- a library of non-blocking synchronization protocols


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If you wish to contact the authors of NOBLE, please send an e-mail  to:
noble -at- noble-library.org


NEWS. There is now a commercial product available called NOBLE Professional Edition. This is a new product made from scratch with a significantly larger scope than the research project. See www.noble-library.com for more information. 


Project main responsible:

Håkan Sundell
Computing Science
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
phs -at- cs.chalmers.se

Project leader:

Philippas Tsigas
Computing Science
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
tsigas -at- cs.chalmers.se


Our sincere Acknowledgements goes to the following people:

Project Contributor:

Yi Zhang
Computing Science
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
yzhang -at- cs.chalmers.se