Latest news

Here we will make news announcements during the course; you should visit this site often to be informed.

·         * December 24: Version 1.0 of website is up.

·         * January 23: The course description slides are updated.

·         * January 27: Important dates in the pingpong are restructured. Have a look at the updated information in pingpong.

·         * January 29: Answers to some frequently asked questions related to the http programming assignment have been listed in the pingpong. Please check the FAQ section in pingpong.

·         * February 2: Those who are doing wireshark lab, plese substitute the page, which is currently unavailable, with the page

·         * February 3: The page is now available.

·         * February 4: The lecture on Thursday, Feb 5th has been cancelled and so there is no class tomorrow. Therefore, the remaining lectures have also been reordered in the following lecture slots.

·         * February 9: There is no lab session on Feb 10th (although it is mentioned in TimeEdit). All the lab sessions are only according the schedule as mentioned in the course website.

·         * Mar 3: The submission deadline of assignment 3 has been extended to Mar 13.

·         * Mar 13: After request for summary questions for each of the chapters taught, there is a list of the review questions from each chapter that are useful to check in your summary study. They appear at the “resourcesâť part of the web page of the course. Please notice on that page that there is an update in the reading list from chapter 8, security. Also use the companion site of the book for complementary material (quiz questions, videos, and more)

·         * March 24: the March exam with answers published; follow the “Assignments and Exams” link .