Testing, Debugging, and Verification TDA567/DIT082, LP2, HT2017

Lab 1 - Software Testing

This lab is divided into three parts:

  • Manual Black-box Testing
  • Manual White-box Testing
  • Property-based testing of stateless functions.

The programming language of the assignments is Java. When deriving test cases you are supposed to use JUnit to organise and run your test cases.

Installation instruction for JUnit: here.
How to use JUnit in Eclipse: here.
And how to use JUnit in IntelliJ: here.

1. Black-box Testing

Your task is to derive test cases for a number of methods using their specifications. Analyse the specifications in order to divide the set of possible inputs into different situations. Then write a set of test cases for each method, which covers the different cases well.

The assignment is about a class called WorkSchedule. The purpose of the class is to manage the schedule for the employees of a company. The time is divided in units of 1 hour and the hours are simply identified by integers (Note that this is an unrealistic simplification). For each hour, the schedule stores the number employees which is needed at that time. It could for instance be that during week-days the need is that 5 employees work at the same time, but less during nights and weekend. For each hour the schedule also stores the names of the employees who have been assigned to work at that hour.

The constructor and methods of the class are:

  public WorkSchedule(int size) { ... }

creates a schedule which contains the hours 0,1,2,...,size - 1 where for each hour the number of needed employees is set to zero and there are no employees assigned to it

  public Hour readSchedule(int time) { ... }

gives back an object of the class Hour, which has two fields:
requiredNumber of type int is the required number of employees working at hour time.
workingEmployees of type String[] is the names of the employees who have so far been assigned to work at hour time.

  public void setRequiredNumber(int nemployee, int starttime, int endtime) { ... }

sets the number of required working employees to nemployee for all hours in the interval starttime to endtime.

  public boolean addWorkingPeriod(String employee, int starttime, int endtime) { ... }

schedules employee to work during the hours from starttime to endtime.

  public String[] workingEmployees(int starttime, int endtime) { ... }

returns a list of all employees working at some point during the interval starttime to endtime.

  public int nextIncomplete(int currenttime) { ... }

returns the closest time starting from currenttime for which the required amount of employees has not yet been scheduled.

The constructor (WorkSchedule) and the method readSchedule are trusted to be correct and do not need to be tested. Note that readSchedule can be used to examine the state of a class instance.

A compiled implementation of the class can be found in the following Java archive:

How to use an exteral .jar file on Eclipse

To use an external .jar file, you have to include it as part of the Java Build Path of your project. The java build path can be seen and modified by using the Java Build Path page of the Java Project properties dialog. To bring it up, right click on a Java project in the Package Explorer view, select the Build Path menu, and click on Configure Build Path. Next, select the Libraries tab, and click on Add External JARS. Finally, look for the .jar file and press OK.

On this link, you have an alternative method which you can use to add extrnal .jar files to a build path.

You are supposed to run your test cases on the methods in the .jar-file. Note that some methods may be correctly implemented, while others may contain bugs.

Your task: For each specification:

  1. Specify (the domain and) the input space for each argument to the method (including the object of that method).
  2. Divide this input space into partitions, based on the specification.
  3. Implement at least one test case for each partition, and possibly additional border cases.
For each test case, give a comment or method name which describes what situation it tests. In a report file, you must explain and motivate why you divided the test cases in the way you did. You must show how you defined the input space, and how you partitioned it.

Example: Given the method:

  public String m(int x);
With the specification:
  requires:  x != 0
  ensures:   if x > 0 then
               the method returns the String "High"
               the method returns the String "Low" 
Your report should read something like:
  Input space: x != 0 (or: "x" in { MIN_INT, ..., -1, 1, ..., MAX_INT } )

  Partition #1: x > 0 (or: "x" in { 1, ..., MAX_INT } )
    test_m_part1: input: "x = 155", expected: "m(x) = "High""
  Partition #2: x < 0 (or: "x" in { MIN_INT, ..., -1 } )
    test_m_part2: input: "x = -18", expected: "m(x) = "Low""

  Border cases:
    test_m_border1: input: "x = MIN_INT", expected: "m(x) = "Low""
    test_m_border2: input: "x = -1",      expected: "m(x) = "Low""
    test_m_border3: input: "x = 1",       expected: "m(x) = "High""
    test_m_border4: input: "x = MAX_INT", expected: "m(x) = "High""

  Found bugs: None.

a) addWorkingPeriod
  employee is a non-null string
  if starttime < 0 or endtime >= size or starttime > endtime then
    returns false and the schedule is unchanged
    if for any hour in the interval starttime to endtime the length of workingEmployees is equal to requiredNumber then
      returns false and the schedule is unchanged
      if for any hour in the interval starttime to endtime there is a string in workingEmployees which equal employee then
        returns false and the schedule is unchanged
        returns true,
        for i between starttime and endtime, workingEmployees contain a string equal to employee and
        the rest of the schedule is unchanged
b) workingEmployees
  starttime >= 0 and endtime < size
  if starttime <= endtime then
    returns an array with distinct strings -- a string appears in the return array if and only if
    it appears in the workingEmployees of at least one hour in the interval starttime to endtime
    returns an empty array
  and in either case the schedule is unchanged

2. White-box Testing

For the assignments in part 2 you will be using the source code of the methods. For each method you should first derive a suite of test cases which together have full statement coverage of the source code. Then you should write additional test cases (if any are needed) which together with the ones already there have full branch coverage of the code. The test cases should be executable with JUnit just like in part 1 of the lab. If any of the test cases for a method fails, try to find the bug and correct the source code.

