
Interface Summary
Accessor All JDSL core containers provide a way to access their internal structure; Accessor is the interface that embodies this concept.
BinaryTree A modifiable tree in which each node has either zero or two children.
Comparator Defines a total ordering for a set of objects.
Container The common interface for all the mutable containers in JDSL.
Decorable Decorability is the ability to attach extra pieces of information to an object.
Dictionary A container that accepts (key,element) pairs and allows later lookup of the element associated with a particular key.
EqualityComparator This interface defines an equality comparison on a set of objects.
HashComparator This interface provides a way of mapping any object in a set to an integer, for purposes of implementing hash tables.
InspectableBinaryTree Please refer to the documentation of the BinaryTree interface.
InspectableContainer A "read only" interface to a container; please see Container for more details.
InspectableDictionary A read-only lookup structure; please refer to the documentation of Dictionary for more details.
InspectableKeyBasedContainer Please refer to the documentation of KeyBasedContainer.
InspectableOrderedDictionary A read-only lookup structure in which an ordering of the keys is maintained; please refer to the documentation of OrderedDictionary for more details.
InspectablePositionalContainer Please refer to the documentation of PositionalContainer.
InspectableSequence Please refer to the documentation of Sequence.
InspectableTree Please refer to the documentation of Tree
KeyBasedContainer Key-based containers are containers that store (key,element) pairs; each pair is represented by a Locator.
Locator A locator is a coat-check, of sorts, for a (key,element) pair inside a KeyBasedContainer.
LocatorIterator Iterator over a set of locators.
ObjectIterator Iterator over a set of objects.
OrderedDictionary A Dictionary in which the keys are totally ordered.
Position An abstraction of the notion of a "place" in a container -- where an element is stored relative to other elements in the container.
PositionalContainer Positional containers (for example, sequences, trees, and graphs) are containers in which elements are related to each other through adjacency information.
PositionIterator Iterator over a set of positions.
PriorityQueue A partially-ordered container that allows for removal of the element with highest priority.
Sequence A positional container whose elements are linearly organized.
Tree A positional container representing an ordered tree.

Class Summary
InspectableDictionary.InvalidLocator A locator that is always invalid.

Exception Summary
BoundaryViolationException A BoundaryViolationException indicates that a Container's edges were trespassed somehow: off the end, over the top, beyond the bottom, etc.
CoreException This is the class from which all exceptions of the core package are descended.
EmptyContainerException An EmptyContainerException indicates that the Container can't fulfill the requested operation because it is empty.
InvalidAccessorException Used when an accessor (position or locator) is invalid, either internally invalid or invalid with respect to a particular container.
InvalidAttributeException Used when the key for an attribute lookup is not supported by the implementation's lookup mechanism.
InvalidContainerException Used to indicate that a container passed to a function is of the wrong type or otherwise invalid for that function call.
InvalidKeyException Used when a key passed to a key-based container is not supported by the implementation's lookup mechanism.
InvalidMethodCallException InvalidMethodCallException is intended for use only in methods that you expect never to be called -- for instance, in the prev() method of the head node in a sequence.
NonEmptyContainerException A NonEmptyContainerException indicates that the Container can't fulfill the requested operation because it is not empty.

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