# Define a list list1 = [] list2 = [1,2,3] list3 = [1,"string value", True] # A list can contain different types of values, which list3 is an example of # Accessing element at an index: element = list3[1] print(element) # Lists are zero indexed, this means the first element is located at index 0 print(list3[0]) # Iterate over all items in a list using a for loop: (you've already seen this. in loop.py The function range(x) returns a list) for elem in list2: print(elem) # More information about lists: https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/datastructures.html#more-on-lists # Try to create a list with the items -> 1, 2, "Foo", False, 3.5 # Print the number of items in the list (look at the link given above or by all means google it, everything is googleable, especially when it comes to programming) # Reverse the list, then access and print the last element in the list.