y z · x)

  return∥->>= :  As {Bs} {B C : Set } (x : B) (f : B  Bs  C) 
                return∥ {As = As} x >>= f  const⋆ As (f x)
  return∥->>= []       x f = refl (f x)
  return∥->>= (A  As) x f = Λ-cong λ _  return∥->>= As x f

  >>=-return∥ :  {As Bs} {B C : Set } (f : As  B) (x : C) 
                f >>= const (return∥ {As = Bs} x) 
                return∥ {As = As ++ Bs} x
  >>=-return∥ {As = []}    x y = refl (return∥ y)
  >>=-return∥ {As = _  _} f y = Λ-cong λ x  >>=-return∥ (f · x) y

  const⋆-return∥ :  As {Bs} {C : Set } (x : C) 
                   const⋆ As (return∥ {As = Bs} x) 
                   return∥ {As = As ++ Bs} x
  const⋆-return∥ As x = >>=-return∥ (return∥ {As = As} (lift tt)) x

  const⋆-const⋆ :  As Bs {Cs} {D : Set } (f : Cs  D) 
                  const⋆ As (const⋆ Bs f)  const⋆ (As ++ Bs) f
  const⋆-const⋆ []       Bs f = refl (const⋆ Bs f)
  const⋆-const⋆ (A  As) Bs f = Λ-cong  _  const⋆-const⋆ As Bs f)

  map-id :  {As} {B : Set } (f : As  B)  map id f  f
  map-id f = MonadLaws∥.right-identity f

  map-∘ :  {As} {B C D : Set } (f : C  D) (g : B  C) (h : As  B) 
          map f (map g h)  map (f  g) h
  map-∘ {As = As} f g h =
    (h >>=∥ return∥  g) >>=∥ return∥  f          ≈⟨ assoc h (return∥  g) (return∥  f) 
    h >>=∥  x  return∥ (g x) >>=∥ return∥  f)  ≈⟨ (refl h >>=∥-cong′ λ x  left-identity (return∥ {As = As}  f) (g x)) 
    h >>=∥ return∥  f  g                         
    where open MonadLaws∥

  -- map f commutes with _⊙_ g.

  map-⊙ :  {As Bs} {B C D : Set }
          (f : C  D) (g : As  B) (h : B  Bs  C) 
          map f (g  h)  g  map f h
  map-⊙ {As = []} f x h =
    map f (x  h)      ≡⟨ P.refl 
    map f (h · run x)  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    x  map f h        
  map-⊙ {As = _  _} f g h =
    map f (g  h)                                     ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (Λ λ x  g · x  h >>=∥ λ y  return∥ (f y) · x)  ≈⟨ (Λ-cong λ x  refl (g · x  h) >>=∥-cong′ λ y  refl (return∥ (f y))) 
    (Λ λ x  g · x  h >>=∥ return∥  f)              ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (Λ λ x  map f (g · x  h))                       ≈⟨ (Λ-cong λ x  map-⊙ f (g · x) h) 
    (Λ λ x  g · x  map f h)                         ≡⟨ P.refl 
    g  map f h                                       
    where open MonadLaws∥

  map->>=∥ :  {As} {B C D : Set }
             (f : B  C) (g : As  B) (h : C  As  D) 
             map f g >>=∥ h  g >>=∥ h  f
  map->>=∥ f g h =
    map f g >>=∥ h                       ≡⟨ P.refl 
    g >>=∥ return∥  f >>=∥ h            ≈⟨ assoc g (return∥  f) h 
    (g >>=∥ λ x  return∥ (f x) >>=∥ h)  ≈⟨ (refl g >>=∥-cong′ λ x  left-identity h (f x)) 
    (g >>=∥ λ x  h (f x))               
    where open MonadLaws∥

  map->>=∥′ :  {As} {B C D : Set }
              (f : C  D) (g : As  B) (h : B  As  C) 
              map f (g >>=∥ h)  g >>=∥ map f  h
  map->>=∥′ f g h =
    map f (g >>=∥ h)                     ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (g >>=∥ h) >>=∥ return∥  f          ≈⟨ MonadLaws∥.assoc g h (return∥  f) 
    g >>=∥  x  h x >>=∥ return∥  f)  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    g >>=∥ map f  h                     

