-- Small parser combinator library used by Mixfix.Cyclic.Grammar

module Mixfix.Cyclic.Lib where

open import Algebra
open import Coinduction
open import Function using (const)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Data.List as List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_)
private module LM {A : Set} = Monoid (List.monoid A)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty using (List⁺; [_]; _∷_; _∷ʳ_)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing; maybe)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Product
import Data.String as String
open import Relation.Binary
open DecSetoid String.decSetoid using (_≟_)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
  using (_≡_; refl; sym)

open import TotalParserCombinators.Coinduction
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser
import TotalParserCombinators.Lib as Lib
open import TotalParserCombinators.Semantics as Sem
open import TotalParserCombinators.Semantics.Continuation as ContSem
  hiding (sound; complete)
open import Mixfix.Operator using (NamePart)

  open module Tok = Lib.Token NamePart _≟_ using (tok)

-- Programs

-- Agda's termination checker only accepts corecursive definitions if
-- they are /syntactically/ guarded by constructors. The following
-- small language of "parser programs" reifies a selection of parser
-- combinators as /constructors/. These constructors are then used in
-- Mixfix.Cyclic.Grammar in order to ensure that Agda accepts the
-- grammars defined there.

infix  55 _+
infixl 50 _⊛_ _⊛∞_ _<$>_
infixl  5 _∣_
infixr  5 _∥_

data ParserProg : Set  Set1 where
  fail      :  {R}  ParserProg R
  _∣_       :  {R}
              (p₁ : ParserProg R)
              (p₂ : ParserProg R) 
                    ParserProg R
  _⊛_       :  {R₁ R₂}
              (p₁ : ParserProg (R₁  R₂))
              (p₂ : ParserProg R₁) 
                    ParserProg R₂
  _⊛∞_      :  {R₁ R₂}
              (p₁ :  (ParserProg (R₁  R₂)))
              (p₂ :  (ParserProg R₁)) 
                       ParserProg R₂
  _<$>_     :  {R₁ R₂} (f : R₁  R₂)
              (p : ParserProg R₁) 
                   ParserProg R₂
  _+        :  {R} (p : ParserProg R) 
                         ParserProg (List⁺ R)
  _between_ :  {R n}
              (p :  (ParserProg R)) (toks : Vec NamePart (1 + n)) 
              ParserProg (Vec R n)
  _∥_       :  {I i} {R : I  Set}
              (p₁ : ParserProg (R i))
              (p₂ : ParserProg ( R)) 
                    ParserProg ( R)

-- Interprets the parser programs as parsers.

⟦_⟧ :  {R}  ParserProg R  Parser NamePart R []
 fail                = fail
 p₁  p₂             =  p₁    p₂ 
 p₁   p₂            =      p₁         p₂  
 p₁ ⊛∞ p₂            =     p₁        p₂  
 f <$> p             = f <$>  p 
 p +                 =   x  maybe (_∷_ x) [ x ]) <$>  p   
                           ( just <$> p +   return nothing) 
 p between (t  [])  = const [] <$> tok t
 p between
       (t  t′  ts)  =   ♯? (const _∷_ <$> tok t) 
                            p between (t′  ts)  
 p₁  p₂             = ,_ <$>  p₁ 

-- Semantics of the programs

module Semantics where

  -- This definition may seem unnecessary: why not simply define
  --   x ∈⟦ p ⟧· s  =  x ∈ ⟦ p ⟧ · s?
  -- One reason is that it is hard for Agda to infer the value of p
  -- from ⟦ p ⟧ (note that ⟦_⟧ is a function which evaluates). By
  -- using the definition below this problem is avoided. A more
  -- important reason may be that the definition below ensures that
  -- the details of ⟦_⟧ do not need to be understood.

