Uses of Interface

Packages that use InspectableGraph Overview Model Coverage Metrics 

Uses of InspectableGraph in

Fields in declared as InspectableGraph
protected  InspectableGraph IntegerPrimTemplate.G
protected  InspectableGraph IntegerDijkstraTemplate.g_
protected  InspectableGraph DFS.graph_
          The graph being traversed.
protected  InspectableGraph AbstractTopologicalSort.graph_
          The Graph that the algorithm executes upon.

Methods in with parameters of type InspectableGraph
 void DFS.execute(InspectableGraph g)
          Execute a DFS without specifying an initial source vertex.
 void AbstractTopologicalSort.execute(InspectableGraph g)
          The client calls this method to execute the algorithm.
 void DFS.execute(InspectableGraph g, Vertex start)
          Runs the depth first search algorithm on a graph.
 void DirectedFindCycleDFS.execute(InspectableGraph g, Vertex start)
 void IntegerDijkstraTemplate.execute(InspectableGraph g, Vertex source)
          The easiest way to use the algorithm is to use this method.
 void FindCycleDFS.execute(InspectableGraph g, Vertex start)
 void IntegerDijkstraPathfinder.execute(InspectableGraph g, Vertex source, Vertex dest)
 void IntegerPrimTemplate.executeAll(InspectableGraph g, Vertex src)
          Just like the other version of executeAll(.), but with infinity=Integer.MAX_VALUE
 void IntegerPrimTemplate.executeAll(InspectableGraph g, Vertex src, int infinity)
          The easiest way to use the algorithm is to use this method.
protected  void AbstractTopologicalSort.init(InspectableGraph g)
          This helper method is called by the execute(.) method.
 void IntegerDijkstraTemplate.init(InspectableGraph g, Vertex source)
          Called automatically by executeAll(); must be called by the client prior to the first call to doOneIteration() if finer-grained control of the algorithm is needed.
 void IntegerPrimTemplate.init(InspectableGraph g, Vertex src, int infinity)
          Called automatically by executeAll(); must be called by the client prior to the first call to doOneIteration() if finer-grained control of the algorithm is needed.

Uses of InspectableGraph in

Subinterfaces of InspectableGraph in
 interface Graph
          An interface describing a combinatorial graph.
 interface ModifiableGraph
          An interface describing the modifier methods of a combinatorial graph that can safely be inherited by more restricted graphs.

Uses of InspectableGraph in

Classes in that implement InspectableGraph
 class AbstractGraph
          An implementation of many of the methods of InspectableGraph in terms of a few primitives.
 class IncidenceListGraph
          An implementation of the Graph interface, including self-loops, parallel edges, and mixed directed and undirected edges.

Methods in with parameters of type InspectableGraph
 java.lang.String ToString.EdgeToString.stringfor(Edge e, InspectableGraph g)
 java.lang.String ToString.EdgeInRTStyle.stringfor(Edge e, InspectableGraph g)
 java.lang.String ToString.EdgeToEmptyString.stringfor(Edge e, InspectableGraph g)
static java.lang.String ToString.stringfor(InspectableGraph g)
static java.lang.String ToString.stringfor(InspectableGraph g, ToString.VertexToString vts, ToString.EdgeToString ets)
          Code lifted shamelessly from rt's corresponding class in jdsltools.testers.graph, then adapted to the style of my

Uses of InspectableGraph in

Methods in that return InspectableGraph
 InspectableGraph GraphListener.getGraph()
          Returns the graph of the FSM model.
 InspectableGraph ModelTestCase.getGraph()
          Deprecated. Returns the graph of the FSM model.

Uses of InspectableGraph in

Methods in with parameters of type InspectableGraph
 void StateCoverage.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
 void CoverageMetric.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
          This is called when the graph seems to be complete.
 void AbstractCoverage.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
          A default implementation that does nothing.
 void TransitionPairCoverage.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
 void ActionCoverage.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
 void TransitionCoverage.setGraph(InspectableGraph model, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
 void CoverageHistory.setGraph(InspectableGraph graph, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,Vertex> state2vertex)
          Delegates to getMetric().setModel(...).
static Transition AbstractCoverage.transition(Edge e, InspectableGraph model)
          A convenience method for converting a graph edge into a Transition.

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