Important Note The assignments in this course are obligatory
and part of the examination of the course.
They are to be thought, written and submitted individually.
There will be obligatory weekly assignments to be done individually. The total amount of points for all assignments together will be around 65 points.To pass the assignment part of the course you need to individually get at least 50% of the sum of the points of all the weekly assignments together.
For example, if there are 7 assignments during the courses with a total of 65pts, you need to gather at least 32.5pts during all your submissions in order to pass this part of the course.
Important Note
Be aware that assignments are part of the examination. Hence, standard procedure will be followed if cheating is suspected. Please read carefully the page on cheating and its consequences.
Who should submit?
Chalmers: All of you who are registered in the code TMV027 and have NOT passed the assignments part before.
GU: All of you who have registered or re-register VT2013 or later, and have NOT passed the assignments part before.
Earlier students (registered in TMV026 or in DIT321 before VT2013) are encourage to re-register to the new version of the course. If they chose not to, they shall NOT submit. Instead their exam will be 7.5pts and not 6pts like for those who need to do the assignments.
When to submit?
Links to the assignments with preliminary deadlines:
- Deadline Sunday 30/3 23:59: Assignment-1 on Formal proofs (10 pts);
- Deadline Sunday 6/4 23:59: Assignment-2 on DFA and NFA (10 pts);
- Deadline Sunday 13/4 23:59: Assignment-3 on epsilon-NFA and RE (10 pts);
- Deadline
Sunday 4/5Monday 5/5 23:59: Assignment-4 on Regular languages (10 pts);- Deadline Monday 12/5 23:59: Assignment-5 on Context free-grammars (10 pts);
- Deadline Monday 19/5 23:59: Assignment-6 on Context-free languages (10 pts);
- Deadline Sunday 25/5 23:59: Assignment-7 on Turing machines (4.25 pts).
What to submit?
Failure to comply with any of these requirements invalidates your submission, in part or in full.
- You must write your name, personal number and e-mail address in the assignment you submit, even if the submission is done completely electronically.
- You must have thought and written the solution on your own.
- You can write either in English or in Swedish (English preferable, errors in the English will NOT influence the points you get).
- Any non-trivial claim must be supported with a justification/proof or with the proper reference to the book/slides of the course.
- Solutions should be presented in a coherent and clear manner.
- If you write your solution by hand, make sure your hand-writing is legibly: what we cannot read we cannot grade!
- If you take a picture of your hand-writing solution, make sure the outcome is legibly: what we cannot read we cannot grade!
How to submit?
We will use (a new beta-version of) the Fire system to administrate the submission.Fire Account: In order to submit any assignment you MUST open an account in Fire by clicking on "register as a student". Fill in the requested information. You MUST supply your personal number!
You will get an email with a confirmation link. After you have clicked on that link your account is ready and can log-in to it.
This must be done only once, before you submit any assignment.Submission: EACH submission can be done in two different ways:
Whatever method you have used for the submission, once the assignment has been corrected you will get an email with the points you have got in it and some comments from the grader.
- Electronically using the Fire system. You should attach all necessary files to your submission. Only pdf, jpg or plain text are valid formats. Observe that scanned versions of hand-written solutions are valid electronic solutions.
Do NOT send doc files or any file format which cannot be open from any system!
This is the preferred submission method since it is secure and simple.
- Personally to any of the teachers of the course in connection to the lectures, exercises or consultation times, or at Ana's office (room 6116 of the D&IT building).
Once the teacher in question gets to his/her office, he/she will inform the Fire system that your submission has been done. You will then get an email confirming your submission.
Important Notes:
- You should create a Fire account before you submit any assignment to us personally. If we cannot find you in the system we cannot register your submission and it will be discarded.
- Your submission is actually NOT done until the teacher indicates to the system he/she has received your submission.
- Contact us immediately if a few hours after you have submitted in this way you have yet NOT received any confirmation mail from the system.
- We take NO responsibility for lost submission before they are registered in the system. If you want to make sure no submission is lost please consider making an electronically submission.
- If the submission doesn't contain the necessary identification information (see information on "What to submit"), it will automatically be discarded.
- If your submission has more than 1 page, then the pages must be stapled, or securely clipped, together, in the top-left corner only (no plastic-pocketed, rolled, folded, taped, or glued submissions). We take no responsibility for lost pages.