  infix  60 <$>_
  infixl 50 _⊛_
  infix  4  _∈⟦_⟧·_

  data _∈⟦_⟧·_ :  {R}  R  ParserProg R  List NamePart  Set₁ where
    ∣ˡ         :  {R x s}
                   {p₁ : ParserProg R} {p₂ : ParserProg R}
                 (x∈p₁ : x ∈⟦ p₁ ⟧· s)  x ∈⟦ p₁  p₂ ⟧· s
    ∣ʳ         :  {R x s}
                   {p₁ : ParserProg R} {p₂ : ParserProg R}
                 (x∈p₂ : x ∈⟦ p₂ ⟧· s)  x ∈⟦ p₁  p₂ ⟧· s
    _⊛_        :  {s₁ s₂ R₁ R₂ f x}
                   {p₁ : ParserProg (R₁  R₂)}
                   {p₂ : ParserProg R₁}
                 (f∈p₁ : f ∈⟦ p₁ ⟧· s₁)
                 (x∈p₂ : x ∈⟦ p₂ ⟧· s₂) 
                 f x ∈⟦ p₁  p₂ ⟧· s₁ ++ s₂
    _⊛∞_       :  {s₁ s₂ R₁ R₂ f x}
                   {p₁ :  (ParserProg (R₁  R₂))}
                   {p₂ :  (ParserProg R₁)}
                 (f∈p₁ : f ∈⟦  p₁ ⟧· s₁)
                 (x∈p₂ : x ∈⟦  p₂ ⟧· s₂) 
                 f x ∈⟦ p₁ ⊛∞ p₂ ⟧· s₁ ++ s₂
    <$>_       :  {s R₁ R₂ x} {f : R₁  R₂} {p : ParserProg R₁}
                 (x∈p : x ∈⟦ p ⟧· s)  f x ∈⟦ f <$> p ⟧· s
    +-[]       :  {R x s} {p : ParserProg R}
                 (x∈p : x ∈⟦ p ⟧· s)  [ x ] ∈⟦ p + ⟧· s
    +-∷        :  {R x s₁ s₂ xs} {p : ParserProg R}
                 (x∈p : x ∈⟦ p ⟧· s₁) (xs∈p : xs ∈⟦ p + ⟧· s₂) 
                 x  xs ∈⟦ p + ⟧· s₁ ++ s₂
    between-[] :  {R t} {p :  (ParserProg R)} 
                 [] ∈⟦ p between (t  []) ⟧· t  []
    between-∷  :  {R n t x xs s₁ s₂}
                   {p :  (ParserProg R)} {ts : Vec NamePart (suc n)}
                 (x∈p : x ∈⟦  p ⟧· s₁)
                 (xs∈⋯ : xs ∈⟦ p between ts ⟧· s₂) 
                 x  xs ∈⟦ p between (t  ts) ⟧· t  s₁ ++ s₂
    ∥ˡ         :  {I i} {R : I  Set} {x s}
                   {p₁ : ParserProg (R i)}
                   {p₂ : ParserProg ( R)}
                 (x∈p₁ : x ∈⟦ p₁ ⟧· s)  (, x) ∈⟦ p₁  p₂ ⟧· s
    ∥ʳ         :  {I i} {R : I  Set} {x s}
                   {p₁ : ParserProg (R i)}
                   {p₂ : ParserProg ( R)}
                 (x∈p₂ : x ∈⟦ p₂ ⟧· s)  x ∈⟦ p₁  p₂ ⟧· s

  -- The semantics is correct. (Note that this proof only establishes
  -- language equivalence, not parser equivalence; see
  -- TotalParserCombinators.Semantics.)

  sound :  {R x s} {p : ParserProg R} 
          x ∈⟦ p ⟧· s  x   p  · s
  sound (∣ˡ x∈p₁)      = ∣ˡ    (sound x∈p₁)
  sound (∣ʳ x∈p₂)      = ∣ʳ [] (sound x∈p₂)
  sound (f∈p₁   x∈p₂) = sound f∈p₁  sound x∈p₂
  sound (f∈p₁ ⊛∞ x∈p₂) = sound f∈p₁  sound x∈p₂
  sound (<$> x∈p)      = <$> sound x∈p
  sound (+-[] x∈p)     = cast∈ refl refl (proj₂ LM.identity _)
                           (<$> sound x∈p  ∣ʳ [] return)
  sound (+-∷ x∈p xs∈p) = _⊛_ {xs = _  []} (<$> sound x∈p)
                                           (∣ˡ (<$> sound xs∈p))
  sound (∥ˡ x∈p₁)      = ∣ˡ {x = (, _)} (<$> sound x∈p₁)
  sound (∥ʳ x∈p₂)      = ∣ʳ [] (sound x∈p₂)
  sound between-[]     = <$> Tok.complete
  sound (between-∷ {ts = _  _} x∈p xs∈⋯) =
    <$> Tok.complete  sound x∈p  sound xs∈⋯

  complete :  {R x s} (p : ParserProg R) 
             x   p  · s  x ∈⟦ p ⟧· s
  complete fail      ()

  complete (p₁  p₂) (∣ˡ     x∈p₁) = ∣ˡ (complete p₁ x∈p₁)
  complete (p₁  p₂) (∣ʳ .[] x∈p₂) = ∣ʳ (complete p₂ x∈p₂)

