Weeeelome to  myyyy Hooomeee paaageee!!!!

My name is Nikolas and my parents promised to create a WWW page for me if I give them some free time :-) So here it is!

I was born on July 8, 1998.

My weight was 3.76 Kg and I was 53 cm tall. I grew up a lot since then, if you do not believe me check my little WWW photo-album:

July 1998: My very first day (still in the hospital but feeling strong).

May 1999: I like this game!  

September 2001: Tell me,  o muse ... (Picture from GT)

March 2003: Wow! Are they really following my instructions? (Picture taken by Britt-Louise Johansson, violinist GSO)

March 2003: I 've got you! You missed a couple of notes :-) (Picture taken by Britt-Louise Johansson, violinist GSO)

March 2003: That is exactly how it should be! (Picture taken by Britt-Louise Johansson, violinist GSO)

March 2003: Being a violinist is also fun! (Picture taken by Britt-Louise Johansson, violinist GSO)

March 2003: She is a real violinist and a good one! (Picture taken by Britt-Louise Johansson, violinist GSO)

Februaray 2004: Here is a strory that I wrote. It is writen in Greek and is my small contribution to a project that the scholl of Sapes
        has  initiated.

Last modified: 05/22/2004 by baba , tsigas@cs.chalmers.se