Uses of Interface

Packages that use Vertex Overview Model Coverage Metrics 

Uses of Vertex in

Fields in declared as Vertex
protected  Vertex DirectedFindCycleDFS.cycleStart_
          The Vertex which has been encountered twice on one path, proving that a cycle exists.
protected  Vertex FindCycleDFS.cycleStart_
          The Vertex which has been encountered twice on one path, proving that a cycle exists.
protected  Vertex IntegerPrimTemplate.source
protected  Vertex IntegerDijkstraTemplate.source_

Methods in that return Vertex
protected  Vertex IntegerPrimTemplate.destination(Vertex origin, Edge e)
          Can be overridden to supply the destination of an edge, although I can't think of any reason to do so.
protected  Vertex IntegerDijkstraTemplate.destination(Vertex origin, Edge e)
          Can be overridden to supply the destination of an edge, although I can't think of any reason to do so.
 Vertex DFS.parent(Vertex v)
          Retrieves the parent Vertex of a Vertex

Methods in with parameters of type Vertex
protected  int IntegerPrimTemplate.badWeight(Vertex u, Edge uv, int uvweight)
          Can be overridden to handle edges that have zero or negative weights.
protected  Vertex IntegerPrimTemplate.destination(Vertex origin, Edge e)
          Can be overridden to supply the destination of an edge, although I can't think of any reason to do so.
protected  Vertex IntegerDijkstraTemplate.destination(Vertex origin, Edge e)
          Can be overridden to supply the destination of an edge, although I can't think of any reason to do so.
protected  void DFS.dfsVisit(Vertex v)
          Performs a recursive depth-first search starting at v
 int IntegerDijkstraTemplate.distance(Vertex v)
          Returns the distance of a vertex from the source.
protected  void IntegerDijkstraTemplate.edgeRelaxed(Vertex u, int uDist, Edge uv, int uvWeight, Vertex v, int vDist)
          Can be overridden in any application where the edges considered for the shortest-path tree matter.
 void DFS.execute(InspectableGraph g, Vertex start)
          Runs the depth first search algorithm on a graph.
 void DirectedFindCycleDFS.execute(InspectableGraph g, Vertex start)
 void IntegerDijkstraTemplate.execute(InspectableGraph g, Vertex source)
          The easiest way to use the algorithm is to use this method.
 void FindCycleDFS.execute(InspectableGraph g, Vertex start)
 void IntegerDijkstraPathfinder.execute(InspectableGraph g, Vertex source, Vertex dest)
 void IntegerPrimTemplate.executeAll(InspectableGraph g, Vertex src)
          Just like the other version of executeAll(.), but with infinity=Integer.MAX_VALUE
 void IntegerPrimTemplate.executeAll(InspectableGraph g, Vertex src, int infinity)
          The easiest way to use the algorithm is to use this method.
 java.lang.Integer DFS.finishTime(Vertex v)
          Returns the "Finish time" of a Vertex.
protected  void DFS.finishVisit(Vertex v)
          Called when the search has finished with the vertex.
protected  void DirectedFindCycleDFS.finishVisit(Vertex v)
          Once the visit has ended, they are removed from the prospective cyclic path.
protected  void FindCycleDFS.finishVisit(Vertex v)
          Once the visit has ended, they are removed from the prospective cyclic path.
 Edge IntegerDijkstraTemplate.getEdgeToParent(Vertex v)
          Can be overridden to supply a way of storing and retrieving one edge per vertex.
protected  Locator IntegerPrimTemplate.getLocator(Vertex u)
          Can be overridden to supply a way of storing and retrieving one locator per vertex.
protected  Locator IntegerDijkstraTemplate.getLocator(Vertex v)
          Can be overridden to supply a way of storing and retrieving one locator per vertex.
protected  EdgeIterator IntegerPrimTemplate.incidentEdges(Vertex v)
          Can be overridden in any application where the default choice of edges to consider at any vertex is not satisfactory.
protected  EdgeIterator IntegerDijkstraTemplate.incidentEdges(Vertex v)
          Can be overridden in any application where the default choice of edges to consider at any vertex is not satisfactory.
 void IntegerDijkstraTemplate.init(InspectableGraph g, Vertex source)
          Called automatically by executeAll(); must be called by the client prior to the first call to doOneIteration() if finer-grained control of the algorithm is needed.
