Exam 26th of May: exam, answers.

Re-exam 21st of August: re-exam.

The exam is on Monday the 26th of May, 14:00-18:00, in HA1 (Hörsalsvägen). You can bring a fusklapp, which should be one sheet of A4 paper with handwritten notes on it (you can write on both sides if you like). You should hand in the fusklapp with the exam. You can also bring a dictionary if you like.

The exam format

There are 6 questions. Instead of marks, each question is just marked right or wrong. To pass, you need to get 3 out of 6 questions right. Some questions have a part marked "for VG": you don’t need to answer these if you’re going for a G.

Getting a VG

To get a VG, you need to get 5 out of 6 questions right. If any of those questions has a part marked "for VG", you do need to answer it if you’re going for a VG.

Sample exam

The exam has the same format as the Chalmers course DAT036, so you can look at their latest re-exam (solution). The DAT036 exam talks about grades 3, 4 and 5: 3 corresponds to G and 5 to VG. Also, the DAT036 exam is in Swedish but our one will be in English.

As the courses are not 100% identical, there are a couple of things in the DAT036 exam that you won’t find in the actual exam:

  • Question 4 mentions binomial heaps, but we didn’t study them. We could have the same sort of question with e.g. leftist heaps instead.

  • Question 5 asks about strongly connected components, which we only mention in passing. We could have the same sort of question with some other graph algorithm.

  • The boundary for a 5 in the DAT036 exam is maybe a little bit higher than what I’d expect for a VG.