  return∥-⊛∥ :  {As} {B C : Set } (f : B  C) (g : As  B) 
               return∥ f ⊛∥ g  map f g
  return∥-⊛∥ f g =
    return∥ f ⊛∥ g                  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    return∥ f >>=∥  h  map h g)  ≈⟨ MonadLaws∥.left-identity  h  map h g) f 
    map f g                         

  identity-⊛∥ :  {As} {B : Set } (f : As  B) 
                return∥ id ⊛∥ f  f
  identity-⊛∥ f =
    return∥ id ⊛∥ f  ≈⟨ return∥-⊛∥ id f 
    map id f         ≈⟨ map-id f 

  identity-⊙∥ :  {As} {B : Set }
                (f : As  B)  f ⊙∥ identity∥  f
  identity-⊙∥ f =
    f ⊙∥ identity∥  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f >>=∥ return∥  ≈⟨ MonadLaws∥.right-identity f 

  ⊛∥-return∥ :  {As} {B C : Set } (f : As  (B  C)) (x : B) 
               f ⊛∥ return∥ x  map  g  g x) f
  ⊛∥-return∥ {As} f x =
    f ⊛∥ return∥ x                             ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f >>=∥  h  map h (return∥ x))           ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f >>=∥  h  return∥ x >>=∥ return∥  h)  ≈⟨ (refl f >>=∥-cong′ λ h 
                                                   left-identity (return∥ {As = As}  h) x) 
    f >>=∥  h  return∥ (h x))               ≡⟨ P.refl 
    map  g  g x) f                          
    where open MonadLaws∥

  composition :
     {As} {B C D : Set } (f : As  (C  D)) (g : As  (B  C)) h 
    map {As = As} _∘′_ f ⊛∥ g ⊛∥ h  f ⊛∥ (g ⊛∥ h)
  composition {As} f g h =
    map {As = As} _∘′_ f ⊛∥ g ⊛∥ h                        ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (map {As = As} _∘′_ f >>=∥ pam g >>=∥ pam h)          ≈⟨ (map->>=∥ _∘′_ f (pam g) >>=∥-cong′ λ f 
                                                              refl (map f h)) 
    ((f >>=∥ λ f  map {As = As} (_∘′_ f) g) >>=∥ pam h)  ≈⟨ assoc f  f  map {As = As} (_∘′_ f) g) (pam h) 
    (f >>=∥ λ f  map {As = As} (_∘′_ f) g >>=∥ pam h)    ≈⟨ (refl f >>=∥-cong′ λ f 
                                                              map->>=∥ (_∘′_ f) g (pam h)) 
    (f >>=∥ λ f  g >>=∥ λ g  map (f ∘′ g) h)            ≈⟨ (refl f >>=∥-cong′ λ f 
                                                              refl g >>=∥-cong′ λ g 
                                                              sym $ map-∘ f g h) 
    (f >>=∥ λ f  g >>=∥ λ g  map f (map g h))           ≈⟨ (refl f >>=∥-cong′ λ f 
                                                              sym $ assoc g (pam h) (return∥  f)) 
    (f >>=∥ pam (g >>=∥ pam h))                           ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f ⊛∥ (g ⊛∥ h)                                         
    open MonadLaws∥

    pam :  {As} {B C : Set }  As  B  (B  C)  As  C
    pam = flip map

  left-identity :  {As} {B C D : Set }
                  (f : B  C  D) (x : B) (ys : As  C) 
                  zipWith∥ f (return∥ x) ys  map (f x) ys
  left-identity {As = As} f x ys =
    (return∥ f >>=∥ λ h  return∥ x >>=∥ return∥  h) >>=∥  h  map h ys)  ≈⟨ (MonadLaws∥.left-identity
                                                                                    h  return∥ x >>=∥ return∥  h) f >>=∥-cong′ λ h 
                                                                                 refl (map h ys)) 
    (return∥ x >>=∥ return∥  f) >>=∥  h  map h ys)                       ≈⟨ (MonadLaws∥.left-identity
                                                                                   (return∥ {As = As}  f) x >>=∥-cong′ λ h 
                                                                                 refl (map h ys)) 
    return∥ (f x) >>=∥  h  map h ys)                                      ≈⟨ MonadLaws∥.left-identity  h  map h ys) (f x) 
    map (f x) ys                                                             
    where open MonadLaws∥