 void IntegerPrimTemplate.init(InspectableGraph g, Vertex src, int infinity)
          Called automatically by executeAll(); must be called by the client prior to the first call to doOneIteration() if finer-grained control of the algorithm is needed.
protected  EdgeIterator DFS.interestingIncidentEdges(Vertex v)
          A method that returns an iterator over those edges incident to the parameter vertex in the graph which should be considered for exploration.
protected  EdgeIterator FindCycleDFS.interestingIncidentEdges(Vertex v)
          This method tells the DFS which graph edges to check.
protected  EdgeIterator DirectedDFS.interestingIncidentEdges(Vertex v)
          This implementation of interestingEdges(Vertex) returns all of the directed edges originating at the parameter Vertex.
protected  boolean IntegerDijkstraTemplate.isFinished(Vertex v)
          Tests whether a vertex has been reached.
 boolean IntegerDijkstraTemplate.isReachable(Vertex v)
          Tests whether a vertex is reachable from the source.
 boolean DFS.isUnvisited(Vertex v)
          Tests if a vertex has not been visited.
 boolean DFS.isVisited(Vertex v)
          Tests if a vertex has been visited.
 boolean DFS.isVisiting(Vertex v)
          Tests if a vertex is being visited.
 int AbstractTopologicalSort.number(Vertex v)
          Used for retrieving the topological order-number associated with the given Vertex.
 Vertex DFS.parent(Vertex v)
          Retrieves the parent Vertex of a Vertex
protected  void IntegerPrimTemplate.relaxingEdge(Vertex u, Edge uv, int uvweight, Vertex v, int vdist)
          Can be overridden in any application where the edges considered for the minimum spanning tree matter.
protected  void IntegerDijkstraTemplate.setEdgeToParent(Vertex v, Edge vEdge)
          Can be overridden to supply a way of storing and retrieving one edge per vertex.
protected  void IntegerPrimTemplate.setLocator(Vertex u, Locator ulocInPQ)
          Can be overridden to supply a way of storing and retrieving one locator per vertex.
protected  void IntegerDijkstraTemplate.setLocator(Vertex v, Locator vLoc)
          Can be overridden to supply a way of storing and retrieving one locator per vertex.
protected  void IntegerDijkstraTemplate.shortestPathFound(Vertex v, int vDist)
          Can be overridden to give you a notification when the shortest path to a vertex is determined.
 java.lang.Integer DFS.startTime(Vertex v)
          Returns the "Start time" of a Vertex.
protected  void DFS.startVisit(Vertex v)
          Called when a vertex is visited.
protected  void DirectedFindCycleDFS.startVisit(Vertex v)
          As new vertices are visited, they are added to the prospective cyclic path.
protected  void FindCycleDFS.startVisit(Vertex v)
          As new vertices are visited, they are added to the prospective cyclic path.
 java.lang.Object DFS.status(Vertex v)
          Accesses the current status of the given Vertex.
protected  void DFS.traverseBackEdge(Edge e, Vertex from)
          Called when a back edge is traversed.
protected  void DirectedFindCycleDFS.traverseBackEdge(Edge e, Vertex from)
          When a back edge has been encountered, the graph has a cycle.
protected  void FindCycleDFS.traverseBackEdge(Edge e, Vertex from)
          When a back edge has been encountered, the graph has a cycle.
protected  void DFS.traverseCrossEdge(Edge e, Vertex from)
          Called when a cross edge is traversed.
protected  void DFS.traverseForwardEdge(Edge e, Vertex from)
          Called when a forward edge is traversed.
protected  void DFS.traverseTreeEdge(Edge e, Vertex from)
          Called when a discovery edge is traversed.
protected  void IntegerPrimTemplate.treeEdgeFound(Vertex v, Edge vparent, int treeWeight)
          Can be overridden to give you a notification when a vertex is added to the minimum spanning tree.
 java.lang.Integer DFS.treeNumber(Vertex v)
          Retrieves an index representing a connected DFS component.
protected  void IntegerPrimTemplate.vertexNotReachable(Vertex v)
          Can be overridden in any application that involves unreachable vertices.
protected  void IntegerDijkstraTemplate.vertexNotReachable(Vertex v)
          Can be overridden in any application that involves unreachable vertices.

