Spider-Scents: Grey-box Database-aware Web Scanning for Stored XSS
By Eric Olsson, Benjamin Eriksson, Adam Doupé, Andrei Sabelfeld
In USENIX Security '24, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 2024.
As web applications play an ever more important role in society, so does ensuring their security. A large threat to web application security is XSS vulnerabilities, and in particular, stored XSS. Due to the complexity of web applications and the difficulty of properly injecting XSS payloads into a web application, many of these vulnerabilities still evade current state-of-the-art scanners. We approach this problem from a new direction - by injecting XSS payloads directly into the database we can completely bypass the difficulty of injecting XSS payloads into a web application. We thus propose Spider-Scents, a novel method for grey-box database-aware scanning for stored XSS, that maps database values to the web application and automatically finds unprotected outputs. Spider-Scents reveals code smells that expose stored XSS vulnerabilities. We evaluate our approach on a set of 12 web applications and compare with three state-of-the-art black-box scanners. We demonstrate improvement of database coverage, ranging from 79% to 100% database coverage across the applications compared to the range of 2% to 60% for the other scanners. We systematize the relationship between unprotected outputs, vulnerabilities, and exploits in the context of stored XSS. We manually analyze unprotected outputs reported by Spider-Scents to determine their vulnerability and exploitability. In total, this method finds 85 stored XSS vulnerabilities, outperforming the union of state-of-the-art's 32.
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