  right-identity :  {As} {B C D : Set }
                   (f : B  C  D) (xs : As  B) (y : C) 
                   zipWith∥ f xs (return∥ y)  map (flip f y) xs
  right-identity {As = As} f xs y =
    (return∥ f >>=∥ λ h  map h xs) >>=∥  h  return∥ y >>=∥ return∥  h)  ≈⟨ (MonadLaws∥.left-identity  h  map h xs) f
                                                                                   >>=∥-cong′ λ h 
                                                                                 MonadLaws∥.left-identity (return∥ {As = As}  h) y) 
    map f xs >>=∥  h  return∥ (h y))                                      ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (xs >>=∥ return∥  f) >>=∥  h  return∥ (h y))                         ≈⟨ assoc xs (return∥  f)  h  return∥ (h y)) 
    xs >>=∥  x  return∥ (f x) >>=∥ λ h  return∥ (h y))                   ≈⟨ (refl xs >>=∥-cong′ λ x 
                                                                                 MonadLaws∥.left-identity  h  return∥ (h y)) (f x)) 
    map (flip f y) xs                                                        
    where open MonadLaws∥

  assoc :  {As} {B C D E F G : Set }
            {f₁ : B  C  F} {g₁ : F  D  E}
            {f₂ : B  G  E} {g₂ : C  D  G}
          (xs : As  B) (ys : As  C) (zs : As  D) 
          (∀ x y z  g₁ (f₁ x y) z  f₂ x (g₂ y z)) 
          zipWith∥ g₁ (zipWith∥ f₁ xs ys) zs 
          zipWith∥ f₂ xs (zipWith∥ g₂ ys zs)
  assoc {As = []}    x y z hyp =
    return-cong (hyp (run x) (run y) (run z))
  assoc {As = _  _} f g h hyp =
    Λ-cong λ x  assoc (f · x) (g · x) (h · x) hyp

  infixr 9 _⊙∥-cong_

  _⊙∥-cong_ :  {As₁ As₂} {B C : Set }
                {f₁ : As₁  B} {g₁ : B  As₁  C}
                {f₂ : As₂  B} {g₂ : B  As₂  C} 
              f₁  f₂  g₁  g₂  f₁ ⊙∥ g₁  f₂ ⊙∥ g₂
  f₁≈f₂ ⊙∥-cong Λ-cong g₁≈g₂ = f₁≈f₂ >>=∥-cong′ g₁≈g₂
    where open MonadLaws∥

  identity∥-cong :
     {As} {A : Set } 
    identity∥ {As = As} {A = A}  identity∥ {As = As} {A = A}
  identity∥-cong = refl identity∥

  map-cong :  {As} {B C : Set } {f₁ f₂ : B  C} {g₁ g₂ : As  B} 
             (∀ x  f₁ x  f₂ x)  g₁  g₂  map f₁ g₁  map f₂ g₂
  map-cong f₁≡f₂ g₁≈g₂ = g₁≈g₂ >>=∥-cong′ λ x  return∥-cong (f₁≡f₂ x)
    where open MonadLaws∥

  infixl 10 _⊛∥-cong_

  _⊛∥-cong_ :  {As} {B C : Set }
                {f₁ f₂ : As  (B  C)} {g₁ g₂ : As  B} 
              f₁  f₂  g₁  g₂  f₁ ⊛∥ g₁  f₂ ⊛∥ g₂
  f₁≈f₂ ⊛∥-cong g₁≈g₂ =
    f₁≈f₂ >>=∥-cong λ h₁≅h₂ 
    map-cong  x  P.cong  f  f x) (H.≅-to-≡ h₁≅h₂)) g₁≈g₂
    where open MonadLaws∥

