
Here is a list of projects that the lab series depend on, and their usage in the lab series (not a complete list of their features):

SDL: Simple DirectMedia Layer
Low-level access to window, mouse and keyboard. SDL 2.0 is distributed under the zlib license, which allows you to use SDL freely in any software.

GLEW: The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
Run-time mechanisms to enable OpenGL extensions. The source code is licensed under the Modified BSD License, the Mesa 3-D License (MIT) and the Khronos License (MIT).

GLM: OpenGL Mathematics
GLSL-like vector and matrix primitives in the application stage (CPU). The Happy Bunny License and MIT License.

STB: stb_image
Image loading/decoding from file/memory: JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC. Public Domain.

Graphical user interface. MIT License.

Tiny but powerful single file wavefront obj loader written in C++ with no dependency except for C++ STL. MIT License.

Embree is a collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels, developed at Intel. Apache License 2.0.

Feel free to use any source code from the lab series in any future project of yours, commercial or not.

Licenses for the models

You can find the license information for each of the models used in the labs in the scenes/licenses/ directory. All of them are free to use in these labs, but care that some might be licensed under a non-commercial license.