Introduction to Functional Programming – Exercises Week 5: "Higher-Order Functions and Test Data Generation" | TDA555 / DIT440, LP1 2017 |
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Introduction to Functional Programming – Exercises Week 5: "Higher-Order Functions and Test Data Generation" | TDA555 / DIT440, LP1 2017 |
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Please prepare yourself for these exercises by printing them out, and also printing out the code samples and documentation that is referred to by links.
If you do not have time to do all these exercises, don't worry. The exercises are intended to provide enough work to keep the most experienced students busy. If you do all exercises marked with an (*) you have probably understood this week's material.
Some of the exercises below involve writing QuickCheck properties. The parts of those exercie that require you to run QuickCheck are obviously not so suited for doing in the group exercises. These parts you can do yourself at home, either before the exercise session (as preparation), or after.
Good luck!
function using map
and sum
map (+1) (map (+1) xs)
do? Can you conclude anything in general about properties of map f (map g xs)
, where f
and g
are arbitrary functions?
so that
iter n f x = f (f (... (f x)))where
occurs n
times on the right-hand side of the equation. For instance, we should have
iter 3 f x = f (f (f x))and
iter 0 f x
should return x
\n -> iter n succ
is the successor function, which increases a value by one:
Prelude> succ 33 34
using map
and foldr
mystery xs = foldr (++) [] (map sing xs) where sing x = [x]behave?
is the polymorphic identity function, defined by id x = x
, explain the behavior of the expressions
(id . f) (f . id) (id f)If
is of type Int -> Bool
, at what instance of its most general type a -> a
is id
used in each case?
which composes a list of functions into a single function. You should give the type of composeList
, and explain why the function has this type. What is the effect of your function on an empty list of functions?
flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)which reverses the order in which its function argument takes its arguments.
The following example shows the effect of flip
Prelude> flip div 3 100 33
Do not forget to write suitable QuickCheck properties checking that your definitions behave as expected.
(To QuickCheck properties that take function arguments, make sure to import Text.Show.Functions
and filter
? You might need the function concat too.
[ x+1 | x <- xs ]
[ x+y | x <- xs, y <-ys ]
[ x+2 | x <- xs, x > 3 ]
[ x+3 | (x,_) <- xys ]
[ x+4 | (x,y) <- xys, x+y < 5 ]
[ x+5 | Just x <- mxs ]
map (+3) xs
filter (>7) xs
concat (map (\x -> map (\y -> (x,y)) ys) xs)
filter (>3) (map (\(x,y) -> x+y) xys)
Sometimes we want to generate lists of a certain length.
A. Write a generator
listOfLength :: Integer -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
such that listOf n g generates a list of n elements, where each element is generated by g. What property would you write to test that your generator behaves as it should?
B. Now use listOf to write a generator that generates pairs of lists of the same, random, length.
C.Take a look at the standard Haskell functions zip and unzip:
zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)] unzip :: [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b])Write down two properties for these; one that says that zip is the inverse of unzip, and one that unzip is the inverse of zip. Note that unzip is not always the inverse of zip, so you need a condition! Could you make use of the generator you just defined?
Hint: make a datatype
data TwoSameLengthLists a = SameLength [a] [a]and use your generator for part B. to make a generator for the above type. Then, make the above type an instance of Arbitrary. Finally, you can use it to write your property.
Another possibility is to use the QuickCheck function forAll, which we might see later on in the course.
Hint: First generate a list of random, positive integers. Then, generate a first, random number in the list. Then, produce a list where the differences between each consecutive pair of elements is given by the list of positive integers.
Make sure to check that your generator generates ordered lists by writing a suitable property!