  zipWith∥-cong :  {As} {B C D : Set } {f₁ f₂ : B  C  D}
                    {g₁ g₂ : As  B} {h₁ h₂ : As  C} 
                  (∀ x y  f₁ x y  f₂ x y)  g₁  g₂  h₁  h₂ 
                  zipWith∥ f₁ g₁ h₁  zipWith∥ f₂ g₂ h₂
  zipWith∥-cong f₁≡f₂ (return-cong P.refl) (return-cong P.refl) =
    return-cong (f₁≡f₂ _ _)
  zipWith∥-cong f₁≡f₂ (Λ-cong g₁≈g₂)       (Λ-cong h₁≈h₂)       =
    Λ-cong λ x  zipWith∥-cong f₁≡f₂ (g₁≈g₂ x) (h₁≈h₂ x)

  const⋆-cong :  As {Bs} {C : Set } {f₁ f₂ : Bs  C} 
                f₁  f₂  const⋆ As f₁  const⋆ As f₂
  const⋆-cong As f₁≈f₂ =
    refl (return∥ {As = As} (lift tt)) >>=-cong′ λ _  f₁≈f₂
    where open MonadLaws

  -- map can be defined using curry and uncurry.

  map-curry-uncurry :
     {As} {B C : Set } (f : B  C) (g : As  B) 
    map f g  curry {As = As}  as  f (uncurry g as))
  map-curry-uncurry {As} f g =
    g >>=∥ return∥  f                                                ≡⟨ P.refl 
    curry  as  uncurry (return∥ {As = As} (f (uncurry g as))) as)  ≈⟨ curry-cong  as 
                                                                           uncurry∘curry As (const (f (uncurry g as))) as) 
    curry  as  f (uncurry g as))                                   
    where open CurryLaws

  -- _⊛∥_ can be defined using curry and uncurry.

  ⊛∥-curry-uncurry :
     {As} {B C : Set } (f : As  (B  C)) (g : As  B) 
    f ⊛∥ g  curry {As = As}  as  (uncurry f as) (uncurry g as))
  ⊛∥-curry-uncurry {As} f g =
    (f >>=∥ λ h  map h g)                            ≡⟨ P.refl 
    curry  as  uncurry (map (uncurry f as) g) as)  ≈⟨ curry-cong  as  uncurry-cong (map-curry-uncurry (uncurry f as) g) as) 
    curry  as 
      uncurry (curry {As = As}  as′ 
        uncurry f as (uncurry g as′))) as)            ≈⟨ curry-cong  as  uncurry∘curry As (uncurry f as  uncurry g) as) 
    curry  as  uncurry f as (uncurry g as))        
    where open CurryLaws

  -- const⋆ distributes over various operations.

  const⋆-map :  As {Bs} {C D : Set } (f : C  D) (g : Bs  C) 
               const⋆ As (map f g)  map f (const⋆ As g)
  const⋆-map As f g =
    const⋆ As (map f g)                              ≡⟨ P.refl 
    return∥ {As = As} (lift tt)  map f (Λ λ _  g)  ≈⟨ sym $ map-⊙ f (return∥ {As = As} (lift tt)) (Λ λ _  g) 
    map f (return∥ {As = As} (lift tt)  Λ λ _  g)  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    map f (const⋆ As g)                              

  const⋆->>=∥ :  As {Bs} {C D : Set } (f : Bs  C) (g : C  Bs  D) 
               const⋆ As (f >>=∥ g)  const⋆ As f >>=∥ const⋆ As  g
  const⋆->>=∥ As f g =
    const⋆ As (f >>=∥ g)                                 ≡⟨ P.refl 
    return∥ {As = As} (lift tt) >>= const (f >>=∥ g)     ≈⟨ ⊙-⊙∥ (return∥ {As = As} (lift tt)) (Λ λ _  f) (Λ λ x  Λ λ _  g x) 
    (return∥ {As = As} (lift tt) >>= const f >>=∥ λ x 
     return∥ {As = As} (lift tt) >>= const (g x))        ≡⟨ P.refl 
    const⋆ As f >>=∥ const⋆ As  g                       

