-- A formalisation of CBS, close to "A calculus of broadcasting
-- systems" by K.V.S. Prasad, but using mixed induction and
-- coinduction instead of explicit guarded definitions

module CBS where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Product
open import Function.Equality
open import Function.Equivalence
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)

-- Sets with decidable propositional equality

record Data : Set₁ where
    El     : Set
    ⟨_⟩_≟_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = El})

open Data public

-- Processes

-- Messages; τ stands for a silent message.

data Msg α : Set where
  msg : (v : El α)  Msg α
  τ   : Msg α

-- Processes. Instead of explicit guarded definitions I have used
-- mixed induction and coinduction.

infix 5 _&⟨_,_⟩ _∣_ _[_]

data Proc (α : Data) : Set₁ where
  ¿       : (f : El α   (Proc α))  Proc α
  _&⟨_,_⟩ : (f : El α   (Proc α)) (w : Msg α) (p :  (Proc α))  Proc α
  _∣_     : (p₁ p₂ : Proc α)  Proc α
  _[_]    :  {β} (ϕ : El α  El β) (p : Proc β)  Proc α

-- Some derived operators

-- Swallows all received messages.

 :  {α}  Proc α
 = ¿ λ _   

-- Swallows messages until it gets a chance to send.

_¡_ :  {α}  Msg α  Proc α  Proc α
w ¡ p =  _   (w ¡ p)) &⟨ w ,  p 

-- Single-step semantics

-- Application of translation functions.

infixr 5 _↑_ _↓_

_↑_ :  {α β}  El α  El β  Msg β  Msg α
ϕ  msg x = msg (Equivalence.from ϕ ⟨$⟩ x)
ϕ  τ     = τ

_↓_ :  {α β}  El α  El β  Msg α  Msg β
ϕ  msg x = msg (Equivalence.to ϕ ⟨$⟩ x)
ϕ  τ     = τ

-- Actions are messages along with information about whether they are
-- sent or received.

data SendRecv : Set where
  ! : SendRecv
  ¿ : SendRecv

Action : Data  Set
Action α = Msg α × SendRecv

-- Two processes cannot simultaneously send something.

infix 4 _·_≡_

data _·_≡_ : SendRecv  SendRecv  SendRecv  Set where
  !¿ : ! · ¿  !
  ¿! : ¿ · !  !
  ¿¿ : ¿ · ¿  ¿

-- The single-step relation.

infix 4 _[_]⟶_

data _[_]⟶_ {α} : Proc α  Action α  Proc α  Set₁ where
  τ          :  {p}        p            [ τ     , ¿ ]⟶ p
  ¿-recv     :  {f     v}  ¿ f          [ msg v , ¿ ]⟶  (f v)
  &-recv     :  {f w p v}  f &⟨ w , p  [ msg v , ¿ ]⟶  (f v)
  &-send     :  {f w p}    f &⟨ w , p  [ w     , ! ]⟶  p
  compose    :  {p₁ p₁′ p₂ p₂′ ♮₁ ♮₂ ♮₃ w}
               (¬‼     : ♮₁ · ♮₂  ♮₃)
               (p₁⟶p₁′ : p₁ [ w , ♮₁ ]⟶ p₁′)
               (p₂⟶p₂′ : p₂ [ w , ♮₂ ]⟶ p₂′) 
                    p₁  p₂ [ w , ♮₃ ]⟶ p₁′  p₂′
  trans-send :  {β} {p p′ : Proc β} {ϕ u} (p⟶p′ : p [ u     , ! ]⟶ p′)  ϕ [ p ] [ ϕ  u , ! ]⟶ ϕ [ p′ ]
  trans-recv :  {β} {p p′ : Proc β} {ϕ w} (p⟶p′ : p [ ϕ  w , ¿ ]⟶ p′)  ϕ [ p ] [ w     , ¿ ]⟶ ϕ [ p′ ]

-- Strong bisimulation

-- The largest strong bisimulation.

infix 4 _∼_

record _∼_ {α} (p₁ p₂ : Proc α) : Set₁ where
     :  {p₁′ w }  p₁ [ w ,  ]⟶ p₁′ 
         λ p₂′  p₂ [ w ,  ]⟶ p₂′ ×  (p₁′  p₂′)

     :  {p₂′ w }  p₂ [ w ,  ]⟶ p₂′ 
         λ p₁′  p₁ [ w ,  ]⟶ p₁′ ×  (p₁′  p₂′)