-- Helper functions related to coinduction

module TotalParserCombinators.Coinduction where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.List
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- Coinductive if the argument list is empty.

data ∞? (A : Set₁) {B : Set} : List B  Set₁ where
  ⟪_⟫ :          (x :  A)  ∞? A []
  ⟨_⟩ :  {y ys} (x :   A)  ∞? A (y  ys)

♯? :  {A B} {xs : List B}  A  ∞? A xs
♯? {xs = []}    x =   x 
♯? {xs = _  _} x =    x 

♭? :  {A B} {xs : List B}  ∞? A xs  A
♭?  x  =  x
♭?  x  =   x

-- A lemma.

♭?♯? :  {A B} (xs : List B) {x : A}  ♭? (♯? {xs = xs} x)  x
♭?♯? []      = refl
♭?♯? (_  _) = refl