  const⋆-⊛∥ :  As {Bs} {C D : Set } (f : Bs  (C  D)) (g : Bs  C) 
              const⋆ As (f ⊛∥ g)  const⋆ As f ⊛∥ const⋆ As g
  const⋆-⊛∥ As f g =
    const⋆ As (f ⊛∥ g)                            ≡⟨ P.refl 
    const⋆ As (f >>=∥ λ f  map f g)              ≈⟨ const⋆->>=∥ As f  f  map f g) 
    const⋆ As f >>=∥  f  const⋆ As (map f g))  ≈⟨ (refl (const⋆ As f) >>=∥-cong′ λ f  const⋆-map As f g) 
    const⋆ As f >>=∥  f  map f (const⋆ As g))  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    const⋆ As f ⊛∥ const⋆ As g                    
    where open MonadLaws∥

-- Some combinators which manipulate the "stack" of arguments

-- Discards the top-most stack element.

wk :  { As} {A B : Set }  As  B  A  As  B
wk f = Λ λ _  f

-- Application.

ap :  { As} {B C D : Set } 
     C  As  D  (B  C)  B  As  D
ap g = Λ λ f  Λ λ x  g · f x

-- Pushes an argument onto the stack.

push :  { Bs} {A C : Set }  A  Bs  C  Bs  (A  C)
push f = curry  bs a  uncurry f (a , bs))

-- Pops the stack.

pop :  { Bs} {A C : Set }  Bs  (A  C)  A  Bs  C
pop f = Λ λ x  map  g  g x) f

module Stack {} where

  open ≈-Reasoning

  wk-ap :
     {As} {B C D : Set }
    (f : As  (B  C)) (g : As  B) (h : C  As  D) 
    (f ⊛∥ g) ⊙∥ h  g ⊙∥ wk f ⊙∥ ap h
  wk-ap f g h =
    (f ⊛∥ g) ⊙∥ h                        ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (f >>=∥ λ f  map f g) >>=∥ _·_ h    ≈⟨ MonadLaws∥.assoc f  f  map f g) (_·_ h) 
    (f >>=∥ λ f  map f g >>=∥ _·_ h)    ≈⟨ (refl f >>=∥-cong′ λ f  map->>=∥ f g (_·_ h)) 
    (f >>=∥ λ f  g >>=∥ _·_ h  f)      ≈⟨ swap->>=∥ f g (_∘_ (_·_ h)) 
    (g >>=∥ λ x  f >>=∥ λ f  h · f x)  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    g ⊙∥ wk f ⊙∥ ap h                    
    open MonadLaws∥
    open MoreLaws∥

  map-push :  {Bs} {A C : Set } (f : A  Bs  C) x 
             map  f  f x) (push f)  f · x
  map-push {Bs} f x =
    map  f  f x) (push f)                             ≈⟨ MoreLaws∥.map-curry-uncurry  f  f x) (push f) 
    curry  bs  uncurry (push f) bs x)                 ≡⟨ P.refl 
    curry  bs 
      uncurry {B = _  _}
        (curry {As = Bs}  bs x  uncurry f (x , bs)))
        bs x)                                            ≈⟨ curry-cong  bs  P.cong  (f : _  _)  f x) $
                                                              uncurry∘curry Bs  bs x  uncurry f (x , bs)) bs) 
    curry  bs  uncurry f (x , bs))                    ≈⟨ curry∘uncurry (f · x) 
    f · x                                                
    where open CurryLaws

  push-cong : P.Extensionality   
               {Bs} {A C : Set } {f₁ f₂ : A  Bs  C} 
              f₁  f₂  push f₁  push f₂
  push-cong ext f₁≈f₂ =
    curry-cong λ bs 
    ext λ a 
    uncurry-cong f₁≈f₂ (a , bs)
    where open CurryLaws

  pop-cong :  {Bs} {A C : Set } {f₁ f₂ : Bs  (A  C)} 
             f₁  f₂  pop f₁  pop f₂
  pop-cong f₁≈f₂ = Λ-cong λ x 
    MoreLaws∥.map-cong  g  P.refl {x = g x}) f₁≈f₂

