Advanced Computer Graphics: Laboratory Project


Application Manual

Keyboard controls

Mouse controls


Move the cursor to the top of the window, and a toolbar with a number of buttons will appear.


The post-processing window can be moved by pressing and holding the left mouse button in the window while moving the cursor. To resize the window click and drag the mouse cursor in the bottom or right margin of the window.

The title of the window shows the name of the technique currently used in the window. By clicking the text "next technique >" the window will choose the next valid technique in the file 'postprocessing.fx'.

Configuration File

Please note that you can modify the file 'fxstudio.ini' in order to run the application in window mode or fullscreen mode, and also change the resolution/window size. Running in windowed mode can be useful when editing CgFX files.

fullscreen     = true               // fullscreen (true), windowed (false)
width          = 1280               // horizontal resolution
height         = 1024               // vertical resolution
bpp            = 32                 // framebuffer bit depth

effectfile     = "carscene-1.fx"    // CgFX file
postprocessing = false              // Show post-processing window