-- An incomplete derivation of a compiler for a simple λ-calculus

import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_; _≗_)

-- For simplicity propositional equality of functions is assumed to be
-- extensional.

module CompositionBased.Lambda
         (ext : P.Extensionality Level.zero Level.zero) where

open import Data.List hiding (map)
open import Data.Product as Prod hiding (map)
open import Data.Unit
open import Function hiding (_∋_)

-- Language

infixr 6 _⟶_
infix  4 _∋_ _⊢_

-- Types. Currently uninhabited.

data Type : Set where
  _⟶_ : (σ τ : Type)  Type

-- Contexts.

Ctxt : Set
Ctxt = List Type

-- Variables.

data _∋_ : Ctxt  Type  Set where
  zero :  {Γ σ}  σ  Γ  σ
  suc  :  {Γ σ τ} (x : Γ  σ)  τ  Γ  σ

-- A simply typed λ-calculus

data _⊢_ (Γ : Ctxt) : Type  Set where
  var :  {τ} (x : Γ  τ)  Γ  τ
  ƛ   :  {σ τ} (t : σ  Γ  τ)  Γ  σ  τ
  _·_ :  {σ τ} (t₁ : Γ  σ  τ) (t₂ : Γ  σ)  Γ  τ

-- Interpreting contexts

-- Parametrised interpretation of contexts.

Ctxt-interpretation : (Type  Set)  (Ctxt  Set)
Ctxt-interpretation ⟦_⟧ []      = 
Ctxt-interpretation ⟦_⟧ (σ  Γ) =
  Σ[ x   σ  ] Ctxt-interpretation ⟦_⟧ Γ

-- Map.

map : {⟦_⟧₁ ⟦_⟧₂ : Type  Set} 
      (∀ {σ}   σ ⟧₁   σ ⟧₂) 
       {Γ}  Ctxt-interpretation ⟦_⟧₁ Γ  Ctxt-interpretation ⟦_⟧₂ Γ
map f {[]}    = id
map f {σ  Γ} = Prod.map f (map f)

-- Lookup.

lookup :  {⟦_⟧ Γ σ}  Γ  σ  Ctxt-interpretation ⟦_⟧ Γ   σ 
lookup zero    = proj₁
lookup (suc x) = lookup x  proj₂

-- The lookup function is natural.

lookup-natural :  {⟦_⟧₁ ⟦_⟧₂ : Type  Set} {Γ σ}
                 (x : Γ  σ) (f :  {σ}   σ ⟧₁   σ ⟧₂)
                 (ρ : Ctxt-interpretation ⟦_⟧₁ Γ) 
                 lookup x (map f ρ)  f (lookup x ρ)
lookup-natural zero    f = λ _  P.refl
lookup-natural (suc x) f = lookup-natural x f  proj₂

-- Semantics

module Semantics where

  -- Interpretation of types.

  Value : Type  Set
  Value (σ  τ) = Value σ  Value τ

  -- Environments.

  Env = Ctxt-interpretation Value

  -- Semantic domains.

  Dom : Ctxt  Type  Set
  Dom Γ σ = Env Γ  Value σ

  -- The semantics of the language.

  ⟦_⟧ :  {Γ σ}  Γ  σ  Dom Γ σ
   var x    ρ = lookup x ρ
   ƛ t      ρ = λ v   t  (v , ρ)
   t₁ · t₂  ρ = ( t₁  ρ) ( t₂  ρ)

-- Functions taking a well-typed stack and a well-typed environment to
-- a value

module StackEnv where

  open Semantics public using (Value; Env)

  -- Stacks.

  Stack : Ctxt  Set
  Stack = Env

  -- Semantic domains: stack → environment → result.

  Dom : Ctxt  Ctxt  Type  Set
  Dom Δ Γ σ = Stack Δ  Env Γ  Value σ

  -- Equality.

  infix 4 _≈_

  _≈_ :  {Δ Γ σ}  Dom Δ Γ σ  Dom Δ Γ σ  Set
  f  g =  s ρ  f s ρ  g s ρ

  -- Equational reasoning.

  infix  3 _∎
  infixr 2 _≈⟨_⟩_ _≈⟨⟩_

  _≈⟨_⟩_ :  {Δ Γ σ} (f : Dom Δ Γ σ) {g h : Dom Δ Γ σ} 
           f  g  g  h  f  h
  _ ≈⟨ f≈g  g≈h = λ s ρ  P.trans (f≈g s ρ) (g≈h s ρ)

  _≈⟨⟩_ :  {Δ Γ σ} (f : Dom Δ Γ σ) {g : Dom Δ Γ σ} 
          f  g  f  g
  _ ≈⟨⟩ g≈h = g≈h

  _∎ :  {Δ Γ σ} (f : Dom Δ Γ σ)  f  f
  f  = λ s ρ  P.refl

  sym :  {Δ Γ σ} {f g : Dom Δ Γ σ}  f  g  g  f
  sym f≈g = λ s ρ  P.sym (f≈g s ρ)

  -- Helper functions for derivations.

