The WAM Case Study: Verifying Compiler Correctness for Prolog with KIV ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerhard Schellhorn, Wolfgang Ahrendt This chapter describes the first half of the formal, machine-supported verification of a Prolog compiler with the KIV system. Our work is based on the mathematical analysis given in (Boerger and Rosenzweig, 1995), where an operational semantics (an "interpreter") for Prolog is defined as an Abstract State Machine (ASM). This interpreter is then transformed in 12 systematic refinements to an ASM which executes machine code of the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM). The goal of our case study was to formalize ASMs and the proof techniques given in (Boerger and Rosenzweig, 1995), and to give machine checked proofs for the correctness of the refinements. So far we have verified the first 6 refinements, and we will give a detailed account on the problems we found in verification.