Cryptography - 2016
    [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  • schedule
  • [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  • examination
  • [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  • material
  • [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  • assignments
  • [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  • submission

Public key for assignment 1

Download the public key of the course! (only needed for the first assignment)

Submitting assignments for the Cryptography course

In this course we use the web-based system Fire for lab submission. Any web browser connected to Internet should be usable for submission.


When you first come to Fire, you must register in the system. Follow the instructions on screen. Your login id in the system is your email address, but you must also give your name and personnummer, so that we can report your result when you have finished all your assignments. Note that an email is sent to you during registration; registration is completed by following a link included in that mail. This email address is also used to send you an email when your submissions have been graded.

After registration, you will come to your main page, where you submit assignments. On the top of this page you are asked to join a group. This can wait; only for the programming assignment you need to join a (two-person) group.


All assignments have links in the main page. To submit an assignment, click on the link for that assignment and follow instructions. Two things should be noted:

  • To submit an assignment is a two-step procedure. First, you upload a file with your solution: when you click the Upload button, a file chooser window is opened allowing you to select a file. The second step is to actually submit your solution, by clicking the Submit button. It is not enough to only upload; you must also submit.
  • In most assignments, you upload a text file with your solution. In assignment 1, your solution must be encrypted with the course's public GPG key (see home assignment 1 for instructions). Note that only the first assignment needs to be submitted in an encrypted form. In the programming assignment your solution will typically include several files. Then you should create a tar or zip archive before submission.


We encourage cooperation between students and even some assignments should be done in a group, however it is common that you stuck doing an assignment and you need help. You are not the only one and this is not unusual. The teacher and teaching assistants are responsible to assist you. You can still give your friends some small hints but if those small hints result in solutions that is too similar to yours, we consider this as cheating and you are both in trouble! (So be careful and do it with your own responsibility)

  • Be responsible: You are responsible for your assignments and your code.
    • Prevent others from accessing them. Make sure your password for your Fire account is secure and don't publish your code in public repositories (like We recommend you to use Private repositories in
    • Assignments are usually self-contained or have links to other needed materials. If you insist using any other resources please ask us first and mention the reference in your submission.
  • Penalties Whether you copied someone else's solution or someone else copied yours, you will fail in the course examination and your case will be reported to these entities and they will decide (vote) about each individual case. (see Rules of Discipline page 2)
    • President of Chalmers
    • Chalmers' Disciplinary Committee
      • two members learned in the law, at least one of whom is a judge
      • the Vice-President for Undergraduate Courses at Chalmers University of Technology
      • two faculty members from Chalmers
      • two students from Chalmers
    You may receive warning, suspended or expelled.
  • Not convinced yet? read more about it in the following links:
    Why Cheating is Bad
    Akademisk ärlighet och fusk (eller hederskodex) (SV)
    Cooperation vs. Cheating
    Finally if you still find any other reason to cheat (e.g. lack of time) please contact the course responsible before doing so and we will do our best to help you in those cases.