Testing, Debugging, and Verification TDA567/DIT082, LP2, HT2017

Exercises week 6 - Formal Verification, solution notes

Ideally you do the examples both on paper and in Dafny

Prove the correctness of the following silly program.

method M (x0 : int) returns (x : int)
ensures (x0 < 3 ==> x == 1) && (x0 >= 3 ==> x < x0);
  x := x0 - 3;
  if (x < 0) {
    x := 1;
  } else {
    if (true) {
      x := x + 1;
    } else {
      x := 10;

Given the specification:

 ensures: (m = a || m = b || m = c) && (m <= a && m <= b && m <= c) 
Write an implementation and prove the correctness of it.

Prove the partial correctness of:

method M3(x : int, y : int) returns (q : int, r : int)
requires x >= 0 && y > 0;
ensures q * y + r == x && r >= 0 && r < y; 
  q := 0;
  r := x;
  while (r >= y) {
    r = r - y;
    q = q + 1;
The program divides x by y. q contains the quotient afterwards and r the remainder.

Find the missing invariant which allows Dafny to prove correctness of the following program. If you have time, also prove the partial correctness on paper:

method M4 (n : int) returns (sq1 : int, sq2 : int)
requires n >= 0 && n * n >= n;
ensures  (sq1 == sq2 && sq1 * sq1 == n) ||
         (sq1 + 1 == sq2 && sq1 * sq1 < n && sq2 * sq2 >= n);
  sq1 := 0;
  sq2 := n;
  var mid := 0;
  while (sq2 - sq1 > 1) 
    mid := (sq1 + sq2) / 2;
    if (mid * mid == n) {
      sq1 := mid;
      sq2 := mid;
    } else {
      if (mid * mid < n) {
        sq1 := mid;
      } else {
        sq2 := mid;
The program uses monotonicity to calculate the integer approximation of the square root of n.

Provide Dafny with the missing annotations required to prove the total correctness of the program below. If you want, also prove it correct on paper.

method M5(a0 : int, b0 : int) returns (c : int)
requires a0 >= 0 && b0 >= 0;
ensures c == a0+b0;
  c := 0;  
  var a, b, g, m := a0, b0, 1, 0;
  while (a > 0 || b > 0) 

    m := m + a % 2 + b % 2;
    a := a / 2;
    b := b / 2;
    c := c + g * (m % 2);
    g := 2 * g;
    m := m / 2;
  c := c + g * m;

The program performs bitwise addition of a and b. m is the carry bit.

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