  complete (p₁   p₂) (f∈p₁  y∈p₂) = complete    p₁  f∈p₁   complete    p₂  y∈p₂
  complete (p₁ ⊛∞ p₂) (f∈p₁  y∈p₂) = complete ( p₁) f∈p₁ ⊛∞ complete ( p₂) y∈p₂

  complete (f <$> p) (<$> x∈p) = <$> complete p x∈p

  complete (p +) (<$> x∈p  ∣ˡ (<$> xs∈p+)) =
    +-∷ (complete p x∈p) (complete (p +) xs∈p+)
  complete (p +) (_⊛_ {s₁ = s} (<$> x∈p) (∣ʳ .[] return))
    with s ++ [] | proj₂ LM.identity s
  ... | .s | refl = +-[] (complete p x∈p)

  complete (p between (t  [])) (<$> t∈) with Tok.sound t∈
  ... | (refl , refl) = between-[]
  complete (p between (t  t′  ts)) (<$> t∈  x∈p  xs∈)
    with Tok.sound t∈
  ... | (refl , refl) =
    between-∷ (complete ( p) x∈p) (complete (p between (t′  ts)) xs∈)

  complete (p₁  p₂) (∣ˡ (<$> x∈p₁)) = ∥ˡ (complete p₁ x∈p₁)
  complete (p₁  p₂) (∣ʳ .[] x∈p₂)   = ∥ʳ (complete p₂ x∈p₂)

-- A variant of the semantics

-- The alternative semantics defined below may be slightly harder to
-- understand, but it is (language) equivalent to the one above, and
-- it simplifies the proof in Mixfix.Cyclic.Show.

module Semantics-⊕ where

  infix  60 <$>_
  infixl 50 _⊛_
  infix  4  _⊕_∈⟦_⟧·_

  data _⊕_∈⟦_⟧·_ :  {R} 
                   R  List NamePart 
                   ParserProg R  List NamePart  Set₁ where
    ∣ˡ         :  {R x s s₁}
                   {p₁ : ParserProg R} {p₂ : ParserProg R}
                 (x∈p₁ : x  s₁ ∈⟦ p₁ ⟧· s)  x  s₁ ∈⟦ p₁  p₂ ⟧· s
    ∣ʳ         :  {R x s s₁}
                   {p₁ : ParserProg R} {p₂ : ParserProg R}
                 (x∈p₂ : x  s₁ ∈⟦ p₂ ⟧· s)  x  s₁ ∈⟦ p₁  p₂ ⟧· s
    _⊛_        :  {s s₁ s₂ R₁ R₂ f x}
                   {p₁ : ParserProg (R₁  R₂)}
                   {p₂ : ParserProg R₁}
                 (f∈p₁ : f  s₁ ∈⟦ p₁ ⟧· s)
                 (x∈p₂ : x  s₂ ∈⟦ p₂ ⟧· s₁) 
                 f x  s₂ ∈⟦ p₁  p₂ ⟧· s
    _⊛∞_       :  {s s₁ s₂ R₁ R₂ f x}
                   {p₁ :  (ParserProg (R₁  R₂))}
                   {p₂ :  (ParserProg R₁)}
                 (f∈p₁ : f  s₁ ∈⟦  p₁ ⟧· s)
                 (x∈p₂ : x  s₂ ∈⟦  p₂ ⟧· s₁) 
                 f x  s₂ ∈⟦ p₁ ⊛∞ p₂ ⟧· s
    <$>_       :  {s s′ R₁ R₂ x} {f : R₁  R₂} {p : ParserProg R₁}
                 (x∈p : x  s′ ∈⟦ p ⟧· s)  f x  s′ ∈⟦ f <$> p ⟧· s
    +-[]       :  {R x s s₁} {p : ParserProg R}
                 (x∈p : x  s₁ ∈⟦ p ⟧· s)  [ x ]  s₁ ∈⟦ p + ⟧· s
    +-∷        :  {R x s s₁ s₂ xs} {p : ParserProg R}
                 (x∈p : x  s₁ ∈⟦ p ⟧· s) (xs∈p : xs  s₂ ∈⟦ p + ⟧· s₁) 
                 x  xs  s₂ ∈⟦ p + ⟧· s
    between-[] :  {R t s} {p :  (ParserProg R)} 
                 []  s ∈⟦ p between (t  []) ⟧· t  s
    between-∷  :  {R n t x xs s s₁ s₂}
                   {p :  (ParserProg R)} {ts : Vec NamePart (suc n)}
                 (x∈p : x  s₁ ∈⟦  p ⟧· s)
                 (xs∈⋯ : xs  s₂ ∈⟦ p between ts ⟧· s₁) 
                 x  xs  s₂ ∈⟦ p between (t  ts) ⟧· t  s
    ∥ˡ         :  {I i} {R : I  Set} {x s s′}
                   {p₁ : ParserProg (R i)}
                   {p₂ : ParserProg ( R)}
                 (x∈p₁ : x  s′ ∈⟦ p₁ ⟧· s)  (, x)  s′ ∈⟦ p₁  p₂ ⟧· s
    ∥ʳ         :  {I i} {R : I  Set} {x s s′}
                   {p₁ : ParserProg (R i)}
                   {p₂ : ParserProg ( R)}
                 (x∈p₂ : x  s′ ∈⟦ p₂ ⟧· s)  x  s′ ∈⟦ p₁  p₂ ⟧· s