  EqualTo :  {Δ Γ σ}  Dom Δ Γ σ  Set
  EqualTo f =   g  f  g)

  infix 0 ▷_

  ▷_ :  {Δ Γ σ} {f g : Dom Δ Γ σ}  f  g  EqualTo f
   f≈g = (_ , f≈g)

-- Rewrite the evaluator in continuation-passing style

module CPS where

    open module S = Semantics using () renaming (⟦_⟧ to ⟦_⟧S)
  open StackEnv

  -- A CPS-transformed variant of Dom.

  DomCPS : Ctxt  Type  Set
  DomCPS Γ σ =  {Δ τ}  Dom (σ  Δ) Γ τ  Dom Δ Γ τ

  -- A composition operator used to specify ⟦_⟧. The first argument
  -- gets access only to the environment, while the second one also
  -- gets to see the stack. TODO: Is this operator related to Kripke
  -- models? (Observe how the contexts change in the lambda and
  -- application cases below.)

  infixr 9 _⊙_ _⊙-cong_

  _⊙_ :  {Γ σ}  S.Dom Γ σ  DomCPS Γ σ
  (f  κ) s ρ = κ (f ρ , s) ρ

  _⊙-cong_ :  {Γ σ} {f₁ f₂ : S.Dom Γ σ} 
             (∀ ρ  f₁ ρ  f₂ ρ) 
              {Δ τ} {κ₁ κ₂ : Dom (σ  Δ) Γ τ} 
             κ₁  κ₂ 
             f₁  κ₁  f₂  κ₂
  _⊙-cong_ {f₁ = f₁} {f₂} f₁≈f₂ {κ₁ = κ₁} {κ₂} κ₁≈κ₂ =
    f₁  κ₁  ≈⟨  s ρ  P.cong  x  κ₁ (x , s) ρ) (f₁≈f₂ ρ)) 
    f₂  κ₁  ≈⟨  s ρ  κ₁≈κ₂ (f₂ ρ , s) ρ) 
    f₂  κ₂  

  -- The semantics.

  -- One could calculate/devise some other definition of the var′
  -- function, but allowing the unary representation of variables to
  -- affect the design of the machine/compiler seems like a bad idea.

  var′ :  {Γ σ}  Γ  σ  DomCPS Γ σ
  var′ x κ = lookup x  κ

  clos :  {Γ σ τ}  Dom [] (σ  Γ) τ  DomCPS Γ (σ  τ)
  clos f κ =  ρ v  f _ (v , ρ))  κ

  clos-cong :  {Γ σ τ} {f₁ f₂ : Dom [] (σ  Γ) τ}  f₁  f₂ 
               {Δ χ} (κ : Dom (σ  τ  Δ) Γ χ) 
              clos f₁ κ  clos f₂ κ
  clos-cong f₁≈f₂ κ =
     ρ  ext λ v  f₁≈f₂ _ (v , ρ)) ⊙-cong (κ )

  top :  {Γ σ}  Dom [ σ ] Γ σ
  top (v , s) ρ = v

  app :  {Γ Δ σ τ χ}  Dom (τ  Δ) Γ χ  Dom (σ  σ  τ  Δ) Γ χ
  app κ (x , f , s) = κ (f x , s)


    ⟦_⟧ :  {Γ σ}  Γ  σ  DomCPS Γ σ
     t  κ = proj₁ ( t ⟧′ κ)

    ⟦_⟧′ :  {Γ σ} (t : Γ  σ) {Δ τ} (κ : Dom (σ  Δ) Γ τ) 
           EqualTo ( t ⟧S  κ)
     var x ⟧′ κ = 
       var x ⟧S  κ  ≈⟨⟩
      lookup x  κ    ≈⟨⟩
      var′ x κ        

     ƛ t ⟧′ κ = 
       ƛ t ⟧S  κ                  ≈⟨⟩
       ρ v   t ⟧S (v , ρ))  κ  ≈⟨⟩
      clos ( t ⟧S  top) κ         ≈⟨ clos-cong (proj₂ $  t ⟧′ top) κ 
      clos ( t  top) κ            

     t₁ · t₂ ⟧′ κ = 
       t₁ · t₂ ⟧S  κ                   ≈⟨⟩
       ρ   t₁ ⟧S ρ ( t₂ ⟧S ρ))  κ  ≈⟨⟩
       t₁ ⟧S   t₂ ⟧S  app κ          ≈⟨  _  P.refl) ⊙-cong proj₂ ( t₂ ⟧′ (app κ)) 
       t₁ ⟧S   t₂  (app κ)           ≈⟨ proj₂ $  t₁ ⟧′ ( t₂  (app κ)) 
       t₁  ( t₂  (app κ))            

  correct :  {Γ σ} (t : Γ  σ) ρ   t ⟧S ρ   t  top _ ρ
  correct {Γ} t ρ = begin
     t ⟧S ρ            ≡⟨ P.refl 
    ( t ⟧S  top) _ ρ  ≡⟨ proj₂ ( t ⟧′ top) _ ρ 
     t  top _ ρ       
    where open P.≡-Reasoning renaming (_∎ to _□)

  -- ⟦_⟧ preserves equality in its continuation argument.