  push-pop : P.Extensionality   
              {Bs} {A C : Set } (f : Bs  (A  C)) 
             push (pop f)  f
  push-pop ext {Bs} f =
    push (pop f)                                             ≡⟨ P.refl 
    push (Λ λ a  map  g  g a) f)                         ≈⟨ push-cong ext (Λ-cong λ a  MoreLaws∥.map-curry-uncurry  g  g a) f) 
    push (Λ λ a  curry  bs  uncurry f bs a))             ≡⟨ P.refl 
    curry  bs a 
      uncurry (curry {As = Bs}  bs  uncurry f bs a)) bs)  ≈⟨ curry-cong  bs  ext λ a 
                                                                  uncurry∘curry Bs  bs  uncurry f bs a) bs) 
    curry  bs a  uncurry f bs a)                          ≡⟨ P.refl 
    curry (uncurry f)                                        ≈⟨ curry∘uncurry f 
    where open CurryLaws

  pop-push :  {Bs} {A C : Set } (f : A  Bs  C) 
             pop (push f)  f
  pop-push f = Λ-cong λ a 
    map  g  g a) (push f)  ≈⟨ map-push f a 
    f · a                     

-- A special case

-- _⇨_ where the target type is Maybe something.

infixl 4 _⇨M_

_⇨M_ :  {}  List (Set )  Set   Set 
As ⇨M B = As  Maybe B

-- Variants of the monadic combinators.

returnM :  {} {B : Set }  B  [] ⇨M B
returnM = return ∘′ just

infixr 6 _then_else_

_then_else_ :  { As Bs} {B C : Set } 
              As ⇨M B  (B  Bs ⇨M C)  Bs ⇨M C  As ++ Bs ⇨M C
g then s else f = g >>= maybe s f

-- Failure and left-biased choice.

zeroM :  { As} {B : Set }  As ⇨M B
zeroM = return∥ nothing

infixr 8 _⊕_

_⊕_ :  { As} {B : Set }  As ⇨M B  As ⇨M B  As ⇨M B
_⊕_ = zipWith∥ (RawMonadPlus._∣_ Maybe.monadPlus)

-- Various laws.

module LawsM {} where

  open ≈-Reasoning

  >>=M-cong :  {As₁ Bs₁ As₂ Bs₂} {B C₁ C₂ : Set }
                {f₁ : As₁ ⇨M B} {g₁ : Maybe B  Bs₁ ⇨M C₁}
                {f₂ : As₂ ⇨M B} {g₂ : Maybe B  Bs₂ ⇨M C₂} 
              f₁  f₂ 
              (∀ x  g₁ (just x)  g₂ (just x)) 
              g₁ nothing  g₂ nothing 
              f₁ >>= g₁  f₂ >>= g₂
  >>=M-cong f₁≈f₂ g₁j≈g₂j g₁n≈g₂n =
    f₁≈f₂ >>=-cong′ maybe g₁j≈g₂j g₁n≈g₂n
    where open MonadLaws

  maybe′-cong :  {Bs₁ Bs₂} {B C₁ C₂ : Set }
                 {s₁ : B  Bs₁ ⇨M C₁} {f₁}
                 {s₂ : B  Bs₂ ⇨M C₂} {f₂} 
    (∀ x  s₁ x  s₂ x)  f₁  f₂ 
     x  maybe′ s₁ f₁ x  maybe′ s₂ f₂ x
  maybe′-cong s₁≈s₂ f₁≈f₂ (just x) = s₁≈s₂ x
  maybe′-cong s₁≈s₂ f₁≈f₂ nothing  = f₁≈f₂