Uses of Vertex in

Classes in that implement Vertex
static class Vertex.NONEVertex
          A dummy class, used to implement the constant Vertex.NONE

Fields in declared as Vertex
static Vertex Vertex.NONE
          Used when a function needs to return a vertex but there is no vertex to return.

Methods in that return Vertex
 Vertex InspectableGraph.aCommonVertex(Edge e1, Edge e2)
 Vertex InspectableGraph.aVertex()
 Vertex InspectableGraph.destination(Edge e)
 Vertex[] InspectableGraph.endVertices(Edge e)
 Vertex Graph.insertVertex(java.lang.Object element)
          Inserts a new isolated vertex.
 Vertex VertexIterator.nextVertex()
 Vertex InspectableGraph.opposite(Vertex v, Edge e)
 Vertex InspectableGraph.origin(Edge e)
 Vertex ModifiableGraph.splitEdge(Edge e, java.lang.Object vertElement)
          Splits an existing edge by inserting a new vertex and two new edges, and removing the old edge.
 Vertex VertexIterator.vertex()

Methods in with parameters of type Vertex
 Edge InspectableGraph.aConnectingEdge(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
          Gives an arbitrary edge from among those connecting the two specified vertices.
 VertexIterator InspectableGraph.adjacentVertices(Vertex v)
          Lists all vertices adjacent to a particular vertex by any kind of edge, with repeats corresponding to parallel edges.
 VertexIterator InspectableGraph.adjacentVertices(Vertex v, int edgetype)
          Lists all vertices adjacent to a particular vertex by all edges of the types specified.
 Edge InspectableGraph.anIncidentEdge(Vertex v)
 Edge InspectableGraph.anIncidentEdge(Vertex v, int edgetype)
 boolean InspectableGraph.areAdjacent(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
 boolean InspectableGraph.areIncident(Vertex v, Edge e)
 Edge Graph.attachVertex(Vertex v, java.lang.Object vertexElement, java.lang.Object edgeElement)
          Attaches a new vertex, containing an object, to an existing vertex by inserting a new undirected edge.
 Edge Graph.attachVertexFrom(Vertex origin, java.lang.Object vertexElement, java.lang.Object edgeElement)
          Attaches a new vertex, containing an object, by inserting a new directed edge from an existing vertex.
 Edge Graph.attachVertexTo(Vertex destination, java.lang.Object vertexElement, java.lang.Object edgeElement)
          Attaches a new vertex, containing an object, by inserting a new directed edge to an existing vertex.
 EdgeIterator InspectableGraph.connectingEdges(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
          Gives all edges connecting two vertices.
 int v)
          Gives the degree of a vertex, counting both directed and undirected edges.
 int v, int edgetype)
          Gives the degree of a vertex, counting all edges of the specified type.
 EdgeIterator InspectableGraph.incidentEdges(Vertex v)
 EdgeIterator InspectableGraph.incidentEdges(Vertex v, int edgetype)
 Edge Graph.insertDirectedEdge(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, java.lang.Object element)
          Inserts a new directed edge from an existing vertex to another.
 Edge Graph.insertEdge(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, java.lang.Object element)
          Inserts a new undirected edge between two existing vertices.
 Vertex InspectableGraph.opposite(Vertex v, Edge e)
 java.lang.Object Graph.removeVertex(Vertex v)
          Removes a vertex and all its incident edges.
 void ModifiableGraph.setDirectionFrom(Edge e, Vertex v)
          Sets the direction of an edge away from a vertex.
 void ModifiableGraph.setDirectionTo(Edge e, Vertex v)
          Sets the direction of an edge towards a vertex.
 Edge ModifiableGraph.unsplitEdge(Vertex v, java.lang.Object edgeElement)
          Transforms edge-vertex-edge into a single edge.