  tok-sound :  {t t′ s₁ s} 
              t′  s₁  tok t · s 
              t  t′ × s  t′  s₁
  tok-sound      with ContSem.sound′ 
  tok-sound      | (s         , refl , ∈′) with Tok.sound ∈′
  tok-sound {t}  | (.(t  []) , refl , ∈′) | (refl , refl) = (refl , refl)

  tok-complete :  {t s}  t  s  tok t · t  s
  tok-complete = ContSem.complete′ (_ , refl , Tok.complete)

  sound :  {R x s s′} {p : ParserProg R} 
          x  s′ ∈⟦ p ⟧· s  x  s′   p  · s
  sound (∣ˡ x∈p₁)      = ∣ˡ    (sound x∈p₁)
  sound (∣ʳ x∈p₂)      = ∣ʳ [] (sound x∈p₂)
  sound (f∈p₁   x∈p₂) = sound f∈p₁  sound x∈p₂
  sound (f∈p₁ ⊛∞ x∈p₂) = sound f∈p₁  sound x∈p₂
  sound (<$> x∈p)      = <$> sound x∈p
  sound (+-[] x∈p)     = <$> sound x∈p  ∣ʳ [] return
  sound (+-∷ x∈p xs∈p) = _⊛_ {xs = _  []} (<$> sound x∈p)
                                           (∣ˡ (<$> sound xs∈p))
  sound (∥ˡ x∈p₁)      = ∣ˡ {x = (, _)} (<$> sound x∈p₁)
  sound (∥ʳ x∈p₂)      = ∣ʳ [] (sound x∈p₂)
  sound between-[]     = <$> tok-complete
  sound (between-∷ {ts = _  _} x∈p xs∈⋯) =
    <$> tok-complete  sound x∈p  sound xs∈⋯

  complete :  {R x s s′} (p : ParserProg R) 
             x  s′   p  · s  x  s′ ∈⟦ p ⟧· s
  complete fail      ()

  complete (p₁  p₂) (∣ˡ     x∈p₁) = ∣ˡ (complete p₁ x∈p₁)
  complete (p₁  p₂) (∣ʳ .[] x∈p₂) = ∣ʳ (complete p₂ x∈p₂)

  complete (p₁   p₂) (f∈p₁  y∈p₂) = complete    p₁  f∈p₁   complete    p₂  y∈p₂
  complete (p₁ ⊛∞ p₂) (f∈p₁  y∈p₂) = complete ( p₁) f∈p₁ ⊛∞ complete ( p₂) y∈p₂

  complete (f <$> p) (<$> x∈p) = <$> complete p x∈p

  complete (p +) (<$> x∈p  ∣ˡ (<$> xs∈p+)) = +-∷  (complete p x∈p) (complete (p +) xs∈p+)
  complete (p +) (<$> x∈p  ∣ʳ .[] return)  = +-[] (complete p x∈p)

  complete (p between (t  [])) (<$> t∈) with tok-sound t∈
  ... | (refl , refl) = between-[]
  complete (p between (t  t′  ts)) (<$> t∈  x∈p  xs∈)
    with tok-sound t∈
  ... | (refl , refl) =
    between-∷ (complete ( p) x∈p) (complete (p between (t′  ts)) xs∈)

  complete (p₁  p₂) (∣ˡ (<$> x∈p₁)) = ∥ˡ (complete p₁ x∈p₁)
  complete (p₁  p₂) (∣ʳ .[] x∈p₂)   = ∥ʳ (complete p₂ x∈p₂)