  infixr 6 _then_else-cong_

  _then_else-cong_ :  {As₁ Bs₁ As₂ Bs₂} {B C₁ C₂ : Set }
                       {g₁ : As₁ ⇨M B} {s₁ : B  Bs₁ ⇨M C₁} {f₁}
                       {g₂ : As₂ ⇨M B} {s₂ : B  Bs₂ ⇨M C₂} {f₂} 
    g₁  g₂  (∀ x  s₁ x  s₂ x)  f₁  f₂ 
    g₁ then s₁ else f₁  g₂ then s₂ else f₂
  g₁≈g₂ then s₁≈s₂ else-cong f₁≈f₂ =
    g₁≈g₂ >>=-cong′ maybe′-cong s₁≈s₂ f₁≈f₂
    where open MonadLaws

  zeroM-cong :  {As} {B : Set } 
               zeroM {As = As} {B = B}  zeroM {As = As} {B = B}
  zeroM-cong = MonadLaws∥.return∥-cong P.refl

  infixr 8 _⊕-cong_

  _⊕-cong_ :  {As} {B : Set } {f₁ f₂ : As ⇨M B} {g₁ g₂ : As ⇨M B} 
             f₁  f₂  g₁  g₂  f₁  g₁  f₂  g₂
  f₁≈f₂ ⊕-cong g₁≈g₂ =
    MoreLaws∥.zipWith∥-cong  _ _  P.refl) f₁≈f₂ g₁≈g₂

  left-zero :  As {Bs} {B C : Set }
              (s : B  Bs ⇨M C) (f : Bs ⇨M C) 
              zeroM {As = As} then s else f  const⋆ As f
  left-zero As s f = MoreLaws∥.return∥->>= As nothing (maybe s f)

  right-zeros :  {As Bs} {B C : Set } (g : As ⇨M B) 
                g then const zeroM else zeroM {As = Bs} {B = C} 
                zeroM {As = As ++ Bs} {B = C}
  right-zeros {B = B} g =
    g >>= maybe (const zeroM) zeroM  ≈⟨ >>=M-cong (refl g)  _  refl zeroM) (refl zeroM) 
    g >>= const zeroM                ≈⟨ MoreLaws∥.>>=-return∥ g nothing 

  right-identities :  {As} {B : Set } (g : As ⇨M B) 
                     g then returnM else zeroM  g
  right-identities {B = B} g =
    g >>= maybe returnM zeroM  ≈⟨ >>=M-cong (refl g) (refl  returnM) (refl zeroM) 
    g >>= return               ≈⟨ MonadLaws.right-identity g 

  distrib :  {As Bs Cs} {B C D : Set }
            (g : As ⇨M B) (s : B  Bs ⇨M C) {f : Bs ⇨M C}
            (h : Maybe C  Cs ⇨M D) 
            (g then s else f) >>= h 
            g then  x  s x >>= h) else (f >>= h)
  distrib g s {f} h =
    (g >>= maybe s f) >>= h                  ≈⟨ MonadLaws.assoc g (maybe s f) h 
    g >>=  x  maybe′ s f x >>= h)         ≈⟨ >>=M-cong (refl g)  x  refl (s x >>= h)) (refl (f >>= h)) 
    g >>= maybe  x  s x >>= h) (f >>= h)  

    _∣_ : {A : Set }  Maybe A  Maybe A  Maybe A
    _∣_ = RawMonadPlus._∣_ Maybe.monadPlus

  left-identity :  {As} {B : Set } (f : As ⇨M B)  zeroM  f  f
  left-identity f =
    zeroM  f            ≈⟨ MoreLaws∥.left-identity _ _ f 
    map (_∣_ nothing) f  ≈⟨ MoreLaws∥.map-id _ 

  right-identity :  {As} {B : Set } (f : As ⇨M B)  f  zeroM  f
  right-identity f =
    f  zeroM                  ≈⟨ MoreLaws∥.right-identity _ f _ 
    map  x  x  nothing) f  ≈⟨ refl f >>=∥-cong′ lemma 
    map id                  f  ≈⟨ MoreLaws∥.map-id _ 
    open MonadLaws∥

    lemma :  x  return∥ (x  nothing)  return∥ x
    lemma (just x) = refl (return∥ (just x))
    lemma nothing  = refl zeroM

  assoc :  {As} {B : Set } (f g h : As ⇨M B) 
          f  (g  h)  (f  g)  h
  assoc f g h = sym $ MoreLaws∥.assoc f g h lemma
    lemma :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)
    lemma nothing  y z = P.refl
    lemma (just x) y z = P.refl

  -- In the nullary case _⊕_ can be expressed concisely in terms of
  -- _then_else_.

