Ulf Assarsson's Homepage

Department of Computer Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology

Full Professor, Computer Graphics
Head of Research Group Graphics

Room no: 4115
Phone (work): +46 31-7721775

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers University of Technology
S-412 96 Gothenburg, SWEDEN

Main research interests: Free Viewpoint Video, AI for 3D reconstruction and global illumination, Sparse Voxel DAGs, Shadow algorithms - both real-time and non real-time - for hard and soft shadows including shadows in hair, fur, smoke and volumetric participating media (shafts of light), Parallelism, GPGPU-algorithms, GPU-Ray Tracing, Real-time Global Illumination, Real-time rendering algorithms.

My current PhD-students:
      • Sverker Rasmuson
      • Dan Dolonius
      • Roc Ramon
      • Mads Rønnow
My previous PhD students:
      • Viktor Kämpe
      • Markus Billeter
      • Ola Olsson
      • Erik Sintorn
      • Dimension Stream (2018 - ongoing)
      • Deform Dynamics (2017 - ongoing)
      • Mindary (2012 - 2015). Sold.
      • Gothenburg Game Studios (2010 - 2012)
      • Illuminate Labs (2001 - 2010). Sold.

Previous commitments:
1997-1999: Prosolvia
1998-2001: industrial PhD student at Computer Engineering, Chalmers
1999-2001: ABB Robotics
2001-2003: Full-time PhD student at Computer Engineering, Chalmers
2002-2004: Illuminate Labs
2003: Ericsson Mobile Platforms
2004-2005: Post doc at INRIA, Research project ARTIS, GRAVIR Research Laboratory, Grenoble, France
2005-ongoing : Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2012-2015: Mindary

Dimension Stream, Volumetric Video, Gothenburg, Sweden, www.dimension.stream/