Structural Bioinformatics (2011/2012)

Lecture GK-13

Protein surfaces and protein-protein docking



After this lecture you will:

Supplementary Material

Some of the lecture slides are available on-line (PDF).

A brief description of the molecular polyhedral shape representation program is given in an appendix of my PhD thesis (PDF, local access only). This appendix includes some references to papers on molecular surface representation by Michael Connolly. In addition to these, Connolly has written an online 2D demo (Java) of molecular surface calculations and an interesting review article.

Voronoi and Delaunay constructions are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 in these papers:

Gerstein, M., Tsai, J. and Levitt, M. (1995) The volume of atoms on the protein surface: calculated from simulation, using Voronoi polyhedra. J. Mol. Biol., 249, 955-966 (PubMed)

Tsai, J., Taylor, R., Chothia, C. and Gerstein, M. (1999) The packing density in proteins: standard radii and volumes. J. Mol. Biol., 290, 253-266 (PubMed)

For information on spherical harmonic surface representation and protein docking, see Dave Ritchie's web pages. From there you can download PDF versions of the papers about this work and slides from Dave Ritchie's presentations.

Surface triplet propensities are described in:

Mehio, W., Kemp, G.J.L., Taylor P. and Walkinshaw, M.D. (2010) Identification of protein binding surfaces using surface triplet propensities. Bioinformatics, 26, 2549-2555. (PubMed)

Last Modified: 20 February 2012 by Graham Kemp