Risk Analysis of Privacy Policies

Nov 22, 2019 12:00 AM

Who: Raúl Pardo Jimenez from IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark \
When: 11:00 - 12:00 Friday {{ page.date | date_to_long_string }}\
Where: Room 8103, EDIT building.\
Title: {{ page.title }}


In this talk, I present an approach to enhance informed consent for the processing of personal data. The approach relies on a privacy policy language used to express, compare and analyze privacy policies. I describe a tool that automatically reports the privacy risks associated with a given privacy policy in order to enhance data subjects' awareness and to allow them to make more informed choices. The risk analysis of privacy policies is illustrated with an IoT example.

This talk is based on work published at DBSec19, and a paper under submission to the Journal of Computer Security. You can find an publicly available version of the paper here https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02067924v2

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