Welcome to Model-Based Testing!¶
- Study period 4, 2016
- Mon 23 March - Wed 27 May, 2016
- Course codes: DIT848/GU and DAT261/Chalmers, 7.5 hp
Given by Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers Technical University and The University of Gothenburg
Teachers and contact¶
- Gerardo Schneider (GS), gersch{at}chalmers.se (course responsible)
- Per Hallgren (PH), hallgrep{at}chalmers.se (course assistant)
- Jan Schroeder (JS), jan.schroder{at}gu.se (course assistant)
Student representatives¶
- Wissam Alfreijat, wissama(at)student.chalmers.se
- Thórhildur Hafsteinsdóttir, rhildur(at)student.chalmers.se
- Sara Nadi, nadi(at)student.chalmers.se
- Florian Schäfer, flosch(at)student.chalmers.se
REMARK: Please check the page regularly to see later updates and news.
Note about registration procedure for GU students, and late registration for Chalmers students. If you are a GU student, remember tha you need to register through the Student Portal at GU. For Chalmer students wanting to register now (late registration): please contact the Studieexpeditionen (student office - student_office.cse@chalmers.se).
Mailing List¶
There is a mailing list for the course, to which we will send important announcements and information. Subscribe at [forum].
Submission System¶
The course will use the [fire] submission system. Each part of the project assignment must be submitted to the Fire system to be graded.
All news and changes which occur during the course will be given here. Please visit this page frequently!
- June 16 The re-exams have been corrected and are available at
the Student Office at Johanneberg (EDIT building, 4th floor). The results will be available in Ladok later this week or beginning of next week. In case you have any doubt about the correction of your exam, you are welcome to come to my office (Johnneberg, EDIT building, 5th floor room 5482) on Tuesday June 28. You are, however, requested to reserve a slot in the following doodle: Time slots for revising the MBT exam. Note that each slot is only 15 minutes, so I strongly recommend that you prepare in advance on what you want to discuss and come with concrete questions concerning the correction (please avoid generic questions of the style “How can I get more points?”). Please note that the doodle will be closed by Wednesday June 22 at noon. Please send an email to me (before Wednesday June 22 noon) if the doodle is full and you want to discuss about your exam.
May 23 Uploaded slides from revision lecture
May 17 Updated description of the final presentation and the final report
May 13 There will be a revision lecture on Monday May 23, starting at 9:15.
May 13 See an updated description of the exam under the “Examination” tab.
April 28 Slides and code from tutorial 3 and 4 have been uploaded
April 25 Please contact the student representatives in case you want: 1) To have a lecture on Property-Based Testing (QuickCheck). 2) To have a guest lecture on a testing-related topic. 3) If you would like to have a revision lecture, on Monday May 23, in which case let them know what you would like to revise no later than Friday May 13.
April 25 Slides for lectures 10 and 11 have been uploaded.
April 20 Slides for lecture 9 has been uploaded.
April 18 Slides for lectures 7 and 8 have been uploaded.
April 16 Slides for EFSM Tutorial have been uploaded.
April 13 Slides for this week (lectures 4-6) have been uploaded.
March 31 Student representatives have been elected (see above).
March 23 Updated Descriptions on JUnit Tutorial.
March 21_1 Uploaded the slides for the first two lectures
March 21 Updated Project Descriptions in the Project Assignment section.
March 14 Updated Assignment Descriptions (Mini-Projects & Assignment 1).
March 2 Course web-page online.
[forum] | Course google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/model-based-testing-2016 |
[fire] | Course submission system: https://mbt-16.frs.cse.chalmers.se |