  ⟦_⟧-cong :  {Γ σ} (t : Γ  σ) {Δ τ} {κ₁ κ₂ : Dom (σ  Δ) Γ τ} 
             κ₁  κ₂   t  κ₁   t  κ₂
  ⟦_⟧-cong t {κ₁ = κ₁} {κ₂} κ₁≈κ₂ =
     t  κ₁     ≈⟨ sym $ proj₂ $  t ⟧′ κ₁ 
     t ⟧S  κ₁  ≈⟨  _  P.refl) ⊙-cong κ₁≈κ₂ 
     t ⟧S  κ₂  ≈⟨ proj₂ $  t ⟧′ κ₂ 
     t  κ₂     

-- Defunctionalise

module Defunctionalised where

  open Semantics using () renaming (⟦_⟧ to ⟦_⟧S)
  open CPS using () renaming (⟦_⟧ to ⟦_⟧CPS; ⟦_⟧-cong to ⟦_⟧CPS-cong)
  open StackEnv

  -- I defunctionalise with respect to Dom.

  data Term : Ctxt  Ctxt  Type  Set where
    var     :  {Γ Δ σ τ}
              (x : Γ  σ) (t : Term (σ  Δ) Γ τ)  Term Δ Γ τ
    closure :  {Γ Δ σ τ χ}
              (t₁ : Term [] (σ  Γ) τ) (t₂ : Term (σ  τ  Δ) Γ χ) 
              Term Δ Γ χ
    top     :  {Γ σ}  Term [ σ ] Γ σ
    app     :  {Γ Δ σ τ χ}
              (t : Term (τ  Δ) Γ χ)  Term (σ  σ  τ  Δ) Γ χ

  -- The semantics of Term.
  -- Note that exec is /not/ a virtual machine: in the closure case
  -- there is a non-tail call.

  exec :  {Γ Δ σ}  Term Δ Γ σ  Dom Δ Γ σ
  exec (var x t)       s           ρ = exec t (lookup x ρ , s) ρ
  exec (closure t₁ t₂) s           ρ = exec t₂ ((λ v  exec t₁ _ (v , ρ)) , s) ρ
  exec top             (v , s)     ρ = v
  exec (app t)         (x , f , s) ρ = exec t (f x , s) ρ

  -- Compiler.


    comp :  {Γ Δ σ τ}  Γ  σ  Term (σ  Δ) Γ τ  Term Δ Γ τ
    comp t κ = proj₁ (comp′ t κ)

    comp′ :  {Γ Δ σ τ} (t : Γ  σ) (κ : Term (σ  Δ) Γ τ) 
             λ (t′ : Term Δ Γ τ)   t ⟧CPS (exec κ)  exec t′
    comp′ (var x) κ = var x κ , (
       var x ⟧CPS (exec κ)  ≈⟨⟩
      CPS.var′ x (exec κ)    ≈⟨⟩
      exec (var x κ)         )

    comp′ (ƛ t) κ = closure (comp t top) κ , (
       ƛ t ⟧CPS (exec κ)                   ≈⟨⟩
      CPS.clos ( t ⟧CPS CPS.top) (exec κ)  ≈⟨ CPS.clos-cong (proj₂ $ comp′ t top) (exec κ) 
      exec (closure (comp t top) κ)         )

    comp′ (t₁ · t₂) κ = comp t₁ (comp t₂ (app κ)) , (
       t₁ · t₂ ⟧CPS (exec κ)                   ≈⟨⟩
       t₁ ⟧CPS ( t₂ ⟧CPS (CPS.app (exec κ)))  ≈⟨⟩
       t₁ ⟧CPS ( t₂ ⟧CPS (exec (app κ)))      ≈⟨  t₁ ⟧CPS-cong (proj₂ $ comp′ t₂ (app κ)) 
       t₁ ⟧CPS (exec (comp t₂ (app κ)))        ≈⟨ proj₂ (comp′ t₁ (comp t₂ (app κ))) 
      exec (comp t₁ (comp t₂ (app κ)))          )

  correct :  {Γ σ} (t : Γ  σ) ρ 
             t ⟧S ρ  exec (comp t top) _ ρ
  correct t ρ = begin
     t ⟧S ρ               ≡⟨ CPS.correct t ρ 
     t ⟧CPS CPS.top _ ρ   ≡⟨ proj₂ (comp′ t top) _ ρ 
    exec (comp t top) _ ρ  
    where open P.≡-Reasoning renaming (_∎ to _□)