  ⊕₀ :  {B : Set } (f g : [] ⇨M B) 
       f  g  f then returnM else g
  ⊕₀ (return (just x)) (return _) = refl _
  ⊕₀ (return nothing)  (return y) = refl _

  -- Another lemma which applies in the nullary case.

  then-else-·₀ :
     {Bs} {A B C : Set }
    (g : [] ⇨M A) (s : A  B  Bs ⇨M C) {f : B  Bs ⇨M C} {x} 
    (g then s else f) · x  g then  y  s y · x) else f · x
  then-else-·₀ (return (just x)) _ = P.refl
  then-else-·₀ (return nothing)  _ = P.refl

-- Monoid-like operators.

identityM :  {} {A : Set }  A  [] ⇨M A
identityM = Λ λ x  returnM x

infixr 9 _⊙M_

_⊙M_ :  { As Bs} {B C : Set } 
       As ⇨M B  (B  Bs) ⇨M C  As ++ Bs ⇨M C
f ⊙M g = f then _·_ g else zeroM

-- Laws for the monoid-like operators.

module MonoidLawsM {} where

  open ≈-Reasoning

  right-identity :  {As} {B : Set }
                   (f : As ⇨M B)  f ⊙M identityM  f
  right-identity f =
    f ⊙M identityM            ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f then returnM else zeroM ≈⟨ LawsM.right-identities f 

  -- Note that the type of f is not completely general.

  left-identity :  {As} {A B : Set }
                  (f : A  As ⇨M B)  identityM ⊙M f  f
  left-identity f =
    identityM ⊙M f                             ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (Λ λ x  returnM x) then _·_ f else zeroM  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (Λ λ x  returnM x then _·_ f else zeroM)  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (Λ λ x  f · x)                            ≡⟨ P.refl 

  -- Note that the types of g and h are not completely general.

  assoc :  {As Bs Cs} {B C D : Set }
          (f : As ⇨M B) (g : B  Bs ⇨M C) (h : C  Cs ⇨M D) 
          (f ⊙M g) ⊙M h  f ⊙M (g ⊙M h)
  assoc {Bs = Bs} f (Λ g) h =
    (f ⊙M Λ g) ⊙M h                                                  ≡⟨ P.refl 
    (f then g else zeroM) then _·_ h else zeroM                      ≈⟨ MonadLaws.assoc f _ _ 
    f >>=  x  maybe′ g zeroM x then _·_ h else zeroM)             ≈⟨ LawsM.>>=M-cong (refl f)  _  refl _)
                                                                                        (LawsM.left-zero Bs (_·_ h) zeroM) 
    f >>= maybe  x  g x then _·_ h else zeroM) (const⋆ Bs zeroM)  ≈⟨ LawsM.>>=M-cong (refl f)  _  refl _)
                                                                                        (MoreLaws∥.const⋆-return∥ Bs nothing) 
    f >>= maybe  x  g x then _·_ h else zeroM) zeroM              ≡⟨ P.refl 
    f ⊙M (Λ g ⊙M h)                                                  

  infixr 9 _⊙M-cong_

  _⊙M-cong_ :  {As₁ As₂ Bs} {B C : Set }
                {f₁ : As₁ ⇨M B} {g₁ : B  Bs ⇨M C}
                {f₂ : As₂ ⇨M B} {g₂ : B  Bs ⇨M C} 
              f₁  f₂  g₁  g₂  f₁ ⊙M g₁  f₂ ⊙M g₂
  f₁≈f₂ ⊙M-cong g₁≈g₂ =
    f₁≈f₂ then  x  g₁≈g₂ ·-cong H.refl) else-cong zeroM-cong
    where open LawsM

  identityM-cong : {A : Set }  identityM {A = A}  identityM {A = A}
  identityM-cong = refl identityM