Keep in mind that you may need a method, A, to set up the test of another method, B. If the method A has a bug it can be very tricky to test method B. Wherever possible you can first fix the bug in a method and then do the tests that use it in the setup (or test oracle). Also keep in mind that a bug in the implementation may imply that full statement or branch coverage is not possible. This it in itself an indication of the bug's existence. In such case, it's enough if you have full coverage after fixing the bug.

The assignment is about the class Set.

> Set

Set represents sets of integers. The elements of a set are stored in an ArrayList. They are sorted and without duplicates to speed up some operations. Two methods might need an explanation:

  public void section(Set s) { ... }

removes from this set any element that is equal to an element in s.

  public boolean containsArithTriple() { ... }

returns true iff there are three elements, x, y and z, in this set such that y - x = z - y.

Note that you can use toArray to easily examine the state of a class instance.

a) Use statement and branch coverage to derive test cases for insert.

b) Use statement and branch coverage to derive test cases for member.

c) Use statement and branch coverage to derive test cases for section.

d) Use statement and branch coverage to derive test cases for containsArithTriple.

e) If you find any bugs, try to correct them in the implementation. Also keep in mind that it might be your specification that is incorrect. Make a new version of Set.java which passes all your tests.

3. Property-based testing of stateless functions

For each of the following classes, implement functions that generate input for test cases and write the properties that should be tested. Report and fix any bugs you find.

  1. Binary search

    When an array is sorted, finding an element in that array becomes possible in logarithmic time by performing a binary search. This class implements a binary search for arrays of integers.

    • Implement a function that generates random arrays.
    • Come up with properties that test the function and fix any bugs you find.

  2. Merge sort

    This class implements merge sort.

    • Implement a function that generates random arrays to be sorted.
    • Come up with properties that should hold on the sorted array and fix any bugs you find.


Upload an archive LAB1.zip (or rar, tar.gz, tar as you wish) using the Fire report system. The archive must have the following structure:

 | |- <your_1st_test_class>.java
 | |- ...
 | |- <your_nth_test_class>.java
 | |- WorkScheduleTestSuite.java
 | \- report.txt
 | |- <your_1st_Set_test_class>.java
 | |- ...
 | |- <your_mth_Set_test_class>.java
 | |- SetTestSuite.java
 | |- Set.java
 | \- report.txt
   |- BinarySearchTest.java
   |- MergeSortTest.java
   \- report.txt
  • ex1, ex2, ex3 are directories
  • ex1/WorkScheduleTestSuite.java is the test suite class for Exercise 1. It looks like the following replacing the contents within angle brackets < > with your own class names in the same directory:
    	import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
    	import org.junit.runners.Suite;
    	public class WorkScheduleTestSuite {
    	// nothing goes here	 
    Executing with JUnit the WorkScheduleTestSuite class makes JUnit run the test cases contained in the classes specified inside the @Suite.SuiteClasses annotation arguments.
  • ex2/SetTestSuite.java is the test suite class for Exercise 2. It looks like the following replacing the contents within angle brackets < > with your own class names in the same directory:
    	import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
    	import org.junit.runners.Suite;
    	public class SetTestSuite {
    	// nothing goes here	 
    Executing with JUnit the SetTestSuite class makes JUnit run the test cases contained in the classes specified inside the @Suite.SuiteClasses annotation arguments.
  • ex1/<your_1st to nth_test_class>.java are all classes implementing test cases for exercise 1 (replacing the contents within angle brackets < > with your own class names)
  • ex2/<your_1st to mth_Set_test_class>.java are all classes implementing test cases for exercise 2 (replacing the contents within angle brackets < > with your own class names)
  • report.txt is the report file (where you have to motivate how you engineered the test and report bugs you found / fixed).
Remark: No need to be more complex than this; avoid package declarations, avoid to add unnecessary files such as hidden files or folders produced by your text editor, for instance.
Submission deadline is: Tuesday, November 22 2016 23:59
Deadline for passing the lab is: Friday, December 2 2015

Home | Course | Schedule | Exam | Exercises | Labs | Evaluation | Tools Atze van der Ploeg, Nov 7, 2016