Safe HaskellNone




A wrapper module that exports the generated abstract syntax of χ as well as some definitions that may be useful when testing χ code or interpreters.


The abstract syntax of χ

module AbsChi

Parsing and pretty-printing

parse ∷ String → Exp #

Tries to parse a χ program. If parsing fails, then an exception is raised.

prettyExp → String #

Pretty-prints a χ program.

An example

addExp #

A χ program for addition of natural numbers.


fromNatural ∷ Natural → Exp #

Converts a Haskell natural number to its χ representation.

toNaturalExp → Maybe Natural #

Tries to convert the given χ expression to a natural number.

data Code a #

Encoding monad.


Monad Code # 


(>>=)Code a → (a → Code b) → Code b

(>>)Code a → Code b → Code b

return ∷ a → Code a

fail ∷ String → Code a

Functor Code # 


fmap ∷ (a → b) → Code a → Code b

(<$) ∷ a → Code b → Code a

Applicative Code # 


pure ∷ a → Code a

(<*>)Code (a → b) → Code a → Code b

(*>)Code a → Code b → Code b

(<*)Code a → Code b → Code a

data Decode a #

Decoding monad.


Monad Decode # 


(>>=)Decode a → (a → Decode b) → Decode b

(>>)Decode a → Decode b → Decode b

return ∷ a → Decode a

fail ∷ String → Decode a

Functor Decode # 


fmap ∷ (a → b) → Decode a → Decode b

(<$) ∷ a → Decode b → Decode a

Applicative Decode # 


pure ∷ a → Decode a

(<*>)Decode (a → b) → Decode a → Decode b

(*>)Decode a → Decode b → Decode b

(<*)Decode a → Decode b → Decode a

Alternative Decode # 


emptyDecode a

(<|>)Decode a → Decode a → Decode a

someDecode a → Decode [a]

manyDecode a → Decode [a]

runCodeCode a → a #

Runs a coder.

Note that coding might not give consistent results if you invoke runCode multiple times. For instance, the following code will return False:

  runCode (code (parse "Succ(Zero())"))
  runCode (do
    code (parse "Zero()")
    code (parse "Succ(Zero())"))

runDecodeDecode a → Maybe a #

Runs a decoder. Note that decoders can fail.

asDecoderCode a → Decode a #

Turns a coder into a decoder.

Example usage:

  do e <- asDecoder (code e)
     decode (eval (Apply selfInterpreter e))

codeExpCode Exp #

Encodes expressions.

decodeExpDecode Exp #

Decodes expressions.

codeVarVariableCode Exp #

Encodes variables.

codeConConstructorCode Exp #

Encodes constructors.

decodeVarExpDecode Variable #

Decodes variables.

decodeConExpDecode Constructor #

Decodes constructors.

internalCodeCode Exp #

An internal implementation of coding.

Example usage:

  runCode $ do
    ic <- internalCode
    ce <- code e
    return (eval (Apply ic ce))

Free and bound variables

freeExp → HashSet Variable #

The term's free variables.

boundExp → HashSet Variable #

Bound variables that actually occur bound in the term (not in a binder). For λx.x a singleton set containing x is returned, but for λx.Nil() the empty set is returned.

closed ∷ Gen Exp #

A QuickCheck generator for closed terms.


runSelfInterpreter #


∷ (ExpExp)

An implementation of evaluation.


The self-interpreter.


The program to be evaluated (not in coded form).

→ [Exp]

The program's arguments (not in coded form).

→ Maybe Exp 

Uses a self-interpreter to evaluate a program applied to some arguments.

If the self-interpreter terminates, and the result can be decoded, then this result is returned.

Example usage:

  do n <- runSelfInterpreter eval selfInterpreter add
            [fromNatural 2, fromNatural 2]
     toNatural n

Some testing procedures

testEvaluation ∷ (ExpExp) → IO Bool #

Tests whether a purported implementation of evaluation can evaluate addition of two natural numbers (add) correctly.

The test is, of course, incomplete.

testMultiplication #


∷ (ExpExp)



Multiplication. The program should take two natural numbers as input and produce a natural number as its result.

→ IO Bool 

Tests whether a purported implementation of evaluation and a purported implementation of multiplication of two natural numbers are correct.

The test is, of course, incomplete.

testSubstitution ∷ (VariableExpExpExp) → IO Bool #

Tests a purported implementation of substitution.

The substitution operation takes three arguments, x, e and e', where e is closed, and should substitute e for every free occurrence of x in e'.

The test is designed for substitution operations that are implemented exactly like in the χ specification. In particular, the substitution operation should not rename any bound variables.

The test is, of course, incomplete.

testInternalSubstitution #


∷ (ExpExp)


→ (VariableExpExpExp)



Internal substitution.

→ IO Bool 

Tests whether an implementation of internal substitution matches an implementation of substitution.

The test is, of course, incomplete.

testSelfInterpreterWith #


∷ (ExpExp)



The self-interpreter.


The program to be evaluated (not in coded form).

→ [Exp]

The arguments (not in coded form).

→ Bool 

Tests if the result of the given self-interpreter matches that of the given evaluator for a program applied to some arguments.

Note that no result is returned if some program crashes or fails to terminate.

Example usage:

  testSelfInterpreterWith eval selfInterpreter add
    [fromNatural 2, fromNatural 2]

testSelfInterpreter #


∷ (ExpExp)



The self-interpreter.

→ IO Bool 

Tests whether a purported implementation of evaluation and a purported self-interpreter are correctly implemented.

The test is, of course, incomplete.

testTuringMachineInterpreter #


∷ (ExpExp)



The Turing machine interpreter.

→ IO Bool 

Tests whether a purported implementation of evaluation and a purported Turing machine interpreter are correctly implemented. The Turing machine interpreter should satisfy the specification given in Assignment 6.

The test is, of course, incomplete.

Orphan instances

Generic Br # 

Associated Types

type Rep Br ∷ ★ → ★


fromBr → Rep Br x

to ∷ Rep Br x → Br

Generic Exp # 

Associated Types

type Rep Exp ∷ ★ → ★


fromExp → Rep Exp x

to ∷ Rep Exp x → Exp

Generic Variable # 

Associated Types

type Rep Variable ∷ ★ → ★


fromVariable → Rep Variable x

to ∷ Rep Variable x → Variable

Generic Constructor # 

Associated Types

type Rep Constructor ∷ ★ → ★


fromConstructor → Rep Constructor x

to ∷ Rep Constructor x → Constructor

Hashable Variable # 


hashWithSalt ∷ Int → Variable → Int

hashVariable → Int

Hashable Constructor # 


hashWithSalt ∷ Int → Constructor → Int

hashConstructor → Int

Arbitrary Br #

A QuickCheck generator for branches.


arbitrary ∷ Gen Br

shrinkBr → [Br]

Arbitrary Exp #

A QuickCheck generator for arbitrary terms.


arbitrary ∷ Gen Exp

shrinkExp → [Exp]

Arbitrary Variable #

A QuickCheck generator for (a small number of) variables.


arbitrary ∷ Gen Variable

shrinkVariable → [Variable]

Arbitrary Constructor #

A QuickCheck generator for (a small number of) constructors.