Typing the lambda calculus

Lambda calculus with integers:

    e,f ::= x                 -- variable
          | λx  e            -- function abstraction
          | f e               -- application
          | let x = e₁ in e₂  -- local binding
          | n                 -- integer literal
          | e₁ op e₂          -- arithmetic operation

Simple types

Grammar for types:

    t,s ::= int               -- base type of integers
          | s  t             -- function type

Arrow associates to the right, so

    r → s → t = r → (s → t)

Higher order functions:

    twice : (int → int) → (int → int)
    twice = λ f → λ x → f (f x)

Order of a function type:

    ord(int)   = 0
    ord(s → t) = max { ord(s) + 1, ord(t) }


Quiz: What is the order of this type?

(int → int) → ((int → int) → int) → int

Typing rules

Judgement: Γ ⊢ e : t.

Context Γ maps variables to types.

Example: Typing of twice.
Deriving ⊢ λ f → λ x → f (f x) : (int → int) → int → int.

                                       -----------------    --------------
                                       ... ⊢ f : int→int    ... ⊢ x : int
--------------------------------       -----------------------------------
f:int→int, x:int ⊢ f : int → int       f:int→int, x:int ⊢ f x : int
f:int→int, x:int ⊢ f (f x) : int
f:int→int  ⊢  λ x → f (f x) : int → int
⊢ λ f → λ x → f (f x) : (int → int) → int → int

Difficulties with implementing the typing rules

Naive type checking gets stuck at application.

void check(Cxt Γ, Exp e, Type t)

check(Γ, λx→e, int): type error

check(Γ, λx→e, s → t):  
  check (Γ[x:s], e, t)

check(Γ, f e, t):  
  let s = ???  
  check(Γ, f, s→t)
  check(Γ, e, s)

Naive inference gets stuck at abstraction.

Type infer(Cxt Γ, Exp e)

infer(Γ, f e):  
  case infer(Γ,f) of
    int:     type error
    (s → t): if s == infer(Γ,e)
               then return t
               else type error

infer(Γ, λx→e):  
  let s = ???  
  let t = infer(Γ[x:s], e)
  return (s → t)


  1. Bidirectional type-checking:

  2. Type-annotated binders: λ(x:s) → e and let x:s = e₁ in e₂

  3. Inference with type variables:

Example: Inferring the comp function.

⊢ λ f → λ g → λ x → f (g x) : A
A = B → C

f:B  ⊢  λ g → λ x → f (g x) : C
C = D → E

f:B, g:D  ⊢  λ x → f (g x) : E
E = F → G

f:B, g:D, x:F  ⊢  f (g x) : G

- f:B, g:D, x:F  ⊢  f : H → G
  B = H → G

- f:B, g:D, x:F  ⊢  g x : H

  * f:B, g:D, x:F  ⊢  g : I → H
    D = I → H

  * f:B, g:D, x:F  ⊢  x : I
    F = I

Constraint solving steps (solved constraints above the bar):

A = B → C
C = D → E
E = F → G
B = H → G
D = I → H
F = I

A = B → C
C = D → E
E = F → G
B = H → G
D = I → H
F = I

A = B → (D → E)
C = D → E
E = F → G
B = H → G
D = I → H
F = I

A = B → (D → (F → G))
C = D → (F → G)
E = F → G
B = H → G
D = I → H
F = I

A = (H → G) → (D → (F → G))
C = D → (F → G)
E = F → G
B = H → G
D = I → H
F = I

A = (H → G) → ((I → H) → (F → G))
C = (I → H) → (F → G)
E = F → G
B = H → G
D = I → H
F = I

A = (H → G) → ((I → H) → (I → G))
C = (I → H) → (I → G)
E = I → G
B = H → G
D = I → H
F = I


⊢ λ f → λ g → λ x → f (g x) : (H → G) → ((I → H) → (I → G))


⊢ λ f → λ g → λ x → f (g x) : ∀ α β γ. (β → γ) → ((α → β) → (α → γ))

Type inference with type variables and unification

Type variables and substitution

Extended type grammar:

s,t ::= ...  
      | X     -- type variable

A type that does not mention any type variable is called closed.