Uses of Vertex in

Methods in that return Vertex
 Vertex AbstractGraph.aCommonVertex(Edge e1, Edge e2)
          Built on endVertices(.)
 Vertex IncidenceListGraph.aVertex()
 Vertex IncidenceListGraph.destination(Edge e)
 Vertex[] IncidenceListGraph.endVertices(Edge e)
 Vertex IncidenceListGraph.insertVertex(java.lang.Object elt)
 Vertex VertexIteratorAdapter.nextVertex()
 Vertex IncidenceListGraph.opposite(Vertex v, Edge e)
 Vertex IncidenceListGraph.origin(Edge e)
 Vertex IncidenceListGraph.splitEdge(Edge e, java.lang.Object elt)
 Vertex VertexIteratorAdapter.vertex()

Methods in with parameters of type Vertex
 Edge AbstractGraph.aConnectingEdge(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
          Built on incidentEdges(.)
 VertexIterator AbstractGraph.adjacentVertices(Vertex v)
          Built on incidentEdges(.)
 VertexIterator AbstractGraph.adjacentVertices(Vertex v, int edgetype)
          Built on incidentEdges(.)
 Edge IncidenceListGraph.anIncidentEdge(Vertex v)
 Edge IncidenceListGraph.anIncidentEdge(Vertex v, int edgetype)
 boolean AbstractGraph.areAdjacent(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
          Built on incidentEdges(.)
 boolean IncidenceListGraph.areIncident(Vertex v, Edge e)
 Edge IncidenceListGraph.attachVertex(Vertex v, java.lang.Object vertexInfo, java.lang.Object edgeInfo)
 Edge IncidenceListGraph.attachVertexFrom(Vertex v, java.lang.Object vertexInfo, java.lang.Object edgeInfo)
 Edge IncidenceListGraph.attachVertexTo(Vertex v, java.lang.Object vertexInfo, java.lang.Object edgeInfo)
 EdgeIterator AbstractGraph.connectingEdges(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
          Built on incidentEdges(.)
 int v)
 int v, int edgetype)
 EdgeIterator IncidenceListGraph.incidentEdges(Vertex v)
 EdgeIterator IncidenceListGraph.incidentEdges(Vertex v, int edgetype)
 Edge IncidenceListGraph.insertDirectedEdge(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, java.lang.Object elt)
 Edge IncidenceListGraph.insertEdge(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, java.lang.Object elt)
 Vertex IncidenceListGraph.opposite(Vertex v, Edge e)
 java.lang.Object IncidenceListGraph.removeVertex(Vertex v)
 void IncidenceListGraph.setDirectionFrom(Edge e, Vertex v)
 void IncidenceListGraph.setDirectionTo(Edge e, Vertex v)
static java.lang.String ToString.stringfor(Vertex v)
 java.lang.String ToString.VertexToString.stringfor(Vertex v)
 java.lang.String ToString.VertexWritesElementOnly.stringfor(Vertex v)
 java.lang.String ToString.VertexToEmptyString.stringfor(Vertex v)
 Edge IncidenceListGraph.unsplitEdge(Vertex v, java.lang.Object o)
          Note: the "two" edges incident on v cannot be the same edge.

Uses of Vertex in

Methods in that return Vertex
 Vertex GraphListener.getVertex(java.lang.Object state)
          Maps a state to a vertex object of the FSM graph.
 Vertex ModelTestCase.getVertex(java.lang.Object state)
          Deprecated. Maps a state to a vertex object of the FSM graph.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Vertex
 java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> GraphListener.getVertexMap()
          Returns a map that maps each state of the model to the corresponding vertex of the graph.

Uses of Vertex in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Vertex
 void StateCoverage.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
 void CoverageMetric.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
          This is called when the graph seems to be complete.
 void AbstractCoverage.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
          A default implementation that does nothing.
 void TransitionPairCoverage.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
 void ActionCoverage.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
 void TransitionCoverage.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
 void CoverageHistory.setGraph(InspectableGraph graph, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
          Delegates to getMetric().setModel(...).

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