Data structures

This website contains information about the Data Structures course DIT961, which runs in study period 4 in VT-2018. During the run of the course we will often update the website content, so you should check the website regularly.

Latest news

This week (11)

Thursday, 31/5
Exam (8:30-12:30 in SB-MU)

Course overview (preliminary):

Here is a (rough) overview of the course per week. The topics probably spill over from one week to the other.

(Week / Topic)

  1. Introduction
  2. Complexity
  3. (re-exam week)
  4. Sorting
  5. Basic data structures (stacks, queues, etc.)
  6. Heaps and trees
  7. More trees
  8. Lists and hash tables
  9. Graphs
  10. Summing up
  11. Exam