A substitution σ maps type variables X to types t.
The application of a substitution σ to a type t is written .

 X       σ = σ(X)
 int     σ = int
 (s → t) σ = sσ → tσ

A substitution σ is usually given by a finite list of mappings X₁=s₁,...Xₙ=sₙ.
Then σ(Xᵢ) = sᵢ, and σ(Y) = Y if Y ∉ {X₁,...Xₙ}.


 (X → U)[X = Y → int] = (Y → int) → U

The application of a substitution σ to another substitution τ is written τσ.
This is also called the composition of substitutions and written σ ∘ τ (see book).

 t(τσ) = (tτ)σ


 (τσ)(X) = (τ(X))σ

Example for substitution composition:

 [X=Y→int][Y=int] = [X=int→int,Y=int]

    X[X=Y→int][Y=int] = (Y→int)[Y=int] = int → int
    Y[X=Y→int][Y=int] = Y[Y=int]       = int
    Z[X=Y→int][Y=int] = Z[Y=int]       = Z

Phase 1: Extract constraints

State of the type inference:

  1. Potentially infinite supply of type variables (e.g. X₀, X₁, ...).
    Allows allocation of new type variable.

     Type newTypeVariable
  2. Store for equality constraints.
    A constraint s ≐ t is a pair of types s and t that need to be unified.

     void equal (Type s, Type t)

    adds the new constraint s ≐ t to the store.

Inference phase: Build up store of constraints.

infer(Γ, x):  
  return lookup(Γ,x)

infer(Γ, λx→e):  
  s ← newTypeVariable
  t ← infer(Γ[x:s], e)
  return (s → t)

infer(Γ, f e):  
  r ← infer(Γ, f)
  s ← infer(Γ, e)
  t ← newTypeVariable
  return t

Optimization of application case:

infer(Γ, f e):  
  r ← infer(Γ, f)
  case r of
    int    : type error
    (s → t):  
       s' ← infer(Γ, e)
       return t
    X: s ← infer(Γ, e)
       t ← newTypeVariable
       return t

Phase 2: Solve constraints

Try to find a substitution σ from type variables to types that solves all constraints.

State of solver:

  1. Constraint store: Additional methods:

      Bool solved()                -- is the store empty?  
      Constraint takeConstraint()  -- extract a constraint, removing it from the store
  2. A substitution.
    Invariant: The substitution is already applied to the state (constraints and itself).

      void solveVar(TypeVariable X, Type t)

    solveVar applies substitution [X=t] to the state (all constraints and the substitution).


while (not solved()) {
  (s ≐ t) ← takeConstraint()


unify(int, int):  
   -- do nothing

unify(s₁→t₁, s₂→t₂):  

  type error

  if X occurs in t then type error
  else solveVar(X,t)


Example 1: Compute type of twice

Example 2: Compute type of λ x → x x

infer(ε, λ x → x x) = X → Y
infer(x:X, x x)     = Y
X = X → Y
result: Y

The constraint X = X → Y is unsolvable as it violates the occurs check.


Some variables may be left unconstrained, e.g.:

comp : (Y → Z) → (X → Y) → (X → Z)

comp should have any instance of this type:
Any instantiation of X, Y, Z gives a valid type.
comp has polymorphic type:

comp : ∀ α β γ.  (β → γ) → (α → β) → α → γ

Extension of type-inference (sketch):


twice : ∀α. (α → α) → α → α  ⊢  twice twice (λ x → x) : Y

- ... ⊢ twice twice : Y → Y
  * ... ⊢ twice : (X → X) → (X → X)
  * ... ⊢ twice : (Y → Y) → (Y → Y)
  * X → X =  (Y → Y) → (Y → Y)

- ... ⊢ λ x → x : Z → Z
  Y = Z → Z

twice : ∀α. (α → α) → α → α  ⊢  twice twice (λ x → x) : ∀ β. β → β